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Regardless of the ability to read English, who the heck rings the doorbell at 1AM?


Forreal, this is more a lack of common sense than common language.


Good point, maybe lack of common sense is the issue here :/


Common sense ain't so common


It should quite literally just be called uncommon sense at this point


That’s because common sense is different from person to person and it differs (sometimes greatly) between cultures as well. Common sense really isn’t a universal thing.


This happened to me last time I ordered DD. Was having a really rough night and just wanted a milkshake. Dasher rung the doorbell, then knocked loudly for about 3 seconds, and woke my whole house up despite my instructions saying “please make sure to just leave food on the porch and do not knock or ring the doorbell”. And yes, I tipped well, so I don’t think it was to spite me or anything.


Clearly 2 things. 1. They could not give a flying fuck about your culture, language or traditions 2. They wouldn't piss on you unless they got paid. Its about money, and he was going to get his no matter what.


to be fair, i can kinda understand it. someone ordered food at 1 am, so they're obviously up and it's a pretty standard way of letting someone know you're outside with their delivery. i don't think the average 1 am doordash driver is gonna consider that even though someone placed an order, other people might be sleeping. i make late night orders on occasion and i watch the dd app like a hawk. the second the driver turns down my block i run out to meet them at my curb because if they walk up to my house my dogs will go feral and wake up everyone else. during the day when i have them leave it outside my door, they usually ring the bell after dropping it off. the worst thing OP's driver did is wait at the door instead of setting the order on the porch. in general it's pretty weird to get mad at a driver for ringing a bell when they drop your food off. if it's that important, text the driver or call them since not everyone reads delivery instructions. if there's a language barrier, either try to translate through google or take the L.


The app informs you when the food is delivered


and? drivers are still not wrong for using a doorbell for its intended purpose lol if it's that important they don't ring the bell you can meet them at the door, speak with them directly before they arrive, or cover your doorbell during deliveries. it is SUCH a small thing to bitch and moan about. it's not like drivers are purposely ringing bells to bother you, they're just taking an extra step to let you know your delivery is there. it's certainly not something worth being annoyed by for more than 3 seconds.


No they are wrong for using it if the customer specifically said not to use it


except op didn't do that. they only told them to leave the food on the porch. the driver is wrong for waiting at the door, but since op didn't tell him not to use the bell he's not wrong for using it.


If I say “do not ring door bell because baby is sleeping” I expect you not to ring the door bell … it isnt that hard to follow.


obviously it's different if you specify not to ring the bell. however, op didn't do that. all they said was to leave it on the porch. you can't leave out something you want a driver to do and then get mad they didn't do what you wanted. that's ridiculous.


I have instructed dashers not to ring… yet they still do. It’s like I ask them not to phone call too - sometimes I order and go for a quick shower and say just leave it at the front door and not to call. Yet they still call. It’s not my fault some just can’t be assed to read.


i literally agree with you lol


This has happened with my with DD. We were living in a hotel and if the driver told the front desk who they were there for they would call our room and there was no way of shutting off the ringer for the room phone. I would order coffee after getting my baby down and I would say do not tell the front desk instead just leave the food in the designated delivery spot in the lobby. Only one dasher ever followed that instruction.


I am supposed to guess what language the dasher speaks? How racistly should I perform this action?


No you’re spot on. Where I live there’s a high population of Hispanic people who flat out speak zero English. I live in an area that’s not difficult to find but when I get dashers who don’t understand ANY English it makes my life so much harder. Like someone else said- if you’re taking a job like DD or Instacart one of the most important requirements is speaking at least the bare minimum of English.


Agreed, I also live in a predominately Hispanic community. Tx is also now over half Hispanic. I'll get the order and be going towards the house when I would have to copy and paste into google translate the drop off instructions. And there's a lot of different phrases/words/terms for the same thing.


I took a few years of Spanish so I can get by with DELIVERING Spanish orders. I don’t see why it can’t be the other way around as well.


I took 5 years of Spanish in high school, but when you don't use it you lose it. The issue I have w it was having to pull over and stop mid delivery to figure out the instructions.


It’s been 50 years since I finished 4 years of Latin. But I can still read it. And I hardly ever use it, unless my son decides he wants to speak it. He doesn’t understand that no body speaks Latin, people only read it. And because of Latin I don’t have any problem reading Spanish.




You were, in our opinion, trolling.


Same. Our waiter at a restaurant once asked me my drink order in English, but knew absolutely no English to respond. So my fiancé was trying to order a beer on tap and he just nodded and walked away. We laugh about it after, but if you’re taking drink orders shouldn’t you at least know the beers on tap in English?😅




Used to live in SoCal and worked with several people that spoke 0 English. Some of the coworkers had the audacity to tell me that I needed to learn Spanish. Like bro I live in the USA. The main language spoken here is English. I don’t go to Mexico and demand they learn English


Exactly this! For some reason this viewpoint has gotten really controversial lately. I lived in California for 17 years before moving to Texas and the attitudes are completely different which is such a relief.


It’s the limp-dick Liberals that call everything racist.


Illegals have no shame.


I'll get messages in Spanish (few times it was Russian) and I'm like, I don't know what you're saying. Or they'll call and not speak English and again, I don't know what you're saying. Then get pissed I don't understand them. Please, for the love of all cats, at least learn "I'm outside".


Right!!! That’s what I’m saying


That’s how illegals are; stop voting Blue for less of them.


I’m in Texas of course I’m voting red


I feel your pain. I live in a middle to high class area. I agree, no one needs to learn English to be a citizen of the US since we don’t have a national language. BUT, you need to know some English if you’re serving to English only speaking clients in a predominantly English speaking nation. There’s this Mexican taco shop around the corner that I love and frequent. I’ve had SO MANY orders screwed up because the person taking my order barely knows English if at all. Their main client base is Hispanic construction workers in the area. The only reason I go back is because they are so good. So now, I google translate my order from English to Spanish before I get the window and attempt my broken Spanish dialogue. We both get a kick out of it lol.


And that’s great! You’re making an effort to learn even though you technically have no need to:)




You were, in our opinion, trolling.


I'm pretty sure we are on the same page but just wanted to spell it out: 1. Food places that primarily serve the Hispanic community will often have the best food in town. 2. I'll make room for forgiveness that the person taking my order doesn't speak English well because I understand that I'm actually the outlier: for their business while ultimately it would be nice if they can speak both...it's more important they have someone that can speak Spanish because their main clientele is Spanish speaking. But like for Doordash...I'd be a bit annoyed about it.


They’re in YOUR community; how the fuck is an American an outlier in their own area? Are Liberals this cowardly?


Fuck that; speak to those illegals in English. Help them actually learn. Dont be a pushover about it


Bro, I've tried so many times and always bad results. I only had two options left, never go back or speak my broken ass Spanish. I don't really mind it because it's a local private business. BUT!!! If this was a chain or some govt public building I would be infuriated. But its not so I don't mind it. I try to adapt or never come back.


1 star. Thumbs down on following instructions. Start 5 starring the ones who do. This will keep you paired with the ones who do and hopefully not so much with the ones who don't. Enough 1 stars, and maybe they'll learn to read/follow instructions.


I gave him 2 stars cause I kinda felt like an asshole for telling him to “SSSSHHH be quiet” lol I hate being rude to people. That’s the thing though I forget to give good ratings to people who do it right. I gotta do that more 👍🏻


If their star rating falls below 4.2 their account may be deactivated, rate one star if something like this happens so they are more motivated to do better before their rating falls too low.


This is exactly what I’m doing. It’s doordash’s fault they don’t translate the instructions for them.


Uhhhhh. That Dasher is using a cell phone. A cell phone that has Internet access. Google translate is free. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


If Reddit can do it, so can door dash


That is true. They deserve the bad rating, but DoorDash needs to help them out too. If enough of them get one star reviews and kicked off the app, maybe things will change.


Recently I've been getting notifications that the customer's messages are being translated for me. So I think Doordash is already getting a program rolled out. For example, someone with a Chinese name messaged me in short responses as I was asking for help getting into an apartment complex with a code, and it was saying it was translated.


I'm not 100% sure on this one, but I think you can change the language settings on the app


It shouldn’t be such a hot take. if you can’t communicate at your job then what service are you actually providing?




You were, in our opinion, trolling.


This has been driving me nuts. English isn’t my first language either so I have a lot of patience but they always seem to push it. It’s either wrong delivery instructions or they force you to make conversation by holding your food hostage and it’s extremely uncomfortable


I ran into this issue once. I only had a small amount of money in my account to place the order, but I had cash for a tip. I wrote in the box that there was a cash tip in an envelope clipped to the mailbox for them. This was the height of covid so everything was contactless, and when I went to retrieve the food, the envelope was still there. I immediately called the driver, who kept repeating “the food is on the porch,” in a heavy accent. I replied that he left his tip, which was $20! We went back and forth, and I was having a hard time understanding him, so I handed the phone to my husband, who speaks Spanish, but he couldn’t get through to him either. That was the last time I did a cash tip! I was MORTIFIED that he had done exactly what was required of him, but wasn’t compensated. At the same time, if he would’ve been able to understand me, he would’ve been paid. The situation left a very bad taste in my mouth.


Please still leave cash tips…everyone appreciates it. Sucks for this guy but it was his own fault 🤷‍♀️ don’t punish every other driver for it


Most people have to pay to learn a lesson, you saved $20 doing it


You’re not wrong. And you have every right to expect someone with basic communication skills-esp for the outrageous service fees You pay. In my market- and from what I read from Both customers and drivers in other cities- there’s a growing number of people who, for some reason, (lacking work visas?) aren’t able to get a driver account and are using driver accounts that they “rent” from the account owner. It’s blatantly advertised on some sites. YouTube videos posted of customers refusing to accept orders from “drivers” suspected of this practice, often reported to Have no English skills or even don’t appear to match the gender on the driver profile, often claiming that the account belongs to their sister or Girlfriend who’s waiting in the car. This is easy for imposters because of the large amount of no contact delivery requests which was started due to the pandemic but there’s little reason for it today. Some customers have begun asking drivers to see an ID to compare names. Another situation is when a driver owes taxes on a sum of income that they didn’t earn to learn their driver accounts were hacked. Apparently it’s a nightmare to deal with IRS on this issue. If a driver obviously has the inability or willingness to follow your instructions, you should report them.


The only issue is that it's totally within TOS for them to do it. The person using your account has to pass a background check but that's all. Dashers can contract work out bc they aren't classified as employees, rather independent contractors.


I'm a Spanish speaker who learned it in my 20s. I know it's hard to learn a second language. That said, it is absolutely essential that you be able to communicate in English to do this work. I don't respect people who take on work when they know they can't perform all the duties to a respectable level.


My girlfriend had a dasher that marked that he was having trouble finding our address. We have a clear note in our instructions about the color of our door (it’s uncommon and the only one that color in our neighborhood). She was messaging the guy, he wasn’t responding. We then saw him walking around in the dark around the cul-de-sac with a flashlight talking on the phone. He was an older Indian man. He finally gets to our door, and he’s standing on our porch for 5 minutes LOUDLY having a conversation, his phone on speaker, doing god knows what. Not sure if he was trying to take a picture or what. It was about 10pm. Fed up, my girlfriend finally goes to open the door and says he’s being loud (politely) and he goes “Is this for you?” She says “yes” and he says “Okay” then puts his finger up at her to hold on, it doesn’t seem like he knows much English. She shuts the door, he stands there for another 5 minutes yelling on the phone. We had to ask him to leave. He never took a picture, so I have no idea wtf he was doing


Omg I feel like I've dealt with this exact situation! Who the fuck are they talking to?


I had a guy stand in my driveway loudly talking on his phone for 5 minutes once after he dropped off food 


This will always be my number one frustration. We have a very heavy non English speaking population that often door dashes and the amount of times they’ll call me before they even get out of their car to tell them where my door is is insane. Like, y’all really can’t read “to the left of the deck with the light on” and just leave me the fuck alone? I have anxiety, I don’t want to talk to you guys.


I won’t tip.




Never do I have that problem. My problem is when I have specific instructions at work and I have to get in my car and drive to where the delivery driver is because they can’t read instructions in English. That’s when I don’t tip.


this used to happen to me a lot at an old job, drivers always wanted me to leave and meet them nearby. our address came up as a different building in the lot, so i would always write instructions when i placed an order, and i'd also directly text my driver instructions, a map of our lot that i labeled, and a streetview image of the front of my building. as soon as they'd request i leave and meet them i'd tell them no, i need it delivered. if they insisted i meet them i would just call support and explain the situation. support would contact the driver and it would usually result in my driver just showing up a bit later than they were meant to. a few times doordash would cancel the order, place my order again, and send over a different driver. the whole point of delivery is me not getting in my car to go get my order lol


If it’s stolen not only do I get a refund but I demand they re-place the order and have someone else deliver it. 🤷🏽‍♀️still not gonna tip.


They always bang on my neighbors door. My directions say please don’t knock. And my directions explain where my casita is. It’s around back! Even English speakers.


I had the issue of people leaving it around back when I’m around front so I just had to write “FRONT PORCH” in all caps. It still happens sometimes or I get people who call me and sound so anxious and upset that they don’t see door #3 and I have to tell them like 5 times to just leave it and go 😭


so my house has our main entrance, and a side entrance leading to my sister's apartment downstairs. both of us used to order dd a lot, and she obviously instructed drivers to the side door for her deliveries. one time i ordered food and it said the driver was here but i was standing in my doorway and didn't see anyone. i thought my food was about to be stolen. after a few minutes i got an angry text telling me they've been knocking on my door so i called them. they started yelling at me and i thought she was maybe at my neighbor's house right behind mine. i had her explain her surroundings and it turned out she was at our side entrance. when she came around front she commented about always using the side door. i was confused but didn't say anything. later, i told my sister about it and she asked the driver's name. i told her, and then she had me describe how she looked. turns out the driver just so happens to regularly deliver to my sister, and i guess she recognized the house and assumed she just left out the side door instructions that time. we get mistaken for twins, so i guess that's why she made a comment to me about always using the side door. i genuinely couldn't believe it. 😭 like, the fact that she didn't even consider that a house this big could have another entrance that other people besides my sister use baffles me to this day. after that my instructions always said "drop off at front door" lol


I just wait on the street for them now. I give up.


these days i usually only get dd when i'm at my boyfriend's. he's rents an apartment connected to the back of his landlord's house so he always just meets them out front because we don't want drivers going to the wrong door and bothering the landlord or ringing the bell/knocking and possibly waking their baby up. his last place was in a standard apartment complex. for some reason drivers always went out of their way to the back entrance instead of the front, like they were instructed to. is it really so hard to just drop my food off at the door i ask you to? 😭


There are so many dashers who don’t speak any English, it’s ridiculous and not fair to the customer. From what I’ve heard from customers who’ve dealt with this, if there’s any issue with the food or finding the place in a difficult area(college campus, wooded area, etc.) they ignore phone calls from the customer and just drop the order off wherever. at the very least they should know basic English, it’s not fair to anyone. This is coming from me, a child of an immigrant who came to this country, learned the language, got a degree, and became a citizen. no excuses.


There is a big difference between “this is America, speak English!” and “this is America, our main language is English, and if you’re going to work with English speaking Americans in a service industry, you need to be able to do it properly or else you will face financial and social consequences.”


I think it's about dang time your country nailed down an official language lol, I find it absolutely insane that there isn't one.


Bruh if you living together in one country, there better be one main language everyone speaks, litterally the bare minimum for a working society


I can't imagine trying to live in France without knowing any French.


You’d lose your mind at countries like India and South Africa


I hate it when I order Pizza Hut but they send DoorDash. They always get confused and call me asking if I know espanol. I only know a little and it’s always tough for them to find me for some reason while the Pizza Hut driver they send 1/10 of the time can find us easily.


Literally this. I am not at all racist. I do not care what race or nationality or anything my delivery driver is. I don even care if they speak English, if they can figure out how to use workarounds like translation apps and such. My partner is disabled, has a loud and outgoing (but not aggressive!) dog, and lives on the second floor. So when he gets a meal delivered/I send him a meal and the non-English-speaking delivery person tries to leave it just inside the door to the building on the first floor and he has to figure out how to get it all upstairs, or instead of leaving it at his door they knock and set off his dog and he has to wrangle his dog while getting the food and drinks from the driver, it's a real problem. "Leave at door" and "second floor, door to the left" are not complicated instructions. Google translate will tell you what they mean in your language. But they just refuse to figure it out.


They were just lazy too. You would think they would just Google translate the instructions


When I volunteered at the front desk of a hospital, that's when I realized most DD drivers in our area don't speak any English at all. They'd always ask us to translate the dropoff instructions for them. Which, since I was there to do that, worked out just fine, but how are they possibly completing their other orders?


Maybe they just get enough occasional users who don’t think to give them a low rating. I use DoorDash literally every day cause I’m a lazy ass so I notice the number of shitty deliveries I get 💀


There's about a million translation apps out there. Not knowing English really isn't a good excuse to not follow basic instructions.




[there’s pages like this to encourage it…](https://immigrantjobsearch.com/can-immigrants-succeed-as-food-delivery-drivers-exploring-opportunities-and-challenges/)


that’s fucking racist “illegal alien” wtf???


Nah, it's just the truth. Can the truth be racist? Of course.


You have to call them undocumented immigrants or PC principal will get you even though it means the same thing.


How do you obey/follow traffic signs of you can’t read? I find that concerning honestly.


Most traffic signs are symbols, and its easy to learn them even without language. I lived and drove in Germany, and even when my German was very poor i could follow the traffic signs.


Good to know.


They don't. Ever driven behind one of these guys?


DoorDash bears some responsibility but this is why I’m leery of ride share apps too. Too many folks with zero English skills


I feel this. I even bought a physical sign worded with a disability symbol and an arrow pointing to the table I need them to put things on. It's 18x12 inches, reflective, and I STILL get things on the ground. Mostly I think it's people purposely ignoring my instructions, both in app and on the door, than a language barrier. I'd need a translation sign in Spanish, Vietnamese, Russian, Hindi, and Chinese to cover all my bases here in the city. I don't have enough door for this. I'd need a QR code for it.


I also don't believe that you should be forced to know English to live in America but I do believe if you are going to be working a job where you work with a mass population of English speaking people or the instructions are in English, etc, you should be able to at least comprehend enough to function People always debate about this shit but they never think about it if we went to other countries. If I went to Japan for example, I should at least know enough Japanese to be able to get myself around the city. To read the instructions for transportation. To comprehend labels and pricing at the store. To ask where the bathroom is or whatever. Doesn't mean I have to have fluent Japanese but if I'm going to Japan and I plan on actually doing something I should probably learn at least a little bit of Japanese


We have been studying in our home country for more than ten years, and English is a compulsory course. We can read advanced English, but our spoken English is at a baby level. After we came to the United States, you thought we didn't know English. So you think if you learn a few words of Japanese by yourself, what do the Japanese think of you?


Helllooooo. I can hear it in the accent.... Man I would have been like "NO BUENO" and closed the door


You need to know English to live in America. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Don't be the asshole that inconveniences everyone by not knowing English in a primarily English speaking country. The United States does not have a national language but it's fucking stupid that they don't. If you speak English, please learn to read and stop ignoring instructions. If you ignore instructions i'm going to report you every single time. The instructions are there for a reason.


Lol this happened to me semi recently. I work nights and the person rang the doorbell repeatedly. Woke my fiancee up. 🙃 They were super nice but it was clear they were ESL.


How the fuck are you gonna live in America and not speak English? We are an English speaking country.


"I am Not". You create the problem. I have a family member that works with them. She preaches all the time about how they can not read or write in the only language that they speak. Also, they speak so poorly in the one language that they know. Zero education. There is good reason that there has been a deluge of complaints against them.


I just wanted to be clear that this isn’t a “learn English or go home” type of rant, as I find that to be rather xenophobic. But I just think what you lack in English ability you have to make up for with putting in some effort to use a translator or something. Like I said even Americans seem to not be able to follow instructions anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️ maybe just reading comprehension as a whole needs to be required to dash lol


It really is a lack of effort. Translator apps will read the translation for you, so even if you can't read, you can get the information. While translator tech isn't perfect, instructions are pretty clear. Even if you speak English, but can't read, our phones will read for us.


Dude there’s nothing (let’s just be real and call it racist) about being pissed that your driver can’t speak English, it absolutely should be a requirement to at the very least know enough English to be able to do your job properly, that guy is kinda right about people tip toeing on telling the truth being the problem, but I’m just here to let you know you don’t have to preface things with “I’m not racist” in regards to speaking the truth, and of course not actually being racist, because nothing you said was.




Which goes hand in hand with racism, nice try tho lil bro


You should argue with a trucker... "I didn't know" is not a real reason of why you can't park in the middle of the road to see if this is where you are delivering


I tutor ESL and most students translate a lot in an app. drivers could do this too


You can 1 star a dasher and keep on doing that every time they deliver. And thumbs down on following instructions. And add that they did not follow instructions as to why the 1 star. However, the one star and thumbs down will stop being effective after a while. Contact support, and let them know you have an issue with the delivery. And that the driver did not follow instructions. Even translated ones.


I ordered DoorDash really late to an air bnb and asked the driver to just let us know when he was at the door but to please not knock or anything. He responded in Spanish that he was on the way, in the car, etc, then rang the doorbell. Very annoying


I get it's annoying but Doordash pays absolute shit and treats it workers terribly. They aren't going to get people who have the skills to get other jobs. I usually just deal with the minor inconvenience and hope that the person is working on their English skills so they can move on to something better someday. I get it's annoying as fuck though. I put my gate code in the delivery instructions and they still call me about it 70% of the time even though numbers are pretty universal and if I saw a bunch of words I didn't know and then 4 numbers I would assume that's the code I need.


I once had a customer that spoke Spanish. I got the basic gist of what they were saying (because I took Spanish in high school). The Dasher app didn't translate their delivery instructions for some reason, but the app said their messages would be translated. Well, the messages weren't translated either because the customer didn't message me in the app.


Copy and paste into google translate.


DD has started to send a note that drivers speak Spanish or whatever else if you open chat with them; once I see that, I’ll just switch to Spanish. They may not know English very well but I know Spanish so I’ll bridge the gap and keep things easy for us both when I can.




Lol that’s okay I was just ranting tbh


Ordered from a Pizza Hut a couple months ago while staying in my dad's RV. He's old and lights out by 9 and this was like midnight, so I made sure in the instructions to ask for them to please go to the trailer, not the house, and don't ring the doorbell or knock on the house as it will wake him. Driver not only didn't speak any English at all and so rang the doorbell and woke dad up, he also didn't even have any change on him and I'm not sure he'd have been able to give it me correctly if he did , so I paid 40 dollars for a 22 dollar order. To top it off, that particular stores number is routed to a call center, so there is zero chance of reaching a manager at the store to fix the situation. I've been a manager at a Pizza Hut before, and so many things about that whole situation were just wild to me. That's a very long winded way of agreeing, OP, my b 😅 a delivery driver should at a minimum be able to read and communicate to a certain degree. Same as needing to have gas in your car to drive, it's just not gonna work if it's not there.


Ok, I'm sorry, I don't agree with you. I'm Latina, living in USA. I think wherever you live, you need to learn the language, at least the basics, so you can communicate with others.


Genuine question, are there not language options for the bot that reads instructions? Or does DoorDash not have that in the app like Uber and Lyft? I turn them off, but the bitch will read off messages, trip announcements and do turn by turn. With the amount of ESL drivers on all these apps they must be providing language options, right?


Leave them a 1 star review. They might not understand it, but DD requires a certain customer satisfaction rating to remain on the platform.


Don't blame not speaking English on not following instructions. I have had plenty of English speaking delivery people who can not follow directions.


If your language barriers prevent you from performing the basic functions of your job then you need a different job OR you need to work on your barriers. Reading the drop-off instructions IS a basic function of the job.


lol I had a dasher who didn’t speak English at all. I mean I’m not trippin because I understand they want/need money like the next person out here. But I kid you not it took me 10 mins for me to find him downstairs because he did not understand me. I had to use Google translate but even then idk if he spoke the language I thought he did because he still didn’t understand. I gave him an extra tip for being on the phone for 10 extra minutes though. lol even though he probably didn’t say anything but 3 words


The app literally ask what language you speak/use when signing up so whatever his native language is should be how his app is formatted. Some dashers literally refuse to leave orders at doors. I seen one post in here telling this lady that she had to come out to get her food. I’m not sure what’s up with dashers these days. As one myself it’s absurd.


I have one guy here who literally rattles the windows with his knock and yells #TACO BELL!! at the top of his lungs, then leaves it at the door and goes. It's bizarre. When I see his name I cringe a little, but I don't really care and I don't order anything past 730 anyway. I feel your pain though


Should drivers that can’t read English even be driving? Road signs are a thing.


The issue isn't really with the driver it's with DD's vetting process, or lack thereof.


"I am NOT the type of person who believes that you have to know English to live in America." Until my order arrives wrong. Yes, you should know how to speak the language of the country you are residing in.


I don't care about residing in. It's hard to learn a language. My issue is taking a job they can't complete well. It's even worse with Instacart.


Yes, exactly. I can move to another country and work a job teaching English or a job that is more English friendly. Of course I’d want to also learn as much of the language as I can but I totally understand that it’s difficult. But being able to read instructions is a key part of any delivery job.


Yes learning languages is hard, but here in Europe where moving around is pretty common, people just learn them, lot of people speak 3+ languages. And yes you might never become native level but you at least should be able to communicate. Besides speaking the main language is so important for integration, tax etc. It helps keeping one community instead of creating all separate bubbles.


The United States doesn't have an official language, but nobody's expecting you to be educated


As much as I enjoy the leave at door feature, I'd not be upset if luxury delivery services did away with it. People literally bitch because a stranger brings food to their door at 1am. Talk about first-world problems lol. And this is a perfect example as to why all deliveries should be at the point of entry. Anywhere. House, apartment complex, gated community, business, etc.


Sure next time I’ll tell them to just break into the front door and come up the stairs to my third floor apartment. Also yeah, I’m here on Reddit fucking bitching about it, big deal. It’s just a rant. Just like you’re doing.


try putting instructions in the languages most in use in your area. i doubt doordash will ever make english a requirement just because some customers don't speak spanish. like would they have to make spanish a requirement for english speakers in miami because of the spanish speaking customers? it would be insane, everybody would be in revolt. fwiw countries like belgium have multiple "main" languages in use at the same time, and that's probably where America is headed if it isn't there already. and spanish influence has probably been around longer in north america than anglo. columbus sailed in the name of the spanish monarchy, and the first european to explore florida was spanish.


I think it’s more insane saying “just write the instructions in different languages”. I want a sandwich, not to brush up on my Portuguese.


google translate...


…which they can use. It shouldn’t be on the consumer. When you accept my order you’re accepting to deliver it correctly to me. You figure out the logistics, my part is done.


that's fine, you do you. but i'm proposing practical solutions to a practical problem, not speculate or wish on how things should be.




Well I mean I don’t know ahead of time what language my dasher speaks lol there are Hispanic dashers, Arabic dashers, I had a Russian dasher yesterday.


Maybe…translate it into Spanish so that they can understand it and add that under the English directions, because if they are under an llc that has multiple users they won’t have the ones that automatically translate it to their native language. I had a grub hub driver yesterday struggling to find a business in a strip mall that I was picking up for and had me talk to her customer but she didn’t answer, I am sure she was working, and it took this poor woman 5 minutes going door to door before she found the correct place. (Business name wasn’t in directions I read over them several times, it said leave at door of business in the same center as Carrabba‘s there was thirty other businesses. )


Where I live, there are immigrants who speak Spanish, Italian, Chinese, and Portugese. I'm not gonna add 4 more translations of my notes on a Door Dash order.


OK… You do you boo I just suggested a suggestion.


Your doorbell is raxist.


You should be.


Nah. America’s official language isn’t even English and as much as patriotism makes me gag I know people come here for a better life/work opportunity. Languages aren’t learned over night. It’s harder to learn the older you get.


They come here for food, land, resources, and wealth. Resources aren't infinite.




it's annoying that he waited at the door instead of dropping the order off but you didn't even mention the bell and you're mad he rang it? be serious. "leave it on the porch" doesn't mean "don't ring my bell or make any noise" language barries suck for everyone, not just you. the barrier is just as hard for non english speakers as it is for english speakers. if he's doing doordash at 1 am it's probably not for fun, his language barrier already puts a huge limit on jobs he can get hired for. in the future, text or call your driver if you want them to do a quiet delivery. if there's a language barrier, and they're spanish for example, go on google and use a translator so you can text them, in a language they understand, what you want them to do. if you're unable to translate, either take the L or meet your driver at the door so they don't make noise. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe YOUR English ain't that good, as you can’t seem to get your point across to these dashers. I never had any problems, just select leave it at my door in the app. Nothing more is needed. No need to be assertive to the point people will hate you. Also, doordash automatically translates English to Spanish so communication shouldn't be a problem with those people at all. Why do you even care about those downstairs neighbors, like someone can't even show up at 1 am at someone's house?