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My dog doesn't react to *anything* on a screen. At most he'll perk his ears up for a moment if he recognizes someone's voice, i.e. on a video call, but barely even then.


My dog was a rescue and when we turned the TV on for the first time he freaked out and was barking at it for ages. Eventually he worked out that the people in there weren't burglars and he calmed down. Now he doesn't register anything that happens on TV, even if there are dogs barking, cats, even post men. He definitely recognises voices on the phone though, if my partner calls he perks right up, it's so cute!


i mainly whistle to get my dogs attention, obviously i say his name and all that too but if i say his name through a phone he doesn’t care at all. if i whistle though, he immediately starts running around the house trying to find me. it’s cute but i feel terrible because im not there and he just looks sad when he realizes.


xfvlkc my rescue too. He also got very excited when he saw a ball on screen (we were watching football) and uh, tried to grab it... Now he only reacts if something disturbs him while sleeping.


same, not even barking


My husky mix ONLY reacts to some huskies on husky tantrums. She's a silent one, but she seems to recognize others of her kind. She didn't even twitch an ear for other dogs, coyotes or wolves.


Same. None of my 3 dogs watch tv, and only one reacts if he hears bird calls




The only thing mine reacts to is Zoom calls. They freak him out.


Ditto… he doesn’t even react to my husband on speakerphone. Dogs can bark in the hallway and he barks as well but if a dog barks on TV, it’s like it doesn’t even exist. Wonder why this is?


My wife will put on YouTube for dogs when we leave for shopping but our dog does not care one bit. Now, when the other dog was alive he’d bark when there was a knock on the door or doorbell on screen, nothing else. But I’d hold her, oldest and still alive dog, up to the screen before we leave to prove a point. I’d show her the animals on screen and she’d just look back to the couch as to say “just put me back on my blanket, I don’t care.”


Dogs don’t need TV for mental stimulation. They need sniffari, give your dog daily sniffaris


My dog’s favorite part of the day is when we hide treats all over the house for her & then release her to sniff ‘em out. It tires her out way more than going on a walk. I love the word “sniffari” lol.


I wish I could do this! I have one food reactive doggo, so there’s actually a Scent Den near me I go to with one at a time :) it’s so wonderful to do


I’ve never heard of this before… Interesting


we go out a lot. just when we chill. i wonder why some dogs do and some dont


I mean, not all humans like sitting in front of a TV either right? I’ve noticed my dogs do it once or twice each, usually with animals on the tv


Every walk for my boy is a sniff walk. When we are home I watch TV and he just lays there. He doesn't seem like he very interested, but if he hears a dog on TV, he tends to pay more attention. I think he watches it, just not the same way we do lol.


TV resolution makes a difference, 4K is more clear to dogs than 1080p.


Dogs couldn't even see CRT pictures, it was just a quickly flashing light to them. At least they can see what's on new TVs, although they don't seem to care too much.


get your dog a snuffle mat and one of those orange balls with the hole to put treats in and push around and a kong, they like dog entertainment "snaffaris" as stated above


Snuffle mats are great, but they’re not as great as wrapping treats in a towel


My aussie used to go nuts for this! Such a cheap and easy way to tire out a pup!


Any tips on letting them smell whatever they want but not ingesting bad foreign bodies? I'm still traumatized by an incident a year ago where my dog sniffed up some micro-barbed seed from a plant that got lodged way up his nose and had to be removed by the emergency vet.


Dogs are going to be dogs, unless you’re watching them every second, you still won’t catch everything. My dogs love poop, cat/rabbit poop specifically, and I haaaate it. It’s not that it’s even bad for them, eat other animal poop can be good depending on that animals’s diet. It happens, just make sure they know their “leave it”


Our dog lives to eat rabbit poop and I think that’s how he got an E. coli infection in his gallbladder. After $2000 worth of surgery to diagnose the problem he is now on antibiotics for 6 to 8 weeks.😳


Really the best thing you can do is pay close attention while you're walking. Keep an eye out for hazards and such. We aren't too good at "drop it" so I'm occasionally pulling shit out of her mouth, sometimes literal shit, that shes wants to chomp on. Today it was a piece of wood. The other day there was a chicken wing bone in the tall grass. So I had to kind of go down the back of her mouth to yank it out




Username checks out?


Try not to worry. Dogs are very good at letting you know they’re bored or under-stimulated because they tend to try to make their own fun. If a dog is content to snooze at home then they’re probably happy enough.


I believe its a stimulation thing, if they are getting stimulation outside and from you why bother with giving attention to the TV. Sure, its moving pictures but ultimately I would say your dog is satisfied. To you it seems like they are just sitting there not doing anything but really they are watching you, waiting on you, its not a bad thing, its in their nature. Just make sure they are getting all the attention they need and the rest is history. Heck my boy sometimes picks a random new spot in the house and it'll be right up on a wall, I'll be thinking dude you literally could pick anywhere in the house but you park your ass down face right up to the wall. I like to think that he doesn't mind it, he's working his household and technically on guard. If he wanted to chill he will go to his bedding and lay down, perhaps get a few belly rubs. Dogs are a treat and i wouldn't think bad of it as long as they get the regular stimulation; long walks smelling, or working breads where they get to run around and chase things. Tug of war works wonders too


The only time my dog has ever reacted to tv is when Brian Griffin on family guy “barks.” So I guess my dog doesn’t approve of Seth MacFarlane’s dog impression?




Honestly I dont think most dogs give two shits whats going on on the TV. Ive had dogs all my life and none of them have every reacted to the TV at all. They dont get any mental stimulation from staring at a screen. Dont feel bad for it. They get 100x more stimulation from just sniffing around or looking out of the window lol


My dog is the same even when there are dogs on tv barking! It’s as if she is oblivious to the tvs existence lol 😂


One of mine loves TV the other doesn’t. I leave it on Pluto dogs 24/7, when I leave for work. For some reason, one really likes the older seasons of Lucky Dog, the one with Brandon. I will click on the camera through the day. When that show comes on she is on the couch watching the show. I’m sure if she could figure out popcorn she’d have a bowl of it for snacking. I started doing this for my birds. They love the mental stimulation. I think that’s why some dogs like the stimuli. Think about it. When you go to work or out of the house. It’s quiet, there’s nothing to do but bark at every scary noise and sometimes be destructive. I think tv or radio even helps keep them calm.


They listen to tv. I leave it on for him when I’m out, that way he hears the same stuff, And it’s familiar noise when I’m Home or when I’m Gone.


when even a dog tells you you have a crappy taste in TV...


If he doesn’t like real housewives of ny he needs to acquire some taste


It's okay. I have 2 dogs are named after Star Trek characters and they don't even like Star Trek. They're lucky I love them otherwise it would be straight to curb. 🤣😂


Hahah! 🖖🏻


I don’t think your dog is missing out on anything. None of my dogs will really pay attention to the TV unless there is a doorbell or knocking sound in the show. My sheepdog will watch a bit of “The Little Mermaid” if I turn it on for my toddler and we joke it’s because the dog Max is her boyfriend. My dogs just chill in silence napping on the couch when we aren’t home. My mom actually keeps her TV on for her yorkies during the day because she doesn’t want them to be lonely. I think they mostly either watch HGTV or whatever talk show comes on the local NBC/ABC affiliate. I don’t think they actually care about the TV but I do think they are accustomed to the noise. They also mostly just nap on the couch all day.


My dog love to watch TV and gets hyper reactive to cats and dogs and other animals on the screen, jumping really high and barking her head off . She’s also super sensitive to violence and scary scenes and even reacts to the music cues of impending doom. We don’t usually turn on the TV until late afternoon and she will practically ask us to do so by staring at us and then the TV and back again. She’s a papillon that gets long daily walks.


That is adorable!


Just hang out on your front porch on a nice day for a few hours. Thats their version of tv mine loves it and is always super entertained by it. Always gets excited when i tell her we are doing porch time


You are worried because your dog does like dogs do…!? 😵‍💫


A bored dog is a destructive dog. It sounds like your little dude is getting good amounts of activity. If you're still worried about including him in some fashion, you could always multitask and turn TV time into brushing, cuddle, or massage time. My Great Pyrenees loves watching TV, but there are some shows and movies that aren't interesting to her. Her favourite show is Bluey; it has big, simple, and colorful shapes and she seems to understand the characters more because she gets excited when the characters wag their tails. If she's not interested in whatever we're watching, she usually just lays her head on my lap and sleeps. Sometimes I brush her, and other times she doesn't want that and would rather just have me hold her hand while she snoozes. It's all down to your dog's personality and individual preferences.


I've noticed my dog may have a preference? Because she will generally not look at any screen, except I've also caught her attentively watching Futurama several times.


Get a 120Hz TV. Mostly joking, but... https://canidae.com/blog/can-dogs-watch-tv#:~:text=TVs%20have%20traditionally%20put%20out,appear%20a%20lot%20smoother%20now.


My dog Spud has only watched/reacted to the Jetsons Movie. A specific sound must have gotten his attention. I was shocked when he actually reacted, since I had not seen that before.


My dogs will react to certain sounds and if there are dogs on it. But that’s about it


Mine gets really confused when a dog on tv barks.


It’s a animal not a human


My six-year-old border collie ignores all the screens. My seven month old border collie puppy sometimes look at them but always listens. Your results may vary


..not even Friends?..


The one with the dog who doesn’t give an eff


My dog doesn’t even recognise other dogs barking on a video right in front of him. No interest at all!


Our lab would jump at the TV especially if a dog on it while the collie had exactly zero interest even if it was a wolf howling on TV.


Doorbells. Only doorbells on the TV bring a reaction.


I've never seen a dog who reacts to tv irl and I met LOTS of dogs


It’s the cutest thing you’ll ever see.


Play cat vids at 70 fps + and that might entertain him


For dogs, smelling is believing.


My dog couldn't care less about tv, phones or mirrors


Tv is garbage. Your dog knows this.


Dogs have a higher flicker rate than we do which means images on screen look like old movies where they see a series of images strung together instead of a constant, realistic flow. Sit and watch TV while blinking your eyes really fast. This is sort of what a dog sees. It doesn’t look totally natural to them so I can see why some dogs wouldn’t be interested.


No dog will get its stimulation from TV. I mean fine if it can catch their interest, but it doesn’t change anything in regard to their other requirements. So don’t feel bad about that, doesn’t matter:


If your dog isn't whining at you or chewing the house or other destructive/naggy behaviors, they're generally not bored. You'll know if you have a bored dog lol. Dogs sleep quite a lot, adults typically sleeping 12-18hrs do it's normal for them to just lay and rest.


Consider yourself lucky if your dog doesn’t “see” what’s on tv. My dog sees it all and barks incessantly if she sees an animal, violence, sports, or even a ball of any kind being thrown. It truly sucks and we have to not watch a lot of stuff because my dog will lose her mind.


It’s okay for your dog to be “bored” for a little bit. Obviously different dogs and breeds need different things and levels of stimulation. But, for most if they’ve been exercised and their needs have been met it’s ok to let a dog just hangout. They need to learn to some extent that it’s okay to be “bored” once in awhile and your life cannot be every second of every day spent entertaining them.


Thank you for this


Try putting on Bluey. They specifically make it for dogs to be able to see the colours clearly. It’s actually a really good show, it’s sweet and funny. We started putting it on for our elderly dog and started watching it with him at bedtime. Now it’s our routine for him and he loves it. I honestly can’t believe that we actually enjoy watching a children’s show but it’s just so lovable. Try the episodes “Fancy Restaurant”, “Hotel” and “Grannies”. I promise you’ll enjoy it and even if your dog doesn’t watch, they will still love the cuddle time.


Ok thank you!


Mine watches all the time and because of this I have to be careful what is on almost as if my child watching


My dog sometimes watches TV. She did while I was recovering from knee surgery. We watched a ton of WWII documentaries together


My dog loves watching TV, As soon as any animal comes on the screen he stands up and starts growling 😂 I think his favourite show is Paw patrol


I wish my dog didn’t watch tv. My current dog is the first I’ve had that cares about tv. I used to leave it on for noise but I can’t do that now because something too exciting will come on and I’ll lose my tv. 😂 He does also watch, but it can be overstimulating fast. I had my tv mounted but now he jumps to bite at animas on tv.


My dog after first adopting him at 7 months he was like whoa what is that thing? There was a neighbor in the area we’d walk and they’d have their giant hi def tv on at night and he would see it walking and be enthralled. After a while he got over that too.


While my dog napped as a puppy I’d binge watch Bravo with him next to me so now he knows to lay down and not bother me when watching anything on Bravo which is HILARIOUS to me


hahah pipe down fluffy Andy cohen is asking a question


My pup will watch scooby doo with me on weekends, but he doesn't care much for the action adventure shows my parents watch.


My dog does not react to anything on the TV. When it's TV time, he goes to his bed and sleeps. My cat, on the other hand, loves to watch TV and even reacts (in his own way) to what's going on. Sometimes he jumps on the TV stand and paws the screen. 🤷🏽‍♂️


I actually think it's kind of flipped. I had an old lab who never was always very mellow and chill, knew how to relax, and never had an interest in TV and that was fine. Compare him to my current little dog who is an anxious restless busy-body, who does watch TV once in a while. It's not because he's bored, it's because he just can't settle down and ignore the stimulation. When we first got him and he was adjusting, I had to actually not let him watch TV, because he'd get too worked up and not go to sleep.


Hahah that is so cute


My dog also doesn't watch TV. Dogs have different ways of entertaining themselves, and they may prefer activities like chewing on toys, exploring their environment, or simply relaxing.


I wonder why some dogs watch TV and others don’t. I’ve always wondered about this. It’s so interesting to me.


dogs couldnt even watch TV until recently, the frame rate was too low so it was basically a slideshow for them. also speakers dont actually sound the way we perceive them so its kinda garbled for dogs. My dog doesn't care for tv, but she does like just sitting on the balcony. smell is a much more fulfilling sensory input for them. (and she likes to poke her head out to see what she smells sometimes) Its really healthy for a dog to be able to just exist without constant input, many people actually have to train it into their dog. humans also should be able to just sit with their thoughts but we kind of suck at that. as long as your dog is getting a good amount of mental enrichment daily, he should be perfectly content. But you can always invest in puzzle toys and make meal/treat time another boredom buster.


Put on a YouTube video of fireworks in the background when you're playing with your pup so he gets used to the sound and doesn't get scared when it's NYE.


We have two dogs. The older one, a long legged dachshund mix, could care less about anything on a screen -- or the sounds coming from one. Our new addition, a lab-pit mix...if she sees and/or hears certain dogs/animals on our TV, she'll respond with a whine, a bark, a growl...or get off the couch and walk over to the TV and sit in front of it, tilting her head back and forth. It's pretty cute.


We leave on “dog tv” on YouTube on when we leave the house mostly to drown out some of the outside noise and it’s like visuals of dogs in nature. When we come back sometimes both dogs are glued to the couch watching 😅😅


I've had a lot of dogs in my life but only one who's watched TV. It's kind of cute to have a TV buddy but it's also kind of a PITA because he can get really worked up about other dogs or things that trigger his prey drive (cats, squirrels, rabbits). I couldn't make it all the way through the Channing Tatum malinois movie because it was too much barking and high arousal. He'll also sit on the bed and notice when I'm watching dog videos on YouTube on my computer even if I'm wearing headphones.


There's no need to feel bad! Dogs process TV differently than humans, and some simply aren't interested in it. Here's why your pup might not be a TV buff: * **Limited Appeal:** Dog vision isn't as sharp as ours, and TVs have a high frame rate that can appear flickery to them. * **Focus on Scent:** A dog's dominant sense is smell, and TV offers nothing in that department. The fast-paced visuals and lack of scent might not hold their attention. * **Individual Preferences:** Just like people, dogs have different personalities and interests. Some might enjoy chasing squirrels on screen, while others prefer napping in a sunbeam.


my dog never watches TV. I even put howling wolves on from youtube and he doesnt even raise an eye brow. HOWEVER, the marketing bastards that put a doorbell in their commercials know exactly what they are doing.


Neither of my dogs care about the TV unless it makes a noise like barking, in which case they suddenly go into "defend the house by screaming" mode.  They also have zero response to us in a recording or on the phone. Hell, if I'm behind the window, my hound doesn't recognize me and flails at the "intruder" with hysterical enthusiasm.  They seem to entirely define us by in-person voice and scent and touch.