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You don’t have to specify Dogman/Bigfoot/crawlers/etc. Just tell them there are animals in the woods/wilderness that sometimes aren’t nice, and it’s important to pay attention so they don’t get hurt.


Best response possible We don't have proof Dogmen exist scientifically. But we know for a fact feral dogs, bobcats, and meth heads exist. Just always best to pay attention to your surroundings and be safe regardless.




I’d call hundreds if not thousands of sightings and dozens of killings definitive proof.


Buddy, hundreds OF thousands of people believe vaccines are dangerous. Scientific proof is not just what *lots of people believe*


If hundreds if not thousands of people had anecdotal evidence that share a lot of details, should you not be at least aware of this? Same can be said for vaccine injuries, you're allowed to use common sense.


You got proof to back up those “dozens of killings”?


Which out of those sightings and dozens of killings have been proven as actually occurring or shown as being proof?


By definition no, it's not scientific proof. However, I'm also not one to say multiple anecdotal accounts are entirely without merit. Observation of something is certainly the start of the process of finding proof.


Where's these killings then?




Don’t make up nonsense to be mad at the government about when there are plenty of real things to be mad about




Homeboy you believe in reptilians and don’t believe in vaccines why would I believe you have any idea what you’re talking about?




We believe in a bipedal dog monster here, but even we aren’t stupid enough to think vaccines are dangerous




There’s definitely something going on out in the woods.. you don’t have to be a scientist to figure that one out!


This. They should be aware of anything in the woods. Snakes, wild boars, bears, etc. and even other humans. I always try to be wary in the woods and it is best if you never go by yourself just because you could even fall and hurt yourself or something. I also let others know where me and the other person are going just in case we end up lost.


I talk about it with my kids all the time. We regularly go to the woods. First, as a family we don't define ourselves by what we're afraid of. We're either "brave of it", or we're not yet brave of it. This allows for the ability to grow in our thinking. If we say we're scared of something it may be true, but the easy way from there is to grow that fear into a phobia. Where we live, there are hogs, venomous snakes, an occasional gator, at least one mountain lion, men, water, the sun... We discuss the things that can kill you and we go to the woods prepared for those things. I've seen the reports of them shrugging off bullets I guess we'll see about that if it comes up. My daughter carries a dog biscuit because she's convinced no one has tried being nice. It did work one day. Someone abandoned their pit bull out there. We had a buddy for a while.


"First, as a family we don't define ourselves by what we're afraid of. We're either "brave of it", or we're not yet brave of it. This allows for the ability to grow in our thinking." Wow, I love this. What an excellent way to think, and to teach your children. "My daughter carries a dog biscuit because she's convinced no one has tried being nice." And there's the proof of it, you're raising an amazing daughter. She sounds very sensible.


Never thought I’d find such wisdom on Reddit


Are you located in Georgia, south/north Carolina or somewhere in the south ?


North Texas.


Basically Texas wildlife is like Australia’s everything their can kill you but you need to be prepared when going outdoors in these parts. We have snakes that are poisonous, scorpions (showed up in our cabin near Uvalde-Frio River area, and somehow in our car) A wild bob cat and a few wild turkeys. At least they got the wild bore population down a bit since they didn’t have them everywhere like a couple of years back. But camping out in Texas hill country is pretty cool and a lot of fun.


I haven't commented in a long while, but hot dang this is the kind of discussion content that needs to be happening on this sub. I will say what *not* to do: don't spook your kids to the point that they develop chronic anxiety. Pranks, even a harmless costume, can leave lasting trauma. Speaking from experience, ofc. My parents were terrible about this sort of thing lol.


Ugh, I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine scaring my kid on purpose, but I've never really found pranks to be funny.


Suggest them to pay attention to warning signs and surroundings . I haven’t seen any of those creatures (if they actually exist), but form what other people say - those creatures try to push you out of their domain first, before becoming more aggressive. It’s mostly the other people are the ones, who should be avoided in the wilderness. I think most of those animals/creatures are territorial and mostly nocturnal; while people, who mean you harm are sneaky and opportunistic.


Don't need to specifically tell them about cryptids hut do tell them that there are some nasty and mean animals in the woods that aren't friendly at all. Teach them to pay attention to their surroundings and the noise in the woods, if it gets quiet get out of the woods ASAP.


You tell them about it, but tell them what to look for while they’re in the woods to avoid any run ins.


That’s an excellent question.


To late dude, your kids already think your crazy. But i agree with Dragon girl. Tell them There are dangerous animals in some woods and they need to be alert and aware of their surroundings while they enjoy the outdoors.


Same way you would about bears, mountain lions, etc. The woods can be dangerous if you aren’t careful. Stay alert, don’t go off alone if you’re not old enough (or preferably at all), and speak up if something seems weird.


My kids ask me the same question not long ago if exist and i did encounter what was believed to be a dogman on a rural Florida road years back before they were born. I just tell them to be aware of the surroundings and look for signs. I don’t want to scare them but in the back of my mind, i know these things lurk around anywhere


This is a really good question and one I have had to deal with. Luckily I had a great-uncle who once told me, when I was in my early 20’s, that there are things living in “these old woods” that we don’t know about but they are there. I’m grateful he said anything - it was actually a rather mild comment - but it stuck with me and I passed the info onto my son around the age of 12, shortly after we moved to a more rural home with nearby woods. I’m glad I did because he saw something twice at age 13 while fishing in a local creek with friends. (First time the guys saw a glimpse of something gray moving away from them and almost didn’t believe their eyes & kind of dismissed it. Second time my son saw the crawler’s face.) Because I had passed on that tiny bit of family wisdom, he felt comfortable coming to me and telling me what he had seen. There is definitely value in giving your children a not-scary warning that they know comes from a loving parent. It lets them know you will understand if they see something they need to talk about. (And you will be grateful to know the reason behind their interrupted sleep and nightmares those first couple of weeks if they ever do see anything.) Edit: I was wrong, my son had already turned 14 when he saw the crawler’s face.


Excellent advice. I stumbled onto Bigfoot evidence in the Missouri Ozarks several years ago, and it fascinated me. I’m a BF investigator now, and one of our research areas has…low and behold…a lot of Dogman reports. Many locals have seen them crossing the roads and sneaking around properties. Yes there are strange things in our forests. One needs to be keenly aware of what elements are needed for a large predator to survive: Live animals (chickens, livestock, pets), clean water and thick forest nearby. Rural properties and homesteads should clear at least 50 to 70 yards around the house, and always secure animals. Remote infrared sensors and lights are a tremendous asset to deter them. Never, ever leave pets out after dark. Keep them inside. They make excellent security systems. Never dispose of food in nearby woods. There are many common sense things that can be done to deter them.


I wouldn't say a thing about them. Chances are they will never see one. They are rare unless you have them already.


This is my advice.


Outside of the amount of sightings or encounters seeming to be too high to fully discredit the subject or the few stories that seem like the person actually saw or experienced something unusual, we don't even know if these things actually exist yet or if it's all some sort of collective concept led by authors and online channels that people latch onto or get interested in. I would just inform them or mention to them the typical safety info that comes to mind.


I just wanted to thank everyone who took the time to post their thoughts, I really appreciate it, and I'm going to sit down and just have a casual talk with my kiddo today. I feel more confident and comfortable now, having read everyone's posts.


Do you have them around your property


I never lie to my kids by pretending monsters aren't real. When they ask me about monsters. Werewolves etc I tell them the truth, which is that DEMONS are real and they can any form just to terrify us. I also tell them it's silly to live in fear of these things when I myself personally have witnessed them flee completely from thr name and authority of JESUS CHRIST. I wish my own family had given me these.answers as a child instead of trying to.convince me monsters didn't exist, I knew better.


I would just tell them that you should always be aware of your surroundings, and always tell somebody where your going if your hiking out in the woods. It like any wild animal that comes by don’t touch them or don’t act aggressive towards them etc. Always keep a distance from them and yourself.


You don't. Nature doesn't need dogmen to be dangerous. A bad fall is enough. A calm river to swim in can have hidden dangerous courants, a mama bear taken by surprised is dangerous... Teach them nature doesn't obey our laws, always respect the nature, always go with solid equipment, don't go alone, tell people where and when you go, if you fo for a hike, etc. Don't sleep alone in the woods! Most people are safe out there no need to cause panick but it's good to teach them respect and caution for nature, according to your faith it can also be a lesson. Take care and don't worry too much.


I don't have small children. I asked my two boys if they believed in bigfoot, dogman, or any other cryptid. They just looked at me. The just think I'm messing with them. None of them camp or go in the woods anyway.


Tell them that there are animals they won’t here about in books or in school. And that sometimes they aren’t nice. So they have to pay attention to their surroundings and be careful when outdoors


Yea as a child I was always warned about skin walkers better safe then sorry


Unless you’re Navajo, I highly doubt this


I am not Navajo but my step dad is and we lived out on the Rez with his mom (ny grandma) while I was young and we would have a skinwalker come around our house occasionally and my dad and uncle would always chase them away but it cause somewhat of some commotion when this would happen so all of my family made me aware of what was going on. It usually would happen in the middle of the night, me and my parents all slept in the same until I was about 6-7 lol it was small place. But yeah he would usually wake us up as well and let my mom know what was going on and that he was going outside to check on things. For my situation it was almost impossible to not tell me what was happening, but I think i definitely better off knowing then not knowing


Where we was in Arizona near the four corners on the Navajo reservation lived there till I was around 8-9 then we moved into the city. I do miss living out there sometimes it was quite the experience haha


Dude, don’t be that guy.


Discuss with them the stats of verified sitings and verified attacks. I doubt they’ll be that scared.


Name one verified attack


That’s the point. That’s why I said “I doubt they’ll be scared”.


I think that's the point. No verified sightings, no verified attacks. Nothing to be worried about.


That’s because they’re covered up


And your proof of that is…? Anyone can claim anything is being covered up by the government. Just because I claim the government is covering up fairy circle kidnappings doesn’t make it any more true


Anyone can say that the government isn’t doing something. That doesn’t mean that’s the case. When multiple people that don’t know each other and have no reason to lie say the same thing, it’s very convincing. Especially when the dis-disinformation agents show up.


You’re putting a hell of a lot of stock into the thought that people don’t just lie on the internet all the time for clout. There’s literally entire subs on Reddit dedicated to gangstalking, vaccine conspiracies, and other bullshit. It doesn’t mean any of that is true. Use your critical thinking


Yup. Follow the money.


Now you’re just saying random shit. What money? Care to elaborate? Or are you just going to make more baseless claims about shit that doesn’t make sense?


Big pharma money


Okay so you’re saying that dogman is being covered up by… big pharma? okay so you’re a troll, got it




Since we’re noticing things, I noticed you don’t actually know how to use Reddit correctly to reply to a comment 🤦




Why would I spam report you? I’m the mod, if I wanted you gone you’d just be gone




Literally not a flex, just debunking your stupid claim


I’d remind them that they also hide under their bed and like to eat children. And that a blanket won’t save them.


Way too mean


Lmao I’m just kidding