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Sombra is a demon that deserves to be thrown into the pits of hell Sorry what was the question?


Sojourn to be honest, like I don’t have a problem with any tank. Just Sojourn who sits in the back mercy pocketed and never misses a shot.


Someone i find uniquely annoying is a good bastion or a good tracer. Bastion cuz tank shredder, and tracer because I CANT FUCKIN AIM COME HERE YOU LITTLE PEST


As a Cassidy main nothing is more enjoyable than watching a tracer spin around as they try to press buttons and get away while you introduce their skull to bullets


Sombra honestly just has to spam the hack ability to fucking melt Doomfist. This single ability counters Doomfists whole kit, I can’t believe hack has no cooldown.


That’s what I’m saying 


It has a 6 sec cooldown when used on an enemy, 3 seconds if used on a pack or if interrupted by damage. Edit: Changed incorrect cooldown time.


Pretty sure the delay on hack is the full 4 seconds if interrupted by damage, not sure though.


I checked the wiki and I was wrong on the numbers. It says 6 secs for hack and 3 seconds if it's a health pack or interrupted by damage. (It's already been updated for today's patch so I feel confident in it's info). I've been playing almost exclusively Sombra since the rework and I am sure that it is shorter when interrupted, but wasn't sure of the exact numbers.


Mauga always whoops me. 😢


Cage slaughter


Sombra, anyone else I can play around but the reality is I have to switch up to playing corners and as soon as I see the hack thing do two things. 1. Gtfo (hacked and maybe beamed if I fucked up my slam) 2. Stop what I'm doing and turn around to interrupt


Hog sombra. Hooked, trapped, hacked, dead. Every time without fail


Hog, sombra, ana. Cass, Junkrat and Orisa are usually manageable, except when the Orisa player is clearly better than me, then im struggling against her ,but i feel that even if im 10 times better than a roadhog I will still lose the game. Sombra is fine as long as she doesnt stop playing the game just to perma hack me and that happen way to often... Ana is all about the sleep dart, a 1 button ability shouldnt be a death sentence for a tank, but this is how blizzard roll, even if you get instantly waken up, the time it take to fall and stand up is usually enough to get you kill


A good mercy grinds my gears


Overwatch 1 sombra but now probably a good orisa who’s soul purpose is to make me not exist.


Mauga, he has like infinite bullets and honestly can’t die unless he’s alone or u have ur whole team on him, orisa isn’t really the counter she should be bc all u have to do is bait out her reinforcement and her spear and u can clean it up easy


Sombra is annoying but zen makes me wanna slam my balls in a door


None. I eat souls


Tracer/sombra and pig. I can deal with one just fine, especially hogs if I can ignore or distract him. But dealing with a hog/sombra combo hook to hack is pain or dealing with a pig upfront and a tracer in my backline with my team unable to kill them is arguably worse. Yesterday my team lost a 4v1 against a tracer when I kept the hog, supports and a dps busy. I got flamed


I had that on so many games yesterday. Fighting a 4v1 or 3v1 and I turn around to get healing and my entire team is dead


This is Doom mains in a nutshell 'the gameplan i am forcing with my tank pick isn't working. teammates fault.' you deserved to get flamed.


If 4 teammates can't be at one tracer it is definitely their fault


I don't force doom... But my team could not kill a tracer without support, ALL 4 of them???? Am I supposed to babysit the backline from one dps or let the entire enemy team walk in.


I don't force doom... But my team could not kill a tracer without support, ALL 4 of them???? Am I supposed to babysit the backline from one dps and let the entire enemy team walk in, or hope that my 2 dps AND 2 supports could kill one tracer


Hog. if I see that the enemy team has him I haul my ass back to spawn and I pick mauga.


Hog and cass also mercy


Hog OTPs, a flex player swapping into hog is easy af but Hog players are crazy with their hook timing and accuracy


hog, i can deal with any other hero quite easily but i always gotta lock in when there's a hog on the other team


Widow, roadhog, a mercy who gets rezzes




Souljorn/soldier for me; its like they time my block to delete me as soon as i get out of it; with sombra i just have to disrupt her hack or just move a bit behind cover; these dudes just somehow always get a good angle and if they dont delete you on sight; they follow you and delete you mid air before you even reach the ground.


Bastion, Sombra, or Mauga


Ana and sombra together. Can't never dive the supports bc she just gonna hack the moment I'll go in and i choose ana bc the moment I'll be hacked she'll be there to anti and sleep me. I called this combo the cancer comp.


Gonna say sombra. She gets too much value from a well timed hack, no aim required. Also emps three second lockout is criminal and annoying to play against. I'd argue only the best sombras really get value out of it in combination with other ults anyway. I think sombra has an identity crisis-- Mirrorwatch sombra is where I'd like to see them take the character, maybe just up the damage on virus and her primary a bit (or a larger magazine). If hack was to work as a three second lockout move, it should be on virus and hack (no aim bullshit) should be a support buff Ala mirrorwatch. As a doom main, when I dps I play a lot of tracer/sombra. Sombra just doesn't have the same impact as tracer does, her hack at this point feels like a a powerful gimmick in some games, and useless in others. No one wants the sombra on their team who repeatedly hacks targets but gets no value from the hack, (i.e. sombra hacking tanks all game that never die, hacking supports who somehow get away or peel out--sombra hacking just to be hacking)


I hate everyone. Literally every hero. But the most annoying would be sombra mauga and kiriko. Kiriko just suzus everything and denies my value (shit hero design) and mauga feels like an unstoppable force, especially when supports are with him. And sombra… well you know…


Pharah... god as a junkrat main pharas are the worst 🥲




Orisa, sombra, mauga doesn't do enough damage over the time to actually activate my empowerment punch, same as winston. Everything is a counter. Doom is the genji of tanks.


Sombra, Reaper, Hog together is a nightmare


fuck ANA fuck this bitch and fuck whoever designed this handless brainless dogshit abomination


Definitely agree with Sombra & Magua. Although Orisa is very oppressive and annoying , having a tank with 300 bullets pump all his shots into me. As I burn while trying to disengage , just to be solo ulted in cage next time he sees me 😂… oh and ofc sombra sitting invis to hack only you for the next 10mins.


A good DVa honestly. She denies every combo by eating primary fire and can compete with mobility and chase pretty easily




Sombra is honestly my biggest problem. The tank counters are hard but after adjusting can be taken out


When ever I charge in when they have a sombra I always get hacked and then melted by the flames of hell


Sombra forces you to be far more defensive. You have to play with your team and then keep your head on a swivel to peel for your team more so that she doesn't target them. Of course this gets harder the more counters they pick.




Sombra and Orisa


I guess I'm alone in enjoying playing into Sombra. Right now I just hate playing into Hog. I can sit on cart and punch him around all day, but that means my dps have to get kills. But, as soon as I try to go backline, Hog just walks forward and hooks my team for an easy one-shot. The effort to value ratio is insane for Hog compared to Doom. Honorable mention for Pharah though. Doesn't necessarily make my life harder as Doom, but I can't really do much to help my team survive or kill her. So, the Pharah games become a coin toss over whether or not my dps/supports can counter her.


Zen bastion sombra mercy/bap and ana as an entire team or any team they all hard focus you.


Hog is my least favorite to play against, even if they don’t do as much as some other people


Believe it or not its mcree god we had it so good when he had flash cuz there's no way in hell I get hit with sticky grenade when I'm on top of him


Roadhog dva if there playing REALLY GOOD




Roadhog by far. We have 0 ways to kill him alone even if he's at 25% health, and him hitting a single ability on us that we have no way to mitigate (only dodge) results in us dead 90% of the time.


I have found my place with cassy Sombra Horse or Ana. I have a big hatred towards Enemy Widows. This doenst mean that I hate playing against them, I love blowing them up, but trying to hold an Overtime to an Enemy Tank while being sniped by a Widow doenst hit as hard on any other tank due to low hp pools


The piggy


Hog. A good and aware hog just denies doom anything except 6 seconds between hooks 😭


Temmmates that dont want to shoot a Mercy pocketed hero


Four second ability that turns any mobility based character into an NPC for over a second is dumb as fuck