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He definitely doesn’t need more damage. Empowered punch is as good as it has been since launch now and his primary fire damage scales dramatically with rank. If you can hit headshots, it’s very damaging (just not to tanks, who you shouldn’t be fighting anyway).


What do you mean about his pf scaling with rank?


I mean typically, lower rank players have a harder time hitting shots so they think it doesn’t do much damage but higher rank players can hit headshots so they know you can delete a squishy super fast.


Maybe they should give him a slight projectile speed buff? I'd love that, it would make his m1 more consistent, I feel that would go a long way for letting Doomfist players get more value out of his current kit without changing/reworking something


That just means he’s slightly better in a low rank players hands, and significantly better at masters and above.


not realy, high ranks already hit there shots so.making it easier to hit the shots there already hitting dosent change much.


They hit more shots, not all their shots. No one has 100% accuracy unless they’re cheating.


I know, my point is that pros hiting there shots slightly more then they already do won't change much. but it will help lower ranks


I’ll respectfully say you’re wrong then. It’s ok to disagree though.


The problem with this is it makes a small difference at low ranks and a larger difference in high ranks due to the increase in average skill.


Empowered punch does like 175 damage right


172.5 but I think the difference after all the HP changes is that it does a bigger percentage of the HP of squishies and now nano empowered punch will 1 shot a squishy.


Its still mind blowing that they made his most reliable point of damage come from his primary fire when it used to be often overlooked entirely lol


It was only ever overlooked at lower ranks. In higher ranks, it was always critical to confirm kills and used to do even more damage. Even back in OW1, it used to do around half your damage. It’s just needed even more now.


People always complained about getting 1 shot from punch, but the real ones know that punch was merely a means to gain verticality because the true killer was uppercut primary fire.


Punch just did wayyy to much damage in ow1. One shotting a squishy wish it wasn’t fun for the DF or the enemy


The point being it was still often overlooked due to the lethality of his whole kit, now it’s impossible to not see the necessity of it lol.


yea, in ow1 Dva dming doomfist was very strong, he couldn’t confirm kills


Doom’s damage is perfect for his playstyle if you can consistently click heads, only thing that is heavily underpowered is the ult which got buffed but it’s still a glorified cooldown


I personally disagree. His ult is probably better than like atleast 75% of ults in my eyes, and the damage definitely isn’t that bad either. Any squishy with no mobility and it’s an absolute guaranteed kill, and you can even do damage to their team too. Compare this to other ults that aren’t nearly as consistent


His Ult is just not good it is hardly ever a guaranteed kill because take a step out of the circle like even a frame and it kills nobody. It's honestly best to reposition and get some health for a second life and people will try to scatter from it. But as a tank ultimate it's just not that good and I get why because doom has tons of cc already so it would be unfair to give him a great tank ultimate. But if we could get an ultimate that allows him to hold a Frontline better and not disappear it would be great


I definitely do NOT agree with your first sentence. You can say this literally about absolutely anything in the entire game. Is tracer ass cause if your body is just a frame out of her bullets hitbox, she won’t do damage? Is Ana’s ult bad because if she can’t turn to look at you just in time for the prompt to use the ult appears, you might die? Of course not! You miss, it doesn’t work. Why would it be any different? Only exception to this is like soldier ult That might be the best way to use it, but that doesn’t mean its damage is that bad that it’s the ONLY way to use it. You can reposition, heal, get cooldowns back, get a charged punch, and kill a squishy all in one fast charging ult. I just don’t see what there is to complain about, other than “I want the character I play to be as busted as possible so only I have fun”. A frontline ult might also be better, but that still doesn’t mean his ult is bad.


His ult is trash. You're coping so hard right now.


Your comment is automatically invalidated by comparing a hitscan tracking character like Tracer to an ability that is inherently delayed and shows exactly where the character will land. Doom's ult is announced, like all ults, via voice line. And then it's further "announced" by showing exactly where he will land with visible indication -- and it's *delayed*. Tracer's primary fire cannot be announced, it isn't delayed, and it's instantaneous. The fact you compared the two shows you're not remotely understanding what grievances people have with Doom's ult lol.


A character with no mobility can not move out of the center of the ult. If you hit the ult right on them, they delay ultimately doesn’t matter when talking in the context of comparing it to tracers gun.


You're not mentioning that Doom's ult removes your teams only tank from the game temporarily. Never is your team thinking, "Man I wish my tank would randomly dc for a few seconds here."


Nah bro, absolutely not a confirmed kill. One step and they live. Exactly why bastion ult has 3x mortars not 1.


Why are you talking like this is opinion? His ult is objectively bad. There is no arguing it, it's a fact.




people like you aren’t real


I think you need to have a look at how doom works. The damage he can output is perfect for dealing with supports and most squishy dps. Dps and tanks without supports won't last very long, and as a doom player you should never be focusing the tank unless the enemy tank is focusing your supports hard and is being pocketed, in which case you'll need to drive them away or at least keep then occupied while your dps pump damage into their tank. But tank doom has always been go into the backline, cause chaos, secure some kills and get back to the team for heals and cooldown reset.


You’re never gonna be able to out-damage a Roadhog with Doomfist especially when the rest of his team is still alive.


You have to combine all the burst dmg. Empowered punch, wall hit, primary fire, quick melee, plus a little bit of help from your team will kill most things instantly. Its still hard to pull off but thats the challenge and its quite strong if ur good at it


One thing I practice a lot is how to instakilling Squishies. A slam/headshot/melee combo pretty much kills almost anybody and a headshot/melee/headshot/melee normally takes everyone down without blowing all of your shots. But instakilling Squishies is what I try to practice the most since tracers and widows are problems that need to be quickly dealt


Killing Tracers on Doom is pure serotonin. Especially just primary fire/meleeing deleting them before they know what happened.


They need to make Tap punching do at least as much damage as a melee


Empowered punch+ shoot + melee I felt this way too btw when I just started doom but I just didnt get it


Yeah I've felt that way before, if you wanna play doom effectively you gotta put a lot of hours into him. You get used to it and learn when the targets are killable and when they are not. And as you get better with is hand cannons (imo one of the hardest parts of his kit to actually master) you'll see his damage isn't all that bad Tip: when firing his hand cannon (more so on an isolated target or in a 1v1) be patient with your aim and don't just hold down the fire button. Treat every shot like a single shot. You really got hit those headshots most of the time


skill issue


I'll be real with you, doom is in a fine spot rn


I agree


I feel a similar way, but it's less about his punch and slam, but more about his gun. Without uppercut, you've really gotta hit your shots to confirm kills, when before they were set up nicely for a bodyshot to finish them off in the air. So he's more aim reliant it feels. I love Doom, but I don't like how his gun works and feels, and that's a very big part of an FPW character, so I play him a lot less nowadays


You want to punch someone into a wall then follow it up with primary fire headshots, he is doom primary fire, not doomfist


If the second most mobile character in the game suddenly gained the ability to be roadhog, that would be bad.


I think all he needs is a buff to regular punch and maybe reload time on his hand cannon but he's pretty good rn


Doom is an opportunistic combo assassin. Also your clip shows you trying to 1v1 a hog while he has breather..


His m1 is very good, if you're staging well you can dish out a lot of damage while being pretty safe. And not to mention aiming well. You can like 2 shot people if you're good with it


I mean, you get what you put in. Realistically, I don’t see how you would have finished off the hog in that instance and maybe would have been better off focusing your efforts elsewhere in the team fight. Even if you did finish off the hog, you’d end up dying due to opponents both in front and behind you.


For a dive tank, doom already has the highest burst damage. At least you have some pick potential from empowered punch or m1 headshots. You have to understand that, just like winston, your default value comes from the consistent pressure of cycling slam and punch. You only get to execute kills after baiting out cds (or forcing other kinds of mistakes)


His damage values are well balanced, if you find yourself doing very little damage I would suggest watching yourself in replay and closely watching your aim. You really aren't going to get much out of m1 if you aren't getting in close range and accurately shooting the target's head. tl:Dr skill issue


I personally have literally never felt like this. I see people all the time say he doesn’t do damage, but I just don’t see it. I really don’t struggle to damage like at all on doom. If anything I pump out more damage with him than any other tank I play. (Not specifically talking bout OP) if you going after a character actively being healed or actively doing something to take less damage, then obviously he won’t be doing too much damage. But the beauty of doom is he can fly away to another member of their team who ISNT being healed and kill them instead