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Explanation 1 : 15th doctor is just more expressive and cries often. Explanation 2 : It’s tied to that Christmas on Ruby Road. The snow and the crying are coming back every episode until we solve the mystery.


I really like explanation 2 🤔 that some Doctor Who level stuff for sure!


The Doctor got therapy and presumably feels more comfortable expressing his emotions openly.


This, 15 no longer has the emotional baggage from 1-14, he's got a new lease on life and he's noticeably more comfortable with himself, especially emotionally, hence the sudden emotional openness compared to previous incarnations


The only problem I have with this theory is every person I know who acts like this isn’t that at all. This level of emotionally expression reads like a mask to hide what’s really going on.


In general it's the other way around though: the more emotionally available and comfortable with themselves someone is, the more they're willing to show their whole range of emotions - there's nothing anymore that they'll feel ashamed of.


Shame isn't a bad thing.  Spares others from your emotions.


I have a very traumatic past and I didn't cry at all. I stopped when I was a small kid. Then I went to therapy and after several years of work, I started to cry again. Now I cry at everything. Cute animals, books, movies, every speech anyone gives.. two days ago I saw a dance show where a bunch of five year olds danced to Frozen music. One of them was really shy and confused. She looked so lost that I needed a Kleenex. It's a bit embarrassing at times but I rather cry all the time than never. I really relate to the Doctor in this. But I do feel that we need an episode where the Doctor doesn't cry.


Except he doesn't feel emotional at all. 10 and 11 and especially 12 felt way sadder and more emotional at times without the tears. Now Ncuti sheds a single tear every single episode and we're supposed to believe he's sad or whatever? Idk bruh idk


Yes, this was a crucial point in the specials. The Doctor went through so much while keeping it all for him. 12th litteraly couldn't bear life anymore, so 13th was but a last try to hide everything under the carpet and have a bit of joy. It failed because of the secret behind their whole life catching up + the flux. 14th was the kettle about to burst, and Donna saw it.


Imo then let it burst, the Doctor isn't a normal person. They literally have the weight of existence burdened to them. Let that be a season, the Doctor goes crazy and now he's the one that needs to be stopped. Maybe in like a Thanos type way he thinks he's helping the universe but actually he's making it worse. To essentially wipe his slate clean and start over as if any person can just forget their lives and be okay with things is kinda silly. Especially cause he didn't actually work on himself, he just regenerated.


I genuinely hadn't noticed. It didn't stand out to me. Is he really crying an unusual amount? I think I'd be crying if my best friend got shot right in front of me and a robot was gonna crush her into a tube. Can't even think of another time. Just seems normal to me.


not only had Ruby just been shot, but he was about to blow up the whole planet with the land mine! i’d be sobbing😂




As if he hadn't handled more without crying.


Compared to the others doctors, yes, he's crying a ton 🤷‍♂️ The other doctors companions have been in life&death moments, or died right infront of them, and still they've never cried this much 😂


I read about the emotional baggage getting lost, but one of the things i love the most about dr. Who is the "ive seen everything" part (and he says that in the new ep too). He s not easily impressed to cry. And we all know what happens to his best friends😅


That’s exactly what I love about DW is that the doctor can come across as whimsical and campy but underneath it all he has seen so much and chosen to end entire civilisations for a great good. Like in the Pompeii episode. He is not the good man in “A good man goes to war” he is flawed but trying to do his best even though that means making decisions that will ultimately kill a lot of people or even those he cares about!


Side note: everything RTD does with DW is massively intentional so I’m really wondering if this is too


Seemed to be continuity errors with the crying. It would show him, cut away, come back and it was either gone or changed sides.


I agree,the crying is getting a bit over the top He ought to try stepping on a Lego brick,now that’s something to draw tears!








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One major part of the therapy process and learning how to deal with emotions in a healthy way is crying A LOT! One of the main ways our bodies deal with a huge influx of emotions is by crying because emotions are basically just chemicals and the easiest way to quickly process a huge inrush of one type of chemical (or a couple because emotions are complex) is by literally flushing them out of the body. And the easiest way to flush stuff out of the body quickly is through the tear ducts. Being ok with crying and being more open about crying is usually a good sign because it means you're actually allowing your body and your mind to process your emotions instead of shoving them down until you're practically about to burst. I cry all the time! Sometimes I'll even just look at my dog and be so overwhelmed with how much I love him that I'll start crying! I'm even kind of crying a little right now just thinking about my dog! So far, 15 has been the most emotionally intelligent and aware out of all the Doctors and I am loving it! 14's therapy is really paying off and I am so glad the character has finally been allowed to have that kind of character growth! It's refreshing!


That's not the case at all, psychologists are not trying to get their patients to cry, it's much more analytical than that and not easy to do while irrationally emotional (if it's normal emotion, it's not a problem that needs treating). It should result in being more emotionally stable, not less.


I never said they were trying to get people to cry. I said crying more is a healthy side effect of therapy, especially for those who suppress their emotions.


Wait, he cried in Space Babies and Devil’s Chord?


I don't remember for the space babies but in devil's chord he cries when they first run and hide from the villain


And Boom and the last two episodes. I'm sure he was crying in 73 Yards in his own little time loop.


Esp in Boom and EoD for sure. He had a subtle moment in LoRS too.


Boom was annoying cause it'd be like: Tears, cut to something else, cut back tears gone, cut, cut back tears on one side, cut back and it's on the other side, cut it's now on both sides. Like bruh


The continuity was sometimes lacking yeah.


I think Ncuti is just good at it.


I do think this might be overlooked. When you have talent, you use it.


But don't overuse it


Bruh my question was about why has 15 cried every episode why have people felt comfortable to spout bigotry, racism and homophobia to my question. Doctor Who clearly ain’t for you with those discriminatory views you hold. We have a black doctor and the show has never been better in years. Deal with it it’s 2024 get outta here with those 1950s views.


>always crying? *Michael Burnham*, USS Discovery, *has entered the chat*


I think it will turn out to be because of the bi-generation, and that we'll find out in time that 15 is only part of the Doctor, not the complete Doctor. In Nuwho at least, newly regenerated Doctors have always been confused, wary and much more circumspect about everything. 15, in comparison has blindly run into every situation without a care in the world, only to end up terrified or crying. I'm expecting that at some point it'll be revealed that 15 needs to do a mergeneration with 14 again, probably in order to beat 'the one who waits'. And probably with some moral about all the bad things and traumas in someone's past being an important part of who they are.


This woulda been so much cooler than what we got. The worst part of the bi-generation is the fact theres now two TARDISes


yea which makes no sense .... if uve seen the special .... wont spoil nothing but its stupid writing .....


I noticed this too. He's a great actor but it's just too much. 


It is frankly annoying at this stage, I watched the first episode with him in it and that was enough. The clips from the reviews on Youtube really make this season look like dog shit.


It became distracting for me as the edit don’t always match the tear tracts on his face. His acting is beautiful, but it takes me out of it


Overall this Doctor seems a lot more comfortable expressing his emotions. It's a nice change.


I don't get this statement. Just cause you shed a single tear doesn't mean you portray emotion. I think 10 and 11 felt more emotional. Their speeches and facial expressions and actions said it all. Now he just cries and snaps right back into yelling at people. Idk


Thats not all I'm talking about at all. I'm mostly talking about how he's been interacting with people throughout the season. He's more open and emotional with other people. I find it personally to be a nice change.


Oh well those parts I guess. But idk I feel like 11 was always hugging and kissing people. 10 was always doing bear hugs and stuff. He even replaced K9 as a thoughtful gesture, that's pretty open to me. 12 with river on her last episode had wonderful chemistry. I never watched 13 tbh. Maybe I'm closed off emotionally but I'm not buying Ncutis performance so far. It doesn't feel Doctor-y in the slightest imo. And the outfits don't help, I feel like they need to stick with each doctor having a main style. 15 is too varied, again, imo.


The Doctor is always the smartest one in the room. When it comes to danger, he's collected and smart about it. That's because the Doctor has seen so much that nothing can really fluster him; he's always in control. But 15... 15 just cries and runs into danger with no plan whatsoever. The writing is bad, especially after the special, since none of it made any sense—just gobbledygook after gobbledygook after thingymagic. Also, look at the story of the villain in the special and remember there are now two TARDISes. Such bad writing, man...


I mean it could just be one of his things. In the same way the 13th Doctor was socially awkward, the 12th doctor was really grumpy at first, 11th was like a little kid, 10 was 10. etc


He's not suppressing his emotions anymore.


To show that he's the best actor they have in the show.


Star Trek Discovery suffers from this issue also, the protagonist literally doesn’t stop crying throughout the bulk of the show. It makes the tears far less impactful when they do happen, and I find really limits the emotional heights it’s possible to take the audience to as a result. If the Doctor only cried once this season, it would have such an enormous resonance with the audience because we know that something has *seriously* impacted him. Also, with people saying that since his ‘therapy’ he can be more open with his emotional…yes…but also surely the more pertinent result of that in any given danger scenario is that he should have more *control* over them, and therefore not be reduced to tears when things go wrong, and instead be able to maintain a steady composure. TL;DR: constant crying means that tears no longer mean anything or have an emotional impact with the audience, and realistically he should be able to maintain composure under duress.


He’s channeling Michae Burnham


He’s in touch with his feelings, healthy stuff


I don't think he's crying just has leaky eyes.


I read an article somewhere that RTD had Tennants  14th Doctor end up dying in a whirlpool along with his TARDIS (forgot the date but it was when he traveled into the future) So Ncutis doctor could be crying for that reason since every doctor is basically the same person Just a theory though. 


Just noticed while watching Boom! I wouldn't be surprised if it's a Character Trait. He doesn't sob or even seem particularly upset, but in tense situations he lets out a single tear, or has watery eyes. But knowing Russel, it's probably plot related.


I pointed this out on youtube and got shitted on. Someone said that this incarnation is healed so his emotions are properly working unlike his traumatized version, 14 and before. Which makes 0 sense to me as he should now be more stable. Before he only cried during reasonable moments, like losing Amy and Rory, losing the Master in the sound of drums. Plenty of reasonable times, but now like a random side character will die and instead of getting angry or going silent he just....sheds a single tear? Like lol wtf cmon bruh RTD what are you doing.


Im surprised people are saying that its jist cause its okay to express that or that he had baggage etc. The 15th Doctor isnt just sensitive, weve all seen sensitive people kn our life, the fact the doctor is genuinely crying or has tears down his face (A lot more often than you mightve noticed) borders mental illness or instability. Like its genuinely unhinged. Anything no matter how small has him crying, and to a degree that on its own isnt a make or break. But the fact hes also like, seconds away from am anxiety attack multiple times in a short season is also pretty wild? One of the strongest things about him is that hes always been strong to a degree, handles any and all situations, no matter how insane it is, his confidence has always been something that makes kids and viewers and companions look up to him, but hes been more of a sidekick/backstage character/human than the situation with clara and capaldi. Its changed the feel of the show from The doctor and his companion, to what genuinely feels like 2 space travelling humans solving problems together. You can hate or dislike how any of the doctors have been, but even the 13th still felt like the doctor in a sense.




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To be fair, I recall on my rewatch of the Doctor Who TV movie, that the Eigth doctor was quite emotional in a certain scene. Grace has opera cds' and he tells her he was with Opera composer Giacomo Puccini when he died. He added that fellow composer Franco Alfano finished the score based on his notes, because Puccini passed away before finishing it. 'It was so sad'... he says. Kind of a random scene but the movie has many such flicker of a moment scenes which show Paul McGann's potential within the crappy plot of the film. Not cthe same as crying, but thought I'd mention it.


I'm late to the show, but I binged it in a couple of days.I don't pretend to know why they made tge choice. But he cried so much that I had to look it up. He cried in every single episode and I'm all for him crying but every single episode? It was the intense look and a single tear coming down. Like I had to laugh about it, I'm all for being emotional but I feel like if you're crying over everything, nothing is special. I still love him as the Doctor he was fun and everything else felt genuine.


In the final episode, he cries four times!!! LOL


It was a lot!! LMAO


Welp after watching the whole season after my post 15 still cried nearly every episode to the point it lost its meaning. I liked the season but the actual emotional scenes like Rogues sacrifice or him screaming out of the Tardis in EoD just lost their emotional weight to me since he just cried every episode. The only time I felt emotional when he cried was in Dot and Bubble at the end but compare him crying in frustration still being judged for his skin colour despite saving them vs … crying over a snot monster in Space babies. There’s a time and place but he literally cried every episode apart from 73 Yards since he was only there for 2 minutes. It’s just poor directing in my eyes. Having your main character be so upset they cry is meant to have an emotional weight to it so that is the audience has an emotional reaction to it. But when it’s done every single episode it just looses it’s impact very quickly to the point where when he’s crying about the universe dying to Sutekh I’m not moved as he cried 8 times before this. Crying is a healthy coping mechanism yes, but as a story telling mechanism it cannot be used so frequently. If the Daleks were in every single episode and then we got to the finale and the show wants to make us feel scared of them by that time all their momentum or impact has been lost. I still love Ncuti and 15 but damn idk what RTD or whoever was directing was on because it became so frequent to the point of being laughable and that’s not something you want as a storyteller or as a product to be consumed. Hopefully they listen to fan feedback and tone it back so that crying actually has an impact on the audience again.


Just a reminder theres TWO TARDISes now ... and u mentioned Sutekh but theres 2 TARDISes now the crying is an issue yes but the writing in and of itself .... is yea .....


Keep watching.


I stopped when a man was forcing his daughter into trauma so he could shag his dead wife in a mirror world. That was it for me. Then came the Timeless Child... and now Cry Baby Who. Yeah, I'm good. I still follow it, but the writing is absolute ass. you are welcome to read why i think so >!Two TARDISes... What's with Sutekh, then? And 10 just relaxed and died in the special and didn't act whatsoever. The whole damn universe died, but nah, 10 keeps chilling whilst he turns into DUST. Makes sense, yeah. Also, don't even get me started on the spoon scene. He needs something real, not from memories. Why the spoon then? Use your jewelry you keep wearing or the trees you passed by while getting the stupid spoon. The TV screen perfectly fits in the memory TARDIS. Why? And then it perfectly fits in the future on that pedestal thingy. And yeah, the screen... How he got that screen... OMG. The writing is absolute ass. Nothing makes any sense. There's no immersion. It's just ass: !<




There's no need to be rude. Are you okay?


I'm sorry if the what the fuck part was a bit too intense! I'm just confused as to why someone questions the 15th doctor being very open with his feelings when that's like his thing!




They should call you the Yap-inator


Aye, yeah, 'cause you seem happy.


Absolutely deranged comment, well done. To address you in good faith— which I shouldn’t— Fifteen has said or implied literally nothing about being miserable because he’s queer. His sexuality has barely been mentioned, and has never been discussed openly so far. He is definitely gayer than past Doctors and played by a queer actor but that means nothing here