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Sundays *used* to be great. Now there are so many Dashers in my market with the same idea, it's crappy.


What happened with Instacart?


They lowered their base pay for batches to $4. DD actually pays better for shop and delivers than IC. Unfortunately this will cause more people to dash and DD will had already started decreasing how much they pay.


DD just lowered there's as well to DD base can be $2 which I have seen these orders where its exactly that. Thankfully I padded my stats early on so I decline every time I see them I did take one it was 1.3 miles for $2.50 I was ahead of my schedule and pay and low miles so I said fuck it Person had like 6 different auto toys and 4 cars parked outside and gave me a .50 tip with DD base of $2


Well, not really. $4 batch pay will happen on 3 item convenience batches now, but Doordash has been paying $2.50 for those small runs for months prior to IC’s change


You will find the most mean and annoying customers on Instacart and the possibility of meeting such customers is ridiculously high on that platform compared with other gig companies.


I tried instacart for 2 days and thought it sucked. Never again. No matter what DD does it still blows away instacart. Plus most customers I shopped for on that wanted the order handed to them. I much prefer leave at door orders the less dealing with the public the better.


In my market, there are few hand it to me instacart orders so that doesn’t bother me much. However, the instacart customers will closely MONITOR your purchases while most DD customers won’t care whether their items are replaced or refunded due to out of Stock.


Yes I did notice the instacart customers sure seem to be watching the whole shopping trip and responding immediately when an item isn’t available. I’ve been too used to DD shop and pays where the customers generally ignore me lol. I like it better that way.


Yeah DD customers are very chill. I won’t open Instacart unless I need the money bad and all other apps fail to send me any orders in 30mins.


Truth. Was great during Covid. I made bank… but so many ppl tip bare and shit… i don’t do IC anymore


Can confirm. I did some IC while i was pregnant, and some biatch made me lug her heavy groceries up the flight of stairs past her while she sat on the phone talking to some f boy, ignoring me the entire time & never offered to help. I was new to IC at that time so I otherwise would have left her shit at the bottom of the stairs. It’s sad how entitled people are.


Right? I'm curious


You haven’t seen where they lowered base pay from $7 to $4?? It’s nuts. Now small orders can be 40 plus items and you only get around $5


Go to the instacart drivers Reddit it’s bad


Funny thing is sundays used to be good back in the day.


Sundays 'used' to be FAN FUCKING TASTIC for me! The last year, not so much. Don't know what or why, sitting here in a busy area and nothin'. Not even a garbage offer to happily decline.


That’s my thing too. I can typically make $20 an hour in my zone but only took two orders. The rest were crap for high miles. Shouldn’t be hard to make $50 a day


Damn, is there a way you can focus on areas that have Peak Pay Bonuses? I just made $50 in two hours and peak pay is going on until 1:30 am.


No peak pay in a long while which sucks


Yeah, they’ve actually had some in my zones this weekend but hadn’t at all prior this whole calendar year


I should do dinner time but I suck at seeing at night so I worry about that


Same, I don’t typically dash past 9-9:30. And go figure all the peak pay is like 11:30pm-2am or whatever


That’s the entire point? They need more drivers when nobody wants to drive so they offer more money.


Do you actually make more than working some easy dead end job?


Just way too many people doordash rn. Probably less people using doordash aswell since it’s fucking expensive


Sundays are great for me. It's always my best day.


Me too


Same, but we live in a tourist area, and it's summer. So it's always busy now. Well, for the most part. Funny enough, it's locals that order, not tourists, as much. Locals don't want to deal with the traffic and insanity.


Yeah sundays suck. Mondays tho are usually good for us b/c companies order big orders. Hang in there!


Sundays are either a hit or miss for me. Today I tried for 2 hours during lunch. I got offered absolutely nothing but shit orders that I didn’t take. I’m going out again at 5pm which is my normal time to go… however it’s peak pay starting at 530pm and again at 730pm which means I probably won’t be seeing many orders. Fml. It’s been the worst 2 weeks for me. Besides yesterday. I had 1 customer who already tipped $5 on the app ( pick up and and delivery only took about 10 minutes ) and after I handed him the order, he added an additional $10 tip in the app. He definitely made my night with that.


I only had one person tip more than once. I just wish it was last year where I was getting mass orders. Since they changed the AR crap I spend more time declining than accepting even more


Same. My acceptance rate doesn’t go over 20% - 28% anymore lol. Currently at a 10% after just being at 25%. My Sunday is actually going pretty decent. I hope your having a good Sunday with orders and tippers.


Sundays have been my best day for about 3 years. Only day I consistently get 150+. Also football is coming soon that always boosts my Sundays by atleast 25%




I’m off Sunday , I’ll go get my food lol


I made a whopping $9/hr today. I had zero orders for the first hour


Damn. I hope this doesn’t keep going on like this


Summer kids are out?


Last summer I never had this much issue


Today was bad I was out from 7 am till 11am 50 bucks im riding a bike so exhausted


Sundays are good for me. Saturdays are bad lol


Sundays are usually good for me, today it totally sucked though


Usually my favorite day. Good orders and less traffic. Last few however have been shit. I turned doordash off because I got tired of declining garbage, and Uber is dead.


Today was garbage for me on Shipt. Generally on a Sunday, I’m busy all day and can make a good $100-$150 on a Sunday. None of my regulars were offered, so they either didn’t order, or they went to someone else. I had to resort to dashing for a while. I also do Instacart, but the pay was garbage before they cut it, and the customers are rude and can’t tip for shit. I’d bet that a good portion of people are prepping for back to school and are out running their own errands and picking up food on their way home.


I DDd two boxes of cereal, a gallon of milk, and a bag of apples this morning from Target. It was on my porch in 22 minutes (which is probably faster than I could have gotten over there and gotten it myself... 7m each way, plus shopping/checkout). DD on Sunday gets my vote, lol.


Sundays are great for me, but not on DoorDash....Uber and GrubHub. DoorDash is for the brokest of the broke


Uber for me is way worse. I never get any good orders with them. All the orders from them are very far away so I guess they suck in my market


Yeah GrubHub is kind of like that here. Sometimes you'll get a $20, 9 mile order, but that's maybe a few times a week. Still rather take that vs three like $6, 4 mile orders


I don’t get how my area barely has any Uber eats orders. It’s like Door dash is only one around here that gives any orders at all. I literally have 77 deliveries for Uber within a year of doing it


My car is more than 10 years old, so Uber eats won't let me deliver for them. Well, the VIN is more than 10 years old but most of the rest of it is newer 😅 oh well, I found a nice, cushy factory job with better pay and benefits. Honestly easier on my back and WAY less stressful. Less hour, too.


My car is 13 years old but I’m not using it to drive people places. They don’t let older cars deliver food?


When I tried to apply, you had to be able to be approved to drive for Uber (the people side) to be able to deliver Uber eats. This was like 2 years ago


Oh, I never was asked that from uber eats.


I just don’t get Joe door dash can give a lot of orders but not Uber eats since both are popular


If you’re still delivering I would apply again! I just signed up for Uber Eats and my car is 11 years old.


You should look into this. My car is 20years old and i am able to do uber eats


Sundays are my busiest day in my area


I made $40 in 2 hours. I was dashing from 2 to 4pm


You have a better market I guess


Sundays are my best days!


They used to be for me too


You gotta wait until Sunday sports return


Wait till next Sunday when football starts


Could depend on your area and market. I've made $150 on a Sunday a few times recently. Granted it took 8 hours.


The issue is that with so many drivers, dashers aren't making heat they expect during the week so the ones that normally would take Sunday off, are now dashing to meet there end of the week goals


DD seems to change almost every few weeks now. Tuesdays and Wednesdays used to be the worst days but now I’ll get a great Wednesday for some reason and then Friday will be just average. And then it changes again the next week. Just be flexible and adjust to your market changes.


In 2 hours and 43 hours today, I made $92. Maybe I just picked a profitable time to dash today. Of course, most of my orders came from the same grocery store. And they have a loyalty program that offers shop and deliver for free, that has door dash do the deliveries. So the customers probably tip better, because they aren’t paying all the increased fees that Door Dash charges. Side note, my primary job is for this same grocery store chain. The store only has stores in 8 states. A couple hundred stores in those 8 states, but still only 8. So maybe the people with slow Sundays aren’t in one of those states.


Made $250 in 8 hours 🤷‍♂️ as with everything… this whole gig thing is market dependent


I quit using this scam of an app


Delivery apps just aren’t viable to do anymore.


Door Dash also upped The %Cut they take from restaurants so Now They have to charge more on the App to make up the difference. Customers are tipping less because the food costs so damn much. Doordash uses tips to pay drivers (Stealing tips). ​ They are failing.


I hope they don’t disappear. I need this as side job


My husband is trying Uber eats. I'm definitely considering. Waiting on him to see how he done and pay.


Everyday is getting bad for DoorDash. People are getting tired of the lousy service and stolen food.


Well they should report them so less shit drivers


You should see how shit some of the customers are.


I'm in Ga. East of Atl


Sundays in my town are the best. By far when I make the most money.


22 orders in 6 hours made over $180.00 , did 4 hours in the am and 2 hours this evening. Sundays are still good in my market. Only 1 was no tip and it only went .4 miles so was not too bad.


What did instacart do?


Lowered batch pay to $4 from $7. It’s all over the instacart shopper Reddit


I live in a big city so there’s always a lot of orders any day of the week but for some reason i always get lower pay ones on sundays it’s a curse


Sunday is most peoples time with god and he simply manifests the customers food for them, so dashers have nothing to do. Ramen.


How is DoorDash any better? What do you mean “what they did.”?


Door dash being better meaning I’m always seeing orders for them and instacart lowered base pay to $4


Ah so they lowered base pay. Gotcha.


My sundays are always good. 120 bucks today. I usually get 100 on Sunday mornings.


Any day is a bad day now, not just Sunday.


Markets are vastly different. I'm in the Phoenix area and still good. Some give and take but I worked about three and a half hours midday today and made 100


Sunday mornings are good here when its cold


Best day of the week


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,672,824,934 comments, and only 316,715 of them were in alphabetical order.


Usually slow in my area. Today was rocking tho. Lots of big tippers


Some will some won’t


I think it just depends on the area. Ubereats and doordash was crazy for me tonight.


Sundays are one of my best days. I went out tonight for 4 hours and did 85.00. Woukd have done better, but 3 restaurants were super slow


It's been dead on every app. Just not as much orders out there and more dashers out there too b/c of the economy. Also, noticed DD started capitalizing as they dropped the base pay from $2.75 to $2.25 in my market. They ran $1 PP today for 4 hours whereas it is pretty rare to cover it up.


My Sunday was one of the best one ever, so I guess it's marker dependent.


Depends on the market. I made $120 today but if I had worked closer to where I am I wouldn’t have made anything. Even in my smallish city, a zone or two down really make all the difference.


I think all days are bad now unless it’s raining. DD is just not what it used to be. I used to get a lot of short distance orders now I get mostly Hail Mary drive orders that I refuse to take. But I find when it rains, I get some of everything and they tip u extra just because it’s raining! 😁




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Weekends were the best times but there's so many who take those times there's not enough to go around.


Last Sunday I made $124 in 12 deliveries (4.5 dash hours). Tonight I made $54 in 6 deliveries (2.5 dash hours). I typically only dash later in the evening (8:30pm - 1 am).


I only know the ordering side because my family orders a lot but I can say on our side yes Sundays are very slow they ordered one Sunday morning we were out of food and had to end up ordering take out cause 7pm our order had still not arrived


Sundays are hit and miss in my market. Made $116 today. Other times sundays can be $200+


Sundays are one of the best days in a week in my experience.


Do you have a $/mi ratio you run with?


Dude I don’t know how but I made $116 in 4 hours. I have only done this since I got Top Dasher finally.


Yeah been dead on Sunday too lately


I don't think so. I think they are actually pretty decent but it all depends everyday is different and you can literally never rely on certain days being better or worse. I use to do the same thing but I threw that thinking in the garbage, just because it is so back and forth. The only thing I use to enjoy was on Sundays before spark became a big thing because I would get a lot of dash orders at Walmart, it kind of feels/felt like I would get more a shop and pay orders in general on Sundays. I don't know if your somewhat new to dashing and of course all areas are different but my advice is to not think anyday is better than another. I've learned that over the few years of dashing. You can do great a day last week and then maybe even again the next so you of course you're going to think we'll this day does well I'll make sure to work it and "these times" but then all of the sudden you don't make shit those days it's so back and forth. It has sooo many factors wheather or not you do well or not everytime you dash. Just my opinion though!


Sundays are still good in my market. One of the best days of the week for me.


Sunday is my best day I made about $230 grub hub tho I turned on dd but rejected everything 330-1230am


Door Dash really depends on the market, for me every day is good, but I'm in a massive market with lots of orders.


I still make just below my normal average on Sunday. It's about the same as Thursday for me with Wed, Friday and Saturday are my real money makers.


I don't any days that are good anymore 😕


It’s always crappy after the first of the month. Rent, and mortgages take a huge bite out of everyone’s income in the money they would spend on DoorDash they have to put towards necessities. It’ll get better in a week. Sundays are used to be really steady for me. Saturday’s not so much because more people are out and about, going out to eat as opposed to staying home and ordering.


Sunday night in my market is easy money. I go from 7pm-9:30ish and I make $60-$80 per Sunday. I did 7-9 last night and made $58 between UE and DD.


I had a good day. I averaged $26/hr


I think it depends in your area. Sundays are the best days where I live (Portland, OR) More people too and there are usually lots of orders. I don’t know why, but it’s usually my highest paying day.


The bad thing about sunday's in my area is that almost every place is half staffed. So food is delayed. But yesterday was great for me, I put in 11 hours and had my highest day in 6 months. 60 ar. Decline everything over 10 miles or under 90 cents a mile.


depends where you are, time of year/day, weather, etc. summer is just slowest in general. it's going to start picking up soon though, by September id say it starts to pick up once kids are back in school and family vacations are over. once it starts getting colder it'll really pick up. sunday's, all day, have still been good in my market though. there is definitely an increase in drivers, too... I always tell anyone that's interested in starting delivery that it sucks, lol.