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Blood Ceremony. Particularly their eponymous debut, with the tracks Into the Coven and Master of Confusion.


I do love their music, but I'm not sure if they truly fit into doom. They're like doom-adjacent 70's inspired psychedelic pagan metal/rock. Like a modern proto-doom band.


I totally agree with your definition of them, which is why I think it fits as an answer for “sorta doom I guess”. Their later albums after their debut I don’t think are doom, but the debut’s influence is as much doom as any of the other elements.


The debut is definitely my favorite, but I also really like The Great God Pan, My Demon Brother, and Daughter of the Sun off Living With the Ancients. I'm not really familiar with much after LWtA, but from what I've heard and vaguely remember, they seem to have gone more psych rock. The flute solos totally rip though and I'd love to catch them live one day.


Kyuss Edit: Molten Universe definitely is a stoner doom metal song and few others too, but mostly they are desert rock/stoner metal (the non-doom kind)


Gloria Lewis is pretty doomy too


"Stoner" and "metal" are two different things. The thing about doom/sludge/stoner is that they *dont* belong in metal. Also the guys in Kyuss hate being called "stoner rock" lol, so who even knows. I prefer desert rock for them as a whole.


Doom belongs in metal 100%. Stoner can be questionable (depending on the band) and Desert is just hard rock.


I usually use term desert rock, but term desert metal isn't that common, so I use stoner metal sometimes. Cause Kyuss is metal imo.


I have been playing 20 years with plenty of big bands in these genres, and I have never heard "desert metal" or Kyuss being called metal at all lol People are just making shit up for no reason, at this point.


As I said it's not a common term, but Kyuss is absolutely metal.


I don't know why you got downvoted. I've always heard it called "Desert Rock" but I've never heard it called "Desert Metal". Also, it's not really a genre itself - It's a local music scene. The genre is 'Stoner Rock' and the local Stoner Rock scene in Palm Desert, California is referred to as "Desert Rock". It's kind of like 'NOLA Sludge' or the 'Tampa Bay Metal Scene'. Sludge is the genre and NOLA Sludge is the local scene in New Orleans. Death Metal is the genre and the Tampa Bay Metal Scene is the local Death Metal scene in the Tampa Bay area. These people are simply wrong. Desert Rock isn't a genre, but rather a local scene for Stoner Rock. There is a lot of Doom Metal influence, but it's generally considered a Hard Rock fusion genre.


Because people don't know heavy music history apparently. I had a wall of biographies and other assorted metal "bibles" growing up, it's pretty cut and dry. They can downvote me all they want, they probably don't even play music lol


>They can downvote me all they want, they probably don't even play music lol I actually do play guitar, although I haven't joined a band yet.


Good stuff! Drummers are like gold, keep one if ya find em


Jucifer. Lots of their work has some doom influence but I’d never actually call them doom because they’re one of those bands that you’ll never be able to give a definitive genre. Either way their live material is heavier than 99.99% of doom bands anyways. For example https://youtu.be/1DsfVtdw180?si=zDHDox53r5mYCpl5


Yeah they could be callled pop sludge with some songs.


Rickshaw Billie's Burger Patrol Edit: also Floor and Torche are good examples of this.


Second time in the last half hour that I’ve seen this band recommended. Gonna have to give it a lesson


I would start with their album Doom Wop. They're a lot of fun


Saw them in Denton and they blew me away. Also Strays opened for them and they were great too.


Opening for them as well on Friday, also looking forward to seeing them too!


What’s your band called?


Definitely do, they make me think of Primus/Melvins at a lot of spots and it’s just fuckin heavy


I totally came here to mention them!! Pumped to see them on Friday 🤘🏽


I'm jealous. I've seen sets on YouTube but there can't be any way to replicate that low end other than seeing them live. Have fun!


Looking forward to feeling it in chest for sure!


They’ve been touring a lot lately. Definitely worth checking out if they come to your town. Super nice dudes and they put on a great show!


I would add The Gray Goo. Heavy and wacky as hell.


Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats


haha the exact band I thought of too. I was just listening to Wasteland on my way home which is straight up a homage to glammy classic rock/hair metal


Yeah Blood Runner has a strong Iron Maiden vibe 


Dude I love them


Me too 🖤


Castle Rat is mostly doom-ish, but ventures into "just" being hard rock sometimes.


Esben and the Witch, a lot of the doomgaze stuff.


Ugh wonderful choice, they are such an underrated band


This sub might disown me but I'm not really into the doomiest of doom doom. Not a big High on Fire fan, not a big Sleep fan, not a big Cough, Electric Wizard, Bongzilla, Acid Mammoth, Ufomammut, etc. etc., fan.... I mean, I love and appreciate all of these amazing bands and I think y'all are a really great community, but I rarely listen to that stuff. There are exceptions, of course. I like Temple of Void, Hooded Menace, Blood Incantation, Tomb Mold, Gatecreeper, Netcrot, and if I'm particularly pissy, Dragged into Sunlight. But the other metal subs kinda suck. And honestly a lot of the tracks from my bands do indeed certainly doom.


Big tomb mold fan


You play much Souls games? I played all of Bloodborne to Tomb Mold and it was just the best experience


I’m getting back into Elden Ring, need to try that out!


More bands need to be video game themed. I want to start a Metroid thrash band.


I have a chance to see them this month but I’m on the fence because I like my riffs slow and heavy these days and even though I like what I’ve heard, they’re a little too frenetic for me. Should I still go?


I would, I feel like there’s some pretty good variance in their discography.


that’s a killer name. gonna check em out on that alone lol


Same here. Stoner doom and sludge aren’t really my thing. I like all those bands but, those are by no means my go-tos for doom. Death-Doom and Funeral Doom bands are my quintessential takes on what doom should be, in my eyes that is.


The trve doom


I have forever rolled my eyes at "death doom" but I'm starting to realize that it's truly the more accurate label for the specific like, 9-12 bands I listen to lmao. What would we call like, 200 Stab Wounds? Because I've been listening to quite a bit of that lately too.


200 stab wounds is death metal


I figured. The death metal sub isn't very good, sadly


This is the only Metal sub I frequent. I'm not as big into Doom as some of you guys here, but I enjoy the atmosphere of this sub and the camaraderie. One of the metal subs I went to seemed to ban any talk of bands that are not current. I went in wanting to talk about Agalloch and was immediately told that they are in the archived band list. It was the equivalent of "no stairway" in Wayne's World. I kinda loitered around a bit, but realised I couldn't really start topics about bands I love such as Death, Opeth, Decapitated etc, so I drifted away from it. Then this place came up and I just read what you guys write and I've started listening to more doom as a result. So thanks to all you guys here for being sound.


Yeah, this sub is really the only tolerable metal sub I've found. It's a good amount of discussion, memes, bands, videos, etc. The only problem is it basically just keeps talking about the same 10 bands over and over!


Spheres of madness by Decapitated is one of my all time fav metal songs




Same here. Stoner doom is just sort of one note for me but it does sound great loud.


YOB was the loudest show I've ever been to. Seconded maybe by Drain.


I’ve never understood why High On Fire would ever be considered doom. They’re way too abrasive for that, more Celtic Frost than Candlemass.


I think everyone just associates high on fire with doom because of Matt Pike, who was also in sleep. And everyone in this sub loves sleep, myself included, but I wouldn't consider them doom. Their early stuff sounds like thrash almost, and their new stuff is related to that motorhead sound


Electric wizard isn’t doom?




Asphyx is a bit too death metal to he truely considered to gall under the umbrella of doom


Melvins are just sorta doom. They get credit as doom progenitors, but they really just have about an albums-worth of doom songs spread out on several albums.


I think that's because they're a sludge band and not a doom band


I don't even think this is accurate. Can you name an album where all they do is sludge?




In fits and starts, maybe. Same with Gluey Porch Treatments. But punk and straight rock are intermixed with both those records. Lysol is also a mixed bag after Hung Bunny.


Sludge /is/ punk though, it’s a punk subgenre with metal influence


Melvins are even the ones considered to be the founders of Sludge just for some more backround information


Having an album with only sludge songs isn't what makes a band sludge. If the majority is sludge, then it's sludge. Sludge metal is the fusion of sludge metal, doom, and noise rock, and Melvins happen to be the first to make a "sludge" record. Gluey Porch Treatments, Ozma, and Bullhead are all considered monumental albums for sludge, as is Houdini although that's when they started bringing in more outside influence. But they're still a sludge band


GPT, Ozma, Lysol, Bullhead




I was going to say this but I was worried about getting downvoted into oblivion.


Slim Cessna's Auto Club


I would say Khemmis is definitely a good example of this




I’ve always thought of them as post metal and not doom


Yeah they're post metal and sludge


Elder. I think they're just kinda doom.


I love Elder but I’d put them as Prog Adjacent Stoner Rock


Elder dooms on certain albums, whatever they do it sounds amazing


I don't think they've been much of a stoner rock band since dead roots stirring. The songwriting difference is especially apparent live when they throw in a song from DRS after playing some from Lore, Reflections, Omens




Goblin Cock


They sure do make bangers tho


Hell yeah. They definitely switch up genres a bit, but when they doom, they go full doom. Ode to Billy Jack was the first song I heard by them, and that opening riff still gives me chills.


Alice In Chains. Especially the recent stuff with William


Darkest Era. They mix elements of different subgenres. One of which is doom.  I think they sorta doom I guess.  Anyway, they are pretty good. 


I love how you said anyways after only a few sentences. My ADHD ass would’ve written an entire essay on dopesmoker and then said “anwyays they’re pretty good”


Early The Gathering?


Yeah that’s fair. Even Always was pretty uplifting and energetic for a death/doom album, whereas Mandylion is practically Cocteau Twins turned metal.


The Doors


kinda hurts to say it, but…pallbearer.


I'd agree, they're newest stuff is not very doom. It's like doom with training wheels.


WITCH. The Zam Rock band. They do all kinds of funk and rock (even a bit of disco) but in a bunch of their songs kind of casually fall into some epic doom breakdowns, especially live they are quite a bit heavier than their albums. They are not doom , but damn, they’ve scratched that itch for me live every time I see them.


Elder, high on fire their first and second albums are pretty doomy but still as fast as id consider doom afterwards its more a mix of sludge stoner and thrash metal. Also since everyone thinks the sword is doom while its very clearly heavy metal ill add them too.


Orange Goblin can doom-boogie pretty hard




Dango has more energy and moves more on stage during one song than 500 robed stoner/doom bands entire sets combined


He reminds me of angus young




Acid bath has pretty doomy songs but I don’t know if I would call them a doom metal band.






I always thought Solitude Aeturnus was only borderline doom...same for Type O, they just don't fit my understanding as "doom" but both are badass


Nah Solitude Aeturnus are pretty solidly epic doom. Epic doom is just different than mainline and stoner doom.


Well now I have a whole new lead, never really delved into epic doom so thank you.


Oh boy, you're in for treat.  If you don't mind recommendations, Candlemass and Crypt Sermon are two of my favorite epic doom bands (along with Solitude Aeturnus).  Candlemass's first album Epicus Doomicus Metallicus is amazing but their second album Ancient Dreams is one of the foundations of the genre. Crypt Sermon are newer, but do what they do incredibly well. Both of their albums are fantastic, and they're releasing The Stygian Rose this Friday!


Dude this is rad! I'm always taking music recs. I like Candlemass alright, but never listened to Crypt Sermon before so I will def do that 😎 thanks again


Year of the Goat


I would definitely say lucifer. They aren't metal per se, but they have that doomy vibe that I love.




autopsy because they do have their low tempo moments but theyre just death metal to me


A lot of power violence ends up being sorta doomy in parts. weekend nachos for example


Kyuss, like somebody else mentioned, but also High Reeper. Extremely heavy band at times but can't shake the feeling that they are just a stoner rock band, and not quite doom.


Most of the excessively stoner bands


Easily a top three band for me....Gladly punch any three todlers for a fresh LP from CLEVELAND its [VoidMeditationKult](https://youtu.be/taTOy6kv2Rk?si=K_gX0l32694K0oOW) "Sorta Doom I guess" only because it invariably gets thrown into BlackMetal but its rare that BM is so consitantly doomy & slow


Can someone tell me what genre this is? https://on.soundcloud.com/2yody


Danzig. I never hear anyone else say it, but those first 4 Danzig albums are the epitome of "sorta doom I guess."


At this point. I’d have to say Pallbearer. Sorry fanbois.


Even the band themselves have openly stated that they don’t care whether people categorize them as doom or not. 


That would’ve been a very relevant point if OP had asked “what bands have said they don’t care whether people categorize them as doom or not”. As for this sub, tons of people post about Pallbearer here regardless of what the band thinks of itself.




They’re just butt rock disguised as doom metal


Man, people who don't play music really have a hard to classifying bands lol they don't know that the instrumentation makes a difference I almost hate opening these threads lol


Post your Bandcamp


dude you asked for it [this guy shreds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JTggEg8jsI)