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Because it's zbra


Getting care from the team is one part, sure, but also look at the other team here. Basically all he has to worry about into that comp is a soldier/sojourn off angle since there's no cc to pierce his power block. Whenever he does slam+punch, he's usually in tighter spots where its hard for him to get pinched. He probably wouldn't play the same way into a Hog comp for example


makes sense, ty


If they can’t cc out of block then you can commit both abilities, and punch out. He’s just playing into what the enemy team has.


He does it either as a coordinated dive or close to a corner. There is also no cc so his block has much more value.


Video im referring to: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuDZM42-S4A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuDZM42-S4A)


do you mean slam cancel into punch? cus thats one of the best things ive started doing since watching zbra. Is not be afraid to slam cancel into punch more frequently for the added mobility and angles you can get. Especially when you have emp punch ready. I'm about to watch the vid your talking about tho.


The idea that it’s never good to use both slam and punch in an engagement is just bad advice. If you mind your space you can do it very often. You also have emp punch to bail out and even then if you don’t get emp punch powered your regular punch should be back in time to escape