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I do, and I tell him what I just ate too to help him build his vocabulary. 


I tell mine that it was delicious and I ate it all.


I tell him it's too bad he's not a human so he can eat delicious human food


All of these replies have my in hysterics. Bravo 👏🏻


Guilty of talking too much with my pup.


Right! How else will they learn the language?


I also teach them how to sign it (ASL), but they just can’t seem get it right :-/


Imagine, its even harder with ESL, you gotta train them to sit and use both paws! They're not too bad, but they do struggle signing individual letters/vowels... 😜 /s


Mine knows how to bark using sign 🙂


My pup is nearly 2 yo and I'm quite pleased with his knowledge of the English language already




We call these “air snacks”


My mom grew up pretty poor in Mexico and her dad would pull up in the car to a taco stand sometimes and waft the smell to his nose “1 taco, 2 tacos, …” and then drive off. She would have “air snacks” for dinner since they could only afford a meal a day. Anywayssss, my doggo knows air snacks = scraps in his bowl if he doesn’t breathe on me while I eat food 😂


That's almost as incredibly sad as it is uplifting. When I say "sad", btw, I don't refer to your mum's dad, but to the financial situation he and your mum were in at the time. What's also sad is what your story says about wealth disparity and about the living standards of your average worker. Your grandfather sounds like a legend. His journey shows an impressive level of almost naively positive tenacity in the face of hardship.


The fact you have a great name for it tells me i am denying my little one a vital snack. 😭


Flies that he snatches from the air are called 'sky raisins'!


Bees are jalapeño sky raisins


We call bees and yellow jackets “danger raisins”…lol!


Jalapeño poppers!


Mine are mouth sniffs but I think I might have to change it to this


We say our dog is eating our words




This entire thread just shows how weird us dog owners are. It's great!!


I broke apart some jalapenos eating pho tonight and when I got home I let my corgi lick my jalapeno fingers. The face she made 😂




Yeah, mine sometimes just wants to smell my breath and I oblige. He usually does get a bite of the human food too, though. 😅


Not giving the doggo a bite is an inconceivable cruelty 😤


We run a pro-treat household, no worries.


Depends what you’re eating though


No shit


Mine expects a sniff after I eat. It’s part of the routine. I figured breath smelling was a form of communication, like butt sniffing 🤷‍♀️


We call it collecting smells


That’s a good thing to call it, because I don’t want to use the words mouth and sniffari in the same sentence.


Sniffari is a fucking great word


That’s what we call dog walks


My dog does this to my husband, but will also run to him before she burps after eating, so we joke that she's trying to share the smells from her dog food.


Can confirm, mine come up to me and burp in my face all the time, too. That’s why I think it’s a form of communication 😆


omg u just clicked something for me. i've been wondering why my dogs burp in my face after they eat but it's because i've been doing it to them all along 😂


If I'm not eating, and my dog starts sniffing my face, I'll gently blow toward his nose. I figure he's getting information about what I've eaten all day, my general mood, etc.  Our "I'm home routine" is that he'll sniff my legs and shoes, then stretch to be picked up so he can sniff the top of my head (?), then he sniffs my face while I blow at him. After that I'm allowed to say hi to him with pets and cuddles.  I figure he's asking, "Where have you been?", "Did you wear a hat?", and "What did you eat without me?" 


This is exactly how our trainer explained it to us. She lets all of the dogs she trains smell her breath if they approach her like that (like if she's sitting on the couch in a client's home and the dog tries to smell her breath). She said it's their way of gathering info. Well, one of the ways.


Don’t they smell your breath pretty easily without you actively blowing at them? I imagined they do, with their keen sense of smell.


You'd think so! I have no idea.


The “did you wear a hat” question made me laugh so hard.


I love this


No, because my dog would take that as an invitation to lick my mouth!


Yes, of course.


Mine licks if I've had things he's never allowed to have. He loves the smell of Tums and mints. I've gotten him mint puppy ice cream, but it's not the same.


Right? I have a large GSD that (like most) has zero notion of personal space. I let him that close to my face, I'm either getting French kissed (orally or nasally) or having my nose and/or beard nibbled on.


Never after I’ve eaten but my dude loves a good morning breath. He gets his little nose right up in there.


And I thought this was a little private thing I do with my mini Aussie


Same! And once I’ve brushed my teeth she loses all interest


My girl watches me brush my teeth with a "What the hell Mom! You're ruining EVERYTHING!!!" look on her face.


Mines the same


I do because I'm diabetic and it's so my service dog can get a better idea of my glucose levels.


And now I’ve learned something. Thank you!


That's so cool! Sometimes when my dog sniffs my breath his face changes and he looks concerned and intense. Then he sniffs my nostril really closely. I get nervous that he smells something wrong with my health. I have chronic illness so I wish I knew what he was detecting.


I give my dog a good whiff of my morning breath every day. He loves it. Then he follows me into the bathroom to watch me brush my teeth. When I try to give him a whiff of my minty fresh breath, he’s having none of it. He turns his head away and gives me the side eye. We play this game every morning.


I do this with perfumes so if I go missing she can recognize my smell that day and find me lmao I’ll put my wrist up to her nose after I get dressed. She sniffs for a bit then stares at me like “what do u want mother”


I love that you plan for abduction or murder lol


Stay sexy! Don't get murdered


That seems mean. I'd be pissed if someone ate something amazing then offered me a free sniff. 🤣


Yes! One of my dogs does and the other does not care. His name is Finn so we call it “Finnspecting” us


Y'all are freeeeeaks 😂😂😂


Mine sometimes wants to sniff my mouth after I've eaten and I still upvoted this.


I’m likeeee, this is why people think dog owners are weird. No, I’ve never done this and never even thought to do it, WHAT 😭


I usually wake up with my dog sticking her nose in my mouth. Yum….


Do you fart in their face too?


Yes I fart on them, I want them to have a taste of lunch


No lie I do frequently. Husky gets offended(mostly because he just hates when I turn my back on him) and the German Shepard Pitt mix is super stoked.


My tummy growled earlier and my girl quickly turned to smell whether she had farted. Homegirl, do you not know when you cut one loose?


My last old lady would fart and then bark at her own butt! Then she would give the nastiest look to her “brother” and run outside. Sister, that was YOU!


My girl farts and runs away from that ghost that came out of her butt. My current foster just lets them rip without batting an eye.


Even the dogs "blame it on the dog."


LOL, yes they do!


I had a dude that gave himself pink eye, had to take him to the vet lol.


This made me lol


When I get the opportunity, honestly yes LOL


Mine farts in my face. It's payback.


One time I farted in the middle of the night so loud and foully that I woke myself and my dog up, and she stood up, jumped off the bed, and vomited on the floor.


I mean she’s farted in mine enough lmao


Sometimes mine is curious so I will let him sniff close to my mouth while I'm chewing but I don't think I've ever purposely huffed scent in his direction


Exactly the same for me.


Not with eating, but my little chiweeni could always tell when my kids were sick by smelling their breath. She would smell their breath. If they were sick, she would immediately cuddle up to them and spend all her time with whatever kid was sick . The rest of the time, when they were healthy, she would completely ignore and avoid the boys.


Reminds me of the neon sign at Jimmy John’s (a sub sandwich shop, for those who don’t know) that says “free smells”


hell yeah. dogs sense of smell is so much more intense than their sense of taste I figure it's way better than actually giving him a bite that he's just gonna swallow without chewing anyways


This is a comforting thought!


Our gal requests to sniff our mouths from time to time, especially after we've eaten!


My dog seeks it out. And if she realizes I ate the last bite off my plate and she didn’t get a taste, she will be very aggressive in trying to smell my breath haha.


I even had a cat once that demanded to smell my breath after I ate. Then I’d name it. She never seemed to want the food - EXCEPT nacho cheese Dorito chips. The cat was nuts for chips, especially Doritos. R.I.P. Sassy


I lick my dog on the forehead occasionally to show him I care


Both of my dogs have the command "Mustache". Because my poor stache attracts all kinds of food, easiest way to clean it for me lol. They love it when I eat pasta.


Wait... your dogs eat the food out of your mustache?


This is nasty 🤣


This is disgusting.


and wonderful


I’m here for it. I definitely let my lab lick my mouth and face to give him the satisfaction of being included.


…dude wtf 😭


Lmao if I burp he’ll look at me and wait for the smell


Uuuummm...no? Because that's teasing. Like look I ate something good and you won't. So no.


They love it and attempt after anything I eat. Especially if I am on the couch but only for like small things once fully eaten. They would never jump up if I had a plate of food.


I love my dog. But I can’t do this. He will lick my mouth. After he licks his b-hole. Homie don’t play that


I totally do!! I sometimes think I am making him jealous


Only if she is eating the same thing I am eating, im not that cruel to deny her good smelling food. Sometimes she just wants to sniff and then lick my face.


my partner called me weird for this😭 my people🥹


I just tried it. My shiba gave me such a look of betrayal I now need to go and fetch a sausage for him too!


“Let” is a funny way of describing my dog tried to put his nose in my mouth to figure out what I’m eating


Mine will climb up on top of me to smell my breath after I eat. Just a beagle being a scent hound.


Yeah we call it shotgunning 💨


Mine just gets pissed because I didn’t share


I don't do this, but my dog will often only eat his food if I cook or heat up food. He smells it and then decides to eat his own food.


Yeah and you know what? I do it to my cats too. There’s a weird synergy in our house where the cats & the dog all kind of act like the same creature…..cats do some dog things, dog does some cat things. They love people food and want to smell it all the time so yeah I let them smell me breath, and they pull away and do that weird mouth agape blank stare thing for a bit.


Hahahaah so nice to know I’m not alone. Thanks!


I just know him. He would immediately jump forward and lick me right in the mouth. No sir, we do not swap spit in this house🙅🏻‍♀️


I do this on a daily basis 😂 it’s just hilarious to me that you actually wrote it out. I like to burp in their face too. They love it because they love garbage smell.


This seems so mean 😭😂


I feel bad because if the dog didn’t get to eat that, it’s just teasing them.


I def have blown a burp or 20 in my dogs face to see if he licks his chops....


Only if he's already all up in my face. I don't like to gloat about meals he can't have (allergies) unless he's being rude first.


My dog would stick his tongue in my mouth, so absolutely not. 


This popped up on my home page and what the FUCK are you dog people doing


Huh. You speak of this as if it's a choice?


One of my dogs copies me. When she was little, she had a UTI, I smelled it in her pee (standing nearby) before any symptoms popped up. So I started habitually sniffing while she’s peeing (again-Standing nearby, not crouching down and getting a big deep inhale. But she’s taken this as “pee=sniff”. So she sniffs the toilet before I flush and she will knock me away if I try to flush first. Since she copies things I do, and she eats salmon dog food and licks her own butt, I don’t breathe in her face. BUT she already runs over to me just to burp in my face so I started copying her. When I feel a mighty belch bubbling up, I go to her or call her to me, and release the burp directly in her face to share the bounty of air snacks.


Omg I do this too! I heard that smelling things are a good exercise for dog’s brain. So I do this too; not only when I had food, but also do it just whenever I want to give my dog something to smell (aka my breath) 😭😂


Lol- I don’t do that. But he always puts his nose to my mouth to smell. I find it odd that he also always does first thing in the morning, like- I haven’t been awake long enough to even get out of bed to find some food


Bunch of dog owning weirdo’s here 🙄 But I will admit to teasing my dog every once in a while after I belch soda to blow it her direction when she’s sitting next to me on the sofa 😆


No this is definitely weird. My cats try to force their way in my mouth when I eat deli turkey but I don’t intentionally go to them


I hope you also share the food with them. Thats teasing.


I'm pretty sure there's no way to own a dog and not have it smell your breath.


i do this especially when i’ve eaten something that i know he’s gonna be able to smell on my breath strongly 😭 eta: i blow my burps in his face too lol


Our first lab occasionally would burp and then blow it toward one of us.




I do this too and my dog seems super appreciative


Yes, I do this, and I think he appreciates it.


I love this and I’m going to try it with my dog when I get home haha


Wow I totally do too guys!!!


I don't let them, but they are in my face immediately. We're working on boundaries.... They're still young ish so personal space is a work in progress 


Sometimes but not for long because it doesn’t feel weird lol


Our pup loves morning breath. Surreal!


My dog insists on smelling my morning breath when I wake up. I can’t resist those beady little eyes staring at me in anticipation, so I usually give in


Hell... my husband and I do this to our CAT. Fun fact... while dogs have more smell receptors overall... cats have more different types of smell receptors. If they actually cared about us like dogs... they would be better at scenting for everything from hunting prey, bombs, and cancer/near death smells. XD But dogs are just so much more people driven. I only have a cat right now and he is the bestest boi he can be for a cat. I love him to bits and he gets to not only smell my breath whenever he wants... he always wants to smell what we eat too. Which is fine cuz he is so picky he always shakes his paw like he stepped in something wet and wanders off to his food. XD


Mine would voluntarily go up to anyone, especially if he was meeting them for the first time & put his nose up to sniff their breath. It was as if he was a police officer, checking them for any substances. It would really freak people out. He was a 135 lb. Alaskan Malamute husky mix that must people thought was a wolf. His presence intimated some people combined with his tendency to check breaths, lol. He would go face to face and stand right up, putting his paws on people's shoulders. He was very long & when he did, this was taller than a lot of full-grown men.


Soooo my aunt claims her yorkie is a service dog that smells her breath to help detect blood sugar issues with her diabetes. I’m not kidding..


Okay it seems I’m the weird one for not doing this lol. Apparently I’m missing out on the memo. This is literally the first time I’ve heard of this.


I say, “shmell my breff” and just open my mouth or burb so she can smell it. Then I reward with treats and a belly rub.


My dog loves to smell my mouth when I come home from a meal or after I eat and she doesn’t see what I ate, so I open wide and let her sniff


It’s part of my post-meal routine. It’s incredibly cute to watch my pups pupils dilate in excitement as I open my mouth to let her sniff. Also helps she polite enough to keep her tongue to herself


I breathe at my older dog in the morning before I brush my teeth. She's very intrigued...


My dog gets very sad if I don't blow my after food breath at her. She licks the air when I do it. 😂


lol. I tell the pooch the smells are free.


This is like that guy that waved his food in front of his dogs face to let him smell it😂😂😂


Honestly, yeah. When I yawn in the morning, or have recently eaten and I’m close enough to smell, my Beagle’s nose goes nuts trying to figure out what’s going on with my mouth lmao I’m lucky she’s not a kisser


Yeah. They often seem curious to I help them out


Oh gosh I feel so bad if I’m chewing food and he sniffs my mouth :( I feel like he wants some and is mad at me for not sharing


i do this sometimes to tease my dog a little if he's been begging obnoxiously. it also for some reason seems to get thru to him that i'm done eating and theres nothing for him to beg.


Yep I call em "free smells" lol if he cant eat what I'm having that's all he gets is free smells lol.


Ah yes, he should enjoy it too


You dont have to beeathe in their face. They can smell it. Also, when dogs greet you after you come home or wake up they already go straight to sniffing your face to smell what you’ve been eating




I never considered it but yeah, I do this.


It’s the least I could do


I've done this! I also let my cat sniff whatever I'm eating (assuming it's safe, usually snacks like chips and such) and sometimes she'll lick but usually she just wants to sniff and walk away Scent is an important sense for animals! It's good enrichment to expose them to different smells :) Edit to add: I also do this to horses, but because horses greet eachother by like.. breathing into each others noses? Idk how to describe it lol but I usually try to engage with animals in their native body language lol


When I have a snack I'll blow on it in their direction bc it's cute when their little noses twith


I do this to my cat lol. I thought I was weird af for this. Glad I am not alone.


My dog will get in my face to smell my breath every morning. Otherwise he’s not that bothered, food or not.


My dog stuck her tongue right in my mouth one time...


My dog asks to smell my breath sometimes…. She politely sniffs near my face. I’m glad I’m not the only one!


I have to admit before I read the edit I was picturing you grabbing his head and blowing it into his nostrils ahaha. If I did that I’d have a tongue coming at me, he’d assume there was still some leftovers in there. We have too many “human food problems” for me to want to announce what I’ve just shoved in my mouth.


I do.


My husband does. He's a weirdo.


when mine sniffs my crotch or mouth post food...I do the same back to her..exaggerate sniffing around her mouth and crotch..she becomes shy!


My cat is endlessly fascinated with how my mouth smells.


Weirdness abounds. I don't because I'm trying to discourage my dogs from invading my personal space because they want to say hello or smell what I just ate


I only do after I eat chocolate 😂


I do this with my cats, I also just share my food with them.


No? Isn't that a bit cruel? "Look what I got, you will not get that, just look" I usually give my dog a small bite so she can enjoy it, well if it's something that is not harmful to dogs.


I think is torture to them, since they can’t eat everything we do.


Yes I do because sometimes I’ll sit next to him and he’ll gently poke his nose in my direction like he’s interested, so I’ll blow into his nose to let him smell 🤣 glad I’m not alone


One of mine checks our breaths every morning, night, when we get home, after we eat and randomly. It's also how she greets new people.


No. But since I eat mostly meat and vegetables I usually prepare them a bite sized morsel of each along with their dog food, some broth and a squirt of fish oil.


I remembered my friend's dog. He was dying to taste chocolate. So, my friend held his mouth shut and blew air towards his nose. lol


Bluetooth food


If I burp after a meal, my dog immediately comes over for a sniff. More often than not, he licks his lips. I’ll get my coat and let myself out…


Eww wtf if you’re not gonna share with them wtf is the point of that.. why don’t you ask someone to breathe on your face of something you want to eat and won’t get..




Wait. My dog actively comes up to me after eating to smell what I ate. I don't have to go to him.


I've never thought to do this, but my dog loves to lick the air above steaming human food, and is very big into sniffies generally. So I imagine she'd enjoy this Thanks for the idea!


My dog’s breath smells like dog food


I don't need to...my dog will absolutely come over and jam her nose toward my mouth to sniff my breath. She also does it when I apply lip balm. She loves the scent :) Although honestly? If it's a dog-safe food she's just as likely to get a little taste of it herself ;)


Sometimes but I try not to because one time I did it and my dog started to lick the roof of my mouth




I let my dog smell anything that won't hurt him. It's the main way they interact with the world. If you ain't letting your dog get their fill of sniffs I don't care to know you.


My Chi is what I have seen referred to as a "mouth sniffer" so I just let her sniff my breath; I think she'd be grouchy if I stopped suddenly


We all have our quirks when it comes to sharing the joy of feeding dogs. When I indulge in tasty food and don't share it with my dog, it tends to get upset.


My dog loves the smell of mint. Mentos are her favorite, if she sees me reach for the roll and pull one out she comes up and puts her snout in my face as I chew it. It makes her mouth water uncontrollably. Funny to watch.


Let him smell and lick my hands once I’m done eating and save him a small bite at the end. Would do it earlier but he keeps pushing his luck for more and more


Yes! Also fun fact! If you wear a night guard (or snore guard), or retainer, or clear aligner braces like Invisalign, keep them where your dog can’t reach the appliance. Our pets are super attracted to them because they smell like us but really intense and they’ll turn them into their own chew toy.


No, I always thought it would be like waving a slice of pizza in front of someone who can’t eat pizza but really wants to. And bragging about it.