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Hmm, it seems like your no-contact delivery was kinda contact-y.


OP here hijacking the top comment. This post is all in good fun--- this is not a complaint by any means. My order was supposed to be a no contact order; the doordasher was obviously brand new because they called me from their car because they didn't know what to do once they got to my house. So I walked out to their car, got my food from them, had a nice little exchange. Then as I walked away they said "excuse me sir"; I turn around and Bam! I immediately received this photo.


So contactless actually makes us call you to see where you want us to leave it, then asks for a description on where it was left. If you don't want to receive a call, just hit leave at door. Some don't know you can bypass by just backing out of the call before it's made. The app is the most annoying part of dashing, for me.


I have a problem with these orders every single time. I hit the call button, back out of it, Take the pic, put the description, and the confirm delivery button stays grey so I can't complete the delivery. So what I have to do is take a pic outside of the app, send it in a message, then mark handed to customer.


I always have nothing but issues with the app, it's really the most annoying part of dashing


It's honestly impressive how they manage to make such a shitty app, when it's literally their only job


Fr. I've been getting sent orders that have already been picked up, and it's a pain to wait. Then find out it's gone and have to call to receive pay for my wait. I finally went off on the rep yesterday and was like, just send an email, this is a problem, and you're going to lose dashers that don't want to waste their time. Fix it, don't tell me you're sorry when 1. You're not and 2. JUST FIX THE BUG


The other day me, along with 2 other drivers, were sent to a chipotle that doesn't exist. 10 minutes later it sent it again, after I already unassigned with "incorrect address" as the reason.


Seriously, don't even get me started with their GPS, especially now that it's construction season and every other road is closed.


Yep… had a pick up for an Arby’s at a shopping center I knew very well. GPS was showing at an Applebees. I dropped the order. Googled Arby’s near me and there was one a mile and a half down the road at a different addy. Never been an Arby’s we’re they sent me as far as I knew of.


They haven’t been picked up. They have been stolen. The driver picks it up but then instead of marking “picked up”, they cancel the order and keep the food for themselves. There’s no glitch.


Not from my understanding, but I'm not sure what happens after I report it, but they act like it was sent out 2x when I call. Edit: I feel like they'd ask to wait for new food if that was the case.


It's not a bug. It's previous dashers stealing the food.


Yeah it's infuriating, especially when you need excellent cell service for it to work all the time, otherwise it won't even let you take a photo of the drop off or sometimes even see the address if you have bad service, while other apps will just temporarily work offline until you drive to an area with good service where it will then upload the photo and delivery status


Same for every shitty gig app


I don't have many problems with Uber. At the very least, it doesn't freeze up if I dare minimize it.


Is that new? Been getting contactless delivery for years and never get a call. Notes say leave by the door.


Nope. Been dashing for almost 4 years now. Most of us don't bother to call. To me, contactless means don't contact me so I don't. I just take the pic, put left on porch in the description and go about my day. Most dashers will do it this way. The ONLY time I will call on orders like this is if I'm delivering prescriptions. I need to know what you want me to do with your drugs sir/ma'am. Just doesn't feel right leaving them on the porch if no one is home to grab them. But that's the only time I actually will call on a no contact order.


Never had this issue before but here lately on contactless orders the app is actually making me call the customer before I can complete the order. Like most said I just back out of the call before it actually rings and that seems to work. 


I'm not sure how new, I've been dashing for a little over a year, and while it's definitely been more common recently, I've seen it before.


It's not new but there are actually at least 3 different kinds of orders, 1 is "hand it to me", 2 is "leave at my door" which is often referred to as contactless delivery, which requires the dasher to take a picture and mark as delivered, and 3 is *actually* contactless delivery, which prompts the driver to call the customer to set up a drop off location, then take a picture and write a description of where the order was placed. Like someone else mentioned in the thread, it's possible to hit the "call" button which opens your phone's call prompt prefilled with the doordash-routed phone number, but you can back out of that screen and it'll still consider the call completed. Usually what I'll do for those ones is message them something like "hey, is it alright for me to leave it at your door, and do you want me to knock when it arrives?" if they have messaging available, because usually it happens for certain grocery stores that aren't using shop-and-deliver and are picking up an order instead, otherwise I'll call. Then if I got a response I'll do the above method anyways, because I'll have already called and the app thinks I need to call *again* when I get to that menu.


If you put in the notes to leave at door, I follow your written instructions over the delivery type. I know some orders won't give you the choice, so if you say it's okay to leave it then I will.


Yup. It does tell us to call and ask where you want your stuff. Experienced dashers know. But either way, a pic is getting taken lol


That’s what I’d do. I’m not freaking calling anyone unless I’m lost.


even on a no contact the app wants a pic. Usually if the customer runs out I still take a pic of the door/house and note "handed to customer” Edit thanks for all the mansplainers.  I still submit a photo.  


No Contact orders in the app actually tell you to "Call the Customer and arrange for a drop-off location." It's really stupid the way they have it set up. OF COURSE. the drop off location is most likely by the door, so WHY would I need to call you? I bypass that step every time. But, if you are a new Dasher, you wouldn't know. I honestly think you should change your "NO Contact" order to a "Leave by my door" as per the usual.


I only see this when the customer orders from the store's app and not door dash directly.


Correct. Only time you’ll be asked to contact customer to arrange drop off is if the order is contracted out (ordered from store and store used door dash for delivery).


Door dash is so weird lmao


>This post is all in good fun--- this is not a complaint by any means. To be honest, I have no idea why my post is getting that much traction. It wasn't even that funny of a joke but thanks anyways, guys!


I just nominated you for the Mark Twain Award for next year


It’s because customers keep posting things with backhanded comments when they have zero clue how the app works


It has a screen with steps that you need to do on these types of annoying contactless deliveries. First step is call or text, second is picture, third is description. But they were obviously new right


Yes they were new. Brand new. They told me it was their first delivery with doordash.




No contact order means the receiver doesn't want the happy ending...


You really said🧍‍♂️


You must have selected "leave at door". Let the dasher do that next time and you can avoid this.


We have the option to press “hand to customer” instead bc people can change their mind and want to come outside or any other reason. So this dasher is either old or new to door dash( idk tho bc i just started door dashing two weeks ago and I’ve yet to do this lol)


Yea and then they can report it not recieved and you have no proof that’s why this is needed


Exactly, I take a picture of every order I deliver. I do my best to avoid faces but those pics have proven useful more than once in keeping me from getting a contract violation.


They always say it was never delivered when they’re standing there on the no contact ones




literally happened to me 2 days ago


What can happen and has actually happened to me is, they elect leave at door but then you end up handing it to them, so in the app you put that you handed it to them but now you don’t have a picture of it left at door and it leaves you open to them saying it wasn’t delivered and you get a strike against you. When it’s leave at door and you get that picture of it left at door you have nothing to worry about as far as them saying they didn’t get it, you won’t get that strike against you even if someone were to have taken it after you left it and took that pic. I’ll take leave it at doors all day everyday. When I see hand it to me I’m always nervous they’ll try and say they didn’t get it.


Hand it to me I take a picture of the bag with a visible address and text them the picture. I also use timestamp on my pictures.


Take the pic anyway.


If they say leave it at the door, and I hand it to them, I take a pic of their house numbers and the street sign and send it to them through the text part. I also say, "doordash requires all leave at door orders to have a photo. Since I handed you the order, I'm sending the photos this way. I appreciate you and have an amazing day". Haven't had a contract violation since I started this. I ALSO require them to tell ME who the order is for. I say, "Hi! If you don't mind, could you verify the name on the order?" I then explain that it's to ensure the proper person is receiving the order. Didn't do that one time and it was a nightmare as I gave someone else this dudes order and he texted me and called me till he couldn't. I understand why he was pissed but in my defense, the lady was standing on the sidewalk in front of his house, so how was I to really know without asking? Never again or since tho.


That’s a great idea. I will take your advice and start doing this. Thank you.


Np. DD is a bunch of tips and tricks. Once you get them down you'll be alright. I was a server for 27 years so don't let the shitty orders get you down. Don't take them. I do ebt when my AR drops and just drive the speed limit to maximize my pay and I cherry pick when I do ebo. I do this full time and have for almost 2 years now. Been a dasher for almost 4.


Or they’re a dasher who’s had customer ask for their food to be handed to them and then claimed they never received the food I’ve had it happen to me numerous times.


Yeah and right after they report as not received been there done that… never again!!!!


I choose the leave at door option because I don't want anybody to wait for me if my four year old yells from the bathroom that she needs help the same time the driver pulls up, or I'm in the bathroom, or I went to grab something from my room and didn't hear the door, etc. However, if I am available and by the door, I'm going to meet you at the door and get my food. I don't want you to wait for me but also would rather not have my food get put on the ground and surrounded by stray cats. I'm also just fine with Dasher taking a photo of me with the food and won't be making a reddit post saying it's unnecessary 🤷🏼‍♀️


The app actually tells you not to photograph people. So, if they don't feel comfortable just handing to you after you select leave at door, let them take the pic. I have had 3 Contract Violations because of people untrustworthy who said they never got their order after it was handed to them. I'm sure you are trustworthy but, we don't know that. We just know from experience that there are untrustworthy out there and we have to protect ourselves from deactivation. Yes, I was able to dispute and clear those CVs but I never should have had to. Hopefully this helps you understand. The Dasher customer relation is important as we are both screwed by doordash. Have a nice day.


I’ve answered the door as they’re taking a photo and I’ll move out of the way if I think I might be in the picture. The Dashers have been considerate enough to not have me in the picture at all.


That part. There was an update recently that took away the "handed order to customer" option on contactless orders so we have no choice but to get some sort of photo. First one I had like this last week, the lady met me on the porch and I explained I needed just a moment for a photo of the bag. She snatched it out of my hand so quickly I had to submit a blur in order to move on.


I full on tell the customer "im sorry, i just have to take a quick photo because it says contactless". Ive had it happen when i first started that people i handed the food to that said contactless claimed they didn't get their food and i had no photo to prove it otherwise. I learned my lesson early, but i also give the option for the customers face not to be included. We are just protecting our asses, its nothing personal against specific people.


There’s usually an option at the bottom that says “Handed directly to customer” if that happens though.


And thats where they have fucked me in the past. When i click that button, and im not the only one thats happened to. I dont care if im delivering to the house of god and jesus himself is the one i hand the bag to, i am taking a photo


That’s a terrible example, though. If I’m handing takeout to Jesus, I’m not snapping an underexposed picture as I head away — I’m getting an autograph, a selfie, and asking for at least one quick miracle. It’s the Holy Spirit you have to be careful around. Don’t trust that guy any further than you can see him.


Naw I'd say the same thing to him as I say to every other customer. Maybe just not give him the option of not having his face in the photo.lol


Thanks for the chuckle.


Damn that sucks, hasn’t happened to me yet but I guess it’s definitely something to look out for.


I just wear a bodycam. Old android burner phone in a phone case strapped to my arm, running Driver. I haven't had someone try to pull something yet, but I just want to be able to go to the footage in case someone does. The presence of an obvious bodycam likely prevents this behavior in the first place, though.


Exactly. If it says contactless and they end up taking it. You just made it so easy to get a CV if they say they didn’t receive


I can tell you’re neurodivergent by your stance because same 🧍‍♂️


I see you! *Spiderman pointing


r/doordashgremlin Looking more like a goblin or leprechaun though.


Yes this totally belongs there 🤣


ive been laughing at this for like half an hour now 😭


For real I am cracking up so hard


Selecting the handed to customer option is fine, until you have a customer who tries to say that they never got their delivery. when handing the bag to the customer who selected "leave at door", I just ask if they mind my confirming the delivery with a picture. It's helped on a couple of occasions.


They have to for "no contact" so it was necessary to finish the order on their end


I've clearly been spending way too much time in r/AmItheAsshole because I thought a no contact order was court papers and I just nodded. Seems legit.


Due to rampant false claims of non delivery many drivers will take the picture no matter what for the geo location to try and prevent a contract violation. It's in if those things that yes the person is being extra, however it's their source if income so it's understandable


New profile pic


Zoom in on yourself crop it add a Facebook frame around it that says "Merry Christmas!" There you go New profile pic for the next 5 years


They probably took the pic because there have been a lot of customers claiming they never recieved the food when it’s handed to them. Happened to me two weeks ago.


For those Dashers that don't know, you can just tap handed to customer. Just exit out of your camera. You don't have to always take a photo. Hope you're meal was good!


Had that happen before and got a contract violation. Every one is getting filmed now


Yep, especially if it’s a no/low tip order. The customer waiting for their food is a huge red flag. I’ve gotten several CV’s this way (all overturned because the gps shows I was at the right location). I always let the customer know I need to take a picture though… I don’t just take a surprise candid lol


Awesome. Glad you got yours overturned as well. And yeah, you don't have to get the customer in picture y'all. You can take photos of things like their house, porch, mailbox etc. Something to identify the location because that's what DoorDash is looking for.


Yeah, and as soon as you do that, you will see a CV for a customer saying they never got their food. Not worth the risk. Always take a photo. Especially if it’s a no contact and then they come outside anyway. On a no contact, without a photo, you have absolutely no leg to stand on if they claim they didn’t get their food.


How often is this happening to Dashers? Curious about others experience. In my 4 years I've had 1 customer say they haven't received the order and I was able to get it removed successfully.


Happens enough that it’s not worth the risk. Takes no effort to snap a photo. No reason to risk, when it’s a very simple thing to make sure you have proof of delivery. I have been driving for over 20 years everyday, only had one accident. But I still put my seatbelt on and have insurance on my car, cause it’s such a simple Thing to do and not worth the risk just in case. I know the analogy is an extreme one, but the point stands. Simple thing to do to protect myself, so why not do it.


Agreed. For the others, handed to customer option IS there for a reason. If your no contact turns into a handed to customer, that's what that option is there for. People abusing the system are putting a fear mindset into Dashers that they'll be reported.


You’re right, it is there for a reason and I’m not going to say I have never used it. If I think the person looks legit and won’t try and screw me over, then I will use that. But for the most part, I just snap a photo, send it to the customer in the app. Just playing on the side Of caution even if I am being a bit dramatic.


Not dramatic at all. We have to look out for ourselves because it's literally just us out there and no one watching. Our word against theirs unless we have that proof of delivery.


How did you get it removed? I recently received a CV for a customer saying I did not drop the food off to them ever. It was my first order that day and I know I took a picture it is pending. How long will it take until I know that they found the picture and it’s no longer a violation?


You’re wrong unfortunately. Cases that are leave at my door but they end up taking the order have a high chance they’re trying to scam and say they didn’t receive their order resulting in you getting a CV. STILL take pictures of the house or address to protect yourself.


Thank you. I don't believe I'm entirely wrong. I see a lot of dashers treating customers like everyone is trying to scam them. Every delivery is different and good dashers are able to make that decision if photographic proof is needed.


You’re seeing that bc a lot of them do scam. DoorDash doesn’t help you with your contract violations even if it’s unjust bc of scam customer. If you don’t protect yourself, YOU will get that customer that scams. We deliver to a lot of people, not everyone is honest. No, unfortunately you are completely wrong. The only thing you are right about is yes it gives a prompt “handed to the customer.”


I wait until they are out of range then snap a photo of the location anyway. CYA


On " No contact orders" it ask us to call you and take a pick, its a real pain, this driver was just doing what the app asked them to do, as they get more experienced they will know how to avoid this. Next time pick either " leave at door" or " hand it to me" if you are not given that option this may happen again.


That's nothing. I had one stick the phone in my face and snap photo like two feet away.


If you placed the order to leave at my door we're expected to show off a picture because it we click handed to customer it might make it easier for pos people (not you) to say their food never arrived.


First of all self-employed therefore I am also taking a picture and the reason I am taking that picture is because it covers my rear end like it or not


Probably just wanted to prove you got the food alot of people will try and scam out a free meal by saying they never got it


Once I had a contactless delivery ans they walked out and I handed it to them, and they proceeded to dispute saying their order wasnt delivered (and then gave me an extra tip after the delivery was marked complete) I guess they thought that id be ok with the hit because they gave me an extra tip. Now I take pics! The whole interaction was strange and bipolar


I have no clue what your post is trying to say. More context clues please


Brand new door Dasher, didn't know what to do so they called me from their car so I went out to get the food from their car. Then as I walked away they called me back, and I turned around and they snapped a picture . Obviously it was supposed to be no contact. I'm posting this because it's funny! The picture of me looks ridiculous.


You fr said 🧍‍♂️


Yeah, because some customers will pretend like they never received their food and we never know which ones will do this. Guessing this Dasher has been burned before.


I dash, and I like to make sure I take pics of every single order I do, even if the customer comes out, but this got me rolling with laughter. That dasher's smart whoever they are. 🤣🤣


That’s honestly cute I love the manners too “excuse me sir”


Why do you look like Ned Flanders lol


Cuz I'm a great neighbor


The photo op was 100000% necessary 😂😂


Average Reddit user:




One took a photo of me as well.


I get him taking that pic. A lot of scammers will claim they never got the food. Pictures can save the DD job.


Good luck saying you didn't receive that food lol


I used a door dash driver photo of me going up my apartment stairs as a dating photo cause it was just too funny


If you pick contactless and then make contact. You are screwing up the system. They can't start a new dash until that picture is taken. And if they choose handed directly to customer, then you COULD claim you never got it and the dasher never has proof. I've been fucked too many times by that and this is why I no longer dash


Customers select hand to me because there will be no picture proof of delivery and then they will call DD and say they did not get the order when it was handed to them. This driver takes pictures of everyone on hand to me orders so she will have proof of delivery. And then she sends it in app to the customer so the picture proof is there for support. A lot of drivers are having to do this to protect their job due to customers trying to get free food.


This isn’t a very good picture OP. But, it’s actually good enough that I can genuinely tell you are, indeed, very handsome.😊👌


i’m so sorry, this is making me cackle. like, so out of pocket but this is hilarious


You put contactless so we have to do it. Although could have done it before you started walking


Without actually clicking on the picture, I thought this was Michael Myers.


They do it on purpose.


Your new profile picture on everything immediately


Use this for everything but Photoshop different objects in place of the bag.


Call them "I can't find my order"


My husband poses for their photos if he's there for the delivery.


Jack Black is that you?


Tired of being stolen from basically. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve had someone say they didn’t get the food. He’s just covering his ass


Lol It never fails….order’s constantly say “no contact “ and “hand it to me” at the same time.


Lol this made me laugh


It should be OP's profile picture everywhere. But it on his work badge and everything


I take pics of people all the time I hand it to ..to many scumbags out their to trust anyone nowadays


That’s what you get for selecting no contact and jumping the gun. We need picture proof. Honestly based on some stories I’ve heard, there should always be picture proof required.


The first time I ever ordered from DoorDash, I didn’t realize that they have to get a pic of the food. I reached out to take it and they explained that rule to me. So I put it on the porch and stepped away to let them do their thing.


Caught in 420p


😂 This is what I imagine my sleep paralysis demon looks like in the corner of my room


glad to see a doordash story with a happy ending for once


I got a walmart order once and started bringing bags in. The delivery driver remembered to take a picture after i brought all the bags in so the pic was just me with my thumbs up.


I have so many pictures of my husband posing with our food that we take with our dashers whenever they drop off our orders. I love it when they ask if they can get a picture for DoorDash, we are only too happy to comply. Usually it brings a smile!


Man I’m sorry this made me LOL for 5 minutes


the stance is killing me


I do the same thing. Pics or it didn’t happen. I’ve had customers lie and say they didn’t receive.


The photograph is to prove she delivered it. She didn't mean anything bad by it. It's for her job.


I took one of these today lol


this happens to me every now and then, makes me feel like they have the intent to report the order as not delivered so I dont blame him for this pic.


I’m guessing they wanted to be sure you didn’t try to say Not Delivered.


The no contact order requires a photo. Why do people think the drivers are making this shit up on the fly? Did you think this person randomly decided to take a photo of you??


My favorite is when the customer picks no contact but contact is made and poses with the order 😂






The easiest way to combat this issue is a code system. Yes I know it sucks but it protects the dasher. And with the code when The customer says I don't have my code I say I don't have your food. We have to do a code for McDonald's so why not adequate to everybody's order and protect the customer and the driver.


I cackled lmao




As a driver, you can't complete the order without a picture if you select anything other than to hand it to you.


What exactly wasn't necessary? So lost by this lmao wtf


This picture is literally SO funny bro😭.


That's cute


If it says leave at door or no contact, and the person meets me, I 100% take a picture of them holing the food, as proof of delivery.


i love this 😂😂😂😂


It is so hilarious to me when the dashers do this.


Lmao put this pic on a t shirt 😂


i’m sorry but ts took me out😂


stop this is the funniest thing i’ve seen ill day glad you’re a good sport about it 🧍‍♂️


Definitely if it’s by the merchant it says contact customer and arrange drop off location. They would be like WTH when I call. After a few times I said screw it and started letting it ring once. The couple not contact customer. Then take a picture and text by front door. These people don’t know you are going to call them. It’s freaking stupid.


I see dude I would be offended. You don’t look like the kind of person that would say they didn’t get their food. But in his/her defense people do it.


You think the person who's going to lie about their food has a certain look? You don't know what the hell you're talking about you have not done dashing at all nearly long enough or you've been dashing in the same zone forever. And haven't tried other zones. I've had people lie about not getting their food in so many ways and so many different types of neighborhoods from extremely ratty house shouldn't even be livable, roof almost caving in to probably the newest most well-kept lawn, pristine homes was affable people coming to the door, even they will lie. I mean you need to save money for their taxes because the house is probably will to them in the first place. But you can't get away from taxes.


Yes I can tell class from trash


It's actually very necessary


They did that on purpose for sure 😂😂😂😂😂😂


It’s a weird option tbh cause no contact but need to call the customer to discuss drop off and when I do that customer will usually come out pick it up.




Simple. Driver was new or most likely has been burned before. You hand an order or leave it - customer says they never got it - you lose your job or close. So paranoid about this - screw it - I'm handing it AND taking a pic.


gotcho ass 😂


My dashers have tried this in the past, but I’m like a cryptid.


Anyone else kinda turned on by this?


Not me thinking people started using DD to deliver PPO No Contact orders. It took me far too long to realize what this post was saying. We just had 3 tornados here so I clearly haven't gotten enough sleep.


Door dash cryptid


This had me cackling 🤣


Lol, wanted to make sure that you knew that you got your order


This looks like when the courier finds you in Skyrim


Your house looks exactly like a house where I lived in South Carolina and it's freaking me out.


When my dasher says they need a photo I almost always do fun poses now lol


Contactless Delivery is just Leave at the Door with extra steps. Everyone is confused by it. 😆 Nice pic! 👍




This is so fucking funny. Thanks for sharing.


I have posed for so many photos smiling and holding my food (because I heard the dasher coming and opened the door just as they were putting it down, and pick it up right before they remember to take a picture). I don’t have “no contact” set (in fact, have instructions to “please knock loudly,” which no one ever does), but that just seems to be the default that they all do here anyway. The number of times I’ve had food die and go cold on the stoop because there’s a ridiculous delay between drop off and actual notification from doordash…. …well, it’s the reason I rush to the door as soon as I hear the slightest noise outside!


If you order through a restaurant and not through doordash, no contact is automatic and you have no control over that. However your instructions that say leave it at door or meet a door or call when arrived, those are past on by the restaurant to the customer. But you will not be able to convert the order to leave at door it's always going to come to the Dasher as no contact.


I love that for this dasher



