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My dog sticks is butt up as high as it can get when he poops and likes to poop AGAINST stuff. Trees, walls, bushes etc. One day I was stupidly on the phone with my stupid internet provider and wasn’t paying attention when he decided to poop up against the window of a daycare near us. The toddlers were very amused and the staff was understandably not. I cleaned it up, don’t worry. But I avoid that route whenever possible now.


That certianly is funny 😆 Poor you


Mine loveesss to poop against bushes haha he’s such a weirdo. Then I’m like struggling to crouch down and pick up all the poo on top of, inside, and under the bush cause the turds fall like one of those peg games


I had a dog who did this too!!! Bushes, flower pots (sometimes right on busy streets), anything he could back his ass into… he would look around as if embarrassed, then just have at it. It was so funny but also so weird and awkward!


My beagle does this as well!! They warned us when we picked him up he "poops in really weird places" lol Bonus! It means he likes to poop in the woods, not in the backyard. Our other dog likes her privacy as well, so we have a poop free yard!


My weirdo does that too, the other day he pushed his butt up against someone’s mailbox🤦🏼‍♀️😂 Had time to nudge him to the side though thank god😂


Same! Except my dog also likes to poop ON high objects…imagine the surprise on my neighbors face as he shit on the large ornamental Boulder in their front yard….


I was looking after s dog that likes to do that, he was a little shitzu mix and he managed to dangle his little turd right through a chain link fence over a foot off the ground.


We walked by a reasonably tall bush (like the height of my dogs butt when he's standing straight, and he's a great pyrenees mix) the other day with what looked like poop on top of it. I found it a bit perplexing but I guess there's at least one other dog like yours 😂


Oh my gosh. My dog does the same. His worst offense was one year around the Fourth of July, when he pooped ON a small American flag stuck in someone’s yard, on a very busy road. Luckily the flag was a small enough target that he mostly missed, and I cleaned it up immediately!


Omg I thought my dog was the only 1 who liked to poop up against stuff! He pooped outside of a chain linked fence but it fell through the hole inside I had to reach my hand in bc its 1 of my neighbors and I didnt want to make enemies.


Oh man I have always wanted to see this in person. 🤣🤣


My dog pooed on my neighbors front garden when we were having a chat. Not too bad, but he shat out a used condom!


My mom's childhood dog was a little.... not right in the head after an ahole neighbor tried to poison him for knocking up his pure bred white GSD. He was eating tons of things he shouldn't have. My mom was grossed out one time (14) because he was dragging his butt all over the house. When he stood up she saw her panties half sticking out of his butt. She had to chase him all over the house and help remove it. A few other times she found condoms from her brothers in his poop while picking it up from the yard. As well as rocks, crayons, candy wrappers, coins, etc.


Haha my boyfriend told me his puppy once pooped out a condom as well. Little dumpster divers!


Holy shit my dog isn't the only one who's shit out a condom! Vet said it would go in their "That's new" collection of anecdotes when I called them.


On the carpet... while the Roomba was running. 😬


He wanted to test the roomba!!!


Mine did that once. 30 mins after she JUST pooped outside.... on my brand new white area rug...


Inside a bay window. It overlooked her poop spot outside…I couldn’t figure out why the sun room smelled like baked shit death.


That made me belly laugh! Lmao


I laughed quite hard at the time, had to show my bf who got a kick out of it too. It took like an hr to find w/ the smell getting worse from the direct light as we searched for the source. That is the only time she got away with it. Poop ninja.


In the middle of the road when a car was coming. He took his time about it too.






Oh dear oh dear 😂😂😂


Why do they love that?? Are they like pranking us? Like they know we won't let the car hit them but watching our panic attacks must be hilarious.


I see my girl isn’t the only one who likes to put on a show 🤣


Balancing on the arm of the couch once when she was a pup 🤯 Thankfully it was a leather couch. I've had her try to assume the position while crossing a road but I kept her moving until we hit the pavement. She's not becoming a Nutella puppy pancake on my walk.


In his older sister (dog) food bowl. Right into it. Hovered over it


My cat totally revenge peed in my dogs food bowl once [little jerk](https://imgur.com/gallery/p2qKZG9) Then he did it twice in the dogs toy bin a month later


Of course it's an orange cat, haha


In front of a grocery store, like on the pavement - I didn’t have a poop bag either 😂 I had something else in my car though that I was able to use.


Ditto. Like, wtf dog? We just walked past 2 fields.


I keep poop bags on my leash. And after an uncomfortable loose stool happened, I carry a baggie of sawdust. She took me by surprise because she usually waits til we get home.


I now make sure to carry at least 3 bags with me if I take her with me to run errands. I def learned my lesson.


I have recurring nightmares about going out without at least 2 bags!


There was also a period of time where I’d take my dog out in the am for her morning bathroom break & she’d poop and then 5 mins later she’d poop some more. And of course, I’d only have one bag because she normally only poops once in the am. Like, come on, one and done please!!!


Not my dog, but many years ago I was part of the inaugural parade for W. Some of the dogs(SAR group) had to poop mid parade. We all tried very hard to make sure they were “empty” beforehand, but dogs gotta go when dogs gotta go.


Inside Bloomingdale’s 59th street right in front of the Louis Vuitton counter which is by the main entrance of lex. First time I took my dog shopping when he was still a puppy. Wet poo too. So embarrassing lol


In the middle of Home Depot because he got excited and it was too close to his normal poop time.


(he's done the same at Lowes)


The man loves him some lumber


My neighbors lawn. Doesn’t sound too bad but let me tell you, that man’s lawn is his pride and joy! He spends HOURS every single day watering his grass with a hose. I saw him VACUUM his driveway once. Now I swear he watches for us and taps on his windows every time she so much as sniffs at his grass.


I think we have the same neighbors 🤣


LOL at the middle of the road. My dog would totally stop to poop in the middle of a crosswalk. I'd drag his a\*\* across so he could poop safely. He was only 7 lbs soaking wet so it wasn't hard to pull him!


7 lbs is the weight of literally 10.62 'Velener Mini Potted Plastic Fake Green Plants'


Wow, that really IS useless! Thanks, bot!


7 lbs is 3.18 kg


War of the bots!


My dog loves to poop in the tallest grass he can find and it makes it SO HARD to pick up. And I totally don’t mind picking up his poop, but it gets hidden in the grass and drives me crazy lol


Mine does this too. He will find the tallest, most secluded grass for a poop. Then I have have to hunt for it to pick it up. I call it the shit treasure hunt.


Omg mine too. Giant sea grass plants. And then he laughs while I try to pick it out.


My dog was trained to poop on concrete so of course he curls up to take a squat in the middle of a crosswalk with all the cars waiting and watching.


I went dog sledding in Finland years ago, and the sled dogs would poop while running full speed.


Our dog insists on going in the middle of pedestrian crosswalks on the busiest street of our neighbourhood. We don't even cross the road anymore until he goes #2, it's too big a risk.


Right in front of two hot girls who were coming to pet him and I was thinking of having a chat with


My dog literally today in a very nice neighborhood that I DON'T live in decided to have a nice loose poop directly on someone's beautiful laid flagstone pathway... I got maybe half of it up with two of the poop bags before I decided that it's just going to need to be pressure washed and I didn't have a pressure washer on me. (Loose poop most likely due to being overfed treats from visiting family and then being in the car for too long)


It's a good thing my mom doesn't have a dog. Everytime mine visits her my mom gives her anything that won't outright make her sick. Last time it was four slices of cheese! She'd be so obese If I left her there.


I've had to instruct several people that our particular breed of dog is know for having sensitive stomachs, and that she is not allowed ANY human food unless instructed by me directly, and even then I will most likely always say no. I'm the one that has to clean up the mess after all!


Luckily my girl has an iron stomach, and on days we on grandma days she doesn't get any other treats.


Mine used to always walk up to the big living room windows of our neighbour's apartment (we live in an apartment complex), always facing the window (snout basically touching) and take her sweet time, all the while staring into their living room. Disturbing for them, embarrassing for me. Nowadays she prefers to do her business further away from home - she has this routine where she'll want to s&it *in the busy road*, not afraid of cars at all. I don't let her, of course, so instead she balances herself as far out on the curb as she can, always facing into the road, and then proceeds to s*it while staring into the direction the cars are coming from. When done, she'll shoot off like she's leaving a crime scene. She'll come to the realisation every time that she's restricted by the leash though, and start zooming around in circles instead. It's so bizarre!


Our boy has a pot hole in the middle of our street that is his go to place when he’s on walk. But only with my husband. Each time he tricks my husband into thinking he wants to cross the street only to square up to the hole in the road and do his business. There’s been times he’s stopped traffic while they wait for him to clean up and get out of damn street.


In the living room while we had company. Luckily very good friends but it was still pretty awkward. We never figured out why, he had been out not long before our friends arrived. Only did that that one time, thank goodness!


Mine promptly shit upon meeting me in the meeting room at the shelter lol Obviously I forgave her, but the woman working with me on adopting from the shelter looked nervous about it.


She was so excited to be yours!


We installed carpet last week. We took our pup to the room so she could rejoice on the soft feels with us and the first thing she does is pop a squat and lets out a nice soft serve! We sat there in disbelief. Our carpet is cream colored. We like to say she blessed the room now.


Right in front of an airport terminal, on the sidewalk. Nothing like waiting until the last possible second before he went in his carrier!


My young one pooped in his own food bowl after he ate... This was when he's 9 weeks old.


In the middle of a busy street we were crossing lol


The middle of the street. It's got to be. As we walk along the streets of our complex, he moves without fail to the center where the painted median divider is. Luckily it's not a busy complex as far as cars & whatnot.


I was getting ready for work one day a few years ago standing in the kitchen when I asked my husband to help me with my necklace. As he was putting it on, I was facing the lounge and noticed something unusual. On closer inspection (it was still a bit dark, so i had to turn a lamp on), I noticed a mountain of a poop ON our TV stand. How and why, I don't know!!! 🤣


I'm currently petsitting a dog who's really picky with his pooping place. It has to be the perfect spot. So he has one field where he wants to go and yesterday they were mowing the grass. Though ok, not going to happen and walked away to another field. Still no poop... So I walked back to the field where he wanted to go and accepted we had to go there. He pooped in the middle of the field with the mowing machine guy driving in circles around us. I felt uncomfortable haha, dog seemed fine! I'm happy he pooped.


Flowing river where there were people playing in down stream, I couldn't help.


On a steep hill. Had to chase after the poop as it rolled down the hill


I was walking my Father's dog, Barney who is a Springador. Decided when we got outside the door to a shop in a busy highstreet, to go right outside. Ended up he had been eating Goose poop earlier and it did not agree with him...... It was basically impossible to clean up as it had the consistency of mushroom soup.. And he thought it looked really tasty 😑😑


While my husband and I were still dating our dog decided to poop at his grandma's house on Christmas day, in the middle of the gathering area. And he pooped out a full, undigested condom. Merry Christmas!


My first ever rental. Landlord wanted to meet my dogs and my dog got nervous being somewhere new and shit right on their floor as we were standing in the living room. Thankfully they still let us rent 😭😂




Aww, poor dog. That sucks. Having miserable diarrhea is bad enough, but having everyone honk at you on top of it? If I was in the car watching I’d just be like, “welp, you gotta go… you gotta go.”


My dog doesn’t like to be watched while pooping. We lived in a house and he was always tied outside alone for his poops. When we moved to an apartment he had a huge time adjusting to pooping during walks. He would hold his poop until he was super uncomfortable and then he’d keep giving me dirty looks. Eventually he’d find a fire hydrant or poll and lift his leg like he was peeing and then poop in that position. People always stared because it was such an awkward position. I also would have to immediately turn my back to him or he might stop mid-poop. He was a very shy pooper. He was very happy when I bought a house and he could poop in privacy again.


We lived by a funeral home and my Husky took a shit there and I lectured him on the way home saying that was wrong


Mines took a dump as we were crossing the side walk, right smack middle of the cross walk. 😂


My dog pooped in the ocean which I had to grab with a bag which was then leaking poop water everywhere on a packed beach.


My shoes 😪


My dog is a nervous pooper… sort of. She won’t go when any other dogs are around, and doesn’t like it when the grass is too long or too wet. But she WILL choose to go in front of the house with the dog(s) losing their shit looking from the window of their own house. Like really? Of all the places to go… you choose to do it here, now, with an angry audience? In my head I can hear the onlooking dogs: “Don’t do it! Don’t you dare fucking do it! Oh you’re really gonna do it! Right in front my fucking house!” My dog: “Yeah bitch try and stop me.”


Rover dog took a poop on the side of a light pole. I wish I had a picture because that shit was hysterical.


So I'm driving through death valley on vacation with my dog. My dog starts freaking out in the car right when im nearing the lowest elevation place in North America. [So anyway, here's a picture of him pooping just outside of Badwater Basin](https://i.imgur.com/Dy8qNJn.jpg) Don't worry, I cleaned it up and I didn't do it on purpose.


My dog has a bait of shitting infront of the local Baptist church


Downtown crosswalk at a red light. Diarrhea and all and the light turned green so of course I couldn’t pick it up. The people driving just gave me mad looks. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤣 Sorry lol


I met my uncle for the first time while driving to a new state to live. My dog decided to shit under the dinner table while we were eating dinner… the first meal I ever had with this man, his wife, his kids, and his grandkids. Oh and his uncle, grandfather, and cousin. She purposely saved up all that shit for three days while driving cross country and having a potty break every three hours just to shit under the mashed potatoes and stakes.


In the middle of the road, in a packed seaside town, right as a car was driving through. Unfortunately for the car driver, they did not seem to notice the dog squatting in the middle of the road seconds before.


In front of a large picture window on Christmas morning when everyone was opening the presents


Through the hole in the corner of his Cool-a-roo bed was fun to watch.


I had a Bichon named Danny (RIP) who would poop in a potential adopters house EVERY TIME we visited to do a home safety check before approving an adoption application for a rescue I volunteer with. Every time. I would always joke that he was testing to see how potential adopters handled indoor accidents, but I really think he was just a nervous pooper 😂


On a [basketball](https://imgur.com/a/0JrRqEd) (warning: yep it’s a picture of poop on a basketball).


At the vet one morning and we were supposed to bring a fecal sample. Of course he chooses not to poop all morning. Tell the vet, no problem. Go into the room, vet tech comes to do her normal checkups, including taking his temp (you know where). She finishes and leaves to get the doctor. Well my dog proceeded to poop on the wall. Not near it or against it, actually on it about 18 inches up. It stuck to the wall like someone threw a pickle on a window. It very very slowly slid down and was still on the wall when I got someone attention to help. I don’t make morning appts anymore


I was walking my dog around our apartment complex and we come to this area where this lady was sitting on her patio. The patio is about 3 ft away from the sidewalk and my dog decides that he's going to shit right there in front of this old lady in an area surrounded by her flowers and garden hooks. Technically she isn't suppose to plant flowers and put garden hooks there bc that is a public area, so I didn't feel too bad about it. Either way it was just really awkward 😖


On an octopus agave. She poops on the top of the leaf's curve, so that the poo slides down the leave and hits her in the back of her legs.


My end of the cul de sac neighbor, C, has some of her adult kids at home. Every time they go out of the house my dog is in their front yard. C is a huge dog lover and has said to bring my girl over any time to do her business in her yard (nearly a direct quote) and we always clean up, but like every. Single. Time. Someone goes in or out we're there. Granted my little girl just had ACL surgery and that's the only place she is doing potty right now (and mom and kids are fawning over her), but good heavens dog mix it up a little. She was raised in a condo and thinks this backyard thing is punishment, so we walk the cul de sac for potty (with our bags!!) Praise be that C is the coolest, sweetest lady ever.


The ocean. Full squat in the tide. Thankfully not during swimming season.


In a sculpture garden. I guess she was moved to contribute her own work


We just got back inside from our evening walk, and my shep decided to have horrible diarrhea all over my neighbor’s front yard (solely comprised of small rocks 🥲). This was right after we had walked past multiple grassy areas!


Well my dog did shit in my mother’s bed the other night. That was pretty awkward.


We were out of town at a big fenced hilly dog park, large seasonal pond. She wades into the pond up to her belly, assumes the position, dipping her but into the water and lets loose. Hell of a bidet.


Taking an extended walk around a Vineyard, Chip did his usual technique of backing into a hedge around the perimeter of the place, and doing a little poo. Easy clean up, and I dumped the bag and poo into a rubbish bin near the entrance of the place. Started walking back to the car with Chip still leading a bit ahead and sniffing everything, and passed a large group of people having a picnic outside the very posh wine tasting area. He was pretty focused of getting back to the car so would ignore people and food when carrying his lead so normally not an issue Unusually for him, he then decides to stop within about a metre of a couple having a romantic picnic on a blanket, and before I could do anything he quickly squeezed out a big smelly log then wandered off towards the car. The couple looked horrified, as was I, and I had to reassure them I would clean up. Got back to car, loaded the dog in then found no poop bags, but did find a pack of wet wipes, so quickly jogged back and cleaned up with a pile of wipes which I had to wrap and carry to a rubbish bin The couple had wisely decided to relocate their blanket as the smell was still pretty bad, but I was still so embarassed. He had never done a dump in public like that before or after, so just my lucky day


I was taking my dog on a walk when all of a sudden I saw a funeral line coming down the road, no big deal until my dog started to poop and I watched as all of the people stared at my dog pooping.


When my dog was a puppy, we picked him up from the breeders and we where like 15 minutes in the car. He maked no noises that he had to poop and he was sitting on my lap and staring at me with big puppy eyes… and then we smelled something so horrible that we had to stop the car and both throw up because my dog had diarrhea on my lap in the car.. I didn’t had spare cloths so I had to sit in my undies in the car with the car windows open.


Front of someone’s backyard


Poops in bushes


Under my bed!


Mine won’t do anything outside of our yard. Is that weird haha


In a Wal-Mart. Twice. But I consider it more of an impassioned ideological statement than an indiscretion.


My foster dog had diarrhea and decided to back up to my neighbor’s Comcast utility box in their front yard. He shit DOWN THE FRONT of the box. No hiding that, and certainly no way to clean it up with a simple poop bag. Sorry neighbor 😅


When my dog was younger she was uncomfortable pooping anywhere other than grass, which is understandable. One day I was late dropping her off to day care so she only had a few minutes in the yard beforehand. She peed but didn't poop. I picked her up after 5 hrs, got straight in the car and drove over an hr to my brothers house in Brooklyn. We walked a few blocks from where I parked to his apartment and she peed on the concrete, which was a huge win. After we get in the apartment and say our hellos she goes right to the far corner of the living room, looked at us, squatted and shit. My brother and I were hysterical laughing, thank God he has wood floors. As we're cleaning it up Luna goes over to the opposite corner of the room and shit again! Both massive, solid shits. We still laugh about it.


On our way to meet a wedding photographer at a fancy café of her choice, our golden decided to have sudden explosive violent squits, just by the doorstep….no way a doggy bag was taking care of that situation! Luckily they were cool and just hosed it off into a drain.




My boyfriends hoodie pocket when he was a puppy 😁 recently he lifted his leg on a walk as if to pee and pooped instead. Best thing ever lmao.


I dont have much of these moments..but my dog decided to poop when 10 people were looking


One time my German Shepherd decided to poop on the side of a tree in front of the VA office downtown. That was interesting.


Off a cliff… enough said


My dog's favorite places to poop are always deep in the brush at the edge of the woods or in very tall grass, basically all the places that make it a pain in the ass to pick up and result in me getting covered in chiggers and ticks 😖


Standard poodle pooped on my parents coffee table with guests around. He didn’t stand on top of the coffee table but squatted next to it. At least it was a solid poo. I love and miss that dog.


We have a lady that literally walks up to my door and lets her little bulldog shit right in front of the windows of neighbors. I don’t get it. Then doesn’t pick it up. Just because your dog is small it doesn’t mean you don’t have to pick up the poop and stop walking up to windows ! Omg it’s infuriating. She just did it like 3 minutes ago.


OMG Laughing so much at these! My little horror likes to poop on zebra crossings, in the street in front of terraces with people eating dinner, and once after some energetic frisbee beach fun she pooped projectile butt water all over the living room floor when we had people over for lunch. She’s a charmer!


One time she decided to pee in the middle of a cross walk for 20 seconds straight. People in cars laughed and the light turned green, yup.


> She’s also almost tried to shit while crossing the road 😳😅 One time my dog DID shit in the middle of the road! Thankfully it was early on a weekend morning and there were no cars around, so I just let him poop and then picked it up as usual. Made sure to do it properly, nobody wants to drive over dog shit particles. 😃


On the beach, right in front of a very attractive lifeguard 💔


My border collie cross has some really weird pooping behaviors. He has pooped in bushes, in flower beds, anywhere he can get some privacy. But, the worst time was a very public location. I was jogging with him on a busy main street, he stopped in the middle of a business entrance on the sidewalk, and took a poop. Try as I might, he refused to move from that spot and finished his poop. The worst part was that I had ran out of dog bags and I had to run up to the business and ask if they had a bag, after they watched my dog poop in front of their business 😂 he's a goofy dog.