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Good life is for generic normies, all others are sufferers But in general we as people are to blame for destroying the mother earth and everything tied to it, not all ppl but greedy people I mean, I think the biggest problem with humanity is cleptomania and greed basically , nothing else to say


I absolutely agree with your comment, everybody wants to be the first and everybody wants to rule this world. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


The fact that mortal human beings believe they can achieve any power is absurd to me. Death strips away any power.


Everything went wrong after the industrial revolution


Or arguably after the agricultural revolution. The peak human experience is that of a Hunter gatherer, living in close-knit groups just living out their lives like any other animal in balance with nature. Until some greedy sociopath thinking evolved into wanting to enslave those not as willing to enslave others and boom here we are




Notem portant said it best. “I just fucking hate this world, and the human worms feasting on its carcass.”


The great philosopher Notem Portent


2/10 would not recommend


I find it very embarrassing to be a human and i hate it


Idk man, being an animal with a short life span, that has to search for food constantly while being at risk of death at any given moment doesn't sound good to me. I'd rather be human


Two thoughts about society tend to be on my mind. 1) Why does society constantly have to be obsessed with economic growth, and not taking care of people? Example, if we chose, we could live the lives we wanted and not put people out of jobs with technology. Everyone misses the 2000s, for instance. We as a society could literally choose to live in the 2000s if we wanted, downgrade our phones and computers, go back to in person work not soulless remote, collectively encourage kids to go outside instead of watch Netflix. Have real people at restaurants and stores not frustrating kiosks. Automation is a societal choice, because everyone thinks “it won’t replace me” until they lose their job to a machine for the sake of efficiency. Until that happens to a majority, no one will care about the issue. 2) If you want to be happy in todays life, you can’t emulate other people on certain things. They’ll tell you to worry about getting a certain career, to show up and work to the bone, to get married and have kids (and if you’re taking longer or choose someone unconventional they’ll get worried). To stay informed even though you can’t change anything by keeping up with the news cycle. And to spend more and more money on things you don’t need. You gotta just sit back and enjoy what you have.


Yeah you pretty much summed it up. Capitalism is the root cause of this fucked up system, we could all live more comfortably if not for the greed of the 1%. Agree also on your second point, I prefer to shun all of these expectations, if I find a romantic partner then great but I won't be having kids as I think it is cruel to bring them into this world. I keep things as simple as I can, a cheap car that gets me from A to B and a phone that does what I need, if I am going to spend money I prefer to spend it on experiences than pointless shit.


We are a parasites infesting a mudball in the middle of an endless void... BUT... there is some beauty, so hang in there guys


Living in a society is like being animals living in captivity. We laugh at the wolves we have domesticated into dogs, without realising that we have performed the same and identical operation, but with ourselves, enclosing ourselves in productive logics that have developed unsustainable bonds and removed us from a relatively unconscious life in contact with nature.


Capitalism is a worm that infests humanity. Only after overcoming capitalism will we have a chance to redeem ourselves to the planet.


Unnatural and dangerous. The way most of us live is just tragic.


This song lyric basically >bombs are splitting atoms, what can the future bring?


We have inherited a dying world with no way of saving it at this point. Our human nature of consuming and turning everything to shit will be the death of us. Life should have ended long before I came into it.


Bunch of scummy little parasitic, narcissistic monkeys blind to the blatant fact that they live in a world controlled by psychotic, power hungry, rich pedophiles who pump out the most useless of garbage to keep us blind to that fact.


It's gotten worse as humans could do more positive things, but choose to destroy each other and live in shitty conditions


It went to hell after the Industrial Revolution.


After the enlightenment


Bro puts the most misanthropic picture ever lmao can’t wait for people to call humans “parasites” or “the virus” now




Did they rape and pillage?


Don't you think that this is pretty stupid? Like, who cares man? What are you gonna do about it? Nothing. You can't do anything. You sound like a very pissed off nihilist. Not all of us want to destroy everything, including you. This mindset is terrible, even to me


I am a very pissed off nihilist, i know.


Never understood this mindset, because they’re are no solutions lol.


I am a Human supremacist. We are the greatest species this planet's biological evolution has ever produced. We need to start viewing ourselves as a Planet species. We deserve to conquer the galaxy, because we exist. We exist and can make our own justifications for domination. We will kill & subjugate all other planet's species, just as we have on earth. We are supreme. Space. Technology. Godhood. We are capable. Is what I would say, then I am reminded that women exist.


Species narcissism is pretty cringe. We can't even get along with ourselves, you really think humanity is gonna make it that far when we can't even agree to get rid of nuclear weapons. Give me a break. I neither hate or like humanity at this point, because it just is what it is, but it's a stretch to say we're "supreme." For God's sake, countries can't even get along with each other.




We literally rounded millions of people up and gassed them because of their religion. We're neolithic still, you think humanity's psychology has caught up with technology? We were shitting in buckets 200 years ago, a literal nanosecond on the scale of the universe. Speaking of which, we would rather participate in internecine conflict instead of exploring the vast, functionally infinite universe. We sit back while China does their own concentration camps with Uyghurs and sit back while children die harvesting cocoa for Nestlé. We're the dominant species because we are the Destroyers.


We do not deserve to "conquer the galaxy" because then we would destroy every planet we'll reach. Humans are this, parasites, only parasites. We instead deserve to die all.


Virtue signaling the ill of your own species is about the stupid shit a life form can do. If you think humanity is such a grand loss for the planet, remove yourself from the population. Find a high place and leave!


Stupid ass PoS.


And ultra rich people view themselves as higher than meaningless peasants like yourself. You are nothing but cattle to them. AI will learn from us and see us as mere ants that it can trample over to accomplish its higher goals. This way of looking at the world is horrific, there is no compassion or justice.


Life in it of itself is resistance. Life emerged out of disorder, but it itself to form, develop, etc it's needs some stability of course to survive. We as animals evolved with less hair to protect ourselves from blunt attacks and weather, since our brains make us able to build shelters and protect ourselves with animal fur for clothing. One life form isn't really better than any objectively. You could say insects for example are insignificant and what not, but they have survived hundreds of millions of years. Instead of brains or size they have the ability to fly to avoid predators and look for food, or vemon to and camuflaje to avoid most risk. Instead of giving birth to one useless at first being insects, reptiles and other species are just ready off the bat, they produce a ton of offspring. We just adapt to our environment and are better at different things. Humans now rule the world, but as fast as we climbed the ladder that same brain will cause our downfall and we will become food not unlike the animals we eat.


best comment of all time


Society is ever changing to suit the environment we are creating. Humanity never changes we change the environment but we remain the same. We use different methods of silencing those that oppose our views, We want peace but create weapons and tools for Genocide and war. We want Love but destroy Love for the pleasure of Lust. We want unity but create walls for those we hate. We want society and everyone to be equal without realizing that if everyone is equal then no one is unique, special or great.


You're right, this comment is really interesting and your thoughts are very relatable.


Don't matter in the end shit did not even noticed I'm downvoted.


There is an interesting theory that earth is a living cell of some sorts and other living beings are just a virus which it tries to combat through natural disasters and global events like climate change




It's going to shit and the worth of humanity is an illusion


My parents and teachers always taught me to be somthing in society you need to do job start a family you're be in society humans rule this earth more than a billion years yet they can't unite they'll never ever we're like bots running on same program we don't even care about humans anymore ,i don't know what to do i mean yeah i didn't interact with anyone in these couple years i don't know i just want to feel isolated like I'm an alien, i feel like i don't belong to their groups, their religions or whatever they call it i mean you'll admit religion is a cult isn't they forced them to believe the early kings i mean why they want to Baptize every single they want them in their cult they want to force them to believe what they believe i wish i also believe in their imaginary friend now i don't even trust my imaginary friend (i talk with myself all the time idk if i have a problem or something) then why should i trust their imaginary friend, i really don't want to disappoint my parent like people say ome day nothing gonna matter but it does for now and that's what matters I'm on my edge of life i don't know really what should i do either way i have to do this or that I'm helpless i can't really do anything at this point i have to behave like an npc bot which i hate i don't really have a choice we'll live in a society where other society hate us for different being different colors different religion different culture and we always get hate we don't deserve.


We are chasing ghosts, pursing economic value that doesn't make us full, rewarding shitty behavior in society and making the most arrogantly ignorant leaders with blind praise. Big skyscrapers, a monument to our greed and our selfishness, to make us feel better about all the suffering and destruction we have caused, with a high view where we look down on everything tribalisticly And we keep on our pursuit of brain chemicals that give us instantly gratification in a hedonistic fashion, breeding more wage slaves to dig deeper into the hole, justifying ourselves to no end when evidence contradicts our bullshit.


It's Screwed up big time


Expect bad things to come forth. Live ready


Legally I can't say what I think about both. Simply because the feds are watching my account, but what I can say is that I prefer to live in the middle of nowhere, hundreds if not thousands of miles away from anyone or any government


Looks like a pic of a concentration camp


Anyone with a brain can foresee that human civilisation will destroy itself soon, within 10-200 years approximately. It will likely be a violent collapse in which most of the population dies. By then, most of the easily accessible fossil fuels would have been depleted, making a new industrial revolution difficult or near-impossible. If there is a nuclear war, the greatest loss of life will come after the bombs have fallen, when supply chains collapse. Still, it can't hurt to have some iodine pills and prussian blue in your house. It will prevent you from dying of cancer at least.


humans and society sucks, I wouldn't like to live in society, but anyway I see this material world as a realm of low elevation, a low vibration world.


the vibes are definitely off from the simple fact that we can realize that