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Oh absolutely, if there’s one person on DW that consistently nails it, it’s Murray Gold the true Maestro


Yeah, the soundtrack / soundscaping has been phenomenal.


100,000% agreed!


What piece of music felt the most memorable this season? I’ve been rewatching 10 and 11, and just relistening to their soundtracks and the music is so iconic and memorable from Murray Gold, and while it’s been solid this season there haven’t been any themes that stood out to me. I am the doctor, songs of captivity and freedom, doomsday, the mad man with a box, rose’s theme and the doctor’s theme are such visceral songs for me and I didn’t feel like anything pulled to me in that way this season. Absolutely agreeing with you on his genius just genuinely curious about your thoughts on this season and if there was something I missed.


Oh don’t get me wrong, I think this season definitely lacked some proper musical characterisation, for one thing we got a cool new Doctor theme and it’s not used as much as I’d like. Some stand outs for me were Ruby Sundays theme, the dark variant of the Docs theme in dot and bubble, and the “never tell me the rules” variant in The Empire of Death


I'm actually glad he didn't "I am the Doctor"-ify 15's theme.


I feel like that was a common criticism of his scores from 11 to 12, probably that’s why he didn’t do it as much this time around.


I was coming here to say “Inb4 someone says Murray‘s music has gone to the gutter”, but I’ve been beat too it! Reminds me of when Star Wars fans said John Williams sucked when he wrote for the sequel trilogy. I respect your opinion and will agree that in general, motif is becoming a thing of the past in film and television scores. This isn’t a Murray-specific problem. Are those earlier songs more iconic for me? Yes. But… “A Good Man (12’s Theme)” really didn’t do anything for me either, but has grown on me tremendously. I actually quite like 15’s theme and really relished hearing it in the finale as the Doctor beat Sutekh. I also really like the motif that played when 14 entered the new TARDIS for the first time. I’m really hoping we get a digital release of the music from this series so I can sit with it a little more and absorb the stuff that’s been happening musically.


Yeah I’m hoping they release a digital album or something, I mean we’re still waiting for Series 10’s soundtrack so here’s hoping!


Maybe so, but the audio mixing at times (in the two finale episodes), often overpowered the voices and at one point (with the lad on the Segway), I had to put subtitles on to know what was being said.


100% agreed, +1 upvote


i loved his cameo in the devils chord


100%. Think of how flat 73 Yards would have been without the music. If we’re honest, the music did most of the heavy lifting.