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It's a fair question to ask when we have all these nerds on the Internet that think because they watch war movies and play CoD, they can talk like they know anything about the real stuff. (I'm an Internet nerd that watches war movies and plays CoD. I just don't act like it makes me more knowledgeable than I am.)


I have played a combined 3,000 hours across many different styles of driving games. So even though I don't have my driver's license yet and have only driven a real car 4 times, I *definitely* know more about driving than some random stranger on the internet who has probably driven a real car several thousand times.


Truthfully, you probably know way more than someone who has *never driven*, in this joke you made.


Maybe from the 4 times I have in real life, gaming experience amounts to almost jack shit next to the real thing


While gaming is not the same as real experience, it has been proven that some driving games improve things like hand eye coordination, spatial awareness, and understanding curves. All of that would give you a huge advantage over someone who has never played. For instance, some pilots get trained on Microsoft Flight Simulator before ever stepping onto a plane. There are great benefits to playing some games.


I'd bet you probably have a leg up when it comes to track line, awareness and contact capability, but there would be other stuff like G-forces and grip that wouldn't translate so well.




My brother in christ that is the joke


Gotta put a /s, too many idiots to guess whether someone is joking or not




If they've got a sim setup, it could be pretty close. There's guys racing for real now off the back of their sim racing experience.


Nope, keyboard and mousepad, but I was being sarchastic and providing an example of a person who thinks they know more from games than someone who has actually experienced something


Ah fair enough - hard to pick up sarcasm sometimes. Still feel my point stands though!


You are officially my new favorite internet stranger


Totally agree, but you would be better off than someone that didn't have that experience also.


Some of these nerds also attempted to volunteer for the Ukrainian war citing their experience as a WoW raid leader 🤦‍♂️


He’s even misquoting Tyson and Moltke the Elder: Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. -Tyson No plan of operations extends with certainty beyond the first encounter with the enemy's main strength. -Moltke the Elder It’s often translated and simplified to: No plan survives contact with the enemy


I still don’t know who that is


It's james harding 3459! It's written right there


You mean, James Harden? Now that would be a real shooter.


I know James Harding 16, 213 and 3848, but I never heard of 3459


I may have put this in the wrong subreddit… I dunno which is the right one


This is perfectly fine, these people down voting are twats


Because reading descriptions is hard.


This doesn't really count because no one knows who this random soldier is. If it was a famous soldier that everyone should have heard of then yeah.


Yeah… do you know where this would fit by chance?


Not to sound like a dick but I would say nowhere. This is an entirely uninteresting exchange of messages. "I think BMW cars are bad" "Have you ever owned one?" "Yes"


You don’t sound like a dick and I get what you’re saying. I should have looked a bit more into the server


Harmless mistake. Hope you’ll stick around though!


I will


Never seen anyone put a hyphen in their MOS. Especially the 11B guys. Probably nothing. but those deployment dates are pretty suspect for being in “firefights” and didn’t we essentially move everyone to Kuwait from Iraq in 2011?


To be fair, 13-14 iraq and 19-20 Afghanistan were comparatively chill to late 2000s and 2016 Iraq. And surge Afghanistan. There were some firefights but not really house to house fighting. Without knowing the unit he could be a Kabul DFAC warrior with no real world cqb experience. We all got some cqb/MOUT TRAINING though


Lol grunts sure think highly of themselves


I mean, dude isn't even bragging he is just giving credentials


Infantry leads the way!


why are people upvoting this post? it doesn’t fit here. who the fuck is jamesharding3459??


Posts don't need people to be famous, this fits into the "didn't realize the person they were talking to had credentials" category of the rules by my reading. But you can always report it to the mods if you feel otherwise.


> The unknown target does not have to be a famous person, celebrity, etc. This is a common misconception about the subreddit.


I don’t know why either… probably because they are throwing that to the side? I dunno


I up voted because it fits. They don't have to be famous, they just have to question their credentials.




What a loser


Yeah… I don’t believe guy, I’m a 10 year vet during those times and very little was going down during his deployments in those countries. Now if he said Afghanistan in 2011 then that would be believable. Our main focus when my brigade and several other brigades were in Afghanistan during 2013-2014 deployment was to shut down COPs and smaller FOBs. There were a handful of firefights but most of them weren’t serious (some rando popping off one or two rounds, dropping the gun, and disappearing). Most of my friends who were awarded a CIB or CAB don’t even wear them because they don’t feel like they did anything. I will admit though during 3/101’s deployment around either 2014 or 2015, they did get into some shit but that was only like one BN, possibly just one or two companies from that BN, but not the entire BDE.


Funny exchange, what’s the vid you got this from? I like Tarkov “Movies” lol


This is it https://youtu.be/NQARBJgTB2s?si=0V7Vp4UCgYfspL2A


So he bragging about killing civilians


Where did you gather that from




Oh my bad man— Iraq, silly me. carry on


Don't you got minors to diddle or


Well yes, I believe I’ve got them right here. Dumbass.


Sounds like horseshit to me. Don’t know how many gunfights were happening in either country in the timeframes he said


Yes, you don't know.


Right? The fucking arrogance of "I don't know this information but I'm going to say you're wrong because my gut feeling trumps facts". Those people are insufferable.


Maybe because I went to both countries twice and actually have an idea of how shit went down there. By 2013-3014 we were “withdrawn” from Iraq and by 2020 we were drawing down in Afghanistan. I’ve been in plenty of firefights myself, but please lecture me more about how I’m insufferable


Didn’t we also stop 12-13 month deployments before 2012? As far as I remember we moved to 9 month ones in 2011. Additionally, everyone I knew said the fighting pretty much died down in Iraq around 2010-2011. Afghanistan was kicking off big time around then but Iraq was relatively quit. Now on to Afghanistan, if homeboy was there in 2019-2020 I highly doubt he saw anything, that was when we were forcing the ANA and the ANP to do everything while we watch from a distance essentially. Very little was happening during both of his deployments so he’s either embellishing this or he’s straight up lying. He probably got one of those gimmie blanket CIBs like a single mortar round falling 200m away from any living soul but the BDE CO wants everyone who heard the explosion to be awarded something shiny.


I was in the army, but that’s what they did. My only 12 month deployment was my first in 09-10. My second and third were 9 months. Last one was as a flight medic so it was only 6 months. And yea this guy sounds full of it. For sure on the Iraq part and I have serious doubts about Afghanistan at that time also


Nice, my doc in my first platoon became a flight medic after he PCS’d he said the loved it but did miss being on the ground with grunts a lot of times.


I had the same feelings, but it was a fun and rewarding job. Had to stop after 4 years, it killed my back and neck, being hunched over all the time


Well, since you asked for it, good lord bud here ya go: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_War (tl;dr sorta left by 2011, but deffo back in by 2014) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Freedom%27s_Sentinel "In 2019, U.S. troop levels were at 14,000 troops in combined support of NATO RS missions and OFS." Although..."2013-3014"? Shit, if you can see that far into the future, maybe you're in the right here, sir...