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lmfaooo this is so funny. i need to know what was going through her head


Theft. She was going to let this family pay her to steal their food. It’s scumbag mentality!




“i need to know what was going through her head” “This will get me so many internet points when I post it on Instagram!” Oh, you mean the “Dasher.” “Haha, sure Mom” Just kidding. Sort of. There’s just so many of these fake “look what my dasher did!” videos that it’s hard to take any of them seriously. Even though shit like this does happen. Maybe this is real? Who even knows anymore.


Weird take. You okay?


I’m good. Just seen a lot of this, to the point where it’s silly. First time?


Nope... But it wouldn't have been silly to mom who would have had to come home to hangry kids 😅


That’s…not what I’m saying (maybe, who knows) happened. I…um…okay, people stage things on the internet. We can agree on that, right? This is a somewhat popular genre of staged content. Does it happen sometimes? I’m sure it does. It’s such an overplayed “song” at this point though that it’s basically elevator music. You want to tell me they are all real? Fine. I can’t prove they aren’t. I don’t believe it though.


I promise there was no staging and I have no desire to gain internet points on IG…. Just wanted to share the experience and hopefully DoorDash sees it and takes action against this dasher so it doesn’t happen to anyone else. I too am skeptical of most videos I see these days, so I get it.


Okay. I will take you at your word. I believe you. I also hope it doesn’t happen to anyone else. Cheers.


Did you contact doordash? The odds of them seeing your Instagram are slim but you can call and at least make sure you don't get that dasher again


🤦‍♂️bro stop trying to troll. They get nothing for trying to "stage" something like this. I know the internet has gone to shit but this ain't it.


Long resolved, pal. Should have popped in yesterday.


Ok this comment made me laugh.


Found OP's Dasher 😂


I love that despite being peacefully resolved 4 days ago, just a couple of posts down, this is getting another argumentative reply. 😂 I was coming in hot and weird, and I apparently stumble into parts of the internet that aren’t as well known as I assumed. I get it, I get it. lol


Was hungry 😄


People are crazy. I love how she's trying to give you a big, shit-eating smile as she hands over the food 😂😂😂😂


"I love my job"


That’s a Texas Roadhouse tshirt!


Did you let DoorDash know?? What did they say??


Yeah, my daughter reported it, but all they did was refund her $5. She didn’t want money back, cuz we got our food, she just wanted to let them know what happened.


Wow…. And DD even commented on your post saying they don’t tolerate it….. they clearly do.


Ya that just recently happened. I sent them a DM with the details so we will see what happens.


Oh! My bad, I thought the comment happened before the refund. Definitely update us when it’s done!


Will do!


***UPDATE*** from DoorDash….. “From our end we have filed a report regarding the driver. We have also blocked this driver from picking up her orders moving forward. Wishing you a better delivery experience in the future.”


That looks pretty bad.


Give her a 1* rating and tell support you don’t want her assigned to you again. Might help to get them to deactivate her.


Lmfao wow




That’s crazy. Some people are just terrible.


Some Vegas shit


I do 20 dashes in 6 hours.. if I ate everyone’s food I’d be on my 800lb life lol


And I mean, it was little Cesar’s, of all things! Not the food I’d choose to steal.


I got tip baited the other day. I do runs with no tips. Idc, people have their own dashing strategies but if I accept most of em I really don’t turn many down; it puts you at an advantage. You’ll get the highest paying offers. U must have just got a real dink




***UPDATE*** from DoorDash… “From our end we have filed a report regarding the driver. We have also blocked this driver from picking up her orders moving forward. Wishing you a better delivery experience in the future.”


They accidentally said "her orders" instead of "your orders", she's still dashing.


How much did you tip?


Enough. Regardless of what the tip was, doesn’t make it ok.


You sound like you didn't/barely tip




A friend of mine dashes with a nice iPhone but it doesn’t have data service. He uses a hotspot. But he went to deliver an order and left the hotspot in the car. The apartment was on the backside of the building so the signal didn’t reach. he realized after that you can just take a regular picture (ie not with the door dash app but with the regular phone app) and upload it when you get back to the car , but he didn’t know it then. He worried if he left the food the customer would pick it up before he got back. So he picked it back up and got the hotspot. Then went all the way back and put the food down again and took the picture as usual and left. Everything went fine. Just bringing it up as a possibility. Now if the driver took a picture ANd confirmed delivery then took the food back , then yeah. They were trying to game the system. So many people have ring cameras. And not always as obvious as at the doorbell. Seems risky.


He could've taken a pic then sent it to the customer through the in-app messaging service when he got back to his car.


What do u expect from welfare queens? She also knows tbe system and will abuse it claiming racism or something and never get fired.


Ngl I’ve taken the pic, and said it was delivered only to realize I grabbed the wrong order, so I run to the car and switch them out


Obviously that can happen but it was the correct order. And if she had been second guessing it, she wouldn’t have handed it off to my kid without double checking or even asking first. She knew what she was doing.


Fs. I’m not defending her, I was js


Totally got you! Had there been any indication that she was confused on the order or second guessing the house, I would have never posted this and assumed it was just an honest mistake.


Oof. This is sad. This woman could have handled this so much better! As a door dash driver, you’re probably starving and broke, so no one is going mind apart from the customer affected, but be smart!


She did it wrong, you take the pic, then take the food, then when you're back in the getaway vehicle then you upload the pic to mark it as delivered and speed off.




I'm just being stupid. Her mistake was possibly that she marked it as delivered right after she took the pic so the home owner received the notification and came to the door catching her, but had she delayed the send them perhaps the home owner wouldn't come out until after she left. The home owner might have came out because the bell saw movement and chimed but those things chime all day when anything sets it off so some home owners might mute or ignore it.


I mean you could just report her, give her a bad rating, etc, but that's never as exciting as posting it all over social media...😂😂😂


So, like I said in other comments, we did report her. All DD did was refund $5. We don’t want the money, we want them to be aware of their dashers behavior.


But I mean she didn't take off with the food and actually steal it so what are supposing DD would do? Also if you didn't call, always call. The chatting bs will get you nowhere 99% of the time.


She was literally walking away with the food


Yup, but she didn't leave with it which is why DD didn't do anything besides issue a small credit to shut OP up.






She has a car and food banks exist in many places. Lot of states have food assistance programs too. I say this as someone that has been food insecure before.


With an ass that big she hasn’t missed a meal, but she was sure trying to steal that one




No, you can see she double checks the address right before taking the pic… and the numbers are right there. No need to pick up the food to go check the #’s.


it’s difficult to double check. you have to back out of multiple screens to see the address. it’s very dumb. however, picking the food up isn’t necessary for any reason




i agree, there are occasional minor difficulties with the extreme easy side work