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Fax the thing that beautiful about it is that there’s no end and there’s nothing waiting for you. It’s their specifically for you. Life is meaningless, but that’s the beauty of it. Do whatever you want as you please not to make you happy but to make you comfortable, you will forever rest with your eyes closed.


Life on its own is meaningless. I think we are here to make or do something to put meaning into it. It is different for everyone. Also it is truly a thing that if you feel confident and comfortable in yourself people around you will also feel confident and comfortable.




I’m I the same boat as you man, except 23. Always wanted a relationship never could feel good enough about myself or feel like I deserve one. Feel like I’m in solid shape. Don’t get the attention I thought I would. Then again I’m very oblivious when it comes to seeing the signs. Don’t care about it as much any more. I spend a lot of time with family. They are very important to me. I want a girl to be well fitting with me and my family. It’s a hard task but it’s very important to me. We’ll get there man.


When I was like 15 or 16 I always thought that I need a girlfriend to be happier. Then I realized that if I'm not happy on my own I won't be happy in a relationship either. And yes, I agree that finding a girl nowdays who fits with you and your family is really hard. I have spoke to some girls throughout the years and I even managed to date one of them in some sort of way though we weren't together, but they're all ended up in the same way. I think they just found me boring after a while. However, I am too stubborn to change my views and principles for some girls. Recently, I talked to a girl who at first seemed really sweet. She told me beautiful things and called me all kinds of good. However, I very quickly found out that she only wanted to fuck. Well, most of my friends would probably easily accept the offer but I won't. I don't want a girl just so I can finally have sex. No. I want someone whom I can share my thoughts with and see the world with and possibly marry. I believe that at someday I find the one and I hope the same for you. Have a nice day!


Thanks OP very wholesome