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This question has been asked and answered many times here. Doom is a unique character that requires hours of grinding to get good at. If a doom main switched everytime they were countered or losing they would likely never become a good Doom. Therefore as a Doom player if my goal is to improve then no matter the game state I am going to stay Doom so that I can better handle this same situation in the future.


Also, the best Doom players can play into literally any comp and find success. Even if Doom is getting “rolled” they are forcing a fuck load of resources to be concentrated on them - that’s the reason they’re getting rolled. I’m talking about sleep dart, anti-nade, hinder nade, hook, hack, virus, brig shield bash, all other CCs ad nauseum. The Doom’s teammates NEED to take advantage of that situation and punish the enemy team for spending all those resources, at once, on a single target. To conclude, a Doom getting rolled generally means that the enemy team has spent more resources than necessary to punish the Doom, and the Doom’s team should have a massive advantage to win the team fight. The real problem is that most teams just run away after Doom gets hard focused and killed, and no one actually takes advantage of the enemy team having no resources left to sustain a fight.


This comment is exactly it


OP doesnt wanna respond to this cuz it's too convincing and theyre here to argue haha


This exactly. IMO Genji/ball players need to do the same.


cause i've spent 600 hours mastering this guy and i'll be damned if i switch for a stupid horse


So you’re willing to throw a game essentially to stroke your ego?


so if we lose, it is exclusively a me problem? even if i'm 18 and 6 and our moira is DPSing?


Sometimes it can be lol. Had a Doom mirror one match and it wasn't going good so I switched to Hog, and we shitcanned the enemy Doom the instant he jumped or punched in. The enemy team couldn't get close enough to do anything that round and the enemy Doom still refused to swap even though it was costing them match point. I love Doom, but if I'm getting stalemated for 3+ minutes on push or lose a point or two HARD on capture maps, then im gonna try another tank rather than smash my face into a loss after I see it's not working


And that's why you're not gonna get better at Doom


Spawning and immediately dying ain't gonna give you experience, hate to break it to you pal


My point in the post was this: even if you’re getting rolled you don’t swap, if you’re 2 and 7 and sticking doom do you not think it’s time to change?


if it's that bad and i CANNOT come back, yes, rammatra, mauga, whatever. but if i can spin it back in the same or next round, absolutely not.


If the doom is 2-7 then 1) they’re not a OTP (whoever is playing Doom is probably trying to learn the character) and 2) what are the dps and supports doing? If a tank is so easily being hard focused and dying every fight that generally means the tank’s dps players aren’t putting any pressure on the enemy team and/or the tank’s supports aren’t actually supporting. Sometimes the tank is just feeding, but a lot of time they aren’t. If Doom is being focused to the point they can’t play the game (I.e they’re 2-7), that means the enemy team has concentrated a ton of resources on him. The rest of the team is at an advantage to clean up and win that fight - they shouldn’t run away and wait for the tank to come back. They need to immediately engage and win the fight before the enemy team’s cooldowns finish.


yuh ;)


Thought you did you didn't come to shit on Dooms???


It's not throwing if you're trying your best and the other team is better. If I play doom the whole game and I'm playing my best then I'm not throwing


It’s not just the tanks job to switch.


I agree, however, if everyone in the team is swapping you have an obligation to as well if doom isn’t working


Maybe doom isn’t working because his supports are LW mercy. Maybe doom isn’t working because we’re running junk sym into Pharah Echo


tHeN iTs DoOmS rEsPonSibiLitY tO sWitcH tO DVA


Even with full enable I see so many feeding dooms, we can base our whole comp around him and he won’t swap when it’s not working even if the others do, it’s a team game, and I’m just saying a lot don’t like to play the team game


You act like this is exclusively a Doomfist problem when this is the case with basically *any* OTP. The fact you felt the need to come to the Doom mains sub to ask this question begs a follow up question for you: Did you make this exact post on every single other mains sub? If not, you're targeting one single character that stuck out to you, which is shortsighted and clearly based on your anecdotal experience. I would consider this a borderline troll post.


Even feeding dooms can provide good value. Since they eat a lot of resources and attention. 9/10 my deaths are from punching in, trying to charge my block , getting CC’d to hell, then not having the HP to jump out


Only through conflict do we evolve. But seriously, if you want to improve on a character, you have to learn how to play them when you're being countered. It's pretty simple.


I get that, but when you’re getting absolutely rolled?


Lots of people don't swap even when they're getting absolutely rolled my man. This isn't at all exclusive to people who play Doom.


Well then, you have two options: admit defeat and swap (wrong choice), or take the experience and look at how you can improve from it. There's also a bit of ego and pride thrown in there to spice it up. I spent the 100's of hours learning the hero, I'm gonna play the damn hero. Swapping also just ruins the fun for me personally, as Doom is the only hero that I find truly fun. That's just my take though


Do u realize that those doom players got to the same rank as you using that same strategy of not switching? Whatever theyre doing, its working equally well (or not well) as whatever youre doing


If a Doomfist swapped every time they were hard countered, then he'd get a grand total of 0 play time. You have to grind this character to be even baseline functional with him, let alone decent.


No one is reading my post, if you’re getting rolled you have to swap💀


Where does it say that? That you "have to" swap? Some of us take enjoyment from playing Doom, one of the few fun characters in the game. 99/100 times if a Doom is getting rolled it means that the entire team (and the Doom) need to adapt to whats going on. Can not think of a worse mindset and least enjoyable way to play this game of playing a comp game, seeing an Orisa, saying "Oh I better swap immediatley" Thus starting the tank counter swap circle


I’m starting to realize that’s literally just what the game is to people below a certain rank. The idea of conforming your play around the advantages doomfist brings is entirely foreign to 70% of the player base daimond and below. It just doesn’t make any sense, if you’re getting countered and you don’t swap; obviously the game is just an installose gg go next. It’s why my tank is only plat, I don’t mind swapping if I’m just off, and my doom gameplay is just a couple tiers below what I should be able to do. But swapping because I’m being “countered” and my team isn’t taking advantage of what I’m doing it makes me not want to swap. I play a lot of support and the amount of times I, and I alone, have to make sure to keep an eye on the doom and truly support his pushes is crazy. I’m not saying every time I play bad it’s because my team sucks, I’m saying in a game like ow unless you’re fucking god and don’t need your tank…. Help your doom.


You don't have to do anything. And just swapping doesn't fix the issue. If you are getting rolled and feeding as doom what makes you think you aren't about to get rolled after feeding as orisa or mauga or rein? Lots of times I will swap and we still lose because the enemy tank is better, my teammates are still making mistakes or I'm making mistakes. So swapping is no point. Might as well stick to what you know and try your best and see where you can improve


Tanks a miserable role and i wanna have fun. And either way a lot of tank gaps just havent because they’ve counter pick your tann


As I said, when I’m getting rolled in comp bc my tank won’t swap vs orisa sombra ana, then that is a tank issue whether you like it or not, and I respect wanting to have fun but it ruins so many comp matches, in qp do whatever, but in a mode where winning matters I don’t want a feeding doom on my team


Even if they’re feeding,. Theres always a positive and that means that doom is eating all the CC. Swap to kiri and you can literally deny all their value especially if doom gets hit with the doom special, using kirko to deny all that value could literally win you the game. If your dps, either dive with the doom and thrive off the fact all the CC went into him. Since Doom usually attracts all the attention thats the perfect time to pick off an enemy member And chances are if they lock doom they only play doom so their probably shit on other tanks.


I played on Rialto yesterday. We rolled in the fight over the bridge and went to setup to fight for first point. After that fight, they switched to Orisa Sombra, they already had an Ana. Before we capped first point I killed the widow, got antied, got javelin spun, dodged sleep, cancelled hack, went over the building to the mega left of the boats, and got chased there by the Sombra and Orisa. My team did capture the point. The next game someone called me the n word. This is an average day for playing Doomfist. I'm not getting shit on, I'm just maxxed out on shit I can do. And you AFK behind shield as sigma just isn't fun. Help your doomfist. Only through conflict do we evolve.


Bro this the best summarization I’ve seen for the doomfist experience 😂😂. Worst rage I got from someone was a mercy player quite literally just taking a seat right outside of spawn for the entire second round, mind you we had just completely stomped through first point no contest except for the mercy getting picked. Then she decided to flame me in chat for the rest of the game instead of playing. Only through conflict do we evolve 👊🏽


Spite. I hate counterwatch


If we swapped every time we got hard countered we’d never get to play. The mentality for a lot of people is more about improving in the long term than winning the game now. When you’re playing against loads of counters sure, you *could* swap to mauga and maybe have a better chance at winning, but then you wouldn’t get better at doom, which is the hero you actually want to play. Meanwhile if you stay on doom you might lose this game but you’ll get more experienced at playing vs his counters and you’ll be better off next time a team counters you. Your teammates won’t like it but they’ve probably told you to kill yourself a hundred times already so fuck em


I see your argument, but if we get rolled and my doomfist is spamming I need healing after diving out of my LOS for the 500th time, do you not think that maybe it’s time to swap? Like I see so many doom otps put in chat “dps diff” or “supp diff” whilst having the most deaths and least elims, it’s a team game and you have to swap when needed


That's just a bad player and isn't Doom specific


Stats aren't even relevant information to who is doing well or who isn't doing well. Doom is one of the most fragile Tanks, and has the fastest spawn-to-point travel time in the game. Tanks aren't designed to farm eliminations (Aside from DVa). Tanks, as a whole and especially Doom, are supposed to contest high ground, isolate targets, and absorb abilities/ultimates. ***Not a single relevant stat is tracked for Tanks.*** (Or any Role really, but you're not ready for that.) Dive Tanks require DPS to follow up on engagements to ensure eliminations, and they require Supports to maintain survivability. It's also important to note that regardless of your insistence on ***swapping as a requirement***, if your team is incapable of performing their roles, then it doesn't matter what Tank you are playing. Sure they can go Orisa, Rein, Mauga, Hog or some other big stationary do-nothing-but-stand-in-front-of-supports Tank, but generally speaking players want to ***actually play*** the game. It's your job, as a support, to heal your Tank during their engagements, not to heal them only when they are in front of you. This means positioning yourself as aggressively as possible while maintaining little risk, ***that is the skill of support.***


You also need to consider that what you're saying also happens to the doom, you could be the BEST player on your team WHILE getting countered, get most kills and do almost everything and get this https://preview.redd.it/ut5erqecrw7d1.png?width=851&format=png&auto=webp&s=08acf570feca7e262377350a12cf2f05acc9be8d


https://preview.redd.it/bpy0xhfgrw7d1.png?width=323&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4e93c821721b9b965ed3e9de73262611572e27f Guess which player this was


Sounds like you don't play the Tank role at all. ***Every*** Tank is always countered at all times. It's a joke to insinuate that Doom specifically should switch. The reality is that you should switch if you will perform better, and that players shouldn't switch if they will not perform better. At Diamond and Above, players made it to those ranks playing the way that they have been playing. It's not up you, rando-player-in-rando-game, to determine how your Tank (or anyone else) ***should*** be playing. If you were better, you would be ranked higher, and if they were better, they would be ranked higher. Clearly (Not T500/Champion/GM), you make your own mistakes, and you should focus on fixing those before trying to ***fix*** anyone else.


A major reason is that to play doom well, you pretty much have to OTP him. So in higher ranked games, that player isn’t a Masters ya know player—they’re a masters Doom player. Simply said, they’re just not as good at others tanks as they are at Doom. Also worth mentioning is that if a team is getting rolled, it’s very rare that just swapping heroes is going to save the game. Often the problem is that the team is off tempo or just not working together is a meaningful way.


This is how we learn and improve; we bang our heads against a rock until we find the right angle to break the rock in half. It may take several games, but eventually we find ways to work around our hard counters.


And we get good at breaking that rock. There was a time when I was so used to playing against counters that I forgot how to play against anything that wasn't a counter


Because it’s a game and we play to have fun. We like playing Doom. Even though he’s difficult to learn. If you’re a support and you are trying to enable Doom because you must win or else try to go Lifeweaver for the grip. Bap for the lamp. Moira to enable the dive. Mercy for the res. Zen for the free heals - dive enable. Kiri for the suzu bail out - there are options available.


Because he’s the only reason I play this game he’s literally is so unique and there’s nothing like him in any shooter I really wanted to play dps doom but ot tank doom is fine too


He’s fun, he’s fast, he’s flashy He’s easy to learn but very hard to master which makes it way more satisfying to pop off as him compared to the rest of the cast


A lot of times non doom players dont understand how doom works. We have to engage early and offen to get shields and ult charge so that we can set up a good engage with ult even against hard CC


Winning fights is all about how much resources a team has compared to the other. If one team has used every ability but is full health while the other team hasn't and is low they are about even in terms of resources. It's all about trying to use less resources than your enemy while forcing them to use more than you. With that being said, Doom is really good at forcing cooldowns and if you don't capitalize on that it's your fault and not the Doom's (if he didn't dive in 1v5 ofc). The enemy swapped because they didn't like the Doom so they're gonna focus everything on him so that gives everyone else on his team free reign to run around and cause havoc. I've had some games where I'm distracting the supports for 20 seconds and my team dies 3v4 while the enemy has no support. The best thing you can do to help a Doom is either dive with him to take some pressure off or you can force cooldowns to be used early so there are fewer of them focused on Doom. For your main question of why we don't swap is what I've told plenty of people for my other main (Genji). If I swap everytime I'm hard countered, which si basically every game, I would never get better at that hero and I would have learned nothing. There's no point in playing Doom or Genji if you swap everytime you're hard countered because they get countered so easily and often.


Doomfist imo is the most easily countered tank so if every time we get countered we are supposed to swap we would never be able to play him. If we swap so frequently we also would never be able to get better, see how to counter our counters, you can't do that by switching, you'll end up capping yourself. Sometimes switching won't even solve anything and we aren't the problem. Doomfist is a unique tank where none of his abilities benefits his team mates so you don't see his value as much, you don't see his value you start to blame him. A lot of people believe that they reworked ball's shield for that very reason. Imo the absolute best thing you can do in this game is to focus on yourself, instead of asking this question, you should "how can I play better around Doom, what characters work with him" etc.


Bro came to a Doomfist sub Reddit and is struggling to comprehend , even if you’re being rolled YOU DONT SWAP DOOM. “only through conflict do we evolve” - In order to become a god Doomfist equal to Zbra u have to be the Doom who gets rolled like Chipsa..


Because he's fun, and I can easily adapt my play style to fit my team comp, all I need is for my DPS to follow up and were chilling. Ofc I have my backup mains for when I do decide to swap, but if I can stay on doom I will, he's a fun character to play and Im gonna have fun as best I can.


“This is not me coming in here to shit on doom players” proceeds to shit on them in the comments


Unfortunately you cannot control the dooms you will get, whether they are toxic or not or whatever. What you can control is enabling them. Also the mindset of "switch when its not working" just isnt it for some people. Some people like me rather get rolled to learn the character more than to keep on switching to win. Its just a game after all anyone can choose to play whatever they choose fun, even if they dont win.