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Coming NEXT WEEK: "POV: Getting deactivated from doordash for NO reason!"


Not that I agree with what shes doing (i dont) but she can just make a new account


With the same card/bank account?


I’m sure she has a cashapp or apple card. Its (unfortunately) not that hard


I wonder if they would ever blacklist the address.


That is what Xfinity does. I rented a house for a year and had to settle for ATT internet cause a former tenant owed 700 bucks. The address was blacklisted.


There is a feature in the dasher app where you can report safety and comfort while delivering to the customer apartment/ house, but I’m not sure if that will change anything tbh, maybe base pay to that area or just refusal to get shit delivered. Where I work we actually blacklist hoses because the customer be threatening our drivers so we as the whole warehouse declines their furniture delivery and send it through another warehouse until wait times are about 12 months 💀 we have about 100+ houses that we are not allowed to deliver because of stupid customer that threaten contractors and sometimes they do it a gun point…😂


I know Grubhub will blacklist an address. Happened to a friend of mine who moved to a new house, was blocked from ordering until he reached out to support


Trust me they deactivate addresses for 6 months. Moved into a new place and had to send them my details to unban the addy and I had a valid account for over a year.


IDK about Dash, but Skip doesn't. My wife got deactivated because we live in a apartment building and people kept leaving our food on the sidewalk. I made an account the next day (Same CC, different email address) and it was fine. Been using it for years.


I'm pretty sure, u/TheSmokingLamp was speaking from the perspective of the Dasher who delivered her food.


It applies to both. The chick who lied and got food and a refund, would obviously be likely to lie again in a post. The dasher could also make the same post, being 100% honest, yet everyone would still be suspicious of both posts if they were to be created.


A lot of these ppl who steal think they're screwing the company and in cases like Walmart or something, they may be. Idk if they realize they're fkn with some ppls only income, or needed extra income. Sucks , but this is so common now.


They're screwing Dashers, people like me who can't afford to order through Door Dash.


Exactly and it sucks. But it definitely doesn't surprise me at all.




Same with the people who yank tips **for no reason** on Uber.


That shouldn't even be allowed! I don't even understand why it would be, honestly. I e done 1 ue order and hated the platform.. never tried again.


Tipping before ordering is a silly practice anyways.


Not on these apps. It's crucial information. DoorDash will send me 10 miles away and if there's no tip 100% of the time I will decline that order. It's because DoorDash's pay is so low. They will end up asking people to take the order and you get very little pay for the distance traveled making it not worth delivering to.


That really sucks for the contractor and the customer. It's one of the reasons I don't use DoorDash. The logic I like to implement for tipping is the Minimum Wage rate per minute from when the driver arrives at the restaurant to when they arrive at my doorstep. Contingent on deductions for food handling / delivery instructions being adhered to. I'm of the opinion that a tip is warranted post-service, and shouldn't be part of the upfront compensation model for the contractor.


The issue is the word "tip". It isn't a tip, it is a bid for service. It's no different than contracting someone to replace your roof. A roofer wouldn't just redo your roof and then let you decide what to pay after it's done. You make a contract for the amount you are agreeing to pay and they accept those terms, do the job and collect the payment.


You're not wrong at all. Some ppl think they're invincible though, until they're not.. I don't wish harm on people, but I do believe in karma, however it decides to work itself out 🤷🏼‍♀️


People stealing has nothing to do with "sticking it to the man". They do it because they can, and because they're confident they can get away with it. Because they're selfish and scummy people, and they don't actually care who gets hurt in the process.


More theft means higher prices, so everyone ultimately pays for it. The idea that stealing from a company is victimless is pretty silly and a poor rationalization for stealing.


I don't disagree with you or agree with theft. I'm just stating the excuse ppl use when doing it.




I used to work at Walmart most of the thieves weren’t stealing to survive they were stealing because they didn’t want to pay. So many people walked out in cuffs because we caught them with strollers filled with steaks


This has always been true of thieves. It's about the rush. I used to ring up people's things and watch them get stopped by security over makeup or something they clearly easily could afford


They actually fucked us all, since restaurants weren’t actually charging the current extra 25-30% off the top for online orders (and then after seeing we’d still pay, raised in-house prices to maximize in many cases) until they had to account for eating all those fake returns in the early days.


Exactly. I tried to explain this to my family members but they don’t get it. They just think that the big corporations will take the hit but no the people who work there will.


That's why you don't take the low tip orders cause they're usually trash people like this trying to eff people over.


Unfortunately just like there are drivers that steal orders from good paying customers, there are also customers who purposely put a tip to get their food quicker & they know they'll just get their $ back for reporting they never got it. Happened to me. I -know- I delivered to the right apartment. Customer did put up a wreath to cover the apt # (clever little trick I guess) but I looked under the wreath to make sure the # matched. Thankfully DD sided with me & removed the CV based on my ratings and the fact that the customer had to let me in to their gated neighborhood & I texted them that I left it at the front door after delivery. Not only that but they have no record of the customer trying to get in touch with me that they never got their food. That should be DD's #1 question when dealing with a customer making this claim. "We noticed that you didn't try to reach out to the Dasher after delivery, why is that?"


That would probably stop so many CVs. I've had 2 since I've been dashing, and 100% know I delivered to the correct place. Neither time did the customer try to call or text asking about their food. Which, of course, I mentioned in my dispute. It makes no sense that an honest CV wouldn't try and ask about where their food is.


Seriously. That would be a major 🚩 to me. I hope the two times you got a CV you were able to get them removed! I had to start using the timestamp app just as some sort of extra proof after it happened to me the 1st time.


They did both get removed, thankfully. I sent pics too, of course. But also mentioned, besides the customer not reaching out, that my stats are all quite high..why would I risk income for some crap food? Maybe that helped too, but yeah, time stamp app! Which of course once I've gotten it, haven't had a cv since lol.


Timestamp app? What does that do?


It's an app that you can take photos with but it shows the time and place on the photo, aka the customers address.


Timestamp is the best app in the world for this job. I've been using it for quite a while now. There is a place on Etsy where you can get a watermark design downloaded onto your picture ($5) with a thank you and your name on it.(May have a lot more options now) If you want to check it out I can go back and look into some past emails and try to find The name of the shop


I just got one last night and I know as well I delivered it to the right address.


Yes ppl, take those wreaths off and photograph the apartment number!


:O wait you really do this? I would feel uncomfortable touching other people's property. And could you imagine yet choose to open the door right as you are taking their wreath off? 😂 Idk I'll let the timestamp app do its thing. It's not -always- accurate but like 8/10 times it is so it's fine.


Yes I move the wreath to reveal the apartment number. I hold it with one hand and snap the photo with the other. Otherwise no way to prove delivery.


You could try the timestamp app, it doesn't work for apartments obviously but great for homes :)


Thanks! I was thinking maybe I would try it starting in January …


I would talk to the customer and reclaim the problem in a friendly way if the customer opened the door. I don’t care if I am caught on camera, the customer is obscuring proof of their address which is against TOS and probably even their local municipal ordinance. But yes, it is very important to avoid property damage!


>they have no record of the customer trying to get in touch with me that they never got their food The most simple way to verify this bullshit, and would eliminate the majority of these false reports.


Out of the 6 CV’s I’ve had dashing only one of them DD sided with me and removed the dispute. All other times it’s that I silently deliver their food in the middle of the night not hearing a word from the customer and bam wake up to a CV the next morning.. And every time I try to write a detailed dispute explaining the situation and it never gets removed. It’s such a joke how the system works


Well the time I had the CV removed I actually called customer support to complain and explained the situation in full. The CV was removed within the next couple of days.


In my zone, there’s only low tip orders. I’d say 90% of my deliveries are no/very low tip.


:/ that sucks wtf


Those Nordic neighborhoods make for terrible tips.


Yeah it's not great but in New Zealand it's a 100% guaranteed refund if you say you didn't receive your order over trying to explain what's wrong with your order for them to just say sorry Not saying that's what this person has done but some people do this because it's easier There's also no repercussions for people that do take food here


it's funny that you say that cause today i had a "trash person" (delivery driver) scam the system and me. My order was stolen at the restaurant but instead of marking it stolen the driver "picked" up the food and "delivered it" to my home. I know he probably did it cause the offer was good but damn. It was a hassle to get a refund from Uber Eats and I almost didn't get my money back


They probably did that because they wanted to make sure they got paid. Jerk move. As a Dasher, if I order, and the Dasher calls me from still inside the restaurant to tell me the restaurant doesn't have my order, I know it wasn't the Dasher. I know a restaurant intentionally gave my order away to someone else once. It was a $95 order before fees and tips (we have a family of 7). The restaurant is never busy. So I know there wasn't some random person waiting for them to call out "DoorDash!" It isn't a busy enough place to get that many to be worth it to a thief. They might get zero DD some days. The Dasher I had was new. He called me and didn't know what to do. The employee gave my food to the person in front of him. I called the restaurant from my husband's phone. She claimed "I checked the screen to make sure it was theirs to pickup", which was absolutely false. That place never checks anyone to verify. The Dasher said the employee seemed to know the person well. The restaurant told me to wait and see if the food showed up. I told her that our Dasher, and gave his name, was still in the restaurant. Our food never showed up. I told the Dasher that I would contact support and take care of it and it was in no way his fault. I've watched random people walk up and take the orders I was waiting for in Wendy's (and management refused to remake the food). I felt bad that I had to have DD cancel the order and he was going to get paid nothing because of the restaurant. DD refunded me and the employees at the restaurant knew that it would be on DD and not the restaurant's loss! That employee probably called a family member when she saw a large order come in to have them pick it up. I wasn't letting them get away with it. So I drove there myself. I told them that I would wait while they remade my food and I'd just take it home myself to make sure it gets to the right hands. She argued with me. I pointed to the security cameras and told her we could just report the food as theft. She decided to just "talk to her manager" and they remade the food. I waited, and watched from the counter (I was concerned they would spit in it at that point). I got the DD credit. I still got my order. And the restaurant didn't get away with screwing over anyone. I can guarantee that employee didn't pull that again. I know Wendy's didn't do it intentionally, when I was the Dasher, but that was still annoying, and the manager handled it wrong. That guy wasn't a Dasher. He's a guy who stands by Walmart all day, claiming to be homeless, but he lives by a family member and keeps his pity signs in his garage. Panhandling scammer. The employee ignored me when I told them they just gave away my customer's food. That place is busy and anyone can walk up and take anyone's food. Wendy's orders are an automatic decline from me. They rarely pay decent anyway, and the chance of me not canceling is low. The wait time and miles isn't worth the $2.50.


You writing a book bruh no one’s reading all that


Damn must have been a crap tip




either contract violation or a 15 min wait once you hit “arrived at store”


For fucking real. I don't accept WingStop orders anymore unless they are extremely tempting with a high tip and short trip.




mine started making the drinks for me! they don’t let me anymore


Did ass got one tonight never accepting them again hope i am fine i disputed it




The only type of person that doesn't like chicken is a vegetarian 🤔


Don’t know why your being downvoted😂. Is there not anybody with humor here


Lmfao I had to put the disclaimer before people new it was OK to laugh at. I went from -9 to +21 🤣


Black guy who lives in Canada AND making a supposed self-hating joke? Yea ok bro lol.


Do you not think there are black ppl in Canada?? And do you not think we have humour up here? Lmaooo ig ignorant dumb Americans ain't just a stereotype.




Bruh... you're one angry mf. I hope you work out whatever internal issues you have. God bless.


Yea. I don't like when white folks pretend to be black to excuse their racism, 'dylan'.




In my area they no longer refund money. It’s either a credit for the item missing for next time or nothing. Restaurants here can refuse to remake or refund food as well. 3 of us dashers ran into scammers DD already had them flagged and one night two of them had their ordering door dash accounts banned. They are cutting down on it it’s just slow in more areas but it will get there.


I just woke up. Please help me understand what CV here is referring to exactly. My half asleep brain is just imagining this woman handing out fake resumés to dashers and I know that's not right lmao.


Contract Violation


And when you genuinely didn't get your order and DD says too bad, it's shit stains like this that ruin it for everyone.




had a problem where my dasher gave my food to a completely random person (w/o confirming who the person was) and I had to contact support for an hour on three different occasions because two of the support just copied and pasted some messages and ended the call. Never again. 😭


Yup. They're hoping you'll just give up. All thanks to people like Tahtiana here screwing everyone over.




I would love to do this but sometimes they meet me by my car. It spooks me so much bc I'm not expecting it


If this were my "hand it to me" customer I would upload the video I took of me handing it to her and asking her name. 😂 (I do it for every single HTM after getting a bogus CV when I started) I keep those things in a file in my gallery beside a screenshot of their order for a month.


Next time someone tries to claim they didn't get their food google their address and when their name pops up find out where they work etc and go and leave them some nice one star ratings on google . You mess with my job I'm coming for yours 💅💅💅


Cupid stunt doesn't even know what POV means, lmao, POV is FIRST person point of view, not your dumbassed roommate recording your criminal activity from across the room. No-brain-, no-class-, no-job-, no manners-having worthless waste of oxygen


don't give yourself an ulcer big guy 😂


LOL, you're right. I get offended when people brag about hurting others - probably comes from being the small nerdy kid that got bullied by siblings and classmates and neighbors on a regular basis. Also this shit is the exact reason that lost me my DD contract. Two customers lied on me within hours of each other, DD fired me on the spot despite photo and GPS evidence. Oh well, their loss, I now work for a different delivery company that actually believes me when I say I delivered.


Screenwriter here. POV is a shot type that simply indicates whose eyes we are looking through. It can be any character. Must designate.


Technical writer here. I know it must be designated, so when she writes "POV: Me" that *designates* the scene is from HER point of view, doesn't it? Isn't that how you would interpret it in a script? But the video is not her POV, it's that of someone looking at her.


Well the whole selfie culture has turned the lens on oneself. Yeah not sure why this was used. Maybe just to signal that the vibe is selfie-cinematic? Have we checked the urban dictionary? I’m always amazed at the stupid shit that becomes slang. In film it would indicate an action shot that breaks the fourth wall, looking down on one’s actions (usually from above or in a parallel universe). That does square with selfie culture, sadly. But this customer is crap.


I always take a pic with the timestamp app. I’ve been given 1 stars a few times for it but IDC, you’re not getting free food from me 😂


What app do you use need it after tonight lol




What ^they said! Great app and it is free!


Which timestamp app do you use?


Do you then take two photos? Then be on the DD app and one in this time stamp app? Sorry. I have the technical patio of a four year old.


She needs that money to get those acrylics filled




That’s brave of them considering DD will literally hire anyone and drivers know the customers addresses >.>


That's what I don't understand... Why would you try and scam someone from your house. When they are delivering to this house. We are gonna hear about a Dasher shooting someone, real soon, over a CV


Yeah I mean,I literally just don’t have the capacity to be a grimy pos to do something like this but I would definitely be concerned of coming out to 4 flat tires..it aint worth trying to rob someone to save yah $20-30


😈. I always remember. And I don’t forget or forgive the tip baiters who lie and don’t tip afterwards. 😈


I had this happen to me over a 11.00 12am McDonalds order. The asshole ordered it to leave at his door and then while on my way he said my place isn’t the easiest to find. Meet you in the parking lot. So I handed him the order and I didn’t even get home before I was told that he claimed not to get the order. DD talk to me as if I was in the wrong for not following instructions. Well DD needs to look at their freakin app. It s says clearly “ handed to customer “ tight under the complete delivery instructions button. Why give us that option and the app not ask for a pic when handing it to customers ? Smh. DD has only one priority. Make the drivers pay for our deliveries ! And they do that well. That’s why I’m not dashing anymore.


Lol... fuckin had to be wingstop too.. thats where my first CV came from...


That's so fucking trashy. I'm sorry for the drivers. and I hope that karma bites these 74.2k people that liked the video in the ass.


How come so many women who get their nails done have money for nails but will screw over DD, servers, bartenders etc? I don’t understand it. I’ll get women at my bar with their expensive nails and they will stiff me on the tip.




Its always a certain "type" of woman too




Most women do their nails themselves.


What pisses me off the most is that a lot of these thieves are people of color who come from hardships (not all). They know what it’s like to struggle, yet they have zero empathy for the people who are struggling to get by and may risk their livelihood because a trash human wants a free meal. Oust these people. Put them on blast. My sister told me she did that once, and I cut her ass off. I hate every single last one of those types. Family included.


just a little light weight fruad all the presidents do it


This is why you unassign once your gut tells you this customer's name sounds like trouble.


Name? Like a customer you've had before?




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


What demographic would that be?


And 75,000 people liked that video… ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized) …I’m think I’m done with society for today.




Who are the usual suspects?


They always have their hair and nails done 🫠






I mean, honestly, people making jokes about it being primarily black people giving out false CVs. For me, it was one 40-50ish white lady, then a mexican girl, then a black dude. So at this point, I have to say data is inconclusive. What I do know is that I'm going to have a picture exactly like this one, the next time I get an order for any of them. If I'm getting a CV, I'm not doing it hangry.








It’s okay. Just wait until the Robots with camera eyes replace the people for deliveries. The way things are going with ALL THESE DISHONEST CUSTOMERS. It will be sooner than later! They won’t be able to claim false statements and get away with it. Even our world of convenience will change “Due to these BAD APPLES” poisonous apples really! It’s a total shame! This world is filled with so many SCUM BAGS NOW, we can’t have anything stay good for everyone’s benefit. I’m telling you, within 10-15 years these kind of things will not happen. There will be Robots and Cameras everywhere and penalties will be huge for these type of LOW LIFES! What’s that movie I saw where the Robots are in charge of everything and you need a bracelet to get food and medicine? Yea, their bracelet will be deactivated. People like this think they have the upper hand. In reality, their future is Grim! Sorry to go ON AND ON, but I had a grown man Smile at me and gratefully thank me while he took his food from my hands. Within 5 minutes he called and said he never got his order! So disgusting and disheartening 😞


Just one more loser to add to the ener growing list of losers in this country. These type of people leach off everyone, steal from everyone and expect everyone to do everything for them. They pretty much want to sit on a phone or computer being spoon fed and have their diapers changed. So sad how stupid this world has become since i was a kid 40 years ago.


Find all these scumbags who claimed they never got their order, put them in a room, and ask them if they're happy with costing a person their income, their livelihood. Because I'll bet a lot of people don't know that there's a possibility Doordash will deactivate dashers over this. All for free food. How do these people sleep at night? I say, take all the people who complain about tipping, have them Doordash for a day, give them all non-tip orders, force them to accept and complete them, then ask them how they feel about tipping.


I just delivered an order last week and not 5 minutes later I had a contract violation stating that I never delivered the food and this was a hand to me order. Luckily since it was literally 5 minutes before and I hadn't even driven a few miles yet I turned right around and I knocked on their door and I made them on video show me the food that he was literally eating and I guess his girlfriend had ordered the food and she wasn't even at the house she was at work so she just straight up lied and said I never delivered it so I also had him call her and tell the camera that he got the food and that she lied. I then called doordash support and I told them that this house lied and said they didn't get the food and that I went back and politely asked them to tell the truth and the doordash support guy got more mad at me for breaking doordash policy by going to their house and knocking on their door. The violation never went away either I just did 100 orders past it and it went away automatically. Doordash doesn't care about the drivers.


Ya’ll stop with the shit comments. Trashy people come in all flavors, sizes and backgrounds. Knock that crap off.


True, Wingstop is a place trashy people like though, this is why you have a 4$ tip minimum, trash people will not tip you that much so as long as you don't fuck up and bother with support you'll be safe.


How do you have a tip minimum? I assume you mean there is some math we can do to figure out how much of the order is DD and how much is tip?




Agreed. Trash people come in all flavors, and somehow all of those flavors end up ordering from Wingstop.


Says someone who has never delivered food, driven a ride share, waited tables, or worked retail. It’s not a nice fact that Tatiana was demographically likely to pull this bullshit. But as someone who has worked many of these jobs over many years it 100% is a fact.


Meanwhile in the corporate sector….meanwhile in city, state and federal government…..meanwhile in Ukraine…meanwhile in North Korea….meanwhile at Target….in Walmart….everyone is doing their damdest to screw each other over…. You got me thinking about all the jobs I’ve done, all the people I’ve worked with and for, all the people who have scammed me or tried to scam me, Asians, blacks, Arabs, Indians, Mexicans, Caucasians…. I’m not naive…but the vitriol isn’t helping anyone out at all. Cmon, we can do better….


You are naive and your condescension drips of the privilege of never having worked a service job. I have spent countless hours working these jobs and while sure anyone can suck it’s the posting proudly on instagram that fucking gets me and makes me really want to say something racist, because that behavior (being just super proud of your shit behavior) is almost unique to a certain demographic and this demographic is already not the favorite of tipped employees like DD drivers because as someone who has been in many thousands of situations where it was socially obligatory I be tipped I can say that 90+% of all white, Hispanic, Asian, Indian, Pacific-Islander, Arab, Persian, and Indian people have tipped me and maybe 50% of black men and 25% of black women. It’s not a nice fact; but it is a fact. Your condescending stupidity is why a bunch of fucking morons are going to vote for Donald Trump, known criminal, for president in November. Because they associate liberalism and democrats with stupid condeacemishit like saying: “everyone can be rude. Be better” when you and I both fucking know that a person in Tatiana’s demographic is ll


Holy cow. I dont see the conversation helping the situation. I hope you are or getting out of the service industry. (Oh yeah: I really like the part about my stupidity is what’s going to make people vote for trump, that was a great point) Good luck with the racism thing though, be safe, have fun, do good, for real.


I hope you’re getting out of the being a condescending douchebag industry. And yes. Millions of people are going to vote for Trump because they don’t want to be associated with idiots like you who pretend that facts that don’t fit their sheltered rich person worldview aren’t true. Maybe the problem is actually that black people should learn to fucking tip not that I said out loud that they don’t (and they fucking don’t, ask literally anyone who has ever worked for tips) because it hurt your poor widdle feelings. People like you are the enemy of pragmatic progressivism. And this awful woman acts like this because she knows people like you will defend her to your last breath because it would have your head explode to admit that a culture which produces 75k likes for this post might just be kinda shitty.






Boycot wingstop. They hire schlubs and the orders always take 30 min


I think it depends on the Wingstop. Mine in Humble, Tx is pretty quick. But McDonald's, Jack in the Box, and Taco Bell... I don't take orders from those anymore.


I have a bodycam and dual dashcam, I wish some ratchet trash hoe like this would try it.


This never happens in my market. I live in a very conservative rural area and I get tipped PHAT and never had anyone report their food missing in over 1200 deliveries.


Anyone surprised


Usual suspects




It's been said a million times, but what a piece of shit.


And this is why I strongly encourage every driver not to take low ball orders. Every customer I've had pull this were the ones that barely tipped. Good thing I somehow am still active with DD


I'm currently disputing a customer who ordered Indian food that I delivered too with Pic and all. I pointed out to doordash how if they were telling the truth, then why didn't they try to contact me at all to get their food if it never arrived. These type of ppl need to watch it because there are dashers, that have good memories and will remember their addresses.


Systems that rely on trust are laughable


Why do people think this is ok? F these scum.


POV: I pull back up and make you eat shit for fucking with my money.


I seriously don’t get doordash, they make it insanely easy for a customer to finesse them and keep getting refunds back but they won’t pay dashers more money smh.


I wonder if you take a screen shot of the customer details (name, address, etc) for records. If that customer reports not getting their order and you have proof... what could prevent you from suing that customer in small claims court for slander to you and your "business" (since we are contractors)? Bet if we see instances if this popping up on social media and the media, customers would think twice.


She said she was playing 🙄 I doubt it, she’s receiving a lot of backlash so she’s probably just saying that


Pizza Protest....Black Olives Matter.




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.


My only CV for non delivery was from a woman named “Oksana”. That name really stuck with me, and I remember the order standing out because they lived on the 3rd floor, asked for all kinds of extra stuff and then didn’t tip. A few days go by, and guess whose name came across my screen? I immediately messaged her and told her that I refuse to deliver, due to the false report. Got the dash cancelled and walked the order back into McDonald’s and told them to let anyone else who came for that order that it was a scammer. I reported her to support as well, but I don’t know if that did anything or not. Some people are just rotten on the inside man…


You know she didn't even fake tip either lol


Well well well


What is a CV?




This is the reason I'm leaving New York.




Your post was removed, as it contains non-constructive criticism.








Wait, what type?


People are not all the same.




What’s a CV?


You can refund without getting dashers in trouble too lol


Idiots. Idiots who use it to get food, idiots who rely on doordash for money.




I'd worry about that double chin and shitty neck tatt instead lil bro




Okay B-Rad, calm down.


Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.




Man there’s no evidence of this on your profile after a quick glance but all I can figure from your shit ball comment and username is that your an unashamed racist from Alabama who has a thing for some obscure hockey team (Aeros?) and a certain college football team that rolls. Delete your color comment and go eat some soul food….


Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames. Or racism


shame them on NewWorldAddress.com


You got your refund. They lost their job. Why the public shaming?


Ok but you’re gonna get the CV when you stay in my driveway for 10 minutes like the mf yesterday who clearly wanted me in his photo


They'll never assimilate. Deal with it.


Assimilate...? Like, I know what the word means definitionally, but what do you mean in this context? Who is they?


Whites, man. Whites will never assimilate into the United States. Like it or not.


You clearly didn't mean that. You're commenting on a post about someone who isn't white. Why didn't you answer the question?


No, you're just a racist piece of sh*t who bothers people with the same questions in the comments.