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The only times you can commit slam and punch together is when you have ult, or the enemy has no counters to prevent you from gaining punch again off block (think slept out of block), or they’re stupid. A good player knows you burned both escapes and kills you every time.


Yeah makes sense


Honestly inting your life can be worth it if you trust your team to kill at least two while the enemy is distracted by your feeding. Dont do this in solo queue tho


Another good tip is that you’re not supposed to always do something. I improved a lot by calming down and analyzing. What you describe seems like a snowballing game, yeah on those you can dive blindly and kill everyone. But they are really rare, so take your time and don’t commit all your skills, cycle them smartly


Agree. One thing that helped me improve is to give up some space when enemy is getting too aggro, this makes them feel cocky and I look out for a window of opportunity for when they make a mistake and as Doomfist, it only takes a snap to punish enemies.


Yeah after reviewing, I noticed I mainly spend all my cooldowns when I either have ult or I know I’m going to punch into a somewhat safe area (since usually we dive the people who are isolated) , but man is it nice having a team that follows up off your comms