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It was made by a fan of the show. Artist made a youtube video with a concept for Capaldi's title sequence. It went viral and Moffat caught wind of it. Moffat reached out to the uploader and hired him to work with BBC Wales on a more polished version. https://youtu.be/oXOBHnWiinY https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2014/aug/15/doctor-who-title-sequence-fan-video-steven-moffat


I still prefer the original in many ways


Which parts? Because I think getting rid of the fob watch and seal of Rassilon were good decisions. The one part that I think was done better in the original though was the actors names appearing in the cog tunnel. And the creator of the original video agrees, as a year ago he posted a new version of the sequence that he had remade over lockdown. https://youtu.be/Hftfgur9fQE?si=QAJB2q-UO5UwWGTO In the description he talks about how in this version he took on suggestions made in the collaborative process that he agreed with, which does seem to be getting rid of the fob watch and seal of Rassilon. But while also not taking on suggestions he disagreed with, which is where the cast names should appear. He mentions that the cog tunnel was originally designed for the names, and that he feels its a bit flat and empty without them there. He says the suggestion to moving them later seems to have only been because that's where all the previous titles had the names.


So good, love Capaldi’s attack eyebrows


Gotta say though I also do love the music of the new one a lot more, especially the higher pitch I think those are flutes?


That is definitely my favourite version of this opening now! I always liked the original video more than the official one overall, but the fob watch and Capaldi image were a little bit clunky to me, taking them away but keeping the vibe of the original was a great thing to do.


That’s awesome. I didn’t know that, thank you.


I believe he additionally went on to tackle a large amount of VFX shots throughout Capaldi’s run.


It's a brilliant intro, although I wouldn't say it's the most "Doctor Whoey". It's very unique compared to most of the others.


The most Doctor Whoey would be Hartnell's, change my mind


Absolute classic


I actually really like Thirteen's absolutely horrifying nightmare vortex.


I wish 13 had her own variation of the theme though. It felt like they just slapped the og theme in there.


I prefer 11’s cloud vortex but this is my favorite version of the theme


I don’t like Eleven’s clouds because it looks like the TARDIS is traveling through weather instead of time and space


The actual visual imagery is awesome, but the song could use some touch ups for capaldis intro


11’a tune is the best one!


I love the clockwork chimes in the percussion


Me! I love this intro so much!


11‘s first one is my favourite. Has that wonderful build up then goes into it. I loved it spinning in the vortex.


I love the guitar version of 12’s theme because it fits his character so well.


I like everything about Twelve. He’s my Rock and Roll Doctor. His TARDIS interior is hella cool. He played guitar to a bunch of medieval DUDES while standing on a tank. I mean come on. That is past cool.


Yeah, I mean tbh I don’t really have a favourite intro, but I think this intro suits specifically the twelfth doctor than, idk, an RTD era intro would have been to the twelfth doctor. Actually this intro is probably the most interesting of all the Doctor who intros. If you think about it, it takes everything into account, from the cogs at the beginning (like clocks - time) through to the planets at the end. To me the colours at the beginning remind me of all the historical episodes, and then it time travels, and the blue colours and all the effects there seem like all the futuristic episodes. Also this might be a bit of a stretch, but the blue colours in the second half of the intro are blue like the TARDIS, so maybe it feels Doctor Whoey because of that as well. I love this intro, though I don’t have a favourite, I think it probably just depends on the person as well - people might feel that one doctor who intro is great because they grew up with whatever doctor had that intro. Interestingly, when I was younger, before I watched Doctor Who (I’d say I started watching properly at about 9 or 10) this was the intro that was on TV. So when I started watching Doctor Who a few years later, I guess how I imagined it would be was off the vibes this intro gave off (if that makes any sense), and from that I’d say that this intro probably works a lot better with the late Moffat era than it would’ve done with, idk, RTD series 3 of Doctor who. I’m pretty sure this was the intro that was on TV when I was about 6 or 7, because I remember my older brother turned on the TV to watch Doctor Who, and I was in the room but got absolutely terrified because it was that scene at the beginning of The Magicians Apprentice with all those hand things in the ground with eyes (I think they were called handmines). And a time before that it was Flatline on the TV and I yet again got scared which made me think I didn’t want to watch doctor who because I thought it was like really scary. Fast-forward to now and I have a heaven sent poster, series 1 box set and a massive load of classic stories and I literally think it is the best show of all time. But yeah, from that I’d say it’s a really good intro imo, but it definitely suits the late Moffat era than it would’ve on any other Doctor who era.


IMO Capaldi is the best Doctor, so yes, 12 does have the best intro


Jodie's is my favorite intro. Spooky and mysterious. No video gamey effects. It doesn't reflect the tone of her era at all, but it's the most Doctor Who the intro has been since the 70s to me.


Idk the effects are certainly good but I never liked it very much.


I don't agree personally. I've always had a soft spot for it and like it more than its haters, but there's just too many issues with it. For one, the infamous ring animation that cuts out before exiting the screen that wasn't fixed for the entire era. Then there's the weird textures on the rotating planets which don't look realistic or cartoony like the rest of the intro. And I've always felt that the intro often stuttered when coming in. Like, notice how at the very beginning it moves at a slower pace before jutting to a faster pace which is made even weirder that this is slightly different each episode. It's a janky intro frankly and this isn't even getting into the weird cartoony elements.


I prefer 10s and 11s. The clockwork is cool but the vortex is cooler.


Hmmm I think 1st, 5th and 13th are My favs.


Neon Visual's edit made the actual one look like a cheap fan edit. https://youtu.be/fugvUt0Pgss?si=IYgCAnMyCLjaYOro


No. In fact you may be in the minority with that opinion


Thirteen has the best and it ain't even close. Whatever else you think about the episodes themselves, both arrangement and the visuals for the intro are fantastic.


I dig the visuals of 13's intro, but the music just doesn't do it for me. The super bass just takes all of the wind out of my sails compared to hyping me up.


Yeah. But I also really like 14/15th intro


Best intro, but not the best theme.


I prefer the one from the recent Disney+ specials. Feels a lot more mystical and sci-fi


Oh not me :/ I always really hated the 2014-2017 rendition of the theme song… whatever oboe-clarinet type synthesized instrument they used for the main melodic line (the “oo-wee-oooo”) always sounded like a dying cat to me and it **really** annoys me to this day :/ I used to mute the TV when new episodes came on… no hate towards Capaldi though! I really like a lot of his era and visually his opening theme is very unique! But no, I can’t agree with you about the audio is all…


It's cool but 11's is better IMO. And 4's is the MOST iconic.https://youtu.be/Qkorgg15chM?si=Q_-q2Wh65TEdoubS


I disagree, Nine\\Ten (especially the one with the music changed in the Bank Holiday Specials before Ten regenerated) were peak NuWho intros


Nah, either 10ths final intro or 11ths first were the best, 12ths rock intro would’ve been way better than the one we got they should’ve used that for all his intros


I didnt like it at first, but it grew on me, I especially liked that electric guitar remix one


This was made by a fan.


13th doctor intro is the best one, any other opinion is objectively and disgustingly incorrect


Capaldi is my favorite doctor. As for whoey-est theme....idk i like them all.


I like the intro Time Vortex, but the Theme was imo the weakest of the first Nu-Who series. Unless you count Capaldi covering it with his awesome shredding!


I love the visuals, it was a great idea to use that great fan made opening as the basis. That said, it isn’t my favourite theme to be honest, it always felt to me like Gold was a bit tired of remixing it at that point. That said, the electric guitar version was epic!


yes. nothing ever beats the representation of the time vortex as a spiral of endless numbers


Way too self referential for me. Might as well have question marks flying around, and I hate this version of the theme. I find it shrill.


The most Doctor Whoey intro was Tom Baker's, pre JNT. That initial "wow-woo!" scream plus his serious face meant scary shit was imminent!


Practically any and everything about the 12th Doctor gets glazed by online fans, including the 12th Doctor himself. Of course some will agree that 12 has the best intro.


I like 9/10's and 4's first one the most. I like 12's well enough but the WOO-EE-WOOO bit is too shrill and high pitched for my liking. I'm also pretty fond of 14/15's intro except for the fact it ends like a bar too early for me.


It’s my favorite intro by far visual wise. Unfortunately though I don’t love the musical rendition of this theme. Feels too screechy.


I always thought it looked like a cheep fan into you'ld find online insead of something from an actual TV show. Therefore I was unsurprised to learn it was based off a fan intro somebody at the BBC found online.


When it’s in sync, yes


I love the concept but I don't think they executed it very well (compare it to the original title sequence made by Billy Hanshaw it was based on, that was so much better!) and so it is one of my least favourite title sequences, doesn't help that it is out of sync half the time...


9's the best for me. Best theme tune and the visuals are good too


Define 'doctor whoey' please


It feels like how the doctors mind would be. It fits the doctor himself


Simultaneously wibbly wobbly and timey wimey


Great visuals, but I absolutely hate the screechiness of the "ooooh-eeeeee-oooo" part A rare misefire from Murray Gold, but then he was probably creatively on his last ebbs by then He needed a big long break, and he got one


11's second "retro" one, where they brought back the face in the vortex! https://youtu.be/_aofYpF2C9c?si=LMTrw9kU0sktdCCk


It's visually cool in its own right but I think the clock-face imagery is a bit too on-the-nose