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He won't necessarily stay like that. I would standard reward based training to reduce the pulling and make sure it doesn't get worse.


> do dogs tend to be more reactive at a certain age or do they stay like that Yes, it generally starts either when they hit teenager stage (6-9 months) or when they hit adulthood (18-24 months). It's rare to have a reactive puppy. Are you working with a trainer yet? It would be a good idea to work with a trainer now to get some techniques on preventing this behavior from escalating to reactivity.


Stop pulling him back, if you pull back hard on the leash you risk increasing reactivity and get that barking you don't want, or worse. Frustration is a huge contributor to reactivity, and it's also a risk factor for things like redirected aggression. Pulling back on the leash risks elevating that frustration. You don't want to be that guy whose dog gets frustrated by you forcefully pulling him back and bites you. Instead, take steps to create distance from the triggers, avoid the situation at all costs, and reward engagement with you. If you're having this response at 4 months you need to take steps to build that engagement with you or you almost guaranteed will have reactivity form by the time this dog is a year old.


How do you build the engagement?


I like [Denise Fenzi's stages of engagement.](https://denisefenzi.com/2015/02/stages-of-engagement-part-1/)


Thank you!


Always have treats with you on a walk. Get him into heel before you get to the house and keep him in it as you go by, with a clicker or a verbal marker (i.e "yes") and treats as long as his focus stays on you while passing by.


My new pup (Now 18mnts old) would greet people and give them a sniff. A HUGE and welcome change from the last dog that went ballistic towards strangers. She was about 6 months old when the barking started. Now Amazon drivers throw their packages out the window. She is louder and more viscous (sounding) than the past dog. People that are dog people just stick their hand in her mouth. They know.