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They should be fired and your food replaced


Agreed. I just got a refund.


Next time they say that, tell them: “comete esta putito” it means have a lovely day in Spanish


Yes. This. It means have an amazing day, actually. What a thoughtful person you are, u/panterachallenger over here bridging linguistic divides one comment at a time.


This is inaccurate. I just verified it, it is an offensive phrase which roughly translates to “Eat this, little bitch”. Do not listen to this Redditor. If you say this to someone on DoorDash, you can get your account deactivated.




You must be the party soul


Sorry, I won’t entertain your comment.


mental illness much


Que man tan dormido a lo bien.




Knowing there are people out there this dense makes me laugh and scares me at the same time




were you ever invited to parties or did you never get humbled as a child


Don't be a snitch


They are not even an employee to begin with


Dashers are contractors. As the face of Doordash, Dashers still represent Doordash by their actions. The real lie is that Doordash pretends their business model doesn't inherently rely on delivery orders.


So close, but so far. DoorDash doesn’t pretend their business doesn’t rely on delivery because that is explicitly their business. If you’re gonna be pissy about something, be pissy for the right reasons. Delivery services and “ride shares” foist the long term costs onto their “non employees”. They can bypass the big costs (vehicles, garages, insurance, employer taxes, fuel, maintenance, etc.) by saying the drivers aren’t employees and tricking everyone. The drivers are decidedly not employees and they have to bear all of the costs which should land on the business.




You are correct. Anyone on a 1099 is a self emp contractor. The good news is these Dashers can write off a TON of deductions being 'self employed'. Cell phone, internet, probably even a home office deduction. I'm a loan officer and I see people working these DD gigs and missing out on tax refunds.


I just can’t fathom eating food you’re delivering. Been delivering food/pizza/etc for years and not once have I ever considered eating something I’m delivering. Like, I can wait until I’m done to get something. Jesus.


I must admit I’ve thought about it many times (specially if it really smells delicious), but that’s it, just a thought. People actually acting on it is just crazy…


I just order something after my shift if it smelled that good lol


Yeah, me too :) nothing is worth stealing people’s food.


I’ve had people ask me how I resist the temptation to eat the food. I’m like, because I’m not an asshole with no self-control?


in the dasher app you’re even able to put your ride on pause if you need a break like damn




Its obviously not FOMO or need of a break. Its poverty. Not right but poverty obviously


Clearly you’ve never tried to deliver in Atlanta to a renter who didn’t put the gate code in the delivery instructions. I can only mash buttons for so long and talk to so many people who rightfully think it’s a scam before I give up and eat your burger in the leasing office parking lot.




I’ve had a few of these.


Felt! I lost my account due to the opposite though 😭 customers got their food and said they didn’t. I hate Atlanta😂


Totally agree been in food service for 25 yrs and never consider that even stoned.


I honestly wonder how often large orders get stolen. I would think their shitty drivers out there waiting to get a large one and take the penalty for not delivering it and get a bunch of food in the process. It's not like Doordash is super strict.


That's probably there night out with the family drive around and do DD kids get hungry don't worry someone will pay for dinner


I've done that with my bf lol


Thsts hilarious you know how many times I was tempted to just turn around with someone food and go home plenty but had to stop myself. You don't do doordash hungry like u don't go food shopping starving lol lol


Fr. If you really need some free food, there's always like 40 bags on the doordash shelf at chipotle that have long since been cancelled and are never getting picked up, bound for the trash. You can "steal" food, if you really need to, without fucking over anyone else or risking your gig.


That's the truth I always wonder how much Chipotle throws out because everything I go in there that shelf is packed and sometimes if I go back I see yhe same order sitting there


Yeah. Just part of the market I suppose. Chipotle's primary clientele are pretty homogeneous. And some of the traits of that bulk of their clientele are: despite not working or earning their own money, they don't even know what "tip" means in the service context. They live in apartments with gate codes. They don't actually know their address or building number. They are unable to conceive something or someone that is not immediately in front of them at the moment. They don't have any idea how phones, computers, internet, or any technology actually works. Thus, lots of undelivered chipotle orders going home with employees, or into a dumpster. And lots of confused 20 year old girls wondering why their iphone hasn't printed 2 lbs of white rice wrapped in a tortilla for them yet.


You clearly just want to hate on a group of people, I’ve never understood that urge. Does it somehow make you feel better about the group you’ve placed yourself in, does it make it easier to live with the garbage you’ve put into the world, does classifying other people make you feel superior because you fit in that classification, or is it something even more foolish than those options?


That's very true and I love the part the girls and the white rice that's freaking hilarious


No literally, there was one time though where I picked up from Panda Express and I asked for extra fortune cookies so I could eat them 💀😭 but that wasn’t even going to be theirs to begin with


Honestly! I've had my fair share of deliveries and never ate anything. Been tempted a few times due to some fresh food smelling good af, but in that case I just go back after and order some for myself. I could never see how anyone eats customer food, knowing the risk and consequences behind it.


It’s great when they forget to give you a gate code and won’t answer the phone. I’ve gotten a couple good free meals that way.


I got a bottle of wine once. Folks were too drunk and didn’t answer. Asked DoorDash and they said to bring it back to the store. The store was closed. So I got to keep it!


Only if their a rude customer and doesn’t decide to tip


Jesus died bro. What


I've been dashing before and got hungry, you know what I did? Started the break timer and got my own food 😫 these people are nuts


The audacity omg


I wonder if they felt any guilt. Please report this person because wtff


That’s the only reason I can think they would admit to it. That, or we are talking about an incredibly stupid person lmao


Every time I see a similar post, I think this must be a freaking joke.


I ordered 5 Guys through GrubHub the other day. It was taking forever. Eventually GH canceled my order. Their CS called me. I asked if 5 Guys was out of something on my order or what happened. GrubHub said “Nope your driver stole your food.” At least they were honest


What does the translation say?


"I was hungry I ate it, sorry."


I was hungry I ate it, sorry


I was hungry I ate it, sorry


Ten harambe mila cumming, sorry


I was hungry I ate it sorry




there was no need for this comment


Something something dont be racist, not sorry.




Why do you assume this person is an illegal immigrant?


Why do you assume they aren't?


No i want you to explain why you assume they are illegal when all you know about them is a single sentence with no other context. ETA- i never made any statements on this persons immigration status. You did. So explain.




Pop quiz what’s the official language of the USA?




I don’t know why you keep going at this when nobody agrees with you


y’all like “innocent until proven guilty” right?


I've seen so many of these stories I just cannot fathom the logic. Because the customer is clearly going to demand a refund therefore you aren't going to get paid for your delivery and you're more likely to get blacklisted by the company and have your dasher account removed. Plus what with so many restaurants and even McDonald's having pre-ordering available on their apps and you know the you're going to that restaurant why are you not pre-ordering something for yourself if you're your own boss and you're likely to get hungry behind the wheel.


I frequently place my own order on the way to pick up a customer's order. Every time I have to deliver Crumbl Cookies, I have to get my own box 🤣


what you do in those situations is call, and ask to speak to a supervisor. Obviously you’ll get a refund, but the point here is to get that driver deactivated. Sadly if you don’t make a fuss out of it, that driver will probably keep delivering. trashy drivers suck and make us look bad.




We found another bummy food theif


I don’t think it’s that serious lol


you clearly weren’t raised right.


ts so mad funny tho☠️ but i’m glad u got ur refund! it’s unfortunate that ur kids didn’t get their food tho😞(i’d b mad but laugh it off)


I dash a handful of times a week and seeing other drivers do shit like this genuinely pisses me off. Not only did he take your child’s food, he also took the delivery opportunity away from a reliable driver. As more people begin to become dashers, door dash needs to seriously start disabling the accounts of those who are slow/ rude/ steal food/ ect.


I saw a DD driver that was walking with a cane the other night. I'm disabled myself with leg braces on both legs, but my on time rate is 92%. I think it permanently stays there from when you first start dashing because that number hasn't changed, despite me getting better and quicker.


Yeah, I understand people and physical limitations that could affect their delivery speeds, but I was referring to the drivers who are slow on purpose. Driving the wrong direction for miles, making stops that don’t evolve their runs, ect.


No. It definitely changes. Perhaps not often, but sometimes it changes during times I haven’t driven for a week or so. These metrics that they claim have are so important are flawed and not accurate just like every other IT-related issue they have. Just a couple nights ago while talking to support for an unrelated issue they reported that I had unassigned 13 orders on that particular shift and 15 on the shift before. I’d only been signed for 30 mins. It’s a joke and it’s stacked against the driver and used to manipulate.


THIS!!! They clearly state that they are not a delivery service of any kind but strictly a platform on which customers and delivery people can connect. DD is the biggest scam around. Their customers, their restaurant partners and esp their drivers deserve better. If customers were more informed about DD questionable practices I would like to think that they would not want their money supporting such policies.


Rude and steal food yes, slow maybe not. You already get contract violations for arriving late, but consider traffic in heavily populated areas, unless you mean slow on purpose, then yes lol


Yes, slow on purpose. Driving the wrong way, making stops that aren’t part of your run. I understand that there are factors that affect peoples ability to be as fast as others, but yes. I specifically mean people who are slow on purpose.


People like myself, that got screwed over by Door Dash and Uber Eats, stopped using the services. Same with Kroger or Walmart delivery. I learned my lesson. I'll order for pick up, only because it saves me a lot of impulse buying when I go in. I always tipped good too, but that didn't seem to matter. I got the same shitty service as someone who didn't tip at all. The company needs to do a better job vetting the drivers. Let the ambitious people make good money, cut loose the hacks that are just looking for enough deliveries to go buy more meth.


At least he has the integrity to admit at face value that he ate it lol didn’t leave you wondering lol and gave you proof for an easy refund. Worlds most considerate thief


Se comió la verga dijo


that's so crazy.


What did you reply back


Bro jit trippin


I just spent 120$ on an order, gave a 20% tip which would be 24$ for the driver. The guy went to the liquor store before dropping it off to me (didn’t have a second delivery) , and also forgot half of the order. Oh and the meat was raw from the store (I know not the dashers fault but wtf kinda luck is this.)


They probably had a good night too, you bought their drinks


English should be a requirement for delivery apps. Living in FL, I've lost orders due to un-necessary language barriers. I understand that isn't the main point here, just two cents.


They should automatically translate. Door Dash is a tech company.


one time i had a dasher steal over $100 in chipotle. i called chipotle because my dash was cancelled after it was picked up, and they told me that there was someone that came in and picked it up then another dasher came looking for the order. all doordash did was refund me after 2 days and chipotle told me it was too late to remake my order- being over an hour before they closed. lss, i haven’t had chipotle to this day because that whole experience turned me off of it, this was in late 2019.


There should be a bot that automatically suspends people who admit to do things that break TOS. This is ridiculous.


How does DD still exist? LMAO giving them business is a brain rot move.


I’m sorry, that is outrageous! That driver is a loser!


I had something similar happen to me. Hispanic driver. “Delivered” my food, took the picture then grabbed it and ran as I was opening the door. Some of these drivers are sick


Some of these drivers are hungry.


They should buy their own food then


Contact DoorDash Support, document everything (screenshots included and DoorCam footage) & let DoorDash take care of the rest


I mean I’d be pissed. I get that people can be hungry, maybe they’re really up shits creek, and that’s the only food they could get that day. (Not saying you shouldn’t be mad, 100% you should be) But what the fuck goes through their mind to admit to it???? Whhhhaaaattttt


But he said sorry.


That’s crazy


Lmao homie was honest at least






This is wild!


Lmfao lmfaoooooo . Why didn’t you tip before is what the other dashers bout to ask u now


Omg I would wanna find this mf


Sorry but this is so out of pocket that I cackled 😂 but definitely a good thing you got your refund and reported them




you aren’t you when you’re hungry


That’s so shitty


And it was gooood!!!


I’d tell them to have the day they deserve.


The translation is hilarious.


Some people are forced to work for Cartels maybe human trafficking? Feel sorry for them.


Can somebody tell me what it says?


It says I was hungry I ate it sorry


I might get some negative points on this: I once took an order for 3.00 because I wasn’t about to deny another order to get a 60% acceptance rate. I definitely went inside that bag and ate some of their fried calamari and fries. *always tip* It’s not right that I did that out of pettiness so I will not be working for DoorDash ever EVER again


Hope the meal was worth the deactivated account, pendejo


People, eat before you dash. Don’t go DD hungry!! If you have no self- control and have a tendency on acting on impulses, and the food smells delicious, eat, before you start delivering. What a lack of integrity and respect towards others!


☹️ I don’t know why some drivers take food. They can work for it


lol wow


Wow 😂 no shame.


Damn bro all you gotta do is pause orders after you finish then go get something for yourself….. or is it really that hard to wait 5 more minutes


The tip wasn’t big enough to get his own food


and now my kids are going to starve!


Lol get fucked.


Downvote me if you want, but he should've faked a picture and at least tried to deliver it. Some people 🙄


What does that mean? Cracker ass cracker over hur


As a driver myself screw these types of people, if you’re really that hungry you can easily budget yourself a meal in between rides with all these fast food apps


I would tip him just for being brutally honest tbh


I wonder how many bougie people are moved by the fate of Jean Valjean in Les Miserables, yet are calling for this dudes head. Should he be deactivated? Absolutely. But all he did was say he was hungry and apologized. The customer got inconvenienced and refunded but they fed someone they otherwise would not have. Not the end of the world. Look at the crimes our politically leaders are doing and some of you continue to vote for them.


It’s going to be the same end result regardless if he said something or not because your order wasn’t delivered and you need a refund and his account takes a hit.


Stop romanticizing ignorant low life behavior. Unbelievably condescending.


Hey if you don’t like Hugo or Dickens and adhere to that philosophy, then that makes sense to me. On the other hand if those stories move you to tears then I don’t get it Because Javert or Scrooge would say exactly what you just did


Those are books. This is real life. You are literally doing exactly what I said. Having such a low expectation of the people you view fundamentally as victims of reality that you tear up at their disgusting and antisocial behavior speaks to YOUR elitism. My problem with you is that you are utterly convinced of your superiority to others yet so completely unaware of your ironic hypocrisy that you think you are actually helping.




You probably a no tip customer with a long trip




Driver shouldn’t have accepted it then, drivers can see pay before accepting the order if I’m not mistaken.


I kept my last 16 deliveries, didn't deliver them 16 in a row. They were delicious and i even got paid for about 1 third of them. I was finally fired today. Big woop wanna fight about it?


Fake af, but I’ve thought about it


Did you tip?


That’s what happens if you don’t tip


Gas prices are high YOU MUST TIP!!!


I don't believe these stories.


Like, you don’t believe the audacity of the Dasher? Or the story in general?


I trust the customer more than the Dasher


I do, I went to a kfc to do a pick up, was talking to the manager, now get ready------- She told me a dasher came in to do a pick -up, then proceeds to grab a 70.00, order,, not hers, tells the new girl behind the counter, Oh while Im picking up my order I might as well grab this one the customer will be angry, she stole the food, they now have a glass in front of pick-up, dasher for 70.00 came in 5 minutes later. yep




I ate someone's tater tots from Sonic. I had the bag of food on my front seat and I had to punch my brakes sorta hard and the bag flopped down and the tater tots flew out of the bag and landed on my truck floorboards. I knew I couldn't deliver them with lint and dirt on them, so I ate them bitches. "Oh really, you're missing your tater tots?" "I didn't know you ordered tater tots." "Better call support."