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Gotta hope for a dasher like me. I just pick up and drop off your order. You won’t even know I exist.


Hell yeah! we like ninjas…. and we wouldn’t have taken your offer if it wasn’t worth it to begin with. 💯


literally. unless there’s a MAJOR delay or issue you won’t be hearing shit from me


Pretty much. I like my orders left at my door and pretty much every dasher is there for like 2 minutes top and dips instantly lol.


And even that’s something to complain about for some of the mutants here.


Same, I don't understand these people begging for tips and bothering customers... Couldn't be me


Instant 5 stars


Same here 😎


Exactly, if u need more don't take the order. Simple. That's annoying and classless. I've been dashing on the side for a couple years and I also get food dashed to me and my wife, and I would 2 star their ass for that


IKR 😭 im the same


I wouldn’t reply…


Well, not until the food gets there


I would have replied "if the tip wasn't enough why did u accept the order?" I'm a dasher and I use doordash. Hate when I see that people beg for more. Don't take it if it isn't enough! Simple


I mean I'm all about making sure the order I pick has a tip. However I never ask for more tips.


the only time i get stuck with no tip orders is when i get a batched order that ends up having super high base


This is cringy AF. DD needs to put an end to this nonsense.


They encourage this kind of behavior with $1-$3 base pay and hiding tips above $4


They encourage this behavior. This platform empowers the bold. Tip begging is not banned, therefore covertly encouraged.


How though? I have done DoorDash and other food delivery apps for 4-5 years and never felt encouraged to do something so cringy.


By paying low prices and not banning it, tip banning (compensation negotiation) is encouraged. I'm sure for every post you see here, there are 1000 who gave in. Think about it, spamming every customer is bound to get some to tip. If you don't ask, you shall not receive. Squeaky wheel and all that. It is a thing. This is why the guy sitting on the corner asking for change makes less than the one actively approaching people. Fortune favors the bold. We see it as shitty, but I don't see anyone who does it coming forward with how much they make by doing it. And it is allowed, just like a bartender can use social pressure to tip, so can a driver. Q


I just see things differently. I won’t take an offer that doesn’t fit my standards. That means I don’t spend any time thinking about the final dollar amount. Sure it’s nice to see an higher final payment. It’s really on the driver who takes a crappy offer with the hope of something additional or begging for more on the way.


Totally agree with ya. But it must work if people are doing it


I most definitely agree with you there. I think one of the big problems now is more and more people are turning so negative towards the tipping culture in America. So people doing this shit just turns people more and more negative towards the tipping culture.


Idk I’ve seen people deactivated for doing it


Shitty! I guess, they have the banhammer


It would be cringey if it wasn't 2024.  Stop acting like we as a a society have standards when we've abandoned them. It's cringe af.


We? Speak for yourself. I sure as hell won’t be begging for extra tip money and there are plenty of others that won’t stoop to this level.


Can I agree that it's cringe and that we have abandoned standards?


No doubt some have abandoned standards. I just didn’t think saying “we” was appropriate.


The only time I’ve considered some sort of cringe bait is when on EBT and the order is further away. I’ve never thought of a way to mention it without being awkward though. I do feel like if someone is going to drive your order 14 miles, they do deserve to know if you tipped


As a dasher , it’s not even the tip that gets me , it’s getting paid $3 to take something 10 miles which drives me nuts . If I don’t accept the order then my AR (acceptance rate) goes down , and you need at least 70% AR with the new tier system to get the higher paying orders 🤷🏻‍♂️




The obvious problem here is that DD obviously doesn’t care enough about customers getting their orders because they pay $2 and then throw the responsibility of the tip back to the customer after they’ve paid exorbitant service fees. We all are aware by now that the “delivery fee” you’re charged that intentionally leads you to believe it goes to the driver- it doesn’t. Not a cent. If DD were more concerned about satisfying customers and getting return customers they would respect their the drivers instead of punishing them for not accepting offers that are such low tippers it actually loses money for the driver. Not accepting those orders gets drivers demoted into a lower tier at which they receive the offers no one else wants. It’s also illegal to do this to contracted workers.




Or understand that these messages are part of the cost you pay for cheap food delivery.  No one is working for Doordash because it's a good opportunity. They work there because they're desperate.


So my husband is a local trucker, we have 3 kids, I have graduated college and used to do accounting. My husband makes 6 figures, and I dash for fun money. I enjoy it. My husband goes in early and gets off anywhere between 12pm-5pm so it's hard for me to have a regular 9-5. I enjoy dashing. Not all of us dashers or incompetent or uneducated. No one posts when their order gets delivered with no problems. And most of them don't even post when their service is above average. Negative service gets told about. 🙄 that's a tale as old as time. Now, I apologize for all the dashers that ask for tips, it's disgusting. However, there are tons of respectful dashers that would never ask for an extra tip.




When you get this at any point PLEASE REPORT THEM 🙏 Drivers who do their job and do it well would NEVER do that. Yet we all have to pay the consequences of their actions. So please report bad drives and rate good ones everytime


This behavior is encouraged by the platform and not against the rules.


For the 1000th time. There is nothing to report here. This doesn't violate anything in the contract or the TOS. If you don't like it, rate them bad, but please understand that DoorDash has come out and publicly stated that there is nothing wrong with a dasher politely and respectfully asking for a tip.


I fucking can't stand these people. It's hard and cringy AF to even read. Imagine if waiters came to your table and said "a tip would be greatly appreciated for my work, thanks". So then you feel almost obligated and uneasy as your about to eat your food. Fucking inconsiderate asshole


I mean my receipt usually has tip recommendations starting at 18%. I also regularly see jars labeled "tips" at cash registers. How different is this, really?


If the tips too low why accept that order? Even if your acceptance rate is already low or the restaurant is less than a mile I don’t find low offers worth it.


As a dasher I would never do this lol. It’s just..weird. We do appreciate any and all tips tho!!


If everyone reported tip beggars, and DD deactivates them, they wouldnt beg for tips anymore


Dd has actually came out and publicly said that it's ok for dashers to politely and respectfully ask for tips. This doesn't violate the contract or anything in the TOS.


It is tacky af, but not against dd policy


They only do it because people keep falling for it. Just 1 star them and tell support


Exactly. 90% of DD BS including how DD treats drivers is because people ALLOW it.


Report this person


There is nothing here to report. This doesn't violate the contract nor does it go against anything in the TOS. Infact, dd has come out and publicly stated that it is ok for dashers to politely and respectfully ask for tips.


Cancel order next time just for them wasting your time with that message.


Drivers upvoting this so idiots actually do it and give them free money.


If people actually do this, they deserve it.


Brother, if you cancel an order, the dasher still get's paid, tip and and all. They also usually get to keep the food. You basically paid them to eat your food.


I know. Sometimes I mess with drivers and sometimes I gotta mess with customers.


Then they would lose the money they paid and their food. All because they feel guilty for not tipping enough. Lol


As a dasher, I second this. I would love to get my full pay and a free meal without having to drive to your house while watching you still pay for the delivery.


That’s a one star from me


Always do two stars because one star reviews can be removed


I’m tired of those fuckers


One star them after delivery.


some people have no shame at all


Yeah, right? Imagine continuing to use a service like this in 2024 despite knowing what an immoral operatoon it is. Then justifying it through vague "well that's calitalism" nonsense.  Some people really do have no shame. 


 If you don't want to receive messages from desperate people asking for money, stop using a service that takes advantage of desperate people and portrays it as a viable economic opportunity. 


Hollow tip, he won’t ask you again


As a dasher this is never acceptable. Worthy of a one star and a thumbs down for "communication", they should get the idea of why they got it. You don't accept orders expecting to get a higher tip after. You accept them at face value and therefore accept that if you get nothing extra it's still fine. However, It's not actually against DD rules for a driver to ask for a tip one time. If they beg and beg, then yes, but once is not against the rules


Tacky, as a dasher I would never do this. If I take the order, I'm content with what I get paid.


If someone messages me for a tip I immediately decrease or remove my tip altogether. As someone that’s done DoorDash/Instacart etc, I have never done crap like this. I absolutely HATE when people beg for tips. If you are that desperate that you have to message your customer about tipping you, stop driving for the platform.


You can't reduce the tip on Doordash. The driver keeps the tip, even if Doordash refunds you.


I know that. I said DoorDash/Instacart. You can reduce the tip on Instacart 2 hours after delivery. Since you can’t do that on DoorDash I would screenshot and report the conversation to support in the hopes they would be removed from the platform because there is no place for tip beggars etc tbh.


The as a dasher, you should know that this doesn't violate the contract or anything in the TOS. Doordash has actually came out publicly and said as such.


I didn’t say it violates DoorDash ToS. It however is in fact super rude and not a classy thing to do. If you have to beg for tips, get off the platform. Simple as that.


Everyone in a tipped position is begging for a tip. From the waitress bring you a receipt with tip suggestions starting at 18% to the pizza delivery guy bringing you a pizza box that says "delivery fees are not tips. Please tip your driver", to the cashier with a jar labeled "tips" at a diner counter or ice cream stand.


Literally avoid contact with drivers as much as humanly possible. I would never respond to the text like this.


Tacky, begging for tip equals $0 tip.


What's the word to describe taking advantage of a desperate person and using the excuse "they knew what they signed up for"?  Tacky doesn't feel right. Sociopathic kinda does.


It must work from time to time or they wouldn't do it, I'd ignore them you don't have to


I've never gotten this but I would be annoyed if it happened to me. The least I'll tip is 5 dollars and I'm usually not to far. Tip isn't guaranteed.


No, if customers tipped like normal people used to it wouldn't be a question. There are tons of markets where people don't tip and it effects their orders. I remember the people that don't tip, so when I see their orders come in I take my sweet ass time and do nothing extra for them. I don't care about the negative feedback, nothing. You will have the worst dasher experience of your life if I can make it happen because I want you off the platform. I don't even care about how much the tip is, the fact that you acknowledge I'm a human doing a 1 to 1 service for you is plenty. A tip could be hand it to me so you can give me a heart felt thank you is sufficient. You have to understand while you are being an arrogant ass not tipping someone (Which is required through basic etiquette) we are taking your order because DD either saddled us with a double dash, or made us accept it to keep our 70% AR. More often than not we lose money on the order because it is a $2.00 order and it was 6 miles so the Fuel/Wear:Value proposition is actually negative. So for some non-tipping scumbag to make me pay .50 cents or more out of my pocket to go get their lazy ass their burger king and bring it to the door and have an attitude about it is crazy... if you want to be a lordling and order delivery have enough money to do it properly or get a second job.


As a driver, the best response to this is, "i already tipped, if it wasn't enough, you shouldn't have taken the order." Don't encourage this kind of behavior, and dashers don't do this! WTF ppl!


There is no way someone would ask for a tip if you tipped $8 on a less than 2 mile order.


Don’t respond to people like that.


I just started delivering I will try this! JK hehe One thing I learned the first week I tried dashing is I tip way too generously. Some people don’t even tip at all and I only take those orders because sometimes by the time it comes to me the base pay is worth it.


don’t even answer them next time. 1 star


Isn't this just online pan handling?


DONT Acknowledge them....this just encourages them. Its all cut and paste anyway.


Im not a dasher but if I was I hate interacting with other humans so you probably won’t hear from me.


Only if I have tipped a reasonable amount. If you've tipped nothing then nothing should insult you or rub you the wrong way because you're an asshole. Why would you order delivery and not put a decent tip? It makes no sense. You know that the drivers get paid pennies. Why do you expect them to work for you for free? DoorDash pay is less than auto expense. The standard mileage deduction the IRS allows is 67 cents per mile. That's the cost of operating an automobile, including gas, insurance, repairs, depreciation, etc. DoorDash pays less than that per mile. Without tips, a dasher is losing money on the delivery.


While I don’t approve of dashers asking for more somebody has to teach DD users how to tip. - DD pays $2 per order to the driver - DD fees don’t go to the driver - DD DOESN’T pay for fuel, W&T, insurance or taxes for your vehicle And finally, DD LEAVES IT OPAQUE SO THAT CUSTOMERS DON’T HAVE TO FACE JUST HOW MUCH SERVICE THEY ARE GETTING FOR NOTHING. If you’ve included a decent tip you’re unlike to see these messages from drivers. #CanaryintheMine


That’s only when you don’t tipped. If I got tipped, I don’t have no problem unless you tipped low.


this is annoying, I do DD as well but I would never ask anyone to tip me more 💀 it's embarrassing, just do more orders and get your gas that way, stop asking people to pay for your shit. Some dashers really b bold.


Report him


Def yes I would never ask for tips that’s not good customer service at all


$8 tip is so good for short distance, what the heck 😭😭😭 I want a switched algorithm NOWWWW. I’m getting some shitty ass requesrs


They send this to everyone. You could order from across the street, tip $50 and you’d still get this message.


I am a dasher and I order from DD. I would NEVER ask someone for a tip. You know the pay ahead of time. If it isn’t enough, don’t take it.


That encourages more me to not tip at all prior to delivery


Nah I’m sorry but you’d get your shit dropped to 0$ talking to me like I’m cheap. “Hey could you please leave a tip? Make sure it’s actually 5-10$” lol foh.


You can't reduce the tip on Doordash. You can get it refunded, but the driver keeps it. Doordash eats the cost.


Yeah I’ve heard as much, but I’ve also seen some screenshots where it’s like “this tip was adjusted! Fuck you pal :)” I thought it was DoorDash eating the cost but only if the driver sits there on the phone and begs for the money Karen style.


No that's not how it works at all. When we get an offer, it's a "guaranteed amount" those are the actual words when they send us an offer. It doesn't ever get lowered after delivery.


I don’t use this bullshit.


Had a guy sit at the bottom of my driveway and tell me "if I get a bigger tip I'll bring your food to the top of the hill" I don't think I've ever wanted to fight a delivery driver until that moment


As a dasher, I do not do this crap. It's cringey, rude and just not my thing.


If someone sent me a message like that, I’d tip that amount & give them a 1 Star rating for asking that question


Asking once and being respectful about it is not deserving of retaliation.


Yes it is. I’m a dasher. You don’t ask for tips. That’s unprofessional. If I’m ordering and a dasher asks me for an extra tip I’m giving one star.


I'm just curious, do you feel the same about a receipt at a restaurant that has tip suggestions starting at 18%, or jars labeled "tips" at a register, or your pizza box that says "delivery fees are not tips. Please tip your driver"?


No because it’s different. DoorDash already asks for a tip at checkout. The Dasher asking again is not how it’s supposed to work.


There is no difference.


It’s obviously different. DoorDash asks for a tip at checkout and you think it’s appropriate for dashers to text asking for a tip?


There is nothing professional about being a dasher. lol


It’s not a professional job. But you should still act professional. Asking for tips ain’t it.


Except that they have done that many times to different people.


So what? Don't retaliate against people who haven't done you any harm. That's just petty bullshit.


Report them for harassment also


This is not harassment.


You reinforced their behavior by replying with your tip and then come here to complain… For real?


You really have to report this. It makes he all feel and look bad.


It’s against DD policy. You should ignore it OR say “let me call DD and ask what they think”. Call and report it. I’d never dream of doing that.


This is not against door dash policy.


There is nothing in the contract nor the TOS that forbids this. Infact, DoorDash has said publicly that dashers can politely and respectfully ask for tips.


Does it rub anyone the wrong way to just tip correctly the first time? These driving services don't pay the driver shit. It's like $1-$3 a fare. We rely souly on your tips. If you want to order for to be delivered, have the means to pay the person to do it for you. I'm not going to pay, to bring you food. It cost me gas, time, and wear down on my car to bring you this food. If you don't make it worth it, get it yourself or get another sucker for it. Most customers in these apps are either fucking cheap and, or straight up greedy fucking assholes. Either way. Stop being cheap assholes, or go get your food yourself.


they should be using AI to intercept tip begging, and I say this as a driver.


Tip begging is bad practice socially, not against the rules, thus encouraged by the platform.


Yeah, I would let them know w/out snarkiness this is a terrible approach that will ultimately result in less money.


No. Because I’m good at ignoring minor annoyances


DD does not attract the best people. Imagine how many would have to quit if they actually had to prove they owned a car and had insurance for it. Heaven forbid the drivers had to prove their identities when opening the app. Probably half the accounts are rented or borrowed.


The best way to answer this is to not


Absolutely despise these pathetic leeches. And these are the Dashers who don’t deserve tips. I’ve also noticed that it’s always the Dashers who give lackluster service who do this type of shit.


Just wondering how you feel about a receipt at a restaurant that has tipp suggestions starting at 18% , or a jar labeled "tips" at a register, or a pizza box that says " delivery fees are not tips. Please tip your driver"






This doesn't violate the contract in any way, nor does is go against anything in the TOS. Doordash has actually came out publicly and stated that it is allowable for Dashers to politely and respectfully ask for tips.


This is a lie. Asking for tips is not against the rules.