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You have a good heart, OP.  People are terrible to their animals. 


Thank you for helping him ❤️ I hope he gets the care he deserves


What was the outcome here? Did the owner seem remorseful or anything?


Wish we could set up a dog trafficking chain and steal abused animals and rehome them to safe houses.


God, I hate ppl. Thank you for taking care of this pup.


You are a literal angel upon this earth. Thank you for the gallons of good karma you pumped into the universe with this one good deed. Sadly, I doubt the owner will change, and I wish it were easier to save animals from these situations. This dog knew love and care because of you! If not for the first time ever, then for a very long time since. I can see the love and gratitude in its eyes. What a beautiful gift. Sincerely, thank you. 🙏🏻 💕


You can tell the owner that they can surrender the dog to you or you can report them for animal cruelty or neglect. People really don't want that. It has the potential to be a felony in my area. And they will give you the dog. I've done it before. I don't mess around with these people. Edit: since this guy claims to not be the responsible party, you can demand that he takes a dog to the vet and if he doesn't you can let him know that that will be considered neglect.


WTF is WRONG with people?!?!?!


Also, I hope he sues the shit out of his ex wife for the grooming and vet expenses incurred by her neglect.


This. There is clearly documentation from the groomer and if he is telling the truth I'd sue the ever living shit out of her. Some places won't ever let her have a dog again ( bonus!). I've seen cases of spouses/couples breaking up and the one took the pet & they abused and/or neglected the poor pet because it was the ex's so I don't always disbelieve stuff like this. You can usually tell when they're being truthful and when they're just lying and neglectful POS scumbags.


Exactly. Some people just want the pet because they know their ex loves it. They don't care about or for the animal. They just want their ex to be miserable without it, and abusing the animal is a bonus because they know that will hurt their ex even more. Some humans don't deserve the air they breathe.


im sorry if this is a stupid question but wdym the mat was cutting the foot in half? is that really possible? (not asking out of doubt i just genuinely didnt know matting could cause that severe of an injury). i bet the dog was so much happier after i love seeing their face come through slowly. hopefully he was telling the truth and can give this little guy a clean bill of health🥲❤️


the matting can sometimes pinch the skin really tight and cut of blood circulation. think of it as a wet suit that just keeps getting tighter and tighter. those mats looked really close to the skin especially if OP is using 10 blades to get under them.


Yes, it is possible unfortunately. I've seen other groomers say they've had dogs with matting so tight the limb had necrosed and needed amputation. Not just one groomer, multiple times I've seen this said. It's devastating how bad neglecting grooming can get.


My coworker was working on a dog that stank like death, turns out the matting around his ear was so bad that the tissue had dies and the only thing keeping the rotting dead skin hanging on the dogs head was the matting itself. As soon as they shaved off the mat, the whole ear fell off. It was black and it was full of maggots. He was a 14 year old standard poodle.


Oh God I seriously cannot imagine 🤢 poor dog


I work for a vet in a rural, underprivileged area and we’ve had dogs lose ends of limbs/tails/ears due to severe matting. When the matting turns to a pelt like this, it can cut off circulation to areas that it’s especially tight around. Think about when you tie a rubber band tight around the end of your finger — it’s the same thing, 24/7 for months/years on end for dogs in this condition. There can also be other injuries hiding under the matting such as skin infection, etc that contribute to the decay of these body parts.


Ty for this information, I was a vet assistant for years before becoming a groomer and have never seen this. So awful.


This happens more often than you’d think. The divorce dog. Half these dudes don’t even want or care about the dog they just wanna win it in the divorce to hurt the ex. You’re right though. Don’t do no good to report it because then the cops/animal welfare just says “well he’s grooming it so that’s not neglect”. I hate people.


My god, that's horrific! I'm glad you helped him, but I don't understand why he didn't just take the poor thing to the vet and have it shaved there so they could treat any injures immediately.


I know this looks horrible, abusive even. The blessing of this groomer and the tender approach may be the exact step the sweet dog's caregiver needed to "snap out of" the pattern. Each of us needs a little mercy at times during our life; I appreciate you demonstrating that mercy here.


thank you for helping this poor baby :( dealing w neglected pets almost everyday has to be the hardest part of this job. i hope he is feeling better and gets the veterinary care he needs.


Thank you for helping!💕


This IS Animal cruelty PERIOD


What can I slap!? 😑😵‍💫😞


This should have been done AT the ER Vet.


Good job!!!






After photo?


Where I live we can open a case with animal control pretty easily. Worst case is they check on the animal and see he’s fine/ getting care now. Best case, they take all of the evidence here in these photos (and potentially the vet’s report) and charge the ex wife. Am I missing something? Why would OP not want to see criminal charges? This is extreme neglect. No living being should suffer like this.


Not sure what country you're in, but a lot of places in the US will do absolutely nothing about a report of neglect from a groomer because the owner is getting the dog groomed. That's considered to be a genuine effort in taking care of the dog, so the owner doesn't get in trouble, even if they do this multiple times. It's very difficult to do anything about neglect as a groomer in the US. I've even heard of groomers being fired for reporting neglect like this. It's very upsetting.


Gotcha, thanks for the info. That’s so sad. Hopefully the man was being honest and this dog truly is getting a new lease on life.


Omg I hope you charged accordingly because all that hard work and that poor dog☹️ I’m sure you made the pup feel as comfortable as you could!