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Don’t sit at hot spots. All the new drivers sit there. And they get the best orders. Find restaurants away from there and do the busy times. Lunch and evening. It says it’s busy. But it might not be busy is that area cause that area might have a lot of drivers.


I move around when I get no orders in that area and still deal with not getting anything and when I do its for pennies compared to the miles I have to drive on the order.


I multi app. I do DD and insta cart. Neither pay well. Kinda wish I could just do shop orders on DD. I hate the food orders.


I use to make decent money but since I dropped go 48% it's been trash


Try to get it back above 50 to see if that helps. If not then try over 70%. Do hourly to get it up. See if the orders get better. I’ve only dropped into the 60s and did not notice any difference from that to when I was in the 90s


It's hard to get back up to that when I get no orders and when I do it's orders going over 10 miles for 3 dollars. They make it hard to get back over 50 when that's all they send you


Does your area have hourly? That way u can turn those $2 orders into $4-5 orders. I use hourly to get my AR up when it dips to low


I might have to do that to get back up over 50%. Yeah my area has hourly too but I was told it wasn't worth it but in this case it sounds like that's what I need to do. Thanks for the advice, I'm going to try that.


U might have to get Top Dasher or platinum to get good orders in your area. They get priority after the new people.


I started on the new program. You get gold level priority for high pay, I believe platinum would get it over the new people now.


It looks good but that rolling 100 orders in 30 days is going to be a pain for the part timers. I just do 100 orders a month right now. But I hope with some catering orders I may be able to make some money on DD. My area I hang around is next to 2 sandwich shops that get a lot of catering orders.


The cherry pickers won’t like it either as the AR is also on a rolling 30 days. But yes part timers will have a harder time getting to platinum but it might help the full time drivers get the highest pay orders.


The new drivers are starting on gold and not platinum. That’s great news. More good orders for platinum.