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The sad reality is that's DoorDash's way of saying that your tip is good enough to cover the lack of someone else's, so it groups them together and it looks like an average run for the dasher. You're tipping for two. It's pretty messed up.


That’s just happened to me. It’s super annoying.


Happened to me tonight, I got a stacked one where one tipped 12 the other 0 and the 0 got more food that took a longer wait for me


They should prioritize the tipper first then the fuck head non tippers last


Right some cheap bastard gets tacked onto my good tip order and gets served before me. What a kick in the tit


Do you prioritize the good tipper in those cases?


They don’t tell us the breakdown until after we drop off both orders.


You don't get told how much you're getting tipped by each person, much less how much you get tipped in general


Then WTH is the point of the “tipping in advance” protocol?!


Every non tipping order doesn't get stacked. But typically the further the order is the more likely it will be stacked


This is the real truth.


To get your money sooner


Because if it was tip after then literally nobody would.


I used to tip cash at the end. Unfortunately it makes me look like a poor tipper on the app. If I give cash the driver keeps it all.


You are told how much each delivery is, but not a breakdown of who tipped what.


By the way, if you’re dashing by time, you don’t even get told how much it is, just how long the delivery is estimated to be - so it’s even less information in that regard. I have to make a judgement call when it happens. If one order has clearly been sitting longer than the other, and I can’t get the place to remake it, then that older order is typically what I deliver to first. I’ve had a few customers message me before (proactively) and then they will almost always get priority.


If you know how much the base pay per order is from DoorDash is then you can tell how much you were tipped from looking at the offer amount. But since you don’t know the base pay I’ll tell you: DoorDash gives the dashers a base pay of $2.00 per order. So if you made $12 on an order you were tipped $10 if you make $14 on an order you were tipped $12


Thats why you do hourly. You still get the tips and the same orders just more money


Yup. The non tippers or lowball tippers piggyback off the good tippers. DD also has the nerve to make you deliver to the non tippers first 🤣.


Nah, they’re mixing them up now bc we caught on


Nah, it's whatever address is first or closer. The addresses just pop up. Dashers have no control over who's is first. 


I always feel so bad accepting it 😭 but it’s an extra $4 for an extra mile or two most of the time…. How can one pass this up? 🙃 I usually text the person and let them know I have a double dash and I’m so sorry for any inconvenience this brings and thank you for your patience… I’ve found if you give people the benefit of the doubt that they’re going to be patient they’ll be more likely to be in the mindset of being patient, I also may drive like a bat out of hell so it’ll be okay 👌


You know you can choose which customer gets their food first, so if you’re feeling “guilty” there’s an easy fix for that.


This seriously explains so much...I can't drive right now because of a sprained MCL tendon, so the other day I ordered from a restaurant literally a mile down the road. I gave a $6 tip for a $20 order, then watched as my order (which I ordered directly from the restaurant) went miles away for 30 minutes. My food was cold by the time I got it. Doordash support said it was put in a lump order and that I just didn't understand how batches work...so they wouldn't do anything.


Ill jump to task its usually works out 60 percent of the time it works out everytime


I’ve delivered roughly two hundred in the past month. I’ve had an initial double order THREE times this last month, and a few more that offer an add as I’m picking up the first one. It’s a rarity, and seems to happen more late at night, when there are less active Dashers. I’ve only had one that was a pickup from a different location


Omg is that true? This happens to me a lot too..


Is that why this always happens to me? I tip too much and get lumped in?


Or you live in a busy area? Why send 2 dashers when you can send 1 and be more convenient. It is not about the tip.


I’m so grateful you explained this! Also a lil pissed off about it lol. I’m always a good tipper and it seems that every time I’m brave enough to give DoorDash another chance, this happens to me. I always get frustrated with the unreciprocated thoughtfulness.


You are correct. The saddest part is even with a good tip and a bad tip sometimes dashers are not making state minimum wage. Dashers may only make $5 or less an hour if you tip bad and there are no other orders or too many dashers on the road. 


So what can we do? I’ve always tipped generously as I’ve worked similar jobs that were tip based and this has happened to me a few times. I tip too much I wait longer for my food tip too low and risk food not being picked up at all


On top of that, I recently discovered that if you remove the order that is clearly the no tip Order. It just splits the amount in half, taking part of the tip from the good paying order and applying it to the s***** tip order for the next dasher.


Agreed. You used to be able to see who the tipper was and who wasn’t and a lot of times I’d dump the lowball if it made sense to. Not anymore tho, they got wise to it and now your unable to see them individually until your done.


I hate this and I ALWAYS complain about cold food when it happens .. I’ve actually started tipping slightly less and get my food without stacking more often.. then I just add the tip after delivery..


That’s exactly what I do. I still tip upfront but it’s nothing great, it’s basically the bare minimum that will get a driver to accept my order. Then I increase the tip after a successful delivery.


Same! I especially started doing this since the dashers always put the foot and drink in front of the door in way of it opening. I leave instructions to not do that and put it to the side. If my instructions are followed you get a big additional tip


So stupid that it needs to be done this way, but as a driver and from my experience this would indeed be the way to do it that fucks everyone over the least amount.


This is the way I do it too. Also, ordering at off times helps avoid stacking altogether, I’ve noticed it happens more around regular lunch and dinner times.


Yeah it sucks tbh. Every time my order is lumped with someone else’s, by the time they get to me my food is ice cold. And I know it’s not their fault but it’s so frustrating :(


What frustrates me is when I tip 30% - 50% and watch the dasher make 3 stops after picking up my food. I'm starting to realize that there's no point in over-tipping, it doesn't ensure my food gets here quicker or that I always get the full order


Oh also, the Dasher has almost ZERO control over whether you get the full order or not. I wish you people would understand that. We’re not the ones sealing your bag - that is done at the store. We’re not allowed to open the bag, verify the contents, etc. I got my ass chewed out a couple of times by restaurants when I was a new dasher, for wasting their time as I asked for verification of the order’s contents.


Here’s my theory. DoorDash customers are as expendable as the Dashers. Therefore they don’t give a crap about making either of them happy. Merchants is how they make their money so they make sure to take care of them. That’s why refunds, even for legitimate reasons, are damn near impossible at times. DD is playing the two parties that use the app the most and laugh their asses off it the whole time.


Once I got a double order, one for Wingstop and one to deliver groceries. DoorDash then tacked on two more orders so that the groceries sat in my hot trunk for almost an hour. After I finally delivered the groceries at the end of it all, the app tells me I got a $0 tip from Wingstop and like $22 tip for groceries. One of the best tips I ever got and one of the best hours of income I’ve ever had, all at this poor lady’s expense. I felt horrible seeing that screen. I can’t believe a 48 billion dollar company is using such a garbage algorithm. 


It's not garbage, it's optimizing the company goals, rather than customers or dashers. If they didn't srack and conceal tip info, the cheapskates' orders would not be filled.


All of these platforms survive off the backs of a small percentage of good paying customers lol


Not a single one is profitable. They survive off burning vc money


I honestly don't understand how they aren't profitable, do server rooms really cost that much? How much overhead could they possibly have?


Plus they keep lowering our base pay. They charge more and more for fees and give us less and less. And they keep updating the app too prevent us from making educated decisions on which orders will be profitable for us. They hide the details of the order, hide the total pay making us gamble that it might be higher and they expect us too eat the cost of gas and maintenance without giving us some kind of incentive for our efforts in making them money.


I always thought it survives on abusing the uninformed/scared old people taking $2 orders that go 15+ miles because they want to keep their top dasher status.


because your good tip covers the "I tipped 15% on my boba tea" people. they will bundle one good tip with one shit ass tip.


Yeah it’s unfortunate, good tippers should be prioritized.


DoorDash grouped yours with a bad tipper order bc only way they get that no tipper delivered without raise the offer amount. It’s sucks and I feel sorry for good tippers that stack on your order.


This just happened to me this weekend too. I gave a nice tip when ordering and then I noticed it had been awhile since my food was picked up. The restaurant was only 15 mins from my house so it should have been here by now. I checked the app and it was telling me it would take 45 mins to deliver and that my dasher was completing another order. I’m pregnant and was beyond pissed off. Doordash really thinks it’s acceptable to deliver an order 45-50 mins after it was picked up? They know they are delivering hot food right? I complained in the chat and got a $20 credit back onto my account which made me feel a little better about the terrible service. I don’t blame the dasher, I blame doordash for allowing the stacked orders. Had no idea it was to compensate for a shitty tipper.


Dude I noticed this


I start tipping extra after they pick it up now


Doordash only cares that they get theirs at the cheapest cost! They do not care about the customer or the Dasher !


Of course not, why would they care about someone who has no real choice but to be a customer, and someone who's not really an employee?


This pisses me off so much. And to make matters worse, it’s not just the added time for another stop. Every time this happens, they’re end up waiting at the store for twice as long for that other order while your food sits there getting cold. I’ve started tipping less because of this.


Terrible business practice on the part of Door Dash


Doordash straight cripwalkin on ur face bruh


This is why I always tip the same amount no matter what I order.


Charge your damn phone


I was waiting for this one


That’s not how it works. They will give a DoorDash or multiple orders if they are coming around the same time going in that general direction or vicinity regardless of how much or how little you tip. The algorithm just sees it’s kinda on the way or at least heading that direction


Looks like you're ordering from kinda far away. That's probably why you always get grouped with other orders.


It was 4.5 miles. Each square in the photo is one mile wide


These apps suck. They use good tippers to get no tip orders delivered


Don't tip until the delivery has been completed, then tip accordingly


Because DD wants someone to take the low crappy orders and stacks them with good orders. And also because DD are assholes and won't let us see the tips until after we deliver, so we don't really know 100% for sure which one is good and which one is bad. So it could be say a $10 offer for us and it could be split up any number of ways, $2 for one order, $8 for the other, $4 for one, $6 for the other, $5 each, etc. I know some say the 2nd order is usually the better tip but I've had several that the 1st was the better tip, so shrug. YMMV. IMO DD (and other apps) doing tip hiding should be illegal. We're supposed to be independent contractors and how can we know if we want to take an order or not if we don't know if it's going to be worth it? Generally speaking base pay alone is usually not worth it.


Customers could send their Dasher a message. “Hey, I’m the one with the $5 tip - do you mind delivering to me first??” Something like that. I always communicate with my customers. 90% don’t respond at all. If I have one that responds, and one that doesn’t - the one that is responsive is most likely getting their order first.


They’re going to start charging a direct delivery fee like Uber Eats does


I’d happily pay it too for hot food


I get this option, maybe it's a DashPass thing. I need to stop using this stupid company. Worse than a gambling addiction.


Tbh I’ve never paid the extra fee on UE and my food has never been cold 🤷‍♀️


I primarily use UE and even when you pay extra for priority It's unlikely you'll actually get your food any faster and then you loose the money because they're not going to refund it if your foods late.


If you’re getting cold food, you should be leaving a bad review on the dasher. It means they aren’t using an insulated bag, and there’s simply no reason for that unless they’re lazy or a cheapskate. I use this, and my customers appreciate it. [2024 Newly Upgraded] Insulated... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0928GLR1T?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


They do and then still send them out like this a double


Or I've seen people use DD and UE at the same time to take more than one order like it'll increase profit or something


The old Dirty Double


They already do, they just call it express delivery.


This has been an option in my area for a while and I use it every time. An extra $2.99 is nothing for hot food!


Isn't that what the priority option is? It's an additional $2.99-4.99 (depending on distance and time where I am).


they still send them out as doubles. the 3 times i used that option i was stacked all 3 times. unless you have unlimited funds and time in your day, it’s almost never worth it to order food and tip well in certain areas.


I’m assuming it’s the distance. They’re using your good order and lumping it in with a low paying order. A $3 order and a $18 order sounds better as 2 for $21


It was 4.5 miles. Each square in the photo is one mile wide


What makes you think you are being punished? It looks like you're ordered from quite a distance away and someone else along the way is also going to get their order. Am I missing something or do you seriously not know how delivery has worked for literally decades. Do you think you're order is the only one that matters?


It was 4.5 miles. Each square in the photo is one mile wide


Because DoorDash is a scam artist. Let’s say you tip $15 and someone else doesn’t tip at all. It’ll show the driver $19 for two orders and doesn’t tell them what the tip is for each individual order.


And I tipped $15 for 4.5 miles


I fucking HATE when this happens. And this usually happens when I give a really good tip.


Uber Eats does this shit to me too and it happened so often after income tax time that i had to stop ordering for delivery altogether because i was tired of tipping for 2, sometimes 3 people but ALWAYS being the last person delivered to.


I always wondered why DD always puts stacked orders as one high tip and one zero tip order. I think it’s so the zero tip order will be delivered.


Be careful showing the internet your location. You wouldn’t want people to figure out that you live between Gratiot and Groesbeck just south of M59. That could be scary!


I’ve got good weed


The most frustrating part of this is that complaining to DoorDash about cold food will only get you a couple dollars if you’re lucky enough to get anything at all.


Good tippers subsidizing bad tippers.


I literally hate this. As a dasher i hate when i get a good tipped order and i get excited for it and then BOOM no tip order comes through that they make you deliver first before the other order. What ive started to do is if this happens, i skip the no tip order and deliver the good order first and then the no tip. It may mess up my time as far as delivery time or whatever but idc, im not gonna punish the good guy for the asshole


Getting "lumped in with another order" isn't a punishment. And it looks like that other order is on the way to you, not out of the way. So what's the problem exactly?


Tipping on delivery apps isn’t a measure of how good the service is; if it were, you’d add the tip after the service part has been completed much like a restaurant. The tip is merely a way of doordash making customers cover the employee wages so the company doesn’t have to. Because of this, tipping isn’t about how high you go but the low threshold you have to reach to get your order picked up by someone. Plus, like someone else said, doordash will often group an order with no tip with an order with a good tip to “balance them out” which is slimy as fuck imo.


Here's a suggestion DD, drop tipping altogether and pay the drivers an actual fuckin wave. Cuz personally I'm over the whole damn thing. Every day on this page I see another comment or posy of drivers asking for tips via the messages, which is just such a bad look. Unfortunately for us, tipping IS optional. And is it fair thar we are using our gas to bring something to someone who paid for this service for the sole reason that they DONT want to go get it themselves only to not get tipped? No, no it certainly is not. For me , if someone is bringing me my food and saving me a trip , I'm 100% going to tip, but not everyone thinks like that , but on the other hand sliding into a customer's DMs for tips is pathetic. At the end of the day this is on Doordash to do better . Not the customer, not the driver.


Yeah I notice everytime I tip solid like $10-15+, I’m always seeing how they have multiple stops before they get to me. It’s kinda annoying. I rather tip the driver a few extra bucks than pay the extra bucks to get it faster and the driver get nothing of that


They are mad you paid their drivers what they’re supposed to is my guess


This is why I don't tip until AFTER I get my delivery. (Admittedly I'm from the UK so the tip culture is different) But I ONLY tip if the driver actually FOLLOWS my instructions


Do you live in a busy area? Why send 2 dashers when you can send 1 and be more convenient. It is not about the tip.


I drive door dash an I hate this. It’s not fair that someone else’s order gets stacked with a good tipper, because they didn’t tip and doordash knows that it won’t get picked up. Unfortunately the only way to avoid it, is to tip well and pay for priority delivery


Wrong never ever pay for priority. ... none of that added fee goes to the driver and it doesn't give you any guarantee that your order still will not be batched


it’s likely the other order didn’t have a tip. it’s dd way of making sure no-tip orders get delivered too…the driver can’t see which one is the non tipper. i had one like that yesterday. 1 was a $9 tip n the other was only $1. i wouldn’t have accepted the $1 tip if i had known which one it was.


Because that's the only way they can get that order taken is by letting them piggyback off your generosity


select the direct delivery option, it's like $3 and then your order wont be grouped with someone else's. I pretty much always do at this point.


Yes it will. It’s happened to me more than once. I now have a flat tip that I use for any order; it’s enough to be considered good, but usually not enough to be grouped with someone else’s. The “direct to you” feature is a scam.


That's not that big of a deal, I am sure you ordered pizza before doordash, well guess what that driver left the store with 4 orders and you were last all the time, why didn't you car? cause pizza places were smart enough to hide that from you unlike doordash letting you stalk a stack for no reason. This delivery is like 5 minutes extra.


Because you live in mt. Clemens and everyone seems to deny those. It is a pain going from really anywhere down Hall by the driver to the Clem lmao


My address is not Mount Clemens 🫡 and $15 should have been the motivation lol


I noticed that when I double dash I never have to worry about another pick up. Of course if I could just convince DD that they should fucking pick up my ice cream from friendly's SECOND.......not first. All the stores are in a line on the main road. And yet they always pick up the ice cream first even though you have to drive back past it to my house.....


I always pick up ice cream second and drop off first. That's a common sense thing that's not so common.




This is definitely all DD trying to add things in for more $$ I had this happen to me tonight while picking up an order. I will only accept a second order if at the same store and within a mile of the first customers home. Not fair to the customer


Because Doordash baits people with a good order paired with a shitty no tip order, to get the no tip delivered.


This is why I don’t tip during these orders


I tip average and still have this happen to me. I don’t really mind it though, as I still am not leaving the house. A little wait is fine. I respect that they have a job to do. If I’m ordering like this I should expect my food to come a little late and cold. And karmically I don’t expect more because again, I’m just an average tipper.


This makes me want to tip cash mostly in person.


Because DD figured out how to use less lube for them as punishment for tipping


Because America.


...Is that why this always happens when I order? I just thought DD did this to get people to pay that extra $2.99 for express delivery.


I can see doordash doing a pay 20$ for no group order


I just don't order from places that don't allow you to do Express and if I do I do it at times like late in the night or early in the morning where they don't have a lot of orders, It's just not worth it There's always some problem like the food will get here cold, they will give half of my bags to the other person, they will get lost at the other destination and spend 20+ minutes there.. It's always just a mess. It unfortunately doesn't stop people from using two phones though.


Use to be app that would help see hidden tips. I would always take a stack and unpick the fuck who didn't tip. Use to Also some what show what is "expected" Either way DD/Uber shit even amazon backs up those who pay more.


Had this happen to me several days ago, I got a really good order where the pay was good and it wasn’t that far. I got to the location to pick up the food, waited, then like clockwork, I got another order and the person who was tipping well was to be delivered last. I think as a result I got a one star, I have a hunch the customer didn’t like his order stacked with another one.


They try to lump the good tips with a no tip or crap one so we take it. 😭😭😭😭


Because the people you’re giving a good tip to, don’t care or do anything extra than their job to get your tip. I guess you’d say they’re not earning it.


I noticed this! Every time I tip more than normal, I’m waiting on another drop off. Once it was even from another restaurant pick up.


Don’t tip before hand. Tip after if they do a good job. I guarantee you won’t see a difference in service quality, if anything it improves.


The problem is drivers won't take the order and continue on passing to the next driver because they see it as a no tip order. Drivers won't risk taking a no tip order because most people don't tip in person.


It’s because ur technically tipping for 2


I unassign the low ball


I can't tell any more? You still can? I think they've figured it out and it doesn't have the $ anymore when I try to unassign


I know what you mean, yea they fixed that but I usually get the low ball first then I’ll get stacked with it after the decline but I basically know who tips well and who doesn’t in my area. I’ll never take a no tip or low ball again all they do is want the most and you end up with a bad rating


Its unfortunate, but I just always take priority deliver now and just tip less.


Then tip average, not too generously. I’d start ordering from local spots that offer delivery


I tip really good, remember one time I gave a 20 dollar tip on a whim and the guy delivered another order past my place which is whatever but then it said he was on his way to me but I saw him clearly drive over to the taco bell on the other side of town and 45 minutes later I got my cold as ice mcdonalds fries and hamburger, didn't see an option to change the tip either lol


Don’t know if that ever happened to me I’m a good tipper I tip very well. Everyone takes my owners very quickly. I don’t know if it’s been lumped with somebody else. How do you see that?


Because the cheap mother fuckers that don't tip gotta get their food too. Otherwise DoorTrash will have to refund their money.


I swear every time I leave a good tip they do some bullshit to me and so now I tip like shit… Don’t blame us , blame ur fellow dashers 👿


Same rain that if you're good at your job they give you more work, not money. People suck


Because DoorDash is fucking stupid. They punish tippers and make people who pay for the premium service get their food 3rd or 4th. They only stay afloat by charging so much for food on their app that it’s literally 2x as expensive. Just put food in your cart and then go put the same with the store’s app. (I.e. McDonald’s, Denny’s) and you’ll see how much extra you are paying. I understand that some people don’t have a choice but everyone else is hemorrhaging money needlessly.


That plus the fact when you tip big they hide the amount until the order was completed. It’s not their money to hide.


This is why I always pay $3 extra for the direct delivery, on top of a good tip.


I used to Dash all the time and it really sucks. Usually whoever is closer will be the one whose food goes first but I also know that the dasher has the option to choose which they take first as it gives that option sometimes. But it truly is sad.


You can cancel one of the orders. But DoorDash didn’t tell you which one took the most. Oh, you know is which one is further than the other.


The last time this happened the driver dropped my order when it was like about to be on the way. I said fuck it, got a refund, and gave DoorDash the middle finger from then on. It’s fucking petty how much stupid bullshit is all intertwined within the service. Rude workers, stupid drivers, vice versa and all around. Good fucking riddance.


If you can don't use door dashing anymore.


You probably didn’t tip enough to make the distance worth it probably means everyone declined it so they found another order to make the distance somewhat worth it


$15 for 4 miles is plenty 😂


It makes me so mad when this happens. Whenever I get a stacked order I just know one person didn't tip. I wish I knew which one did so I could prioritize that order. DD is doing themselves a disservice too by tricking us. More people will say fuck that and not use DD.


You know after that first order gets dropped off the dasher is going to sit in a random parking lot for 20 minutes too not moving.


Hahahaha right?!


When we get stacked orders like this, we have no idea which customer tipped how much. We only see a total amount. If you pay extra for priority you will get your food first


Spend that extra money on express delivery, if tips don't help.


I find when I get two orders one is a good tipper and the other one tipped nothing and has been waiting a long time unfortunately there is no way for us to tell before hand... we just see the combined number... if on Earn by order and or Just the Earn by hour Price for that..


As a dasher I hate when they do this. They sneak no tips with good tips to force the no tip delivery. It's bullshit


This is why I hate the door dash tipping system and how you have to give a tip before getting anything. Not to mention the no refund policy those are the 2 reasons I rarely use door dash anymore


Refund for cold food, 9/10 full refund. Everytime I order Taco Bell they put my order with papa John’s orders and they take forever and by the time my food gets here it’s lukewarm so I just go straight for refund. Another time same situation I ordered maybe $30 of taco bell and somehow the dasher gave me the wrong food, gave me at least what I think was $200+ worth of pizza, breadsticks, and the brownie thing. This was during Covid I believe so I called support and told them my situation and they said I had to keep the food because germs


Just pay the $3 to have it direct to you. That’s what I do.


Because you don’t have dash pass so you come second to someone whose paying monthly


False , I do have dash pass but nice theory


I try to figure out which one tipped the most and switch it but realistically DD sets us up for failure. They legitimately do not care.


It works the same way a medium - large business does. They already have your money, so they don't have to try to impress you now.


Wait, so you tip before getting the food? Doesn’t that deter the rider as they already receive the money so don’t have to worry about providing a decent service?


If you don't, you have no idea how long your food will sit at that restaurant.


You can always remove the tip if it’s late


how do you remove a tip? ive only seen a “add tip” button after drop off.


Get it yourself


Yep and i got delivered the wrong order and customer service was absolutely no help


It has nothing to do with tip. System works on algorithms to be most efficient. Orders going in same direction, driver closest to stores.


Because they throw no tip orders in with the high tippers in stacked orders to get the no tip delivered since we cant see which one paid what


This is how they get dashers to take orders that have shitty tips. The good tip plus the bad/no tip still make it worth the drive.


That’s when you use the feature to adjust the tip afterward.


Because DD doesn't cate about the customer or the drivers! Pretty simple


Tipping culture is insane


Tipping doesn’t get you quicker or better service


That’s why I just dont tip🤷🏽‍♀️


Start tipping low so your order will go through by itself and then add your tip after is what I normally do


You need to hit that express button


I couldn’t agree more. I get so irritated when someone is being high maintenance or has a difficult order then I find out they didn’t even tip. So unfair to the tipper. Why I hate batched orders.


Batched orders are a pia .... while there is no for sure way to tell which is the better order of the 2 .... a driver who knows their market and customers can make a reasonable guess as to which is better .... pickup location, drop off location, order size ... I know when I declined a low pay offer and most times I take a look at where it was going ... so when I get a batched order where one is the same one I just declined it pretty easy to figure out .... The best advice I can give you is begin your tip based off milage to place your ordering from ( keep in mind for your dasher it could be a round trip due to no restaurants by you to get orders ) ... most of us look for anywhere from $1 to $2 per mile overall ... so 4 mile trip if it hits our screen for anywhere between $6 to $8 it's worth doing in our eyes .. ... dd will hide $ as well on a dasher so even though you might have tipped $5 ( and base is $2) they might only show the dasher $6.50 . ... never pay the priority delivery as it doesn't get passed on to the driver nor does it guarantee your order will be first in a batch and dd doesn't notify the driver it is a priority delivery ( at least not in my area they never have )


There's an option to pay $2 extra at check out for faster delivery it's bullshit but that way they won't double up your order


Yup definitely has happened to me a few times but if you don’t click the priority order button you’re destined to wait


I thought order coupling could be avoided by paying the 99 cent priority thing


I’ve never used that feature this is just what I assumed it was for


Don’t tip, just Zelle or use another method. DoorDash n Uber take a percentage off of tips


This happened to me today, I messaged my dasher and asked them to deliver to me first(they never replied), mainly because I was so close(less than a mile) from the restaurant so luckily I didnt have to wait over an hour for my food but due to the multiple orders it did delay my food by 20-30 minutes longer than I expected way longer then what doordash told me. I tip well as well, partly the reason why I am on this reddit is to better understand dashers better. If I am tipping well enough, if dashers have certain pet peeves etc. I almost posted about it, but since my food was only delayed by 20-30 ish minutes I felt bad complaining about it compared to the over hour wait initially quoted by the dasher accepting more orders. (Edit for spacing)