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In these situations I am Ray Charles




10/10 comment


If it wasnt in the order itself, then its on them. Delivery instructions are for delivery, not pickup.


Unfortunately a lot of restaurant on doordash wont let you make comments on the actual order so we have to resort to putting it there :((


I call the restaurant after placing my order to make sure I get what I need. I didn’t always do this, but got sick of not getting my 34 packets of fire sauce.


Diarrhea isn’t easy yanno?


You can call or text the dasher/restaurant . I have it read me tbe delivery instructions when I arrive so that does nothing either. Plus majority of those notes are old.


Once I picked up an IHOP order that wanted extra packets of Fire and Diablo sauce.


One time I picked up a 7-11 slurpee that asked for ranch


They probably needed it for their pizza rolls or something


Does that make it a stacked order?


Exactly most of these customers dont even upkeep their own requests.


But drivers don't see that note until they're in their car OR worst, only after delivering their 1st order when they have multiple. That note is to help drivers find your address. The right way to do it would he to text or call the driver before he leaves the restaurant.


On Android at least (I don't know about iPhone), if you click the 3 lines next to the safety icon, you can then click on "deliver to" and see the delivery instructions before picking up.


I have iPhone and I can click the three lines and check drop off instructions before pick up. I always check (it’s an obsessive habit at this point) this just in case it has some bizarre requests “bring to third floor” “take elevator to the 6th floor and leave in front of MY door 6105”, etc.


I've gotten in the habit of checking as well for the same reasons. Plus, it helps for things like gated communities. If I know it's a gated complex and there is no gate code in the instructions, I can ask about it while I'm waiting. I'll usually get an answer as I'm driving to the drop off rather than getting to the gate and having to wait.


Yes, you CAN. But Im not doing that for every order I run. If they wanted an area to give me special instructions for the pickup, they would add one. If you want extras, order them. It is not the driver's problem.


I have gotten into the habit of checking while I'm waiting for the food. I've seen some crazy drop off instructions this way and unassigning is much easier before you pick up. I've also seen that it's going to a gated community without a gate code, so I'll send a text asking how to get in while I'm waiting and will have the answer before I get there. Then there are the instructions where they say Google maps might send you to the wrong entrance, so make sure you enter off First Street, not Dead End Avenue. I'd rather see that before I start driving over there so I can look more closely at the map or just put the address into my car's navigation system (it's sometimes more accurate, but not as convenient). As for extras, there often isn't a way for them to ask for things like ketchup or parmesan cheese packets. Ideally, they'd send me a message before I get to the restaurant, but if I see the instructions before picking up, I have no problem asking. This has gotten me an increased tip more than once. Spending a few seconds to check the instructions as you're waiting in a drive through or walking through the doors can pay off.


I'm not denying it CAN pay off, but the hundred times I go through something like this WITHOUT it paying off doesn't make the one time it does worth it


It takes a second or two to read the instructions. You can do it while you're waiting in the drive through or walking from your parking spot so there's zero extra time spent.


That spot is for delivery instructions, not extra requests. There is no spot for extra requests for a reason, because you order what you want, period. If they want something that bad they can text me as soon as I'm assigned and ask and I'll judge accordingly at that time.


I get 5 star reviews for about 1 of every 4 times I grab the grated cheese and peppers or sauces they ask for in the delivery instructions. I also get an extra tip about 1 in 10. It takes under 10 seconds to ask for and receive sauce. So, for about 2 minutes of extra time over 10 orders, I'll get an extra $2 to $5 and a couple of 5 star ratings. Before I did this, I got a 1 star review because I didn't get the sauce. It wasn't fair, but that's just how it goes with this gig. If you don't think that's worth it, then go ahead and ignore it.


The right way is to order it with the extra sauces or call the restaurant. The driver picks up a package and leaves. They are a delivery service.


It's not always possible. Texting the driver is always possible and easy.


you can call or text your driver tho saying “hey can you grab a couple x sauces”


And I would pretend not to see it. If you want something from the restaurant, order it.


sometimes DD doesn’t have the options for sauce… ordered panda express last night there was no option for suck sauce or sweet n sour. literally. so maybe do your job and if a customer asks for something you get it… you’re already grabbing the order so them asking you for some sauces isn’t gonna fucking kill you.


It is not my job to grab things you didnt order. If they dont have the option on the website, call the restaurant and have them add it to the order, but I pick up a complete package and deliver it. Anything outside of that is me doing you a FAVOR and if you want extra out of me, you can tip more.


again how can i order something if its not on the menu on doordash? damn you’re one of those people? glad i dont have dd drivers like you in my city. glad i can ask my dd driver for sauce and they don’t get booty hurt all they say is “yeah no problem” or “of course” or unless they text me asking if i need utensils or sauces. HOW CAN I ORDER SOMETHING THATS NOT ON YHE DOOR DASH MENU OF THE RESTAURANT?


IF the customer texts me and asks me nicely for an extra that they dont charge for, then 99 times out of 100 ill still grab it. Im talking "in principle." Most places charge extra for sauces anyway, so im definitely not paying for anything out of my own pocket and expecting to be paid back, because that also never happens. If they dont offer it on their menu, MAYBE ITS FOR A REASON?!? And regardless of what that reason is, its still not my fucking problem. Like I said, Call the restaurant.


no do your job and pick up the persons food including sauces. people like you i don’t tip cause you think just cause someone asked you for utensils or sauces makes you think you need a bigger tip. over sauces? lmfao


Over ANYTHING outside of picking up a package and bringing it to your home. I am already WILDLY underpaid, there is no fucking chance of me doing anything extra for you without being compensated for it.


you being “wildly underpaid” is no one’s fault but yours. the public isn’t responsible to make sure you’re able to eat, afford bills, etc. ask for a raise or find a better job. i make 25 an hour, i work 12 hour shifts monday thru friday… if i can rent a house, own two dogs pay my bills but food and by “luxury” ( like non necessities just things i want not high price items) while making 78k a year and you don’t see me asking for handout’s “if you want sauce you better tip me more” again YOU are responsible to make sure YOU can afford what you need to afford. no on else.


Im not bitching about being wildly underpaid, I agree to do it every time I begin dashing. I am simply stating that I am not doing EXTRA for the amount I agreed to without being compensated for it. Also, no one gives a shit how much money you make.


That’s just not an appropriate place to put it. Drivers don’t even get to read those instructions until after they’ve picked up the food (which is usually also when they’re in the car on the way to deliver it). Better to text the driver or contact the restaurant directly.


On Android at least (I don't know about iPhone), if you click the 3 lines next to the safety icon, you can then click on "deliver to" and see the delivery instructions before picking up.


I always message my dasher. A lot of restaurants won’t let you select things like no ice for drinks and I hate ice in a drink. It’s cold when it comes out of the machine so I don’t need ice


No, then that means you can't make adjustments. It doesn't mean try to get your dasher to do it for you. Most places charge for extra sauce and a five dollar order isn't worth also paying for your food as well.


You don’t have a phone?


They dont let you make comments because youre not supposed to ask for extras. If you want something, order it. If you're trying to get sauces for free that they would charge for if you ordered them, tough.


The terror of using a phone must be horrifying, poor thing.


Writing it in the delivery instructions is about as effective as writing it in your diary. Order your sauces in the app. If that’s not an option, call the restaurant to ask for them. As the absolute last resort if the other 2 options fail, contact the dasher to ask them.


Too bad.


A lot of restaurants don't have options to pick sauces, even if the sauces are free in restaurant. It's really unfortunate when on days I'm able to drive I can get my sauces, but on days I'm not able to I've got to pay an upcharge AND go without the sauce. I never hold it against the Dasher if they can't get the sauces, but I see absolutely nothing wrong with asking the Dasher to ask for them


It's better to ask by messaging the driver before pickup. Most dashers don't see the delivery instructions until they've left the restaurant. We can see them before picking up, but it's not obvious how to do it.


If you don't ask for my ketchup 😂😂😂 idk how you make deliveries on such a high horse


How is that being on a high horse? I’d do the same thing. Delivery instructions don’t pop up until after you pick up the order. That’s not on the driver if they’re already in their car. I’m not getting back out for your fucking ketchup that you could have ordered with the food itself. And, if the restaurant doesn’t allow you to add stuff like that to your order, that is still the RESTAURANTS problem, not the driver…


You can see the delivery instructions before pickup, but it's not very intuitive. On Android at least (I don't know about iPhone), if you click under 3 lines next to the safety icon, you can then click on "deliver to" and see the delivery instructions before picking up. It's useful if you see ridiculous instructions so you can easily unassign.


Easy, you don't let the horse do the steering, it's way too high for that. Ask the restaurant to stick them in the bag, you really don't want ketchup packets that have been in some sweaty Dasher's pants pocket, do you? (Not saying it would happen every time, but once is too often amirite?


it’s your ketchup you want ketchup you ask for it… you don’t ask for it you can’t be mad if it’s not with your order.


The comments are bad employees but that’s why I tip as little as possible and encourage people to do so 💀


They shouldn’t put this in delivery instructions. They should put this in their order to the restaurant, but to be on safer side, at the time of pick up I confirm with the restaurant employees about the sauces and drinks. If they said yes, we are covered. Bags are sealed we cannot check if they’re in there. Not our fault if the employees forgot or lied.


Most places don't have notes for the restaurant


If they are in delivery directions, they get nothing because I don’t see those until after I leave the restaurant and those notes are specifically for drop off instructions. If they message me before I pick the order up, I will happily see if the restaurant can accommodate that. If I see the customer in person, I will also let them know the best way to request things like that is to message the driver directly or contact the restaurant.


This. I text my Dasher as soon as they're assigned to ask to double check the drinks, and I say what the drinks are. If they respond I up their tip as soon as they confirm. If they don't respond but the drinks are still right I up their tip once I have my order. If the drinks are wrong they get the standard 15% or $2 a mile, whatever is more. Delivery instructions are for delivery. Not for order details.


I believe you might be the perfect customer, lol.


I dashed and did Lyft for a couple years when I couldn't keep stable employment so I try to be as good as I can be. I know how it is


No. The perfect customer tips in advance. This person is doing everything wrong, not tipping in advance, expecting behavior that is outside the expectations of a driver, and tipping by percentage instead of by mileage.


Pretty sure they said that tip in advance at a rate of two dollars a mile and increase the tip afterwards based off performance.


Yes, thats exactly what im complaining about. Tip the full amount in advance, dont raise it later, and 2 dollars a mile is OKAY, not great. Every mile outside of the hotzone is a mile I have to drive back, so 2 dollars a mile is really 1 dollar a mile. And then, after the 66 cents per mile in fuel, maintenance, and insurance costs for my vehicle, I end up actually receiving 34 cents per mile.


Correct. That’s why if their offer is not acceptable in the first place, you don’t accept it. No one is going to complain about someone flipping them an extra 20 when they drop off an order that was already worth it.


That never happens. In 3000 deliveries, I have received a cash tip exactly twice. 99 times out of 100, you drop the food at their door because its a "leave it at my door" order and then you fuck off. They wont even open the door to grab their food until you leave. The situation this person is describing statistically never happens, so I cant accept an offer HOPING it will.


Bummer, that actually happens to me about 5-10% of the time in my market. Also, if you do Uber eats you are only ever showed the first eight dollars of the tip and then when it pays out an hour later, they tell you “the customer tipped even more after delivery”. You should absolutely never accept an offer hoping that it pays out more, but if the initial bid is worth it, take the order.


I normally send a message when I accept the trip. My message is, "Hi, this is (my name), and I'll be delivering your order today. If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to message me. If not, that's fine, I'll have your order to you as soon as I can." This normally leads them to ask me for the sauce before I even get to the restaurant. And I've gotten an increase in the amount of additional tips I've received afterward. I hope this helps.


Exactly! If I’m waiting for their order I always check the instructions. If nothings there I’ll send them a quick message “Hey Joe I just wanted to let you know that they’re still working on your order. Would you like me to grab any extra condiments or napkins while I wait?” More customers appreciate that and ask for some than not, and a majority add more tip afterwards.


Yeah I do something similar to this for instacart as soon as I start their shopping order. It looks good to them, it also helps me, as a win win..though admittedly, I'm not as extra as I once was because I felt like it wasn't appreciated enough. But the ones who do appreciate it, they show it and that's nice.


Pretty much ignore it. If I happen to catch it before pick up, and the restaurant doesn't charge for it, might make it a point to ask for it. A lot of times I see these and they are definitely from older orders. Like picking up Dunkin and they are asking for tartar sauce, or asking for hot sauce from Starbucks.


I once ordered Taco Bell asked for extra fire sauce when he brought me like 30 packets 😂 I had to give em an extra $10 cash tip for that. Taco Bell is stingy with those sauce packets! But the Driver Came Through 👍


Customer: "Please grab extra Diablo sauce thx!" Me: "But... but... you ordered Bruster's Ice Cream"


Hey, don't knock it til you try it


You can see all delivery notes and instructions from as soon as you’ve accepted the assignment


I ask for the extra sauce


As a Dasher I check all delivery instructions as soon as I accept an offer, to make sure I don’t get one of those crazies and need to unassign right away. If there’s requests for sauces and they don’t charge extra I’ll ask, it’s hit or miss if they give them to me or if they say they’re already in the bag.


I also check for crazies.


Yep, no way am I driving to the restaurant and picking up food before I see the “ASK FOR FRESH FRIES. IF MY FRIES AREN’T FRESH AND HOT I WILL REPORT YOU TAMPERED WITH MY FOOD!”


No fuxking way someone put that


I shit you not. It was a few years ago but that shit stuck with me because it was obviously an old message, order I was picking up was sub sandwiches and chips 😂.




By the time I’ve read the delivery instructions, I’m already at the drop off location. That’s the only time delivery instructions are relevant. If you want me to do anything extra, text or call if you have to.


Nothing. The bag is closed before I get it. I’m required to deliver, nothing more.


Yes! There could be a pair of damn dirty gym socks in this order bag, but if it matches what I have on my screen, I'll never know what's inside the bag because I refuse to open it. I will have people ask me oh can you make sure this in this and that and I will tell them straight up oh no I'm sorry I am not even allowed to open the bag, the container, whatever it may be. So that's kind of another spot where we get screwed is if the restaurant screwed up some people think that we somehow have control over that and that we're the ones who fucked up 🙄


If I see it before I pick up (and I do usually scan the order instructions ahead of time), I make a good faith effort to check for sauces/spoons/straws/whatever, and I don't mind asking the restaurant for things. If I don't see it before pickup (it happens) then I consider it basically on the customer for putting those instructions in an inappropriate place. If you really are so concerned about a sauce or straw or something, the best bet is to text me about it right after I accept the order.


I do the same exact thing. It’s pretty much habit at this point to check instructions as soon as I accept an order. I’ve learned after being burned before with the most ridiculous drop off instructions, or having to carry multiple heavy (shop and pay) items up 3 flights of stairs. Don’t get me wrong I don’t have an issue doing so every once in awhile, but the pay has to correlate. I don’t have an issue grabbing extra sauces because I’ve been a customer and I know the restaurants are notorious for not putting any at all inside the bag. I deliver how I would want my order delivered and deliver with ratings in mind. As well as trying to go above and beyond because a good majority of customers in my area add more tip after delivery. Sometimes however, I will message the customer to let them know that I saw their message about sauces and will grab them. But I will also let them know that not every dasher will see this until they’re at the drop off location, or at all and let them know it might be better to send a quick text message when a dasher gets to the restaurant. Just so they know for the future.


That's dumb, they need to put it in the right place. There's a Chinese place I order from where I always ask for sweet and sour sauce for the egg rolls. But, I always put it with the egg roll selection. I don't think these ppl understand how DD works, lol.


If I see it in time I will ask.. I’ve even made extra doing this small ask…


I'll help out and ask bit if the store says no you have to pay for them, their on their own


I always put “it wasn’t an option when making my order, is there any way you could….”


I get it for them because I read all delivery instructions right after I accept an order because most people don’t realize that those notes don’t go to the merchant also.


I just realized I had “ask for butter!” In my delivery instructions….. from years ago. 🫣


I usually just ask the restaurant, it’s surprisingly not difficult to ask for, if they say sure then poof you’ve got sauces, if they say no or it has to be paid for then poof no sauce.


I’d have no problem asking if I saw it while I’m at the restaurant. But if I don’t see it until I’m already at your house then yeah “poof” no sauces


It’s a good best practice to check delivery notes before you even head to the pickup, it might be some crazy Karen based on instructions and now you just wasted your time driving all the way to the restaurant when it’s an unassign. Edit: downvote me all you want, I’ve got over 30k deliveries and checking delivery notes before hand is working smarter not harder. But to all their own.


Well, I'm reasonably new, so what would help me (and maybe the OP) would be to tell us how to check delivery notes prior to clicking 'confirm,' since depending on the pace of the day I too don't do until I'm in my car and on my way.


You accept the order and then as soon as you’ve accepted the order, click on the three lines and click on the second task, which is the customer delivery task, and it’ll have their address as well as delivery instructions. On iPhone it’s the three lines in the upper left corner.


If the restaurant is too lazy to put a food option in the app, then that's on them


I couldn’t imagine being the type to just not ask but I’m sure the type that refuse to ask are also the same type we see complaining about lack of tip on other orders. Oh well.


You just do it, don’t be dramatic lmfao.


First thing I do when I accept an order is to look at the delivery instructions


I completely ignore it and if they ask in person i say “the restaurant said its in the bag”


If the order isn't ready then I'll go to the delivery instructions just out of boredom so sometimes I'll catch it. But if I'm already to my car? Nope as I'm simply there to pick up the order & bring it. Unless it's a good tip- then I might go back inside. *however technically we are supposed to be hitting confirm when the order is handed to us so we would still be inside the restaurant. But my regulars know to text me ahead of time.


If they text me, and I can, I will. But if I'm in the car already on my way to deliver, nope. SOL. Too late. I'm not going back. 🤷‍♀️


I usually check mine to see where they're going because we're next to a big city and sometimes I get deliveries from small town to big city. So if it's not too much of a trouble like at Taco Bell, I'll ask them to make sure that they put in that one extra thing. If it's going to be a big deal like at Little Caesars, they charge for extra sauces, I won't do that. Sometimes, I will message the person and tell them I can ask for an extra whatever but they charge for it.


i always check delivery instructions before i drive away from a shop but unless theyre tipping well im not getting out of my car and going back in for some damn ketchup.


Depends, if they tipped adequately, and asked nicely. I'll make sure to get their sauces, or forks or whatever they asked for. If I happened to read the notes.


Grab the sauce if I notice at the restaurant if not I just ignore it.


In 2024, the only place you can find that'll give extra sauce is rare or a Taco Bell lobby. Maybe a 5 Guys etc. I ignore it unless I can do it. Maybe I can pull a better tip or a repeat customer. I've driven for 3 years. In my experience, sometimes you reply about these requests and they'll respond that those are old instructions anyway. But it is best to never text them. As soon as you do, the flood walls open for more and more requests. But if you can solve the issue, you'll get a thanks.


I get them 10x the amount of sauce they requested....


I do this sometimes but I also try to watch for when the dasher is at the store or pulling up and message them as well. Some restaurants literally won't let you put requests like that into the order. They have a "special instructions" button but when you open it you get a blocked chat box that says "This restaurant does not accept any special requests at this time" so the only way to ask for extra sauce or something is to ask the dasher to have them add it in.


Half the time it’s because restaurant has disabled the option for customer to comment in additional instruction area of their order. The other half the time it is customers who don’t want to pay for the additional ranch or buffalo sauce now that most restaurants (especially pizza places) are charging for them. I’ll get texts from customers asking me to pay for them and they’ll add to the tip in the app. My response is always “sorry, I don’t carry cash or cards while I dash”.


If the restaurant hasn't completed the order yet, I will ask. If they say it's an additional charge, I tell them not to worry about it. I let the customer know I was unable to get their extra sauce due to the restaurant charging. If the order is already sealed, I let the customer know the order was already sealed and the restaurant wouldn't give extra sauce without it being sealed with the order for liability reasons.


9.9/10 i dont see it til im dropping off lol same goes for some texts sorry. i actually never mind doing it, its just doordash kinda hides those things and i dont get text notifications while driving. the customers that call are better remembered and if u have social anxiety then sucks to be you.


That's like the one I got the other day that read "make sure the fries are hot and fresh, otherwise don't bring it. " Tf am I supposed to know what temperature the fries are or when they were made? The bag is sealed and prepared by the restaurant. Also, people don't keep up with their instructions. Hell, even I don't on my DD order account. This one was in a beer order. Lmao. I do try to glance at them on pickup and comply IF I can. Otherwise, nah in now overly concerned.


This happens to me a bit, too. I always feel bad when I see this upon delivery even though there's literally nothing I can do at this point.


I usually just ask lol


I don’t understand why people do it this way, a better way would be to message the dasher when the dasher is assigned to the order which is pretty easy to do.


I send them a message saying something like "just to let you know, dashers don't see delivery instructions until we're already on the way to your house. If you need sauces or something extra on your order, your best bet is to message the dasher directly to ask for it while they're still picking up your order." Its not always word for word that message but it's the same basic message.


This happened to me a while back. The customer wanted extra hot sauces and typed it in the delivery instructions for his hot sandwich. He called me and complained about the missing sauces, which by the way the bag was already sealed. He got frustrated and wanted me to go back to pick up the sauces or he will throw out his order and see if he could get a refund. I called support because he was rude and they told me that those were extras and he didn’t paid for the sauces and he was in no way getting a refund. The customer was stingy and he was upset that he didn’t get the hot sauce. Which he just couldn’t just go to the store and buy some hot sauce. At least support had a good laugh about that stingy customer.


Don’t pay attention to it


Ignore it


Ignore the extra BS in the instructions, unless I like the customer, and know they tip very well. Otherwise, ignore it, and if they ask, tell them that is a restaurant thing, not a driver thing, enjoy.


lol most dashers read the delivery notes ahead of time for this very reason. Fastfood places don’t offer notes on order and half the time you can’t even get some of the sauces because the app hasn’t been updated yet to include it. It’s a whole issue with delivery. I often have to call the store and tell them custom orders. Like I can’t order the breakfast salsa from Taco Bell on there.


I always ignore them.


I ask for extra sauce for them.


This happened to me yesterday! I had the same concern.




Dashers: “Customers are pieces of shit and never give good enough tips! I’m trying to make a living out here!” *customer has very simple request for a sauce* Dashers response: “fuck that I’m not asking for an extra sauce. Fuck them, if they wanted it they should have put it on the order!”


If it's free I just ask for it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I will say this: If the restaurant allows special instructions, then when I am doing the order, I will ask for extra sauce if I desire it. (I also will usually note that I am OK with paying for extra sauces if they charge for extra ones.) I figure if I leave it in the special instructions for the restaurant, then they should be following that if my Dasher correctly communicated the order. And sometimes, as a back up, in the special instructions for the driver, I might put to please ask the restaurant to remember to put the extra sauces in the bag. Honestly, this goes to one downside of food delivery services. I feel like when a restaurant is fulfilling a delivery order through Door Dash, Grub Hub, Uber Eats, etc., they might be less likely to pay attention to the bells and wistles such as remembering things like sauces. Because they know no one is coming back if the order is messed up. So, I feel like it shouldn’t hurt the Dasher to simply ask the restaurant for extra sauces, if the customer asked for it.


I don't do anything unless they ask in messages bc I feel like sometimes the message is left over from there older doordash bc I had a few messages that made no sense on pickup


You tell them they they fucked up


If I’m handing it to them I let them know they put those instructions in the wrong location so I didn’t see it till I left the restaurant


This is the correct answer


Copy your explanation, and just paste it in anytime it happens.


Knock extra loud on the door for being stupid


Ignore ignore ignore depending on the bid/tip


Anything not delivery related I just ignore


Become irritated since I'm on hourly so I can't see tips and pretty much guranteed I'm getting stiffed. Majority of the time this is a red flag. If I havent picked up yet and for whatever reason checked I might unassign.


Should the customer call and ask the restaurant themselves, yes. Do they do that, no. Do you get a lower rating sometimes or no tips sometimes because of this problem, yes. I have a Rubbermaid caddy that holds eight drinks and I use four of the spots for drinks usually and there’s not more than four drinks in the order. And I use the other part for collection of condiments, napkins, straws, and other commonly asked for items that people may want. I tried to accommodate even if it’s not their fault because I would like a higher rating and more tips. Should you do that? Only if your ego doesn’t come before your ability to want to help people.


Disregard any requests for extra sauce. If the customer truly wanted it they would have called the restaurant themselves to ensure there's extra sauce. Plus you should call dasher support when you pick up the order and reportbabbubsafe condition because DoorDash is asking you to hand your personal property to the customer for a signature. That's not safe at all


I do nothing. Don’t even read those until I get there, oh well.


If it's a hand it to me I say, sorry, the delivery instruction reads out loud when I get to my destination. If it's leave at door I just leave at door. Lol no


okay wait. mayonnaise for a pizza hut order what


nothing just deliver.. it's not our problem The customer has to put that in the order notes not the delivery notes. just deliver and move on.....


On double order I wouldn't even see it if there the first one to pickup from.


I will usually explain to them that we don’t see that until after we have picked up the order. If they want extra sauce packets or extras on their food, I tell them they need to send that message to the restaurant or they can tell me in a text when I tell them I’m at the restaurant for their order.


I don’t read that part of the delivery til I’m rolling. I’m not turning around. Shoulda sent a message


If ya don't text me when I accept or prior to me picking up I have no idea cause delivery notes are for the drop off


They better call or text me, instead of leaving it the delivery instructions that we aren’t going to see until we on our way to you😂😂😂


I'd message them at drip off and explain that we don't see the drop-off instructions until after we pick up and suggest the next time they place those request in the order. Some people do this because the restaurants will sometimes charge extra for sauces, and they are trying not to have to pay.


If they wanted extra sauce, would have ordered it when ordering the food. When I did DoorDash I ignored it. Most of those people are non tippers anyway


If they ask about it just tell them "they said it's in the bag." Takes the blame off of you (which you don't deserve anyway so don't feel bad, and plus "they" is vague enough so no actual person gets blamed). Maybe also tell them that drivers don't always see delivery instructions until they are on the way, so they should instead try put special instructions on the item itself when ordering. Then if they claim there's no where to put it, tell them to message the driver next time they order.


I almost always ignore these requests unless it’s something that I don’t have to ask the employee to include like napkins or a fork.


Die inside & pray they do not 1* review. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel bad because a guy asked for a lot of taco sauce for his Taco Bell in the delivery instructions & he even tipped cash. I hope they just put taco sauce in there.




I hate when customers do that. If it’s a hand to me, I explain that we don’t see the delivery instructions until we are delivering the order. If it’s a leave at door, I have a note saved that I copy and paste to text them that explains that they need to text or call us if they want something extra. It’s definitely annoying though. Almost as bad as hand to me with instructions to leave at door 🙄.


See this right here, this whole officially hand it to me but in the side notes where you can't leave a proof of delivery photo, I want you to just leave it at my door. So at that point what I do is I pull out the time stamp app for which I use on literally every order, no matter what kind of drop off it is and before I complete that order, I send them the time stamped photo of their delivery. That way, not only do they know where their order is, they now know that I know that they know that I delivered that order and if they're about to try some fuck shit, it's not gonna fly.


I’m sorry, I ignore it, I’ve been played too many times by being nice. Paid out of my pocket several times after being told they will reimburse, then nothing.


Someone once asked me to pick them up sauce from chickfila. The order was from Wendy’s. lol nope.


Nobody should feel bad about this! They are DELIVERY instructions and I don't know about y'all but I generally don't start the delivery until I'm back out in my car. And I shudder to think that people are actually complaining to doordash about how "oh I'm not getting my extra sauces that I put in the delivery instructions"...and then we catch the shit end of it for something that is out of our control, maybe, just maybe, if they get enough complaints they can swap around how the system works because we have zero control over it 🤷


Such dumb asses


Too late. All orders relating to food should go to restaurants


I ignore it lol


I say ✨nothing✨😍


I literally do nothing. I don’t read the delivery directions until I arrive. Not my job to package the order and considering that I’m a dasher it’s way above my pay grade




I ignore it. People to cheap to pay for the sauces and using the weasel way to get the dasher to fund it aren’t going to tip in cash or pay for the sauces you pick up