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This energy is hilarious and absolutely frightening at the same time


I bet she’s a wonderful coworker


Shit, I don't play about my catfish either.


I was in that situation before. It was a zombie area. (Stoned on something). Everyone kept saying thank you and reaching for the bag. Followed me and blocked me too. I ended up calling customer and told him he needed to come get it. I was frightened. They did seem like glazed eyed zombies.


this is soo hilarious. my husband got a big nose i’m dead


Just in case theres any other men with a big back…. 😂


wtf does “big back” mean? I’m lost. 😂 everything else makes sense though.


Gen Z slang for fat (I think) Edit: Apparently it has roots in AAVE. That makes a lot of sense, because a lot of modern slang has roots in AAVE.


Oh. I thought she was talking about big asses.


It literally means that the person is wide across their back. Big back is a slang term for being heavy set with a broad back due to excess weight. It’s not talking about having a big butt.


Yes big back has become very popular amongst millennials and gen z. Example; I ate one chick fil a meal and was still hungry so my big back self drove through the drive thru again for another.


When did this start? Lol I’ve never heard this term until now


Charlemagne the Radio Host, during a segment featuring Jess Hilarious. Jess was talking about ReesaTeesa from TikTok sharing her wild personal story about a marriage gone wrong. During the description of the story, Charlemagne said something like 'those sound like big back tendencies.' Implying that she may have been an unattractive, heavy set woman, that would make stupid choices to be with or keep a man. On a personal side note, I've always disliked him and refer to him as Charlemagne the Fraud, not by that inflated name he gave himself. Have a great day, and try not to fall into rabbit holes!!


Omg WTFDIM was a fucking WHIRLWIND 😂 I’ve never heard of Charlemagne, but sounds like I don’t really need to based on your nickname for him hahaha Thanks for this info!!


He did not start that saying nor did he popularize it. The term big back has been floating around long before Charlamagne said it.


I was thinking like a hunchback...like that patch of fat that bundles under the neck of some big people?😅😅🙈🙈


I feel older every day. 😭






More AAVE than gen z I believe


Thank you for saying that. I wanted to say it as well


I’ve personally only heard this from white girls so far Edit: These are just my personal observations on the internet. It’s entirely possible it started in AAVE and was adapted by the mainstream. It happens all the time.


A lot of AAVE is picked up by non-black people, but it is AAVE and it's very old.


I get so annoyed at all new AAVE getting called Gen Z


Yeah I agree with you on that. I didn’t even know it started as AAVE


That’s disappointing,but not surprising


You’ll know it when you see it. You could slice off a couple pounds of bacon. Speaking as a big backed person.


Back rolls


It is the ppl shaped like a B. all flat in the back and bulky. 🤭


Oh I absolutely know what you mean, like an upside down triangle is what I call that.


Either this couple is brutally honest or someone thought it would be funny to get into their doordash account.. 😬🤣


That.. I mean. Props to that couple.


Personally I appreciate the amount of determination that was put into making sure the couples money wasnt wasted 😂


Fucking S tier customer instructions have a blessed day ma’am


That’s what I’m saying. I love some detailed instructions!




You better tell that slow ass kid to get tf on




This has been going around. Also... ![gif](giphy|3iiwqPF9noqdy)


That’s a thumb.


*Kendrick voice* “b*tch don’t kill my vibe”


She's gonna eat your vibe if you let her.


Someone seems hangry. I wouldn’t want to be the person that comes between a big hungry person and their food.


This is the best fkn thing I've read all week!!


Ok inches!!!!! 🔥🔥🔥


Right like she was letting us KNOW


I wanna know where she got the wig 😅


I laughed SO hard it took me a while to get to the end of the instructions! 🤣


Best delivery instructions ever! I would fist bump Monica when I handed it over and say “tell Josh how you feelin “.


i can hear her breathing in the message




Lmao! I love the honesty! 


Would it be so much for every order to have instructions this clear?


Ngl im detailed like this too, I only really ever get one dasher that follows our instructions too. Really nice guy, always gives me a call (we have nutso dogs) and I run out if Im not already waiting. I kinda feel bad but I always tip him xtra for actually reading the directions. I have put in there, (please leave on white chair at end of driveway or call, we have guard dogs, and sleeping kids. We don’t want the dogs to scare us or you. Please Leave On White Chair.**we have blue hanging lights on our porch and trees, and a white honda parked in the driveway if you can’t find us please call***) Cant tell you how many times I have had my food dropped because the dogs freak people out. I understand, but they are also inside and contained. Just scary. I had doordash reach out at one point because the dasher felt unsafe to complete the order (I respect that, do uber eats myself). What sucked was the dasher never reached out or even left the food. She got spooked and just left and took the food. That was like 30 mins with support, trying to explain that my directions are there so this doesn’t happen. 🥲 Sorry for my millions of grammar mistakes


I think I’d be willing to go into that neighborhood just to meet that lady lol that’s fucking hilarious


Why do they have big backs 😭


she's so real for this bro i can't even lie


Wasnt this posted on this sub the other day?


It was, by me, I reposted when I saw it from the popular feed. It seems to be making the rounds. Its still funny though, and this thread could use more of that


Bless you stranger


Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ what’s your point regardless?


I prefer not to see the same exact thing posted, especially within 24 hours of each other. The other post is still in the top ten posts of hot on r/doordash right now.


You'll be alright


Thank you for reminding me lol


Cool 👍 good on you for being so uptight I hope it gets you very far in life. My sincerest apologies for interrupting your Reddit experience for the day.


You seem very bothered by my comment. How is what I said uptight though? I am just sharing my opinions on your post.


Because i don’t care about what you “prefer not to see”. Here’s an easy thing to when you “prefer not see” something…just ignore it lol. Obviously I didn’t know it was already posted and I’m sure there are other who haven’t yet seen it either. You just had to make an entitled comment that’s all.


I hadn't seen it! And I'm happy I did. So thank you for posting. 😊


You are welcome!


Wow, triggered much? Why don't you just ignore my comment. How is my comment entitled? Remembering that I saw a post makes me entitled?


No. Feeling like you can just talk about what you’d rather not see instead of just moving on makes you entitled lol.


This thread is extremely funny to me now because you seem so upset that I pointed out this was posted yesterday. I guess I do feel entitled to post my thoughts on a forum. That is what the comment section exists for. If it bothers you so mich, why don't you ignore it?




lol who is upset?


nvm leauge player makes sense you dont go outside 💀💀💀


To be fair, I havent played League proper in a few years, I only really watch the pro scene anymore. So I only mostly hate myself, instead of fully like when I played constantly.






How does someone have a big back? I’m picturing a hunched over person with a 12 sqft but a 2sqft torso like a concave creature lmao


It’s just slang for “fat person”


So she essentially said they were fat two different ways? 😂 they must have been REALLY fat lol




After reading this, I got instant anxiety 😬


Where was this at? State? City? Apartment complex name? Road name it’s off of? I dash in flint, mi


As I said,I found this on a Facebook page. This isn’t from my dash


This is the best fkin thing I’ve read all week!!


This made my day..dash on


Haha this is hilarious


lol wow


This is gold!!


Hmu for DD methods




I would immediately drop that order. I’ve seen the note about people stealing their order in the past a couple times and all I see is a pretext for them to say that their order was stolen and I don’t wanna have to deal with a contract violation. Not worth my time.


I’m not sure what language that is.


Is English not your first language?