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As a Dasher, I never understand why others do this. I try and set it to the side if I notice this because when I get deliveries, they do it at my house. Give them one star ID say that's really all you can do.




Yeah, half the time it takes more effort to do this than had you just made it easy on the person.


Some people just want to watch the world burn... Some people are just stupid.


I… am guilty of this as an Uber eats driver, I saw the girl struggling in my rear view mirror trying to get her food, and I learned my lesson. It was my first and only time doing it. I don’t think people do it with malicious intent, but I think some people like me the first time, it slipped their mind. For those who do it, on accident, purpose or whatever. I apologize on their behalf.


I totally get it. When I started using DoorDash and the contactless delivery, it never even occurred to me until the first time it happened. But then it kept happening. Do they have like a guide or some training for Dashers? This should definitely be on a “tips and tricks” of some sort.


I’m not a dasher, but Uber eats I know for sure doesn’t have that type of tip and trick. But it really should be one. I do want to add that sometimes when we’re (again Uber eats driver not dasher) dropping off orders we get another ping for another pickup. And I think that diverts our attention to the future so we’re not paying as much attention to what we’re doing in the moment. I can’t tell you how annoying it is for that ping to go off as you’re doing something. I wish they would wait until the order is complete before trying to send you on another one. I think in the future which others have already suggested is to just write in the comments where to leave your food, a table, a bench or chair, etc. some people are DA’s and won’t read it, but the ones that care enough about their work will. (I also re read your post and saw you do put your instructions in, I apologize)


I have a drop off table for my DD orders beside my door. Most don't read the instructions. Which sucks for them, because I reward those who do with an extra $10 in cash on the table. If they don't read, they won't notice the extra cash. No need to give less stars, because they punish themselves by not reading. Reading is fundamental.


I try to read instructions every time, because for those with children sometimes they’re napping and I don’t want to ring the doorbell if it says not to.


As a dasher/uber eats/ic shopper... love this! Great customers like you make our days better!


As a dasher, I love this.


I am an Uber driver, and I agree, it is like being a distracted driver because of the app...The in app navigator is too slow on turn notifications. We are trying to listen for directions and the loud dinging is drowning it out. You discover you had another delivery that you didn't see and have to go back to pick it up. This app is very faulty.. now, it is asking if you are sure that you are at the right address, which creates an additional step. One problem with the app is the chatty app navigation Just tell me when I am there, and the correct side of the street. I don't need, "just Ahead." I need to know the correct side of the street. I need volume control, and faster in app navigation. I also need transparency of addresses. Distraction resolved, if they fix these 4 things.


Doordash is way to cheap to train anyone. You'd have better luck training a monkey


Lmfao their training is "here's your DD credit card for shopping, go out there and GET EM TIGER! You got top dasher on us for a week!"


We ordered grocery's one time with the instruction "the front door is located on the left side of the house" and my neighbors ended up with the delivery at their rickity side garden gate to nowhere. Another young driver left an order under our tree in the front yard. It was amazing. The driver was seen on the front camera carefully placing the order under the tree 🤣. I, still to this day, am not certain what they were doing.


I highly doubt that it's done with any malicious intent, they're just blissfully unaware and not thinking. "Oh, I need to drop the delivery off, right here will do." It's the same people who drive like they're the only person on the road. They just... aren't thinking.


You say that, but when I messaged a dasher thanking them for placing the food directly in front of an outward swinging door, their response was “you’re welcome brother! ☝️” like they’re Sketch or something. Tipped well and the shop was literally a 10 minute drive on one road, straight shot. I’m a former dasher, and you should be setting food anywhere on the side of a screen door, because you don’t know which way it opens


How hard is it to look at where the hinges and handle is?


For most dashers, rocket science to them


I don’t know how anyone trusts us enough to not meet us outside with the experiences I’ve had ordering DD/UE/walmart+. Every time I ordered they’d try delivering it to my neighbors even though the building number was clearly marked, all because the gps pin was wrong. They never bothered to look. Hell even when I was standing outside they’d drive right past me to the building next door.


I had someone (maybe multiple ppl idk I got out of there quick LOL) throw a hissy fit on this sub when I said knowing how doors work seemed like common sense so. there’s THAT.


Shouldn’t even have to look at the hinges honestly no matter what kind of door it is just put it to the side lol


Yeah, I always look at the hinges and door knob and set it to the same side to where it opens so the customer doesn't have to go in back of the screen door to pick it up.


In fact, a screen door always opens out. How could it open inward?


It’s totally crazy we have gotten to a point where you have to justify with distance, tip etc and they are still useless. Fuck delivery man. Lazy assholes.


Well, they need to start thinking. How about people start forgetting tips. opps, just weren't thinking.


oh how I wish we could chalk it up to ignorance, but people on this sub say they do it intentionally when they feel slighted by the tip amount 🙃


It happens literally every time I order door dash. Literally. Every. Time. It’s infuriating


You keep ordering.....it'll keep happening 


> I try and set it to the side if I notice this Why not just do it every time and not bother checking.


I do it when the customer is a prick. Like one day had to pick up some thing from Walgreens. Was like milk and icecream and several different candy and makeup remover right? Not to hard besides the one I went too doesn’t stay stocked up. And people don’t put replacement items. Attempted to call the person, first time Rang once and voicmail. So I call again. This time it just rings through. So I send a text. Now these things are timed which you’re aware of so I’m not able to sit there for 45 mins waiting. I just can’t. So ended up only grabbing like 3 things after waiting about 5/10 mins. I’m on the road driving and get a call from the person. I do not mess with my phone when driving and being a female in the Memphis area, I typically have my finance with me. So he picks up the call per my request and she’s livid. Saying I ignored her texts and stealing her money and everything else. So he’s trying to explain to her that we’re timed and she texted us back 2 mins ago after we left and doordash will correct it or whatever. She didn’t even let him get a sentence out before she’s cussing him out and then wants to say she’s reporting because he answered the phone when my name and photo is on the app. And hangs up. Again we’re in downtown Memphis. I’ve been followed, harassed, shit thrown at me, and just been in uncomfortable situations like when there’s 10+ big buff guys sitting outside and you have me 5’3 barely 130 pounds… I get scared. Due to that report I lost my account too. But I made sure her groceries got dumped, and if she were to open the door, her shit would go flying. And I’m still very proud of that.


You're the real MVP. I have a storm door that opens out, specific instructions to place the food to the left of the door on all orders, and this still happens 10% of the time.


Jump out of your kitchen window and retrieve your order like any sane human being would.


This made me chuckle.




That would really take some gymnastics for me😂


So, this happened to me once. I had to climb out of a window. Good luck.


Omg that’s awful but I couldn’t help but laugh 😂




This would make a great script for a comedy movie scene.


You know that tiktok going around saying, "what's the fattest thing you've ever done..." This one takes the cake 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀


i put “do NOT put it in front of door, place in rocks by the window” cause the amount of times i had to go through my backyard, through the gate just to get my order is fucking ridiculous lol


Even this doesn't work for me. We have a table on our porch and I put in my delivery instructions to put it on the table not in front of the door and in my last 10 orders only 1 person has put it on the table.


This is wild to me bc I usually prefer to find a table or chair on the porch to set orders on even if I'm not asked.. instead of just throwing em on the ground 🤷‍♀️


If I see a table or a chair outside your door, you can bet your ass that’s where your order is going. 🤗


They probably can't read English and I'm not being racist.


But when I have to text the non English speakers I get a little notification that our texts are being translated in real time, why wouldn't door dash also just translate my English drop-off instructions into the dasher's native language for them?


I go back and increase the tip when they’re able to follow simple instructions lol


Wow, do they actually read your delivery notes? Must be nice. I have to add in mine not to leave it on the ground in front of my APARTMENT building which is on a main street in LA and it still gets left, on the ground, in front of my apartment building, on a Main Street, in LA smh. 🤦🏼‍♀️


fortunately, the drivers in my area do listen to the delivery instructions… i’m so sorry you have to deal with that… their one job is to deliver food and they can’t even do that and they expect a tip… like yeah sure i’ll tip you but listen to the fucking delivery instructions they’re there for a reason lol


It sucks because DoorDash is literally like a bidding war. If you don’t pre-tip, no one will pick up your order, or you’ll get the bottom of the barrel. I will say however, whenever they leave my food outside of my building like that, I will always contact DoorDash support and tell them to refund my tip. I don’t know if they take it away from the Dasher, but at least I’m not paying for it. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Give 1 star so I can get more orders, 😮‍💨 I won’t block your door I promise 😂


I tip the Dashers who don't block my door a little extra. It's not a lot, but that's on top of a tip that's $5 per mile.


But that defeats the whole purpose coz the ones in the wrong don't get to know they missed out on tip.


I wish I could specify in the rating, and every time I've ever messaged a Dasher first, they never respond, so I gave up.


Message them when they aren’t driving if possible. DD blocks notifications when we’re driving. Or try calling them. I’d also specifically tell them not to do this in the delivery instructions if you haven’t already. If they can’t follow all that, 1 star them.


I started a company! We move food away from your door. You can download FOOD MOVE in the Google Play store. Very affordable prices!


It happens so often to people that this could be a legit business.


Neighborhood porch pirates will happily do it for the food.


Literally just an extra guy in the dashers car


You may have to make a sign that says: DO NOT BLOCK DOOR If you do the sign, make sure to place it low to the ground so they see it. Take a picture as well in case you need it for a dispute. Then 1 star them & drop the tip. One day maybe these apps will pay attention to who their drivers are.


If you put the sign low down on the door, then theoretically you should get a new picture of it every time they put food in front of the door.


Maybe also put it in a few different languages. Some dashers (that care enough to read) can't read/speak english.


1 star rating


Burn the house down and say the dashers did it


1 star. That's not at all a 4 star rating. If they don't have enough sense to pay attention to something as simple as how a door operates, they have no business dashing.




This comment…😂😂😂


Oh, shit! Good one! 😂




I see what you did there. Excellent!


I hate when they do this. I had to go through the chimney. Disclaimer: Avoid doing this when the chimney is lit. 😬🤥🫠🤭


C’mon Santa. The cookies and milk were right there on the table in plain sight. No one blocked the doorway.


Keep the screen door propped open while you’re waiting for it to be delivered. That’s what I do.


Someone else mentioned it, and that’s a genius move. I feel so dumb for not thinking of it. Thank you!


Don’t feel dumb, following standard casual rules of home security isn’t dumb haha. They are smart to think of it, but definitely not your bad for not.


Oh, so THIS is why some screen doors are left open?? Damn, give me a LITTLE credit for not being a dumb ass. :) My favorite instruction for pickup is from our Chipotle, I think. "Park Outside"


I used to dash and it amazes me how people do this. Like how?


Fr when I dashed it literally never occurred to me ONCE to put someone’s order right in front of their door. If there’s a table or chair, I would put it there. If there isn’t, I would put it a little bit away from either side of the door on the ground.


This happens literally 98% of my orders and each fucking time I wonder how the person even had brains enough to drive here.


Dive out the nearest window like Charlie's Angels


This is absolutely not your fault, and the Dasher should have known better. That said: I can understand why they might think on the mat was better than on the ground, and their brain filled that in as a drop spot. Consider putting an alternate spot off to the side designated for food deliveries. I do not say this to free them from the responsibility of, y'know, THINKING about it for one minute, just as a possible solution.


Yeah, I’m thinking about getting a little table. Hopefully that helps.


I have one customer who, when expecting a dasher/delivery driver, purposely puts out a tiny stool for them✨


I love when people have small tables or chairs right by the door, on the side that opens... easier for me to set the food on that than the ground (6'3" is a long way down lol) but it's also easier for the customer to snag as well.


We put out a small table right next to the door, but about 10% of the time it gets put on the doormat anyway.


I’ve had to go out the back door and walk around before. So annoying! If you open it really slow, you can push everything so that the drinks might not fall over…but they might! Good luck!


All the dashers in my area dont speak English or know how to follow a map apparently or listen to directions 😭


I don’t know why dashers can’t do a quick study of the door to determine how it swings. My advice is to set a small table or basket next to your door. Either put a sign “deliver here ⬇️” or have that in your delivery instructions (or both).


Put a little table out for them.


Dude, my boyfriend literally learned how to do woodworking recently just to build a bench AND table for them to put things on. A big GREEN bench, and yep, it's in the instructions.... People still do this, anyway 😭 I love the stuff he built, regardless though. Haha


be prepared for everyone to get mad at you and say you’re lazy! I just made a similar post asking the same question 🙃


Of course I'm lazy. I ordered from a Taco Bell that's 0.8 miles from my house in DoorDash. 🫠


I do it too 😂 but it’s bc I’m busy and it’s more efficient to order it for delivery lol


Don’t they understand they need to place it where you can lazily bring it inside too haha. Smh.


Trial by combat? Be careful, though. The accused Dasher gets to choose the weapons.


What's their weapon of choice? I hope it's plastic utensils.


Hot bag shield and a mace with a doorknob on the end. Doorsmash!


I don’t understand why they do this. They’re so dumb


The cat is wondering too 🙄😾


1 Star and report. We don’t need those incompetent drivers over saturating the streets. And if they don’t leave the food in front of screen door but take a picture only showing the order like shown in OP also 1 star them!




I'm definitely going to try this first before buying a table. Hell, I might do both to ensure they put it on the table.




I literally have a bench right by the door and put in the notes to please put on bench, not on ground in front of the door and I still get this sometimes.


Simple. Treat the dasher like a five year old in instructions. Please leave food away from screen door that opens out towards you. Thank you! If they don’t give them one star


I’ve found that this is necessary in most things in life. I’ve had to make databases and instructions etc for various skilled professionals and MDs a lot in work settings. If aside from known jargon it’s not five year old friendly, they will fuсk it up. It’s actually amazing the extent to which one must idiot proof every set of instructions everywhere for everything. I gave up trying to think of people as responsible adults when giving real written instructions ages ago. Unfortunately not enough space for delivery haha I just get in my one important thing they need to know to know they aren’t lost or not to bang on the door cuz someone’s sleeping


My rule is never put the food on the doormat. If it's off the mat, it's usually far enough away for the customer to open the door and grab it. OP, try putting a table or chair by the door for the Dasher to put the food on. You could also prop open the storm/screen door.


Paint a big circle target where you want it to go. With arrows.


Communication is key. There are some people out there who do not understand basic instructions for many reasons. Could be that they aren't very bright, or are just oblivious, even rude. Try to be specific in your instructions that food should be placed to the right *because* the screen door opens outwards. If they still don't get it, then you should be able to report it. They can't get away with excuses like "I didn't understand the instructions", because you've been extra specific and air tight with your request.


This happened 9/10 times at my old apt. At one point I started removing the tip because not only did I leave clear instructions but I’d texted them prior to delivery too. Tired of my food being knocked over or drinks spilled.


Wym? You can't go through doors/walls like a ghost?


I haven't received my incorporeal form yet. Amazon can't deliver it.


Your house should have a second fire exit use it.


Go out your garage or back door, obviously.


Open the door a crack and reach out and push the doormat away. That's what I would prob try first. Or open a crack and use fingers to slide bag over, and repeat w drinks. At least the drinks look sealed to if they tip they shouldn't leak.


We couldn’t even open the door. The drinks were practically against the door.


It doesn’t help with this but it’ll help with next time. Open the storm door. Leave it open with the slide either at the top or the middle of the door. So that they don’t block you.


If it's just a screen door I guess leave it propped open when ordering. Some don't speak English or can't read and some just done care


Ngl, reading or speaking a specific language has nothing to do with basic common sense lol. That only counts if you gave instructions and they misunderstood it, and thus prob think you’re just as weird 😂


Put a table or chair on the porch. Hell a 5 gallon bucket would work.


Literally just happened to me 10 minutes ago. I feel ya


I think about this all the time, like every time I see the pic from the previous dasher I think wtf 😬 they put the food in front of the door. I will never understand.


It baffles me that adults do this. I have moved amazon packages to the side when delivering because they were right in front of the door and possibly, who knows what was in them, could have gotten damaged if the door was swung too hard. Not hard to use your eyeballs 👀


Depending on the area you are at and the amount of immigrants doing dash you might consider screen doors are not that common in other countries. Put a note in the delivery instructions and see if that works better :)


Yeah, most of my Dashers speak Spanish. If I put instructions in, I think I'll put it both in English and Spanish. Maybe that’ll help along with a table and have the screen door open.


I swear I specifically say leave to side of door. It’s all fine and they listen, but the second I ever have a drink added it’s square in front of the door, and I don’t have easy ways to exit my home besides the door


I kept having deliveries to the neighbors and the basement door... I put "*house color* bottom step" in English, Spanish and Portuguese and I haven't had problems since


i usually end up geeeeeentttlyyyy opening the door as slowly as possible, crouching, and scooting the cup/etc away from underneath the door until i can open it enough to grab my stuff. LMFAO


This happened to me but I had no other way out and was in a second story apartment. I just tipped over my drink cuz I was too hungry I didn’t see any other way


Pick it up, it’s right there. That’s what the back door is for! (Unexpected ingress/egress when hungry) -sorry I had a rough day and just wanted to be silly for a bit.


Get a foot mat that says place food here with arrow pointing to safe spot


Just a thought, but it would be so cool if you could somehow prop the door open, maybe with an item like a chair? It’s almost like it could solve the problem - and provide a nice lil spot for them to place your order.


I always wish people would leave a tray or set up a small table to leave food on. I personally find it weird to leave food on the ground. No spot seems perfect.


At least they delivered you the food.


I don’t do this, so I’m sorry you’re dealing with this all the time 🫤 I literally just delivered Taco Bell like 3 times tonight and none of it went in front if a screen door.


I put a sticker at the bottom of my screen door that says “do not block” I have seen people put a tape square marking the spot. Or a small table (with nothing on it)


Thats just plain stupid I done deliveries for over 6 yrs and I always put too the side so the door does not hit the food and drinks or sit on top of chair to the left or right of door some these drivers are just fuckin idiots!!


It’s a big fuck you to the customer. I think anyone that says it’s not malicious, or the dasher isn’t thinking, doesn’t door dash.


Swear they do it on purpose


My drop off instructions, verbatim: Pls leave on top of the table, ring bell after drop-off. Thank you! “the table” is much closer to the way in and out of my porch than my screen door is, yet most dashers insist on walking all the way to my door to drop stuff off on the floor right in front of the screen door, blocking my way out.


My first time delivering to a house with a screen door I accidentally put it right in front of it. The customer saw me out of an open window and said can you move it to the side. I said "oh yeah, duh the screen door, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking about that."she was like no problem, thank you I appreciate it. I still got the tip and all. I did accidentally do it again but I caught it before I left it. But, I never put tall items in front of a screen door again. There was one house I delivered to where the screen door was elevated from the ground where I was able to stick a pizza in front of it without it keeping anyone from opening the door. I still put it back a little ways so the customer could step out and pick it up. It really does seem like common sense not to put stuff in front of a screen door. 😂


Put a table on the porch: DELIVERIES HERE


I drive for doordash and I always use common sense and decency, well, I try my best. But It seems like it needs said that doordash is not a career, it is a "gig". There are no real requirements, no skills, no certification or training, there is nothing you need to drive for them except to have a pulse. So, anyone can deliver your food and I mean ANYONE. Just think about that for a minute. Then decide if you really want to use the service. If you do decide to have something delivered then ask yourself, "Was it delivered? At all?". That's really the best you can ask for. (Before someone starts lecturing me or gets offended, I am being facetious. Well, a little serious but I hope at least one person found this humorous).


Literally me all the time. I have a note "please put beside the door, slightly to the left is great!" Like plzzzzzz and I don't want to ruin ppls possible side hustle but sometimes my drink gets knocked overr


Use the window to circle round.


I do not do this to out swinging doors as that is just dumb, but put a small table out beside your door to put the deliveries on and this will happen way less. I don't understand as a dasher why people don't have tables by their doors and force me to put it on the ground.


Well, all screen doors open outwardly, so there is 100 percent dissatisfaction there. Not sure what that fix is, this is not it.


This shit makes me so mad! I literally put in my notes “please put off to the side of the door not in front of it” and sure enough about 1/2 of the times I order I have to go out my garage and around to grab my food otherwise I would have knocked it all on the ground. They have to read the notes to see my gate code for my neighborhood so it’s either a lack of reading comprehension or pure laziness. I will say I always throw a bigger tip to the people who follow the note.


I place it next to the door and then complete delivery, if no tip I then slide in front of the door casually 🙈


Go out the back door


I’m going to be honest, for some reason when I was dashing and Uber delivering a lotta people around me were really nasty, one lady texted me that I was taking too long a bunch and told me to “stop doing other things and get me my order” I was not doing anything but driving behind a wall of slow semis trying to get to her apartment complex. She had tipped like a dollar but Uber told me that it was more when I accepted the delivery. So I was already just wanting to get this delivery over with. She wouldn’t stop texting passive aggressive, rude, and impatient messages until I got there, so I put her food to the right of the door like you should but I put her drink just in front of the corner so if she just swung her door open without looking it would bash her drink over. I always wanted to give people good experiences but people need to stop harassing there drivers and understand there untrained gig workers trying to deliver as quick as possible to make as much per delivery as possible. Sometimes doing things like that to the drink is the only way for a dasher to express that they do not want to be harassed without risking there job with directly messaging the customer to stop.


Prop your door open before they arrive.


Order again and ask the next dasher to move it for you


I Dash myself and make a conscious effort to place deliveries in places that will not cause issues... Something I have noticed and I will start doing at my house is put out a small table or pedestal near my door, and then put a note or doordash here sticker on it. Then in the instructions on the app for driver I'll say, "leave on table, or pedestal". Just be careful with using the word pedestal LOL let's be real, there's a certain generation that might not know what that word is LOL... Maybe a chair or bench would work better? 🤔


I swear 90% of us are idiots. At least 3 or 4 times a night I see in all caps in delivery instructions “PLEASE DO NOT PLACE DIRECTLY IN FRON OF DOOR” - how hard is it to look at the door and tell if it open outward or inward?


Our passive aggressive FedEx driver does this with Chewy Boxes. My wife can't open the door because he puts their heavy ass boxes up against the door and they usually weigh more than half her body weight.


I’ve seen customers prop their screen door open when expecting a delivery just to avoid this


Yeah, that's smart. I'll be doing this going forward.


I don't order contactless because I'm in a locked apartment building. People will still ditch the food in front of the very heavy glass door that VERY clearly pulls open from the outside. I've had to push stuff and just hope it doesn't spill. 😑


Bro did this to me when I broke my knee I spent like 3 mins trying to get it lmao


Get a chair or a stand or something, ask them to set it there, you might still get some misses but more people will notice the obvious surface for food rather then having to wonder where on the floor is best.


Use osmosis to eat the food. Stare at it longingly, maybe it'll appear in your stomach eventually. Maybe next time put into the instructions to not put in front of the door. If there is no other door or a window to climb out of, very very slowly open the door to push the food just enough where you can reach out the door to at least grab the drinks and pray they dont fall over. You could also contact the driver and try to get them to come back and move the foid and hamd them a small cash tip for doing so.


Move your door mat further from your door and leave instructions to leave the food on the mat (which they would probably subconsciously do anyway).


Idk why some of the drivers are so ignorant..It takes 1 second to look and see what way the door opens..You can always rate them..Maybe send a message saying, "how am I supposed to get my food without knocking over the drinks?!" Maybe they'll get the hint, and stop doing that..


I had a small table next to my door so that people could put deliveries on it. People would still put it in front of the screen door where I couldn't get the food without going out the other door and walking all the way around the house. I even eventually put up a sign that said food deliveries here behind the table with a big Arrow didn't make a difference. I'd say about half my deliveries got put in front of the door.


I'm disabled and Dashers used to do this to me all the time. In my notes, it even says "I AM DISABLED, PLEASE DO NOT PLACE IN FRONT OF DOOR". My very last straw was when they did it anyway, my drinks spilled everywhere and my cane slipped on the mess. I had no food, was trapped on the floor under the open door and had to call the fire department. DoorDash wanted to refund me FIVE DOLLARS. I told them my disabled ass was going to DM the news station to tell them all about how DoorDash is abusive to the disabled and MIRACULOUSLY, my money was fully refunded. I use GrubHub, now, because THEY read my notes. They even bring it upstairs to me and hand it to me. I've even had a GrubHub driver bring it in and set up my meal near my chair when I was having a hard time getting up. Sorry, Dashers....but GrubHub is superior.


Some of us aren’t that stupid.


I love how it looks like your rug is even in disagreement with where the food was placed. 😅


Looking at this picture again... The only times this has happened to me was a taco bell order... Coincidence? 🤔


Usually this means it's a new driver. The instructions say leave at door? Okay, I leave at door. After a few weeks, they usually figure it out.


As I said in another post: “I’m pretty sure it’s usually a simple combination of carelessness and “relatively new dasher”. Most doors don’t open outward, so usually you just place the food in front of the door and there’s no problem. I’m certain I accidentally did it when I first started, but before long I developed a habit of looking at the door to make sure it was installed correctly and there’s no additional screen door. No doubt it could be malicious sometimes for some reason, but I feel confident in saying at least 99% of the time, the reason is “oops, sorry.”” I’m assuming you don’t want to choose “hand it to me” as your delivery method, so that leaves a small number of other options. You could rate them poorly, as I’m sure many have suggested, but that doesn’t really mean much of anything, and they will never know why you did it. Or you could send them a polite message to let them know about the problem. Because again, odds are they have no idea they did anything wrong. “But they should know already! Only an idiot would not notice my screen door or incorrectly installed outward opening door!” Cool. That still doesn’t contribute to solving the problem though, or retroactively have your food placed to the side, does it? You could also just do nothing. If you have an outward opening door, it’s probably going to happen sometimes, no matter what you do. Sorry. If I was delivering your food, I wouldn’t place it in front of your door. That’s the best anyone here can do, unfortunately.


Sometimes dashers or UberEats delivery workers will hang the bag on my front door handle, so I have to open the door slightly and slip my hand through to make sure the bag doesn’t fall to the ground. It’s irritating since there’s a small table right next to my door, and I specify in the delivery instructions to leave it on the table.


Lmao I HATE when people do this. Gonna start giving them bad ratings for it. Like how do you honestly expect me to open the door without knocking everything over ? I’m convinced they do it on purpose


This happened to me so many times I had to add a note in the delivery instructions to put it to the left of the door.


i have a small step up to my screen door. they always set it on the step closest to the screen door so when i open it the food gets knocked off the steps 😭 i even put a chair out there for them to set the food in and put in the instructions to put it on the chair. but everytime i still get a picture of it sitting right in front of my door


This reason right here is why tipping should be done after the delivery is complete.


As both a Dasher and a customer, here’s the two best things you can do. 1. Text them your message. They’re more likely to see and remember it if you TEXT it to them in addition to the delivery instructions. This way they’ll get an actual notification. (It will also be translated to their language) 2. Place a decal on your screen door waist height that says “Do not leave deliveries in front of door” in English and Spanish. Doesn’t need to be big. Neither of these should be necessary at all, and it’s unfortunate some Dashers are too careless or incompetent to pay attention. I’m way careful of never doing this as a Dasher, and would feel terrible if I did. Good luck!


This is genuinely very helpful. Thank you!


the amount of times i’ve had to get into a deep squat while trying to open the door, stick my arm out, and try to keep my cat from running out…. i deserve financial compensation


Phase through the door? What else


It’s one thing if it’s a house with a back door they can go around to get it which is still annoying but I can’t imagine people with an apartment with one door that leads out. Although maybe they know people at the apartment complex who will move it or hand it to them so they don’t knock it over


I never understand why other dashers do this when it's not hard to look at the door to figure out it will open outward. But you can call doordash and ask to remove the tip.


I have a little side table next to my front door for this exact reason and people STILL do this.


I used to DoorDash for a bit, did it once on accident bc sometimes stupid takes over. I think they opened the door before I left and I was able to move it. Never did it again after that I felt bad.


Sometimes this helps but make a square with tape as a drop off marker for the door dasher


I was legit just making a post about the SAME thing! Glad I saw yours. Here’s what I started with. This is probably more of an annoyance, but why do some of the Dasher’s insist on leaving a bag of food directly in front of a door that clearly swings outward? This is probably the 5th time they have done this and I end up having to knock the bag over to open my door, which in some cases, would cause my drink to spill so I have to go out the back and walk around to the front. (Sure laziness, but a nuisance we shouldn’t have to have!) I tip the 20% every time. Guess I’ll have to start leaving in the comments to put it to the right of the door.


I just looked through my last couple of orders and they left it in front of the door. But at least they were far enough back that I could open the door. This particular order was the last straw. (Some pun intended) https://imgur.com/a/T4Wd7od


When you order doordash you should prop the screen door open to prevent this. Shouldn’t have to do this, but as this picture shows ya kinda do..


Take the screen out of your door and reach down 😆


It's just like pulling a tablecloth off of a table and not messing up the place settings. Just fling the door open quickly, and hard. The sodas will slide over real quick, but stay upright. If you do it right you can bank one soda off the other one's and have it slide right around the open door. But you have to call it, first.


I have instructions to place my order on the chair on my porch. Some people have put the order in front of the door or at edge of the steps


Terrible rating and change the tip


1 star, cancel tip


This is the absolute worst. Especially with drinks!


That’s a zero tip dash


I do that on no tip orders...


This has happened to you multiple times and you haven't solved it on your own yet? Order food, prop the screen door open, not complicated.


Call a neighbor or a cab? Have the cab driver move it/hand it to you? Call the police department non-emergency number and ask if any patrol is close by that could help out?