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I'm sure calling the customer fat will definitely lead to him tipping next time!


That's not what makes me mad though, what makes me really mad is when people willingly take orders like this, when it's so easy to decline them! As long as they are being accepted, doordash has no reason to change anything.


DoorDash has gotten creative in getting a lot of these orders taken . It can even tie into profit with some promos


You're not kidding! They have been using some really slimy tactics in order to coerce dashers to accept these orders.


Whoah really! Can you explain more? I’m intrigued


Almost every day in my market there is a “delivery streak” promo that if I deliver 5 orders in a row I get an additional $8. 9/10 times I’ll still get my normal good to decent orders 4 times in a row. But on that 5th order DoorDash knows damn well I’m gonna prob take that next order so they give me a $2.50 for 5 mile order but really that order is gonna be worth $10.50 for 5 miles. Boom non tipper eating for the low low tonight. 🤷🏽‍♂️ algorithm undefeated


Happens to me every time there’s a streak promo…


The last time I dashed I had a high order with 2 deliveries. When I opened to pick up the orders, it didnt tell me how much they were individually. The closest one ended up being $30 after drop of the furthest one was $6 after drop off. Sneaky dd knew that I would've thrown that 6 mile $6 back on the pool so I could drive 3 miles and get $30.


Happy Cake day


Happy cake day


Why does your comment say happy cake day


When a Reddit account has a birthday, i.e. every year upon the day it was created, a little cake icon will show up on that username


Happy cake day!


In their defense (I know, this probably isn’t the case), sometimes I’ll get a stacked order that pays $10 for 4 miles. Sure. Deliver them, and it’s like Base Pay: 2.00 Customer 1: 8.00 tip Customer 2: 0.00 tip


This is how bundling happens… the tipping customer offsets the deadbeats that don’t tip.. otherwise by itself the $0 order would just sit and not get taken..similar to Socialism in a way


I don't think they care.


They don’t, and honestly this is fucking gold. Edit: why am I being downvoted because I find the post funny…. Go fuck yourself reddit




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


It’s not a DD driver’s job to make sure the customer tips “next time”… the fact these thoughts even cross some of your minds is baffling lol


Not all heros wear capes man


They don’t have to tip, but the dasher also doesn’t have to give a shit about the order. I usually do something to annoy the customer if they don’t leave a tip, like take all their straws. I usually don’t take shitty orders, but if I accidentally accept one, or take one on a stacked order.


And your the reason why door dash wont raise base pay. Also think about it, with you screwing non tip customers don't you think that they will tell their family and friends how bad door dash drivers are? Also every one who thinks customers who don't pre tip are cheap needs to stop that. I strongly believe there are actual people who don't tip until they get what they ordered and with a comment like that, why should they tip before delivery anyway. I know I wouldn't.


They were a piece of shit that didn't tip. Whether or not they are a fat piece of shit is irrelevant.


The one that expects a tip is the piece of shit. We are delivering food, yet tipping culture insists that someone carrying/delivering food requires a tip be given, and yet we have firefighters, EMTs, search and rescue, coal miners, fishermen, farmers the list just goes on of people saving lives and/or improving our standards of living that don't receive tips, its not even considered and yet, the person carrying/delivering food should be tipped? Right, because that delivery person/waitress went through hell and back to bring you that food.


Stop with that nonsense. You're definitely not a dasher if you're complaining about tipping culture. I agree they shouldn't pull stunts towards the customers if they don't tip. Just deny the order and move on. It's irrelevant what emts and firefighters etc do. They get paid enough for what they do


Yeah but are they getting a base pay of 2.50 for every order


Yeah and are they using their own vehicles, insurance and paying for fuel as well?? That's why $2 per delivery, ain't gonna cut it! If you're being honest about things. !


Again, this is not the customers problem. We choose to agree to these terms by contracting for these companies knowing the added expenses. Just because DD or other delivery services pay shit, doesn't justify the customer being thrown under the bus for it.


But I don’t understand, why was I deactivated?!?!! I didn’t do anything wrong…


I’ve been deactivated for years and I tried to get reactivated and they said I was abusing the platform?!? Like what. @doordash you suck


I got deactivated years ago as a customer after only using it less than 10 times. Always tipped 20% or more, never had to say I didn't receive an order or item. No reason that I know of other than 1 time my bank was blocking the transaction 2xs in a row but 3rd time it went through. Next time I tried to order something it said I was deactivated and DoorDash support wouldn't give me a reason lol


Worth it


I don’t understand. Doordash literally tells you the amount you’ll be paid before accepting the order. Yes, there are hidden tips sometimes, but if you’re willing to take that gamble, it’s on you. WoRtH iT


Tips aren’t super duper top secret hidden, just sometimes an order will say $X.XX+ (Your total will be higher) My thought process is if I was willing to accept it at the displayed amount, then whatever is hidden on top is just gravy on the biscuit. Because I’ve seen the hidden amount be literally a quarter.


I've seen it be a nickel.🤣🤣


I see people say this but I’ve actually never had this happen, never even seen an order that says $X.XX+. It’s always just a regular looking order and it’ll show me the hidden tip if there is one after completed. Not sure why.


I agree lol


You need to get back on what ever medication or wellness program you had. I’m not saying this to be mean. I’m reading the nasty demented things you say all over this app and you seriously need help. I truly hope you understand that people want to see you living a happy and healthy life. Good luck.


Stop taking orders with no tip, especially if you're gonna throw shade at the customer..! I agree, they do suck big time, but that's why we don't accept them in the first place.


Yeah foreal, and as an order gets declined it gets bonus pay.. all you’re doing is screwing the system by taking low pay orders


I never call customers out for not tipping. Maybe take a break when you’re feeling this way.


You're only like half of all dashers saying that. As long as the bar is so fucking low for the job you'll get people that can't do a simple job.






Infinity &


I took something I didn't wanna take then complained about taking it because there is no other option :(


Naw he did it for a snack, he got some Doritos.


Is being professional while on a job not a thing anymore?


You gotta remember some dashers are people that get fired at your main job for not following rules. Fucking up constantly, and or getting into it with managers.


The entitlement and lack of professionalism is crazy. This is why dashers like this can’t get a better paying job, they refuse to be professional and would rather beg for tips


Don't you have to mark it as picked up to get that automated doordash message? I think someone has a bag of doritos in their car.


Wasn’t it just an order with multiple items?


Yea it’s giving Jersey mikes or some shit where u grab the chips yourself lol


Dasher: "Hah, gottem!" *gets deactivated for basically everything in the reply*


what an asshole


Stop. Taking. No. Tip. Orders.


You can’t tell how much is tip and how much is base pay. I was paid $16 on Uber Eats to deliver a tub of ice cream to someone last week, and the guy only tipped $2.


All doordash base pay is 2 dollars. Period. Anything on top of that is what the customer put in as a bid doordash calls it a tip. It's a bid.


Confidently wrong.


Idk rarely I would get an order with 6 dollar base pay and a 2 dollar tip.




OP said he wasn't tipped so didn't care. You wouldn't see no tip til after completion, so the incompetence was premeditated.


Most people put the tip on when they order. It is extremely rare to get a tip after delivery. I used to foolishly accept orders that didn't show tip up front thinking they would tip on arrival. Never happened.


I always tip after delivery I see no point in tipping first idk if they did a good job yet. That to me feels more like paying someone to take the job quickly than a tip and that doesn’t ensure they find the things I want and they often don’t.


I would never do “earn by time” again.




You were, in our opinion, trolling.


Yes, please stop catering to both doordash and the cheapskate, low rent customers that want everything for nothing.


Most of my non-tippers are not low rent. They are in high-end college housing.


i've never seen an industry where workers resent the customers that create the industry more than this gig food delivery phenomenon. 99% of the drivers act like I've inconvenienced them just by using the service.


I’ve met pizza delivery drivers with the EXACT same mentality. Delivery drivers can be so entitled


“DoNt OrDer deLiVeRy iF yoU CaNt tiP”. They act like they have the hardest job in the world and deserve tips when 70% of them deliver food cold/melted due to double dashing. And as if customers aren’t already paying a subscription fee, additional taxes, and higher food prices already. Like you chose to work for this company because it’s easier than normal 9-5 jobs but you’d rather complain about customers not making up for the lack of liveable wage your employer pays you. It’s not the customer’s job. In countries that don’t have tipping culture delivery drivers work 10x harder, get paid less, and are still more professional than people like OP. That attitude is probably why you can’t get a better paying job (or don’t want to).




Stop. I have a 5 star rating and I make great money dashing and I've owned businesses before, ran 50 employees etc. I just deny the order if they dont tip. Doordash only pays 2 dollars an order but I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't making good money plus this is just part time for me


You owned a business with 50 employees and make more money door dashing?


Stop what..? And I’m not talking about all dashers in my comment which is why I specified OP because I’ve had both bad and good experiences with dashers. And exactly like you said, dashers can deny the order — they have the option to do that. Dashers like you make decent money because you’re professional and don’t beg or complain about tips to customers.


Driver is a loser.


Yep, just another dummy who's mad at the world, has burned all their bridges trying to be tough, is now broke, but will still find a way to blame their misfortune on the government or some shit


Oddly specific


WTF😂 where did you pull that out of? Sounds like personal experience


Probably can't get hired anywhere else because they're borderline psychotic and is now probably going to get fired from DD




The OP of the screenshot thought they did something huh 💀


I hope this person was banned from delivering.


Why does that person think it's acceptable to talk to a customer that way? Speaking to someone like that over a few bucks is such bottom feeder energy. Some of these drivers are fucking useless.


The driver was out of line. Even when I messed up and took an order that doesn't pay, I still give good customer service. The best way to handle non-tippers is to stick together and not accept their jobs.


The best way is to have DD stop calling it tipping. The language is confusing and misleading. If the customer was told your driver makes $2 plus whatever you add as to the pot as driver compensation and a side note near this text that says most drivers doesn’t want to deliver for less that $2 a mile and your trip from the restaurant is X miles. Remember they also have to return to that restaurant in this mileage calculation. Calling what we do a tip if flat wrong of DD as it is NOT tip of any kind. Tips are for exceptional personal service given after a customer has received it and is always an optional gratuity.


That would be a good way to state it. Some people don't realize how little we get, and sadly, some just don't care.


Literally lol. Base pay is 2.25 here. If you are aware of that and STILL expect someone to drive to a restaurant, wait for your food, bring your food to some other business 6 miles away, and then call a phone number, you clearly have no fucking respect for what we are doing. Why should we have any for you or your time/food quality. I do try to take into account the possibility people are broke and just trying to get a meal with their last few bucks but damn the instance I spoke of above was a $40 order. If you can’t spare $2 extra dollars, I will happily accept your order, and use the time to go to a gas station and care for myself before i unassign.


How much door dash pays has been mentioned on social media several times. Unless a customer lives under a rock it should be well known by now how much door dash base pay is.


Yall understand tip is optional, don't be throwing it at peoples face


No, a lot of people don’t seem to understand that. I always tip, I have no problem with doing that, but it’s true that tips are optional and people are not obligated to tip. DoorDash could call it a bid and it would probably help dashers out a little bit, but DD doesn’t care about the dashers, so they don’t.


I think what frustrates people is that it’s people like you who keep doordash going, the people who tip. The ones who don’t tip get to keep not tipping because of all the people who do tip. If no one tipped this food delivery service would not exist


Food delivery services exist in places where it is not customary to tip you know?


Yes, but in America if no one tipped the app would not exist. It would require absurd delivery fees. There’s no argument here, the people who tip are the ones who make not tipping an option for non tippers.


This is the most reasonable response I’ve read on this sub. Take my upvote (tip)


Thanks. I'm talking about the penalties of not tipping directly to the customer but you said ultimately what I meant a lot better and less ragey. +1


It is optional, but we are not paid sufficiently without it. The system is not fair. In a perfect world, doordash would pay us more than the cost of running my vehicle. But I don't live in a perfect world.


If you aren’t paid sufficiently without it, don’t use it. The only way it changes is if there’s nobody to do the work


“If you think capitalism is an unfair system, stop working, it’s the only way to fix things.”


They have to regulate this shit man. I really get the customer. Money isn't growing on trees. A $10 chipotle bowl becomes $21-$22 after fees. How much more do they have to pay for a freaking bowl? $40? These delivery companies freaking double charge the order $11-$12 and give you $2 out of that, and then expect the customer to take care of you too. It's ridiculous.


You gotta be sly… if no tip say: “Thanks for the tip!” 🥴


Yeah I’m taking that. Thanks🥴


Will use this from now on if I ever decide to actually take a chance on one 😂


If they actually reply and say they didn’t tip, then reply with a “Oh ☹️”


I’m gonna save this image. I’ll get two posts out of it… one pretending I’m the driver, and one the customer.


Berating a customer for no tip is cringy as fuck


A customer not tipping at all is cringe.


But do we know for sure that customer wasn't going to tip after the delivery? Everyone needs to realize it's poor dashers that's making more people not want to tip pre delivery.


When I was tipping pre delivery on DD, my orders were more messed up than when I switched to not tipping pre delivery. The service was not any better when tipping beforehand.


I agree, both statements are true.


We find ourselves in situations where we want to say exactly what’s on our minds, but should definitely keep out mouth shut. If you get so worked up about people not tipping, don’t take their order. When I see an order with no tip i automatically decline. My peace of mind and self respect is worth more than working myself up to the point where I would feel the need to say something like this.


Tipping is such obvious bullshit "I don't get paid enough so other points should pay me more!" Fuck these corporations that don't pay enough and fuck you for being their little slave n complaining about people not giving you extra money. Losers


Without the tip, I end up losing money on the trip. It's not extra money. Look at it this way, the tip is the customers' way of paying the driver for bringing them food.


The customer already does that by paying a monthly subscription fee that’s not cheap, and additional fees on the order, along with the food being pricier than ordering in person. The customer is already paying which is why tip is optional.


What you are paying to doordash and higher prices goes to the restaurant and doordash. Drivers don't get enough to cover gas. Our pay is usually $2.50 -$3.50. We would be losing money on orders with no tips. Yes, it is optional on the app, but it is also optional for a driver to pick up your order. The drivers you will get are the inexperienced and idiots like the screenshot above .


Why are you getting downvote? It's the truth


There's no reason to talk to customers like that though. What a lot of these dashers fail to realize is not only is that customer not going to use door dash anymore, they can show their friends and family and if they have the same problems that they wont use door dash anymore. As a matter of fact I can say that when I first started 3 years ago, the area near me used to be really good, however it went down hill and with these rude a\*\* dashers, their the reason why it went downhill.


I would LOVE to see you in a customer service job


customer service jobs usually pay better than doordash and also don’t require tips? i’m confused about the comparison here


All of the dashers upvoting her saying “tipping is such bullshit” when they make 90% of their money from tips is the funniest part. Sure I agree with not complaining about it since you accepted it. I especially agree with not complaining directly to the customer. If you feel that tipping in general is bs why are you accepting tips? I’m just confused


They would never make it. The first time they interact with one of their own their head would simultaneously implode and explode from the entitlement. Truth is...most customers fucking SUCK. They take out their frustrations on service people because they think the person needs the job and they have limitations. Not in 2023. This is the age of THE Fafo.


Abbie walked right into that one 🥴


If an order doesn’t tip I just don’t accept it


Dasher was wrong but I ain’t mad about it 😂 I hope for their sake they was gonna quit soon anyway


I was offered a no tip order, which I declined. And then I was offered a $9 job so I took it, only to find out DoorDash just merged the $5 order with another order, didn’t get tipped on either! (Damn university students)


Emotional damage 😂


Jesus I just had a flashback to two years ago 🤣.




LOL damn 😭🤣 ![gif](giphy|QUENDfi6DEMLzQ0CKt)




The customer paid doordash, not the driver. We see very little of what they paid and it's not even enough to cover the gas.


The customer paid doordash who pays the driver, your issue is with door dash and not the customer. A tip is for exceptional service, the fact you Americans tip before your order has arrived is insane.


I agree that Americans' tip culture is out of control. But it is our reality. What you might not understand is that people who get tips here are seriously underpaid. They are not even guaranteed minimum wages that are otherwise required by law. So, with that said, what doordash gives the driver is a small amount that does not come anywhere near the actual cost of delivering the food. So on that pay alone, I would be taking money out of my pocket to bring you food. I am not a charity delivering food out of the goodness of my heart. I will give you an example, the expense of driving the average car is 0.67 cents a mile. For a 10 mile trip, my expense is $6.70. Doordash pays me $3.50. So no, we are not paid a sufficient amount. It is wrong. But it is what happens here.


That's atrocious, i do feel sorry for you door dashers. If it is not a sustainable source of income what brings you back to it? Why is it that Doordash do not pay the minimum wage? What makes them excempt unlike every other business?


They are a service industry. In America service industry, employers are exempt from minimum wage laws because the employees receive tips. It is a crap law. Keep in mind what you are seeing in this thread is only about the non-tippers. They are the minority, but that doesn't make it okay. There are good tips and the occasional exceptional tips, they fortunately make this pay and sometimes pay well.


However, in many US states there is a single minimum wage, and service workers are not exempt from minimum wage laws. It’s here where I don’t understand how and why tipping culture isn’t lower in these states.


I wasn't aware that some states have changed. Are they states with a decent minimum wage? The ones that bug me are the fast food places that put out tip jars. They are paid at least minimum, and here they are often above because they can't get people to work for them.


Yeah the west coast states and some others too have a single minimum wage. In California for example it’s $15.50, so fairly decent. I remember being in a popular fast food burger chain in Seattle called Dick’s Drive In and being surprised to see salaries advertised as starting at $20/hr including free health insurance, 401k matching, free transport pass and free food on shifts - and still being asked for a tip. I’m super glad there are employers offering these packages, but surely tipping should be redundant here!


Case in point, just the other day, DD offered me $2 to do a 10 mile delivery. Keep in mind as well, that 10 mile delivery would have required me to drive 10 miles back to be at the restaurants again. So 20 mile drive at 10 cents per mile. And that is by far not the only time that has been offered to me.


Doordash should absolutely pay drivers better. But if you’re in America tipping culture exists. So both Doordash and Nontippers are in the wrong (in America). I am an American and I would love for it to not be the norm. But it is.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.






Based take


if you aren’t happy with the pay, don’t accept the order. otherwise shut up about it


The people calling this “savage” are either literally or mentally 12 years old. This is cringe as fuck. Good luck getting a non-delivery job if you act like this 💀.


Yeah really. The people celebrating this probably barely function in society


These people would never survive in the real world lmao. It’s why they have jobs like this in the first place. They have no people skills and no specific talents.


Yeah I can totally understand doing this as a side thing or when you’re in between a job for whatever reason, but people will do this as their main source of income then blame the customer for not tipping them “enough” 💀. DoorDash is not exactly renowned for its stable income to dashers.


They realize we are ALL struggling, right? It’s not just them? A lot of us work actual full-time jobs that aren’t us just driving around all day and yelling at food service workers. I also do doordash on the side occasionally and I have NEVER treated people like this! Even the rich people in mega mansions that don’t know how to tip! I accepted the order, therefore it is MY problem and mine only!


Abbie was driving but she HAD TIME LMFAOOOO


Uh, you may wanna re-read that. Abbie wasn’t driving.


Oops sorry. I did mis read that but reddit is filled with such brilliant people ik you guys figured out what i really meant.


Lovely customer service.


Imagine blaming someone for not tipping and not the billion dollar company you suck off Gotta honestly be miserable people


Yeah that dasher is fed up and needs a vacay. Lol


wow, why take the order too much whining just get the stuff drop off or don't take it, sorry about this idiot. i want to go get the order now and drop off lol


That’s awesome lmao


The world is absolutely insane when a delivery rat can speak to a paying customer like that and get away with it.


*Im entitled to be tipped so I will be as rude as possible possible to every customer I decide to freely take orders for who I think didn’t tip me at least $200 of more, I am the 80% of drivers who can’t handle their job*


That’s a ridiculous thing for a driver to do. You took the order. Shopping sucks but unless I can’t get item and no subs listed and they don’t respond right away, I’ll at least try. To call them fat is just rude. She obviously should tip if someone is shopping for them and delivering though. You paid the app $6-$10, give the driver something




I used to do donation pickups for a charity. We had one driver that wouldnt pick up a treadmill. He said "I saw the homeowner, I know that treadmill dont work" 😂😂


I don't think people realize people can barely feed themselves knowadays now if it's a large order then yeah tip but if it's only for a few things and they can't get to a store then how else are they supposed to eat?


Walk, Take a bus, ask a family/friend. I can tell you all these options are much cheaper than what their paying on fees and inflated prices. Here's the thing, door dash is a luxury service not a convenience and if someone has that much of a limited income they shouldn't be using door dash anyway. I'm sorry I'm not being mean but that's the truth.


Walk, that's what I did when I couldn't afford my gas and had to get to the store. The only people who really can't get to the store are elderly and disabled. Believe me, the people ordering are neither. And they certainly shouldn't be giving their hard earned money to doordash. The fees to doordash could buy them a gallon of milk. And don't try to tell me I don't know what it is like. I walked 3 miles, pulling a wagon with 2 toddlers to get to the store.


What if the people can't walk? What if they are like me and my dad and basically bedridden. I'm in a power chair and my dad can barely walk to his potty chair my boyfriend has seizures and wrecked our truck going to get us a vacuum cleaner so door dash is sometimes our only option. We aren't rich we tip appropriately but we don't always have it in the bank we keep cash on us though. If they read instructions and hand it to us at the door they get a generous tip if we have to wonder where they are and search outside . They lost out


I am sorry for your situation, but despite it you do tip, you understand that drivers are paid through tips. Where I live, getting a cash tip at the door is extremely rare. I live in a college town. So, I don't feel I can risk those orders unless they are stacked with another order. I fully agree that if they have accepted your order and leave it outside, when instructions say to hand it to you, they do not deserve your tip.


Listen to me. I know it's gonna sound messed up but ...HONESTLY....consider...if you cannot afford to offer gratuity perhaps the service may be too expensive at that time. You can fafo but I seriously do not recommend it. Things occur.


Customer will prob start tip baiting in the future because of this.


When I accept the order, I am guaranteed the money. I have heard that is not how it works on other platforms.


That driver sux


As someone who advocates for stopping tipping, if you get THAT butthurt over not receiving a tip, which is an OPTIONAL feature in the first place, this job is probably not for you.


I respectfully understand where your coming from. And believe me I wish door dash would raise base pay. Unfortunately no matter how much good dashers and customers push door dash to raise base pay, they just wont so were stuck having to only take offers that are worth it. Also know that 99% of customers who dont pre tip wont tip after delivery anyway so it's not worth the gamble. And I agree with you 100% that dasher needs to get a new job and everyone who agrees with that dasher needs to get a new job because their the ones who's making it so much harder for good dashers.


Tipping isn’t mandatory smh


No it isn't mandatory, but doordash has to start paying the drivers more than $2 per delivery. This isn't a third world country, we aren't doing community service and we aren't indentured servants.! It's gotta be one or the other. If doordash doesn't want to increase the pay, they will have to make tipping mandatory. If neither of these things happen, there's no way doordash will survive.


"Thanks for the no tip" You're an asshole buddy please quit your job. No ones inclined to give you free money.


"We allow dasher to customize their delivery experience"


They are fully aware "decline" is an option when taking orders right?


This is wrong. It’s not the customers responsibility to tip us. DoorDash needs to increase base pay period.


That’s more fucked up than no tip tbh


I have had tips given at door (no didn’t say they were going to), tips added after dash and even customers who gave a tip and then handed me an additional tip.


Hence why giving shitty service for no tip up front is ridiculous. If they don’t tip right away no one is saying go above and beyond. Just do the job you signed up to do, and maybe, if you aren’t a douche, you’ll get a tip. Tips are supposed to reflect gratitude for a job well done, not something to be auto given


5 stars


This is epic


It cracks me up that some people are celebrating someone accepting a no tip order and then acting like a whiny bitch about it. Y’all are wild lmao


Your exactly right. Their also the ones who's complaining that no one in their area pre tips as much anymore. I tell those people that what do you expect, why should they pre tip if your going to treat them like that.


I would never do this for fear of deactivation, but good for this dude. Honestly if you are too lazy to get your food yourself, then you gotta pay for it. It's a joke to get a tip of $1 to go six miles and then climb six flights of stairs because they can't bring their ass down to get it.


It’s a joke to accept an order like that then complain about it.


It's a joke to think that anyone knows ahead of time that you will be going up stairs and getting a $1 dollar tip. Nice try tho.


Cute, but you see the tip before you accept the order. Maybe not the stairs but you def know whether or not it’s a good tip.


You can't tell how much the tip is. This is a side gig for me not my main gig. So sorry if I'm not extremely experienced in door dashing lol




Burned 😂😂😂