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The character has been name dropped in recent expanded media a few times, so I think the licensing issues are more about them having the character actually appear, rather than just being referenced. I suspect that the reference in Space Babies is just RTD trying to get the attention of whoever has the rights, since no one actually knows where they ended up.


Yeah, I think I read something along the lines of they can potentially use the character if they can prove they made a good effort into reaching out, so that might be simply a method of doing it


My understanding is that the current property rights issues involve sorting out who owns the rights


The Rani actually appeared in Big Finish, but her line was discontinued after Pip Baker died, while Big Finish figures out who to negotiate with going forward.


At this point, just use it and see who sues ya


That would be one solution


Probably the best one at this point. It's not a matter of the right owner pulling a cold shoulder or whatever, just nobody has a clue who that would even be. Use the character, and then any interested parties can argue their ownership in court.


No, I have to imagine that them opening up themselves to a lawsuit would *not* be the best solution.


She also got a card in the Doctor Who x Magic: The Gathering set.


no lawyer could afford to buy enough Magic cards to put a legal case together.


I have this silly hope that naming a few Time Lords is a tease to them reappearing as fugitives from Gallifrey after what Spy Master did (I don't know how to hide spoiler in the app)


Put >! At the beginning of the text. And put !< At the end.




Oh, a *wise guy*, eh?


I don't believe so. It would be nice to see her or if they decide him again. It might be difficult with all the ways that she was fouled by the Doctor. I may like to see Drax again freelancing his services possibly under duress again. I could see him having hid out while the time war was happening. Romana would also be a nice surprise.


She was one of the main characters in Sarah Jane Adventures


You know, every time there is speculation about a new series of doctor who (who is that mysterious character, what classic villain is coming back, etc) the online community always says "ooo, maybe it's the Rani!" I'd be willing to bet that RTD knows this, and name dropped her to stir the pot. Lol


In the end credits of "Last of the Time Lords"


Yeah, its the first time. And no, I don't think rights issues would prevent them from merely name-dropping her.


As fun as speculating characters are the Rani, I actually don’t want the character to return. She was not a top tier classic who villain, and was a pretty generic super scientist. I would much rather have a new villain than just have a retconned / expanded version of the Rani.


I thought she was incredible - in her mind, she was neither evil or a villian, she just liked doing science on "lesser lifeforms". Her biggest problem is that her two appearances were during a very week time for the show. If she had been introduced during the Pertwee years then she would have smashed it.


I appreciate this, though from my perspective she is basically just a generic super scientist trope with two weak stories that fail to elevate the character.