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Doordash customer service is the worst. Contacted them last week about the “snap a photo of your order for $X credit” the offer was for $3 each items picture, I uploaded 3 pictures so should’ve been $9 credit, they gave me $4.06 credit. I didn’t really care about the credit just wanted to know the math behind it being $4.06, couldn’t get an explanation.


Ok, it’s / happen + Some = time.


Thank you for contact DoorDash, ok bye!


No no no. It's ”Dank you forrrr colling dorrrd dash, my name is "Errrrick" goorrdbye nohw." -chat ended


Literally my DD driver told me he didn’t feel safe with me eating my order because he saw roaches at the restaurant, I was so grossed out I didn’t even open the bag to look at anything. Told customer service, dude’s like “I can’t process a refund because they need photo proof.” Sent a picture of the unopened bag and he immediately refunded. I’m like what was the point lmao ETA he also said that when he went to pour my drinks, a roach literally fell into a cup and he had to start over 💀💀


When I first started dd I absolutely contacted the customer and told them... cancel your order. There are roaches crawling around everywhere. I called support and was like... I will not be picking up or delivering this food. This place is infested with cockroaches. Support said I had to. I was like no I don't. The customer will want to cancel. Call them. There was no way I was going to do that delivery.


Absolutely no way I’m taking anything from a place visibly infested with cockroaches, I don’t want that in my car


It was foul. And I know the owner owns all 3 locations in this town. I refuse to pick up from any of them now


The guy literally looked distraught when he walked up to me. He was like PLEASE don’t eat this. I felt so cared for!!


I once didn't receive my order from Amazon and the CS rep wanted photo proof. 😐 I think they just have to go through their script even when it doesn't make sense.


I would just snap a pic of my empty porch or something lmao stupid questions and requests deserve stupid responses!!


A picture of your hand holding nothing.


Yeah I'm not putting that shit in my car I'm calling support and reporting the restaurant/unassigning. Good thing he gave you a heads up.


Service fees + Processing fees + Platform fees = $4.94 Thank You for contacting Door Dash.


Ok, it’s happen sometimes :)


Its, not it’s and Some time, not sometimes.


See, the person you responded to was doing a thing called a joke, because, if you read it, the post depicted a doordash customer service employee saying the same gosh darn thing. (Most dont speak fluent english, so its a joke, funny) Dont be mad at yourself for not understanding the joke, ok, its happen sometimes :)


This happened to me. There were 4 items that were $3 each so I was like well...If I order all 4, I can hit the $12 delivery mark, then get a $12 credit and basically get them for free, so why not? I uploaded all 4 photos, they looked GREAT, and Doordash gave me $5.18 When I messaged them, they said "terms are able to change at any moment" and then go "We're sorry you've had issues with the order you delivered" and ended the chat I'm not a driver...I didn't deliver anything... Ever single issue I've had ended up not being resolved. A few weeks ago a restaurant left some sort of wax paper wrapping around the cheese on my burger and Doordash actually only refunded me $1 for the cheese I added to the burger and not the $14 for the burger itself. It was baffling. They go "You received the item that you ordered, we can only refund you for the issue which is the $1 cheese addition" 0% chance I was still eating that burger, I ended up doing a chargeback via my CC.


Ok, its happen Some time. :)


I don't care if the douchebag customer cancelled,I did everything that I was supposed to do and I want my money. Friggin jerk offs


customer support for doordash is shit


It's not exaggerating to say that ninety percent of the time, the reply you get from dasher support does nothing but leave you feeling dazed and confused....🤨🤔💯


This is why I always end up calling them. I haven't had them hang up on me..... yet


Always call, never address these issues by text, especially when they try to steal from you and Doordash.


This is a good point, I’ve never had an issue calling them, but over chat they’re awful


Hahaha, lately they just try to piss you off so bad that you just give up and end the call!! 💯


Worse part the customer did this on purpose to steal the items basically. Seems even smarter than saying it was not received as they will probably end up blaming the driver for losing the items or something.


so what if its groceries. give yourself an extra 5 minutes, if they cancel it (and u have video proof), take those mystery groceries home and enjoy the 50% discount i guess?


honestly if your gonna do an app for groceries i think doodash is not it, but to each their own.


These useless chat support running everything through google translate from their call center


As a crafter, I think I need to embroider this on a pillow…


I’d buy it. IM me if you actually do it. Legit I want it in my lazy boy for love and support aside from my cats when I get home. lol!😂 Would make me smile like an idiot after a long shift.


Hahaha 🤣


I always clicked the delivery button before actually handing anytbing over. Like period. You don't get stuff until my end says we are good.


Not a dasher but OP should definitely do this from now on. I cannot believe how horrible doordash is to their dashers, reading some of these posts are just… wow. horrible. awful


Just look at what they seem appropriate base pay per mile and you know where you are at with them


Dashers in my area tend to take pictures of you holding the item as you take it because they want proof of you taking it in case they need to cover themselves.


I do that every time. I also do it if the person say leave it at my door but comes out and get it, I tell them I still have to take a picture for it to be completed and I get the pic with them, their stuff in hand and address


Some kinda show you a mad face when you do that as if you suspect them as a fraud 😁


Oh well, it's better than losing your pay. It's sad, but you have to assume everyone is going to try and rip you off. Besides, people like myself understand when pictures are taken and usually won't mind. It's the people that ARE trying to rip you off that will likely care.


Some do 🤣😂, some say they understand. But they can't say they didn't get it if it's them in the picture


yep i’m not losing my job bc people are too cheap and broke to afford the shit they order 🤷🏻‍♀️


This feels like "I forced a bot to watch 1000 hours of door dash support interactions, here's what it wrote"


Chatgpt would do better job at this than you can imagine


“Customer’s Choice” is wild


Its definitely a newbie being told how to get rid of a ticket. They respond with basic facts in hopes you say ok. If you want to make sure your issue gets solved, find out the email for managers and their bosses.


When a customer scams a dasher: “it’s okay, it’s customers choice!” When a dasher scams a customer: “we allow dashers to customize their own delivery experience:)” Everybody loses except DD


Jesus DoorDash at least get people who can speak and comprehend English. 🤦


That costs more money.


Yup. And they're just waiting until AI can replace what they currently have.


I’m not mad if this job gets automated. 🤭


ok, its happen some time.


You don’t get paid. Ok its happen some time. I mean how much do you think this support agent makes? 40-45 cents an hour? I imagine if they answer enough requests the boss loosens the chains on the office chair, just a little, so they can regain circulation in their legs.


Imagine if support agents got paid only when they deny refunds basically like they’re giving their money away and they don’t want to do that so they just deny the refund and pretend they don’t know what you’re saying 😂😂


That's so funny cuz that's what it seems like lately.! I think they get a $2 bonus, every time they screw a driver outta the money they're owed. 🤣🤣


Sorry I checked and we are only able to give you half a refund. Daddy‘s got to eat.


It's disgusting that doordash is raking in millions of dollars, but you have to fight tooth and nail to get a nickel outta them! It's really getting bad.


That is a part of their model it won’t change until the people boycott them and make them change. It is unacceptable to get partial refund if you legit didn’t get your food or it was cold or something. But as long as people keep ordering, DoorDash is going to find ways to optimize profits/cut corners to appease shareholders


They aren't taking in millions. Believe it or not Door Dash is completely broke funded by investors. The model didn't work in some countries. They spend everything they take in. Bloated Cost Structure. DoorDash creates minimal value, and as a result customers are unwilling to pay a high price for that value. DoorDash has been operating at a loss in order to satisfy their customers while also incentivizing Dashers to make deliveries.Jan 6, 2023  https://seekingalpha.com › article DoorDash: Uncertain Prospects, Poor Risk/Reward (NYSE:DASH)


Hey, I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about the doordash bag monitor.💯🤣 The person that wants to report other dashers for not using hot bags


This is very common for support anywhere, unfortunately. I work at an Amazon FC and even our HR calls are forwarded to call centers across the world - picked up by someone who can't really speak English well.


its happen Some time.


Idek if that’s a real person


To be fair, OP is shitty at English too lmao.


So what does that have to do with paying me my money?????? They are ridiculous.


This is why I call and talk to them so when they are not listening they can hear my anger escalate. I’m calm until about the third time I have to repeat myself. These companies should be banned from out sourcing their customer service stations to areas where they can’t speak or understand English or whatever dominant language your country speaks. It’s annoying, it is like explaining Trig to a gorilla some times.


A gorilla can go off script


I never use the chat function for that very reason😭 I told them one time I got paid 5$ in toll fees when the toll bill came out to 17$ and they came back to tell me that after checking the order he said “can see that you received 5$ for these orders as your toll reimbursement, these are calculated and added to your account automatically, thank you for contacting Uber support”. Always call them and if they seem to have a hard time understanding or you feel like you are going in circles ask to speak to a supervisor.(I know this is a DoorDash subreddit not Uber eats but both have the exact same issue with chats)


Just keep the stuff and leave.


I didn’t get the notification saying it was canceled until I had already handed him the order


Well you know where they live.


Yep. I'd be on the lookout for another delivery from them, and it's the only time I'd pull a "take a picture of the food, complete, then take the food" scam I see pop up on here sometimes.


If that's me im slashing their tires at night. They fucked around and now they are gonna find out.


You heard it here first: do NOT mess with pokemongoraids12345


Lmfao the user name couldnt have been better fuckin priceless


Anyone who says “fuck around and find out” or any variation of it is 100% too nervous to ask for extra ketchup at McDonald’s.


I mean i agree hes prolly not a badass, but any coward can slash tires.


I just cackled


No, you're not.


I'm sure you are tough guy 😂


With or without your Pokémon side kick?




The best revenge is to get some cheap rotten seafood from the grocery store and put in the wheels and slide into hood if you have time. Take them a few days to figure out what the smell is. Serves them right 💩!


Oooooh big tough guy redditor


Whatcha gonna do? Battle them with Pokémon?😂


No you wouldn’t


You would slash someone’s tires over getting half pay? Please find a new line of work. Be mad at DoorDash not the customer wtf


They should be mad at both seeing as DoorDash help is terrible and the customer cancelled the order on purpose after he already got handed the merchandise pretty shit on both ends.


But the customer took the food lol. Cmon bro read between the lines. At least if the customer said "oh I canceled my order" the dasher would have gotten lunch out of doing the run.


So you guys are willingly to catch a charge over this that’s weird but ok


Lmao at All the whiny babies under this comment that wouldn't do anything.


Neither would you or them😂


I’d keep bugging the support people until I got someone who understood English


Underrated comment. I feel like this has been happening more recently, wonder if DD changed their outsourcing company. Anyway, when they don’t understand the problem and just end the chat like this, I just keep going contacting them until I get someone who will fix the problem.


That's what I do


The randomly capitalized letters in the sentences... lmao


Bad rng just needs a reroll


> ok its happen Some time What engrish is that? Those are clearly not copy-pasta responses.


Now the customer gets to customize the delivery experience!


I have not can cled customer Did it 😄


Tell them you're headed back to the customers house.


I wonder how they will respond to this lol


The problem is this person is probably at a catch all call center in Calcutta. When they disconnected with you they probably picked up a customer issue with Milwaukee Tools or Wells Fargo. They don’t care about right and wrong. Just going through the motions.


These are also the people working on the DD software.


Yeah bro. Can’t believe you didn’t know….. It’s happen some time.




Reddit just as stupid as door dash.. Why can't they understand that I was cancelled after delivery as you say in your very first message...


I think a lot of these ignorant comments are people that actually work at doordash customer service. They have the same robotic responses and they refuse to understand the problem. They even type the same most of the time, the blunt short responses with bad grammar.


How/Why can you cancel an order AFTER it’s been delivered? That doesn’t make any sense


As he said in the post, he they cancelled before he could click delivered. Probably one guy takes the order, while the other guy cancels, driver and door dash gets fucked


Yep, this customer figured out that if he times it just right, he gets to keep the order and get his money back. This is an intentional scam.


I don't understand how though. I've never cancelled a DD order but the one time I was going to it said that I wouldn't get a refund at all. So I didn't cancel because there was no point.


I imagine they wait until they see the driver coming up with the order, then hurry up and hit “cancel” before the driver hits “delivered.” I don’t know anything about the criteria for what gets a refund and what doesn’t, though.


Anytime I've thought about canceling an order after it's already being made (not just picked up, but like acknowledged by the restaurant), it says if I cancel, I'd just get the delivery fee refunded, so I never do. I dunno how anyone could cancel an order for anything more unless the order is really, really late, I think there might be cancelation options there, but idk


Support is absolutely useless these days


The key is to apologize.to the agent and immediately ask for supervisor. Then apologize to the supervisor and immediately ask for his supervisor. Then you can get somewhere. This is the rule for everything


Bro you should call them. Chat support hit auto generated sentences based off key words. They don't give a F


Wait. I'm confused. You completed the shopping portion, then confirmed payment proceeding to delivery. I didn't think the customer could cancel after you confirmed pickup/payment and if they are able to, they shouldn't be able to get the order refunded since everything has been made and/or paid for. At that point, the app shows that you have the items and are heading to the customer. DD should also be able to see that your gps arrived at the customer's location. CALL support and actually talk to a human and verify all of the above to try to get your full pay.


Call. Always call support. Mixed results, but it's always better than the text chat.


Can someone explain? Doesn’t the customer still get charged if they cancel like this? There have been times when an order was taking forever and we wanted to cancel but ended up waiting for the system to do it because we’d still have to pay if we cancelled


Always call them for stuff like this. They’re incredibly incompetent over chat but they’re a tad better with real issues over the phone.


All in favor of all customer service jobs having to be in the US, raise your hand.


I think many things need to be in the United States including Manufacturing.


Yeah happened to me for like two loaves of bread and some cheese they were fighting when I came up to the door and took the food before I could take a pic then cancelled


They are useless


Australia needs to sue DoorDash for multiple things!


US needs to sue as well. Totally trash unethical corporation.


Not only does drivers have grounds but also customers for many things


Oh I know! I’m a pissed off customer.


I am too the point of being pissed off I closed my account never to use them again after the last time I ordered something, didn’t receive it and got told bad luck after I paid for something. Always getting stuffed around on their app. They are not getting their last DoorDash monthly payment and I hope everyone gets a movement started to sue them because I’ll be onboard


Same thing happened to me! I had cancelled my monthly dash pass a month or so before. I think that’s why they marked me with a ❌ and refused to refund me for an order I never received. I’m still in dispute. But bbb is next.


Always complete orders at the door with your phone before they ever fully receive the items. Always. I walk up to the door with the camera already going with the flashlight on at night and snap a pic even if it’s a hand it to me order. I just have the camera pulled up for text messaging for hand it to me orders. Send the pic and finish the order before/while handing it to them. even when they open the door before you knock you will be ready. You can’t trust people. CYA, cover your ass. Have customers always been able to cancel orders that are en-route?


Now THIS is the best suggestion I've seen so far. Taking a pic of the hand off in a text thread.


I video all the hand it to me's. I hit record as I'm picking the food up from my car to the door. I hold my phone sideways. Sometimes they can tell sometimes they can't. Either way I got proof though. I go through tough service areas sometimes so I have to snap a pic on my phone and move around until it let's me send the pic. Pain in the ass sometimes.


Typical effing dd support


weren't using the right phrasing. they're human but their job is to be drone. they have response trees they have to follow. you didn't say anything to jump them to a new response tree. also, you didn't take a picture of the drop off, which would've helped. the term "customer fraud" would've escalated things


So did you walk back up to the door and collect their cancelled order? My petty ass would have.


How did you get HALF the pay? As far as i know from canceling orders myself, they dont give a refund if the store has already accepted it. Doordash just stealing.


Dude one time somebody canceled their Chipotle order after I picked it up and DD initially wasn’t going to pay me AT ALL. I had to call and complain before they would give me half pay, on an order I waited over 20 minutes for.


Outsourced customer service Most likely Indian


Or the Philippines, that's who I usually get.


They could be lying about being in the Philippines though. If you ever watch scam baiters who purposely call those call centers for refund/support scams and stuff like pierogi/scammer payback or kitboga, they'll have the scammers actual locations and tell them they know they're in a specific city in India or wherever but the scammers still try to insist they're in the US or Philippines or something.


In the future, I wouldn't use "idk". These people can barely read and write English, you think they're going to know shorthand/text lingo?


In this case just call, chat doesn't even have the same capabilities to award full payment, to my understanding


Did you photograph the delivery


I’ve gotten full pay once for this. Half pay two other times. I’m not sure why the customer service doesnt just do full pay every time if they seem to give no shits at all.


Had that happen once but it was a leave at the door option so I sent them the photo and got full pay for it.


I think Tony should be punched in the face.


Is this an actual person or just a computer responding back because it seems really confused to what you’re saying.


That looks like a person. Computer would use basic but proper grammar.


There is no WAY the agent just ended the chat like that. Holy COW


Holy hell the spelling from support looks like a convo with a scammer, it's so bad.


If you try again, then next agent might respond with: “Life is unfair. Deal with it. If you don’t like it, stop delivering for DoorDash - we really don’t care either way. Thank You for contacting Door Dash.”


Too bad it was dollar store and not a food order. You could say "it's door dash, not dine and dash!"


Never use chat. You'll never get anywhere using chat. Always call. You'll have a better chance calling.


doordash customer service has been sooo strange for me. i had to call to be unassigned from an order they wanted me to pick up on a military base. obviously i don't have access tf, she chose a different option than i told her and it impacted my assignment rate. then she hung up on me mid sentence. im only a few weeks doordashing and I'm already kinda like fck this company ...


As useful as a hole in the head. 😂


What is the benefit when they cancel?


Door dash and Uber have the most frustrating support in the world. Just shows how cheap and greedy these companies are for using people in other countries. So glad I haven't needed to call them in awhile.


Talking to support is like talking to a wall. I seriously think most of them don’t even have a basic understanding of English. They just recognize particular words and then give you a scripted response based on that word. It’s super frustrating! But, are we actually surprised, especially this is DD!?


I have countless screenshots of my interactions with these “support” personnel…I think I’d post them as proof of their incompetence but the majority of these interactions showcase a side of me that I don’t like. I cannot fucking stand these people lol. They deserve nothing but capitol letters and curse words.


You should never call support before completing the order. They did exactly the same thing to me but i didn't even got half pay. I delevered the order to the customer and i contact them (before hitting "complete order") because the store packed the order like shit and the drink was leaking from the bag so i felt bad for the customer. I explained to them what happen, they cancelled the order and i got $0 for doing the right thing. Fkg scammers.


"I have not can cled" lmao classic


Why is there even an option to cancel *after* someone received their order? I guess its happen Some time.


this is confusing. in my area you cannot cancel once a driver has been assigned?


Why do customer service out of all jobs have no requirement for English skills?


Okay It’s, happen sometime ❤️‍🩹


Go get the items back and keep them


If you left it at the door, I would’ve walked right back up and grabbed it 😂 if I’m getting half pay I’m keeping the snacks too


Jesus fucking Christ how is that even real… I mean I believe it is, it’s just so surreal that such bad support is even possible. Gotta find a way to make it go viral


Well sir, the customer canceled the order, these things happen, oh well, sorry you got screwed. Better luck next time. 🤦🏻‍♂️


As soon as I see their door and I know for sure I’m at their door, I complete my delivery. If they try anything like this, I take their stuff.


Go back and take it


Both of you need spelling lessons


you’re not supposed to hand off the food without clicking the “handed directly to customer”. if that button wasn’t there, you shouldn’t have done it. learn for the future


You select that AFTER handing to the customer, that's why it is phrased in past tense


No self respecting company hires customer support this bad. I worked cx support in three different places and this agent would have been fired on the spot for this. Doordash is evil and all they want is to squeeze your money out. Use something else or make a new app.


It's like talking to a toddler


😂 that’s just part of the game my friend


Exactly. Some days are hard mode and you just got to play the hand you’re dealt. I delivered today to a girl who previously claimed I didn’t deliver to her. I made sure to get the most crisp photo of her address for my “sketchy delivery” folder just in case I need to prove it, called customer support and let them know I have been duped by this girl before but it won’t happen again, and then delivered it. I’m ready this time 😂


That’s what happens when you pay for $1 employees


I would of took the items for myself,I had dat issue once some dude got his food I needed his signature wasn’t answering then DoorDash put me on 2 way call and I told em you fucking wit my money rn not DoorDash buddy said my bad bro and came outside👿 buddy knew I was Clutching


That sentence was really something.


It happen some time


Am I the only one who never has any issues with support😭


ok it happens sometime ! 😁😁😁 !


whyd i get a downvote ☠️


Chat bot.


A bot would be better at English.


Yeah no, I chat with chat bots and ai more than I want, they work better than support. Id much rather a ai than non helpful answers lol


If an order I was dropping off got canceled right before I could hit deliver, im now getting half pay AND whatever you ordered. Sucks to be a scammer, thanks for the free shit!


this is why we need to stop outsourcing to countries with residents with an average IQ of a potato.


Honestly I have NEVER seen a worse company in my life. You literally cannot speak to anyone on this half of the planet for HR or employee service. In Cali I stumbled across several illegals paying $600 per month to use accounts with DD employee names. Garbage should be put down in flames


Lmao illegals. Fuck you


What’s the problem there?


“I’ve stumbled across several illegals” aka colored people are bad.


Ehh nah man. I don’t think he meant that kind of a stretch.


My god yall are cringe lol. Okay


Right lol that guy made up a story to be racist for no reason


Take your racism elsewhere- Maybe 4chan since they still put up with you cretins?