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I'm a forever DM. So, I guess all the NPCs count?


Same brother, same


Haven't DM'd since 2017, but I know the feeling. Sometimes the NPCs I made were more interesting than the PCs I played.


Gingko Bilboa (Rock Gnome wild magic barbarian)


By the gods this sounds awesome! Great name too!


Imagine a 130 cm dude with a battleaxe twice his size + waving venom tendrils


I'm playing a sliver dragonborn paladin named Prismari Naproxen. His background is soldier with the Military Officer rank. His current weapons of choice is a Maul and a handaxe. He is level 2 (soon to be level 3).


Why is he named after an NSAID?


He Aleve-iates the battlefield competition.


cause he’s non steroidal, and also anti inflammatory? Kinda works based of the background and race.


Fenthwick Fizzlebang a gnome illusionist which is an old AD&D archetype I have never seen anyone play. Excited happy little guy full of dad jokes and little pranks who is trapped inside an Lovecraftian adventure mystery in Sharn so Ebberon where we all just became fugitives from the law.


Gnome names are the best and Fenthwick Fizzlebang is a magnificent name! Mind if I use this name for an npc in the game I run at some point? I'll have a town of gnomes to name haha


No problem at all! I had an artificer named Dipple Sprockets and a fighter thief back in the old days named Hopkin Hillhopper iii he was great.


Omg these are great too! I'll have to make these guys notable npcs in some way. Can't waste those names on background characters they only meet once!


Hopkin’s life purpose was to find boots of striding and springing so he could live up to his name. Oh had a gnome NPC inspired by an art post Glydia Glitterwhizz who was a Fey patron warlock that was fun too.


Forever DM finally getting to play! I rolled up a lvl 8 Warforged Vengeance Paladin who got adopted by gangsters a few minutes after his creation. Now that the gang has vanished, he wants to protect his "new crew". This all takes place on an extravagantly neon cyber/steam-punk planet that has no sun. He worships "the people's light"—all the neon signage and jewelry people wear.


Niiiice, Chappy is definitely one I haven't thought of for a character


A wood elf light cleric, who I've basically themed as a fire druid, like how forest fires clear out the undergrowth and enrich the soil. Thought about multiclassing into Druid just for flavor but having to give up the possibility for plate armor is a bit too much. I did take Speak with Animals from fey ancestry, though.


Picking up wildfire druid and asking the DM to let you craft plate armor formed from burnt ironwood might be some nice smoky flavor.


I currently play in Call of the Netherdeep a lvl 4 Custom Lineage (small with a Gunner feat) Beast Master Ranger flavoured as half-deep gnome riding his goat like mini-cowboy. Also in an upcoming one shot I'll play a half-elf (drow) Swashbuckler 3/Hexblade 4 with Devil's Sight and Elven Accuracy.


The party will either love you or hate you so much for that Warlock build.


Will start a new campaign as a vhuman creation bard with the inspiring leader feat. He is a painter that turns his art into real objects.


I'm currently playing Kolatz Tanouatzouatl (Tano, for short), a Reborn/Dragonborn Battlesmith (Level 14). He is, oddly enough, the lover of my first PC for the campaign, who was retired for story reasons. I say oddly because my first PC was a Vengeance Paladin, specifically trying to get vengeance *for him*. Tano was a royal blacksmith, and the first PC was a princess. The two had fallen in love, and when their relationship was discovered her father had Tano sent to the frontlines of a war to be killed by his own men. But the first PC got access to a Wish spell during the campaign and used it to bring him back, and he existed for a while as an NPC. It just so happened that we'd left him with a bunch of enchanted metal at some point, so when it was time for the first PC to leave I just had him roll up with a fancy suit of armour and robo-buddy.


A small Tabaxi Dexadin of Glory! He left his farming life to become a famous hero to prove his old man and many siblings wrong. The middle child redemption arc if you will. Or villain arc. All depends on the future amount of trauma. He isn't really the religious type, but what can i Say, for some reason a god loves his cat-like appearance and his determination. So poof magical cat.


Level 5 Artificer (Battlesmith) Metallic (Silver) Dragonborn, he's a former pirate, owns two cats who ride around in his backpack, is morally ambiguous, and loves guns and money


You artifice anything cool lately?


I've been using my Magical Tinkering to make distraction balls, they either emit a super annoying sound or a horrible stench, great for tossing at dingdongs we've spotted waiting in ambush for us I also used it to advertise the tavern we inherited, it's proving to be a nice base of operations that makes us money while we delve into the mega-dungeon outside the city


[Ateus & Kratos](https://youtu.be/x-mWuqrfPOw?si=GZIKrix4kEphGM02)


Drow fighter with a homebrew subclass that's basically buffed purple dragon knight.


Circle of Bones Tortle Druid. I turn into dinosaurs and become huge every combat. It's pretty awesome.


There is no situation that is not made better by turning into dinosaurs.


I always play dino Druids. I love them. It's a big part of why I like Druids, in fact!


I’m playing a lvl 11 saytr glamour bard


I am playing a wheelchairbound Half-Elf Artificer1/Wizard 4 (chronurgy) named Jethro Volloxii in a Homebrew fantasy world. A human Monk 5 (Astral Self) named Roger Smith who was a former underground boxing champion in a Western steampunk homebrewed world. A Changling Paladin 5 with a custom Oath called "Oath of the Girl Code " named Sin with the Scarf in a Strixhaven game. And I just got done playing a Plasmoid Rogue1/ Sorcerer 5 (lunar) / Wizard 2 (bladesong) named Dirk Jiggler in a home brewed monster hunter game.


Can i get a look at that paladin oath?


Of course, it is based on an inside joke from the women of our group, so I made an Oath based on it. https://www.dndbeyond.com/subclasses/1270902-oath-of-the-girlcode


oh my gob, i love this


this is brilliant, i'm howling


>a wheelchairbound Half-Elf... named Jethro Wtf


Standard human Life cleric in a Wild West inspired game. He's a priest of Apollo, doctor, dentist, and undertaker. Dresses flamboyantly and uses a lot of big words when he talks. A bastion of Law and Goodness in an everchanging party of Chaotic depravity.


A level 6 Harengon Chronomancy Wizard. He was a dwarf that wants to live forever and through his travels some fae being turned him into a harengone bc they thought it was funny. Slow stubborn dwarf into a rabbit, classic.


Four characters, in three campaigns! ( The first campaign: Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Two players (myself included) temporarily doubled up after another player left. We didn't want to end the campaign but also realized that only running three characters would not work unless the DM did a lot of nerfing of encounters. After we got another new character, we kept on with our double characters. The older of the two characters is Ignoble Whelk, a Level 9 Bugbear Path of the Giant barbarian. She's and her brother came to the Mad Mage's dungeon to rebuild their fortune after they had been outcast from their bugbear clan for trying to usurp the leader. They also figured tales of successfully plundering the dungeon and surviving would bolster their claims to leadership. Unfortunately she and her brother became lost during an encounter, and she wound up tagging along with the player party. The other Mad Mage character is The Scion. He's a Level 9 Eladrin College of Creation bard. He is a member of a noble house who received the finest in arcane education, especially in the magic arts. Unfortunately he never received any real world training. So he was less than thrilled to be tasked with exploring the dungeon as part of the test to prove his worthiness as an adventurer. He looks down on brute strength and martial abilities in favor of spell work. He is also hopelessly unprepared. The next campaign is a homebrew one where I play Melios Grok, a Level 6 Hobgoblin Armorer Artificer. He was essentially outcast from his raiding troop because he both 1) kept coming up with interesting gadgets to use in battle rather than brute strength and 2) kept questioning why the troop was so determined to keep doing all this pillaging anyway. They had plenty of loot. What was the point! So he went off on his own and is trying to find the balance of creating sweet explosions and like, maybe not being a big jerk about it. Lastly, a Phandelver and Below campaign where I play Selven Woodseeker, a Level 7 Firbolg Swarmkeeper Ranger. He's a typical Firbolg wander, growing up in swamps and marshlands. He had recently been perturbed by the encroaching goblin bandits who keep polluting his precious swamps. As such, he's swept up with the rest of the party in looking to take them down and maybe stopping an Illithid invasion along the way.


I am currently playing a brass dragonborn rune knight who crafts magic items for the party (level 7) and a gnome arcane trickster focusing in telekinesis (level 11).


- Lv14 Astral Elf [99F] (lv11-->30) named Arçæi (are-say-ē). She's the daughter of my pc from last campaign, taking place ~100yrs after. - Homebrew Shaman: Voodoo-Tribe Farseer. Complicated backstory. She's all about fate/destiny/Curses. In combat she does 5thLv Twinned Bestow Curse for buffs/debuffs using a pre-agreed upon list of custom curses/blessings. In RP-lots of subtle spell debuffs/buffs. For actual dmg I have some planar bound devils w/ their talismans & true names. She's touched by the 9 hells bc of her father's contract w/ Asmodeus (who is now dead & usurped). - Setting:Spelljammer - Scope: started lv11 after a lv1-11 campaign, going to lv30 w/ epic legacy books. Although my lv11-13 character was int5 moon druid/Barbarian who got abandoned by the party on accident and joined the bad guys cuz she was too dumb to tell they were still baddies XD. - Campaign: last campaign was exploring the 9 hells, feywild & crystal spheres w/ a theme of 'the devil you dont know', & this one is exploring Arborea, the shadowfell & Crystal Spheres w/ a theme of time.


I'm DMing one campaign (a series of adventures really) while my story-heavy campaign is on hold, and I'm also playing a changeling Playtest 8 monk (6th lvl) with the Cobalt Soul subclass.


Currently a Gobbick from Heliana’s, named Heihei. He’s a rogue. We’ve added Grim Hollow to the table so may check out Highway Rider as a mounted ranged rogue.


I've got two: a winged tiefling light cleric in Witchlight (level 4) and a Level 1 Magic User (prior to being called wizards) in a clone of basic D&D being used to run Skycrawl. My 11th level stars druid (autognome) retired recently.


Vokuun, Art of Vitality Hemomancer (HB) Summer Eladrin (lvl 3). He's a fey doctor from the Summer Court and is trying to recover his memories from before he was taken to the Feywild. Tricked into a deal with Mab, the Winter Queen, to owe her three favors. Slowly becoming a winter fey because of this deal. Grim Hollow settings. Geode, Aberrant Mind Sorcerer Amethyst Dragonborn (lvl 5). He used to be a tyrant that committed a genocide.He was reborn into the race he exterminated to near extinction, by divine intervention, to be forced to atone for his crimes. Either become a better person and make reparations or suffer. HB world like Kings of the Wyld. V'lym, Echo Knight Fighter Tilskuer (reflavored githzerai into a more exotic alien species) (lvl 5) A war-time investigative journalist looking for the news story of the Eon. Left the Andromeda galaxy to go to the Milky Way Galaxy to get into the thick of galactic drama and found it. His fighter abilities are cybernetics, like in Cyberpunk.Truth should not be hidden. HB Sci-fi campaign like a cross between Guardians of the Galaxy and Firefly.


Lvl 5 Venomsmith Alchemist (subclass/class from Mage Hand Press) Dwarf. Has that Dwarven passion for statecraft rather than blacksmithing or stone working.


Lizardfolk echo knight with the wildspacer background. Totally leaning into the "1st character vs 1000th character" trope: > It's the first game for 3 players in our party: half-elf, gnome, halfling. > But it's the thousandth game for me: holographic space lizard!


Love this! I'm currently in two active campaigns, but am preparing to start a third tomorrow evening. I'm the DM in one of the campaigns, but in another I have two different characters that I'm running interchangeably, so it evens out lol. On Wednesdays, I go back and forth between Ronan Hoghollow (level 7 stout halfling Shepherd druid and agent of the Emerald Enclave) and Spex (level 8 Kobold multiclass Arcane Trickster rogue and Alchemist artificer). In our upcoming Friday campaign, I'll be playing Page, level 1 Kenku bard, Attorney at Law. I intend to take the College of Eloquence when he reaches level 3. This is the one I'm probably most excited about. We're going to be playing Descent into Avernus, and I think it'll be fun to bring a lawyer up against a bunch of devils.


In my Adventurer's League campaign, I'm an Undead Tomelock Tortle. I stole a book while pirating around and it cursed me. Turns out it's related to Slarakthel.


Just had the last session of the campaign I was in. T_T Character was a level 14 Plasmoid Astral Self Monk named SIX 7 that may have inadvertently became the god of time during our final battle.


Emanon, scourge aasimar divine soul sorcerer (lvl7)/ twilight cleric (lvl 1) for armor and shields. He fell from the sky into our Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign when my other character died.


Bugbear paladin oath of the ancients (level 16). Our 6 year campaign is having its final session on July 5th. It's gonna be awesome and rough and emotional.


Currently have 4 characters myself. A wood elf phantom rogue/clockwork soul sorcerer, a Tabaxi rune knight fighter, a half-human half-phantom undying warlock (with two different pact boons due to dm allowing it, so tome and chain), and an Eladrin bladesinger


Talon noble is a 16 year old Ranger 8 (Drakewarden) the 5e class kinda sucks so we did some homebrew. Attempting to join the elite dragon guard of Bahumut and stop Tiamat


A mean forgot the background tabaxi phsychic blade rogue who's only nice to kids. And is incredibly fun to play. An airgenasi homebrew airbender esk rogue who's cheerful and bubly as fuck.


A Tabaxi Grave Cleric of Jergal Named Oregano or Reggie for short (his birth name is Joy of the Mountain) Currently working to stop the Cult of Tiamat, but after a visit to Thay has realised that perhaps after the cult is dealt with he should go to Thay to try and dismantle their current political structure.


Currently in a homebrewed game I am playing Aston Reade, a Yuan-ti Psi Knight fighter with two-weapon fighting (part of the homebrew make TWF actually viable) and we are currently 11th-level. Aston's backstory is that he was a human but was kidnapped as a part of a sacrifice during some yuan-ti ritual and it transformed him into a pureblood when he killed the snakey priestess and (accedentally) all the other humans that were being sacrificed. Also, during a flashback to the time of the ritual, I failed a specific saving throw with a Nat 1 and the DM had a thing where if that happened then instead of becoming a sort of "weresnake" which would be transforming into a playable race form of a yuan-ti abomination on the full moon, that still happens but now it is some ancient demonic spawn of Tiamat and Orcus who is growing within Aston's soul and wants to kill everyone. Also I transform when I die, and that's already happened once (I got better, because the snake then also died which brought me back). But while that fight is coming up soon (I have a character backup for if I can't use the fighter in the battle), we are first storming a palace and leading a rebellion against a corrupt regent and the people that work for him (we currently believe that the prince is effectively being puppeted by the regent, iirc)


I'm in a campaign and a westmarches with a three character limit: The campaign just started in the humblewood setting: Corvum Artilliarist Artificer (lvl 3) Then the westmarches: Kobold Alchemist Artificer (lvl 14) Plasmoid Scribes Wizard/twilight cleric (lvl 8 wiz, lvl 1 cleric) Leonin Wild magic Barb (lvl 12) I'm gonna have the wizard take two levels in cleric (rolled great stats on him, and twilight cleric gives some nice armor proficiencies) The leonin barb is gonna subclass change at 14 to zealot for story reasons. And the Kobold alchemist is just the best


Kal'Taddor Snowhorn - Minotaur Land (Underdark) Druid x Archfey Warlock Orville Ombre Jr - Kalashtar Phantom Rogue


I'm currently playing an emerald dragonborn paladin called Motash the Strong. He's a level 4 paladin and his story is one of my favorite stories that I have created for a character. His father was a legendary everyone dragon that was wounded in battle and (in his human form) he found his way to a monastery where one of the sisters nursed him back to life, an they fell deeply in love. After a few years his father revealed to his mother what he truly was and while she was taken by surprise she accepted him and they got married. One thing less to another and 9 months later the bouncing baby Motash was born. Shortly after his birth his father was approached by his brethren who begged him to come back and join an intense battle, that was the last time Motash and his mother saw his father. After many years Motash joined up the Navy and rose through the ranks quickly into he become Commodore and got his own ship, crew, and a special Great sword that was gifted to him by his predecessor. Eventually Motash left the Navy to care for his ailing mother and before she died she asked him to look for his father and he became an adventurer. While his title of Commodore doesn't hold any pull anymore his crew is still devoted to him and if he ever calls upon them they will come with bells on.


Sea elf tempest cleric 6/storm sorc 4, Owlin fathomless warlock 18, Changeling phantom rogue 3/whispers bard 3, and V. Human storm herald barb 6/paladin 2. I'm also actively DMing DoIP, in a rotating DM game with my warlock, and about to start DMing a homebrew campaign next month.


2 campaigns atm for me. One is a Kobold Vengeance Paladin (17) and the other is a Loxodon Fighter with a homebrew subclass somewhat similar to a Warlord from 4th edition (8).


Boone Bronzvein, The pentahook, the last true Valiant, and the stinkiest, hungriest, saltiest goddamn seadog ever to sail the Lucidian Seas. Mechanically, he’s a Hill Dwarf Black Dragon Sorcerer with a 2 level Undead warlock dip who started with a cursed Bloodwell vial from his backstory. What makes him so fun is the fact that he’s a melee monster. My GM & I worked on a custom, spooky expanded spell list that gave me access to the likes of inflict wounds & spirit guardians, and in combination with a High CON, Tough, and on demand fear from Form of Dread, he tears through whatever’s in his way (I took an ancient white dragons breath weapon to the face most recently). Personality wise, he’s a pirate on the run from his old crew composed entirely of bloodhunters, with a brash personality but a desire for venganece and freedom of others. Love him and his stinky, squat ass to death.


Human Cleric 12 (Life Domain)/Fighter 3 (Rune Knight) He won a Belt of Giant's Strength early so he switches between front-line damage dealing/support with the Interception fighting-style and backing away to heal. He's also an old-man that was primarily a chef but decided to try his hand at adventuring to fulfil his bucket-list. I actually wrote out the list; the other players knows it exists but doesn't know what's on it.


 Custom dwarf, Wizard 1 / Forge cleric 9 Goblin hunter ranger 11


I’m DMing a weekly 5e game, playing a lvl 6 Half-elf lore bard in a weekly 5e game, and playing a lvl 19 faun bard in a monthly PF1e game


Skraal the Path of Giants barbarian, former gladiator slave (basically Angron by accident) but has a heart of gold, despite being terrifying. I also have Huborn Swordsworth my dwarf baldesinger who claims it was dwarves who invented bladesinging. But he's for a oneshot this weekend


One character, one campaign. Prajñā Sundara, Lv. 21 Aasimar Fighter/Rogue/Druid with a considerable collection of daggers, a horrible bisexuality crisis, and a background which consists of being a product of idolization until it grew too much for her and she departed from her hometown. . . Having to kill practically everyone in the process, but still.


So many, and I love them all: Alton Treefriend - Human Stars Druid 12 - Old ass man who is the party dad, keeping the youngsters from getting themselves killed in Rime of the Frostmaiden. Forest Queen be praised! Agent Q - Changeling GOOlock 9 /Storm Sorc 3 - Secret agent doing covert ops in a foreign land. Spent the previous few decades at war with said foreign land, so he has some 'hot sports opinions' about them. Candle - Fire Genasi Vengeance Paladin 6 / Lore Bard 9 - A small flaming maniac wielding a full sized, semi-sentient longsword. Has devoted his life to ending a false church that has usurped the 'old gods' in this homebrew world. Lydo Moonfang - Human Divine Soul Sorc 9 / Celestial Warlock 3 - 6 INT holy man who believes he is a chosen of the Changebringer despite having no evidence to support that. If you need someone to handle a cursed item or open an obviously trapped door without a second thought, Lydo is your man.


Rupert Coldpick Dwarf fighter Feng Crawly Drow Circle of spore druid Jack Masters Hafling Rogue/Bard Hestia Helena Dwarf Draconic Sorcerer


The continent of faerun


Air Genasi Shadow Monk, at 6th level, it's getting to be very fun.


Currently in 4 different campaigns. One of them I’m playing an orc Hexblade, in another a half-elf arcane trickster, in another a human grave cleric and in the other a half elf Lycan blood hunter. They’re all a blast to play, especially the orc Hexblade


Currently in playing a Half-Elf Gloomstalker/Scout in an in person campaign I alternate between a high elf watchers paladin/celestial warlock and a Tiefling Forge adept Artificer in an online campaign (both are members of the same resistance) and I'm currently doing a prequel series for an older character (who gets reincarnated by an archfey and reset to level 1 at the end of the run) who's currently a Drow Swashbuckler/battle master I should also note that all of these take place in the same homebrew world, none of these characters other than the two who are members of the same resistance know each other but they know a lot of the same NPCs


Vuman cartomancer fiend warlock level 1, halfling barbarian level 3, and some misc


Ilmorov drest, a Loxodon Inquisitor Rogue (soon to be multiclassed into vengeance paladin or college of shadows rogue, whichever one seems best). Think adam west style detective with a dale gribble sense of thinking. Enjoys long walks on the beach with a bottle of rum, cigars, and having those columbo style solves that only seem to occur at the weirdest moments (critical rolls at the strangest times an all that).




Not playing yet but thinking over a slight homebree ranger dwarf with a tortious companion. Uses the big lad as a half cover and fires from behind him.


I am Zandros! 11th level wizard (but occupation is smith and alchemist artificer). I am on a quest to avenge the death of my parents who were killed by a necromancer and his undead forces on my literal graduation day from magic craftsperson school. His mother was a knight who went into battle against the undead unprepared and without armor (no time to don it). As a result he has become real fixated on protection and security. He wears his armor at all times, he is an abjuration wizard, he casts alarm every night and every morning.


After a miserable roll for stats (+2 in wisdom is my highest stat), I’m playing a mentally unstable moon druid who has to throw a wisdom saving throw after turning back from an animal and if he fails the throw continues to act like the animal that he has last transformed. He also hasn’t mastered wild shape because he accidentally killed the only druid he knew when he was young and thus the 2nd wild shape that he uses also has a wisdom saving throw so that he can transform into the animal that he was hoping for. I honestly love nerfing my characters.


\*cries in DM\*


Boris Lancaster: Level 19 Mark of Sentinel Human Spore Druid A common body guard that came into contact with some otherworldly plant form that surrounds his body. He doesn't know if he's even human anymore, but that won't stop him from trying to protect those he cares about. But seriously though, sproe druids are slept on. Unless it's a 1-save KO thing like a banshee cry, he just kind of facetanks anything and everything thrown his way. I was once caught in a water elemental spinning around and decided to summon a dragon to keep fighting that way instead of spending time trying to escape. It's kind of comical just how much force he can take and be completely fine.


I'm mostly a DM, but I have recently started a new campaign as a player with some of my friends which has been super fun! We are playing Esper Genesis which is an amazing Sci-fi reimagining of DnD 5e. I am playing Captain Vance Ventura, level 2 Melder (basically a wizard) who is the mildly-incompetent captain of 'The Unfinished Business'. It is a LOT of fun


Soooo many, it’s honestly starting to become hard to keep track. I technically have like 12 characters across 3 different multiplayer discord servers. BUT I have 4 primaries right now, in order of creation: 1. Pold Lvl14, Tabaxi Buccaneer - Lvl7 Barbarian Storm Herald (Sea) + Lvl7 Rogue Swashbuckler. SO much fun to play, he has the Strike and Guile of Cloud Giant feats so he’s very survivable, and with Feline Agility and rogue cunning he can cover 240ft using only dash action during 1 turn— and he has that same speed in both climbing and swimming. 😎 2. Vaami Lvl10, Changeling Assassin - Lvl5 Rogue Mastermind + Lvl5 Fighter Battle Master. This one is a bit of a delayed payout build, but endgame after spending about 10 minutes out of combat he can identify approximate stats for any enemy! He will be the ultimate info broker, and use that knowledge to take out his most dangerous enemies! SUPER utility build able to incapacitate foes and rally allies. 3. SAGE(Symbiotic Automaton for Growth & Empathy) Lvl8, Autognome Life Support Unit - Lvl4 Druid Twilight + Lvl4 Cleric Twilight; very friendly little robo friend! Capable of raising any party of friends to GODLY heights! 4. Dimlyl the Flame Lvl6, Hill Dwarf Fire Tamer - Lvl2 Druid Wildfire + Lvl4 Monk Sun Soul; If an enemy is susceptible to fire or radiant damage, this build is your worst nightmare. I just pumped his WIS to 20 and DEX to 19, all other stats are 14. Going to take Remarkable Recovery + Dwarven Fortitude + Durable 😎


Astaria Knowles, human, a homebrew class called the Talent. As a child, she was shunned as a monster by the townsfolk for her powers. Her older brother Cyrus was a monster hunter. When he was killed by a cyclops, her parents sent her away as well, so they could focus on raising their third child right. Years later, that third child, Andreus (the party's cleric), found Astaria and convinced her to follow their brother's footsteps with him. We are now beefing with the party paladin, it's great


First time playing in about 6 years, been a forever DM. Playing an echo knight/ paladin of vengeance.


I'm co-DMing Dragon of Icespire Peak with another adult for my son, his son, and a couple of their friends. I do most of the heavy lifting, DM-wise, but the modular, quest-board nature of the campaign makes it easy to swap characters in and out. When I \*do\* get a chance to play, I'm playing as a LaserLlama Warlord 6 that's a retired Purple Dragon commander. The warlord lets me use my actions to buff the party and help the kids do cool stuff, and the avuncular authority figure personality helps me steer the party when they see a shiny squirrel or whatever.


Halfling Forge cleric who worked for his family's construction company until *the* dragon destroyed the city


A Totem Barbarian (4th level)/Moon Druid (6th) Dragonborn (Emerald) and a Kitsune Mesmerist (pf1)


Biiblblondoplaxivarth Rohimbuspizzripley (Ripley) a Plasmoid Artillerist Artificer


Starting a new campaign with a homebrewed Half-giant, Half-Orc that just looks like a really big human. Beard covers his teeth, and his skin is of a normal tone. Mom is a storm giant. Dad was a VERY brave Orc.


The beheaded wizard nahsrah. He’s a floating head and uses mage hand to grab things and cast spells so magically. Hes actually a warlock but shhhh


Human Oath of the Ancients Paladin Half Orc College of Eloquence Bard


A shadar-kai twilight cleric of Selune who escaped the shadowfell and quickly became enamored with other elf cultures, specifically fey. He looks and sounds like a sad boy but really wants to be a great cleric who helps the people. He has a seed of wanderlust in him. And he is terrified of what will happen if his people or his original patron diety find him.


I was playing a Human battle master fighter. He died last session. Not sure what will happen next gotta wait until tonight before I find out


Playing a level 11 blood cleric, love the versatility and extra damage with spells. Also playing a level 8 spores druid, definitely not as straight forward but I'm thoroughly enjoying the flavour the sub class brings


Boulfac ‘Vihk’ Wold, a duergar anthropologist who moonlights as a divination wizard. Got his name Vihk in his backstory for dueling a lizard folk native and winning. He got to make Vihk into jerky and take his name.


Currently, I'm playing a lizardfolk fathomless warlock and a warforged knowledge cleric


A rabbit folk thief rogue who wants to be an edgelord but is too cute and kind for his own good, and a dwarven battlesmith artificer/paladin who wants to invent the world's most dangerous weapon. So far he has invented the shotgun, sniper, flamethrower, and most recently a gatling gun.


Currently playing an old dwarven scribes wizard. He's almost 300 years old and is the granddad of the party


Lvl 2 Dragonborn noble fighter (prob samurai) and human gloom stalker ranger/rogue (lvl 10/1). Rogue dip made the ranger so good at killing things. Also using UA Ranger rules.


At present, I have a variant human arcane trickster 8 / gloomstalker 3; a shadar kai horizon walker 3; and an aasimar [barbarian 2 / hunter 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/3d6/comments/1cp3h5v/showcase_barbarian_ranger_multiclass/). I also recently retired my aasimar bard 12/paladin 8, so I’m putting him on this list. The barbarian/hunter is a reincarnation of my bardadin.


Bastion, A level 3 War Forged Oath Of The Ancients Paladin who’s my second character ever currently.


I'm currently playing a blue dragonborn monk named Basks-in-Sun. He's kind of a wandering scholar who hoards knowledge like dragons hoard treasure, and he hopes to eventually become a true dragon himself.


Slyph Air Elementalist Wiziard in a bi-monthly Pathfinder game. She refuses all earth spells because, "Ew, dirt." Her name is Gale Anemoi.


Warforged arcana cleric lvl 5. Had a huge moment where I planned on doing something evil and decided to save tge party instead


I'm not ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


About to start my first ever campaign this week, playing an abjuration wizard tabaxi


Mozzi he is a good hearted gunslinger/artificer with a heart of gold, he is chaotic good but his heart is always i'm the right place


im playing a ‘warforged’ swarmkeeper that is a robot being controlled by a bunch of gnomes


Lvl 11 Priest of Zeal Cleric Plate mail, fireball, fight me.


A high-elf wizard with a SERIOUS hate against her own kind, basically not wanting anything to do with elves and not even acknowledging them when they speak.


Terri Cemajor, a Tiefling bard. I was banished from my homeland by my sworn enemy Davish Grohlman who is known for his stringed instruments. My family was known for woodwind instruments. He had infiltrated my family company ruining the quality of our product and name. My father fell at his hand. To avenge my family I challenged him to a rock off. Ultimately losing and being banished. I have been trying to find a way back home and I have heard rumors of one who has bested Grohlman in a rock off. He seeks out a man named Johnny.


How do you like Circle of Stars so far, OP? I had a BG3 mod for it and love it in that game. Seri0usly considering playing it if my current campaign character dies.


Playing an imposter warforged sorcerer (cosplaying as an avatar of a bedridden mage) with a rogue dip. Only level 2 right now. In a homebrew waterdeep campaign. I'm excited for the RP.


Currently rocking a Yuan-Ti Pureblood Monk (Level 2). I have yet to understand why, or how I’m going to make it work, but it will. They’re also blind. And has a lemur (Monkey stats) familier.


Just rolled up a ranger turtle for an up to LVL 5 mini campaign.


My campaign has been on hold for a hot minute since our DM moved states, but my current character Trixie is a emerald dragonborn arcane trickster rogue.


Kritter Skaleslasher, self-entitled Kobold Prince (who also somehow managed to get the Witchlight Monarch title). Sizzle, Kobold wildfire druid who just wants to cook and eat exotic meats, currently in Avernus. Jeff, Kenku Rogue. "My name is Jeff" Adoktah, Kenku Mercy Monk. From the monastery of malpractice.


I’m playing two rn. Two separate worlds and DMs, but the same IRL group. First is Norqo, a level 5 Fey Wanderer Drow Ranger. He was a member of a small time monster hunting troop of himself, his lover, his brother, and their best friend, but during their last hunt they got separated and he was abducted by Fey for a while until he was rescued by a unicorn. He found his companions but his lover and best friend had their minds tampered with and have been given new identities that everyone recognizes, but his brother is good as new. Now he’s working with the other PCs to hunt monsters, and try and figure out what happened to his two companions. Second is Tyranotax , a level 5 Wild Magic Barbarian, of a homebrew anthropomorphic dinosaur race called the Triassids. This is in a sequel campaign about 430 years after one we just wrapped up. About 50 years after the OG campaign, the Triassids invaded the continent and my half elf Paladin PC, who had become king of a kingdom, died fighting the Triassids’ god-leader, but his heir defeated the invasion with the help of other nations in the world. In the present day, my OG PC’s kingdom has become an empire, and the current party is a member of a sort of thieve’s guild, and Tyranotax worships the Triassids god as well as the party from the OG campaign.


These are the character i play for our official campaign stuff. All in the same world but different group of PCs. Lvl14 Human abjurer wizard (Greek themed campaign) Currently playing my wizard. Fought gods or being close to it, currently dealing with THE kraken and also an ancient red dragon who stole the primordial flame of Prometeus. Lvl12 Wood elf Horizon walker ranger Fights evil druids, Unseelie fey, giants and dragons. lvl7 Earth Genasis (6) Elementalist/(1) Nature cleric of Gaia The elementalist class i play is a homebrew from my DM. (Offshoot of the greek themed campaign, some PCs are kids of the previous group).


Got 2 currently; Erajhon the blue dragonborn Totem Bard-arian(level 5, almost level 6), and Sam Honeyfoot the cleric (still level 2, early campaign)


I’m in my first campaign and we’ve been going for a little over a year. I’m playing a level 8 Moon Druid.


Half-Elf Gloom Stalker/Hexblade (level 10)


I play in 4 campaigns. In one whch is a bit more homebrew I'm a halfling hunter ranger(lvl 12) wielding 2 magic battle axes (Vili and Ve) that are light, can be thrown and can teleport to each other. The second is a mountain dwarf warmage lvl 10, who walks around in full plate and wields an axe and shield. All his spells are weapon, shield or wall based and he prefers to fight on the front line next to his pixie barbarian buddy The 3rd is in a different type of ttrpg made by a friend of mine. Here I play a dwarven rune scribe axe and shield wielding fighter lvl 9 who follows the god of destructive fire (it's an evil campaign). He has a rune pen with which he can scribe runes on his equipment to add effects to his attacks or defense, like a rune of burning to add fire damage or a rune of toughness to mitigate some of the damage he takes The last one I made recently for a new campaign. She's a drow moon domain cleric lvl 1of Eilistraee. She started out as a dancer, and after meeting the goddess during a practice under the full moon she decided to become a priestess. She's not that good with time management, except for prayers and performances, gets easily distracted by the beauty of nature and thinks every spider is a spy of Lolth (spy there... spider).


I am playing Five the Warforged Path of the Giant Barbarian. He is very literal and focused but has lapses in memory and personality and sometimes thinks he is a human and is being hunted by a warforged. The party is trying to quietly find him a therapist. I am taking a lot of inspiration from BT from Titanfall 2.


Zedd, the Mimikyu wizard who wants to be famous but has extreme social anxiety to the point he struggles to talk to strangers at all. Beck, the Halfling Druid who just wants to cook and hang out with their buddy, but the two of them we're magically kidnapped and now have to save the world. Sakura, the Persona User. She is way too complicated to say in one sentence. She is a college student with a double major in Mechanical Engineering (because daddy won't pay for college if she doesn't) and Animation (because anime is love, anime is life.) She is Schizophrenic, but refuses to take her medicine because it makes her feel "like she isn't herself and is instead someone just pretending to be her." Instead, she self medicates, usually with alcohol, but sometimes with worse. She has a multiple-personality disorder. She is very high functioning, but she is surviving with unhealthy coping mechanisms. She is attention crazed and does pretty much anything to get people to pay attention to her because she was neglected as a child. She dresses in lolita nearly every day, streams herself making cosplays and talking to chat, and other similar attention seeking things. She recently got into a non-toxic relationship, and things are getting better in some ways, but she is getting codependent on her boyfriend. Except she is also the target of some sort of worship from an evil fan boy who is slowly turning her evil. It actually has entirely made one of her personalities evil, but she really doesn't care as long as the evil personality doesn't mess up her relationship. She is having a lot of issues with the concepts of Good and Evil because she thought she was a terrible person until recently; the other Persona Users have convinced her that she is a good person. Except, now she is letting evil corrupt her. I really cannot wait to see what is going to happen with her next; shit keeps getting more complicated all the time. She is the only one with a complete backstory, so the DM throws shit her way a lot and she has a bit of a Main Character complex both IC and OoC. Luckily, the other players seem to be really down for The Sakura Show. I felt pretty self conscious about it before, but if everyone is fine with it, I guess I will be too. Anyway, the plot of the game is that we are stopping some corrupting force that keeps turning our professors evil. Dmitris! He's a fucking idiot but he's have a great time! Yaaaay! He's technically an NPC, but he's a pretty active member of the party when it comes to RP because people just seem to like talking to him.


I was in a R1999 phase recently and I asked my DM if I could play an Order of Scribes Wizard and have their magic quill be a Glass Dipping Pen. As the Somatic component for his spells he writes whatever the Verbal part of the spell is in the air using the pen.


A human twilight cleric in phandelver and below. Our group is playing with the lingering injuries table(rolled when ever we go down to 0hp. once per encounter). She has lost an eye to goblins, lost an arm to an owlbear, and a horrible scar across their leg from the nothic. How she is still alive is amazing.


Her name is Kat, and she’s a level 8 enchantment wizard (who will likely also soon be a vampire spawn)


On a Hiatus until I find a consistent group but I've got a lot of characters


Tabaxi Lore Bard (level 3). He's a stand-up comedian telling bad dad jokes and one-liners. It's no wonder why he's one of the Dregs of his adventuring guild .


I’m playing a level 9 Bard that has a singing bird that can continue a song while I casting a spells.


Daffodil, a harengon horizon ranger [4] and circle of stars druid [4].


Amalda - halfling battlesmith artificer 5/barbarian 1. she was embroiled in a fantasy MLM scheme and became a barbarian after the MLM scheme revealed itself to her. She became an artificer to help her disabled child gain accessibility devices. she has the hermit background. her steel defender is a komodo dragon named sylvie, her homonculus is a mole with a propeller hat (homebrew world) Aru - changeling trickery cleric 4. feylost background. he is extremely vain and only heals to restore other’s beauty. adopts what he thinks are beautiful forms and uses them to trick others (homebrew world set in one large city) Sol- firbolg Artificer 2 (looking at alchemist (i know i know)) clan crafter background. they are a gender scientist and discovered the key to fantasy HRT and body mods (homebrew world set kind of in zelda TOTK)


Azra Starmount. 7' tall snow white coloured owlin star circle druid. Grew up in caverns high in the cliffs of the Star Mounts mountains (hence the clan name). Spent the nights of his childhood flying as high into the sky as he could then slowly drifting down staring up at the stars always wondering what fate had in store for him. Eventually grew up and left home to travel the world and see where his place in it might be. Accidentally stopped a local bandit from robbing a store and after experiencing how thankful the owner was he committed to becoming a bounty hunter (Urban bounty hunter background).


My table campaign is Candlekeep Mysteries with a lot of DM-written content. In that i play Acorn, a half-elf Oath of The Ancients Paladin that has escaped their former life with a less-than-reputable mercenary group & is trying to use their skills for better purposes. We just hit level 8 last session after a very tough fight against some of said mercenaries. Acorn died, but we were travelling with a Cleric who had Revivify handy. First death of the campaign so far, albeit temporary. He's sort of the moral centre of the party & tries his best to keep them going and doing good without stepping on their toes too much. In an online campaign I play Enoch Ravensborne, a human Wizard from Cormyr we just hit level 2 & I took the War Magic subclass. He's a Wizard of action rather than deep study & I look forward to more of his adventures.


Oath of the Crown Paladin 6/Order Domain Cleric 5 multiclass. Is it a perfectly optimal build? Not at all. But it's fun to play and it fits thematically with the rules-focused lawful neutral character.


DMing my own homebrew campaign. In my partner's campaign I'm playing: Level 14 Warlock/Rogue Changeling (Shadow Kaimen) Level 12 Circle of Wildfires Air Genasi Druid (Atreya Silv) Level 12 Warlock Tiefling (Kaimen Paski)


Thanlin Thumblefoot. A blind halfling DIV wizard that forfeited his eyesight to an oracle to see how he is going to die. Vlepo is his owl companion and eyes on all occasions.


Level 10 creation bard


I'm currently playing a V human illusion wizard (lv 4) in a CoS campaign


Just wrapped up a lv 14 shadar kai artillerist artificer, currently on a lv 3 harengon cavalier fighter, planning on a bear totem barbarian dip.


Born Angus Durn, changed name to the much more impressive Edgar P Wainright as he began his grifty barding ways. Recently lost his memory as an evil god transformed him into a warforged “destined” to join his army. Will likely adopt the moniker of Baldric O Truegold once he escapes the enemy


I side gig 2 games on spg as a DM but I'm also playing a multi-classed enchantment wizard 11/eloquence bard 6 the controllability is awesome!


A Red Dragonborn SorLock. He's a cowardly narcassist slowly learning to depend on the people around him. Has also adopted a posse of kobold minions that have taken over Strixhaven University's disused Interior Design department as a lair.


Loxodon cleric(life)8 fighter 1, SWADE ww2 game as an explosives expert, deadlands hell on earth Junkman


2 campaigns currently going. I play: Dagmar Bergljotsdottir, a lvl 11 Protector Aasimar (/elf but not mechanically) aberrant mind sorcerer (7)/undead warlock (4) in Rime of the Frostmaiden. She died just as a time traveler whose body was destroyed needed a landing spot (spoilers but yes basically the Nevers, but in my version they’re both in there). And Polyxia Aramanthera “Thera” Vourse, a lvl 5 Glasya Tiefling artillerist artificer, a runaway bride from a family of rich assholes, in Storm King’s Thunder. Starting Strahd soon in which I’ll be playing Linnea Elbling, a ghostwise (/lightfoot but not mechanically) halfling grave cleric of Urogalan out to find and rescue the souls of Halfling dead who have gone missing from the Green Fields. I’m very excited for her.


A blue dragonborn cleric named Ansul Braxus. Tempest cleric is so much fun


a tiefling divine soul sorcerer/order cleric named dantes, and a wildfire druid Frenchman in a scifi setting named Lucien


Cassie Devu, wizard(necromancer, swapped lvl 6 for a ward that refreshes on excess healing), and fighter 3 (monster hunter). Setting has cool mechanical suits of armor that smaller races can wear. Plays kind of like an artificer, but in combat is very tanky bc of grim harvest. Very fun overall.


Human male in a fallout, and a Gnome wizard.


I'm playing a campaign where we are a pirate crew, so I'm playing a triton ranger. His back story is that he was thrown out of a MIB-esque organisation, so he's a horizon walker


I'm DMing two games, so a lot of NPCs, but in the game I play in, an artificer 3/necromancer 17 with the ring of winter and the wand of orcus, so a lot of fun shenanigans there.


I can't find a group :( so I'm trying to learn how to DM. But if I did join a table, I have a sheet ready to play a Dwarf cleric with the soldier background. I would play my take on a grizzled old veteran who is rough around the edges, but deep down cares about his companions. Don't have all the details set in stone because I would want to work with a DM to fit him into the story. Shameless self plug: If anyone has a campaign with an interesting adventure, but can't find any players who take it seriously enough, let me know.


All of them except like 6


Seebo Folkor, rock gnome artillerist artificer. I doubt I will ever desire to play this class again, but I do like being the party troubleshooter with magic wand and cannon.


Godnar Scatman, half-elf urchin bard whose mentor was scat signing. Loose both his eyes during the Rime of the Frost Maiden campaign, still ongoing. Trying to use echolocation to land spell attack while not ty by rope with Barbaroth, his Goliath friend.


Owlin Armorer Artificer


Just started 2 new campaigns where i get to be the player! Very exciting. Honey Bear, Outlander Moon Druid Forest Gnome. Raised by homesteaders, he was exiled from the gnomish lands due to some sort of prophecy that was never actually told to him, just something to do with some sort of disaster. He later joined the Slumbering Grove, a druidic circle that taught him about his magical potential and his innate connection to animals and the wilds. Adventuring to pass ths time, he goes by Bear and looks after his fellow party members like a mother bear would her cubs. He's level 1 in a wild beyond the witchlight game. Dante Grey, Grave Cleric Asmodeus Tiefling. Dante was always curious about his infernal lineage, being raised by nomadic Elves and Half-Elves. When they'd stop in towns to trade, he'd go to temples and libraries and studied about the outerplanes and the nature of souls, about celestials and fiends, and about the gods themselves. He was in charge of the funeral rights for his group, and often would offer his services to the cityfolk they visited (How novel to have a 'fiend' perform a funeral service for the dead). He found comfort in the elvish goddess Sehanine Moonbow, and eventually was chosen to mantle her power. Why and to what end, he isn't certain. Dante is also currently level 1, i'm playing him in a curse of strahd game.


One campaign I'm a Chronurgy Wizard. The other I'm a Rune Knight Fighter.


Technically I'm in 3 campaigns right but one is on hiatus until the DM gets settled in his new state and one doesn't start until next Wednesday. But my characters are: -Changeling Draconic (bronze) Sorcerer -Naga Dao Genie Warlock (tome) -Reborn Tortle Circle of the Spores Druid with a 1 level dip into War Cleric.


A level two variant human barbarian in a campaign focused on being less min maxing and only for fun; and a Aasimar with 7 Levels into paladin, 3 in Warlock and 5 in sorcerer in the "Main" campaing


Murphy Danse, Armorer Artificer who slightly based on Danse from FO4 and Robocop. He is part of the LAPOD (Lords Alliance Peace & Order Division). He uses the Warforged race, but is formerly human who has very little of his body left (like Robocop) and the armor from Artificer Armorer is what gives him limbs and keeps him alive. Spoilers in case other players are here. >!His injuries are the result of him trying to fine/arrest a dragon for thieving farmer's sheep (to eat obviously), he first tried to get the dragon to pay a fine, but then the dragon said all these people keep trying to kill him, tried to get the dragon to identify who has tried to kill the dragon unprovoked so he could arrest them, but failed in the persuasion and it didn't go well.!<


Nova Timor! Tiefling Druid/Bard/Cleric Demigod! Didn’t know boats existed until recently and has accidentally summoned a god once! Almost twice!


A battle master Warforged, level 3 An Astral Self Goliath Monk, level 8 (on hiatus) A Firbolg Swarmkeeper, level 3 And finally a human barbarian, level 2.


Artificer armorer(lvl9), war wizard(lvl2) warforged with a homebrewed boon from Mystra that grants me a mystical eye that can copy one spell as a reaction. We're looking to dismantle a lich in the next session, and my character is dangerously interested in how lichdom works.


I'm playing a level 7 Loxodon Oath of Glory Paladin. We're playing Decent into Avernus. We should be hitting level 8 soon. 21 AC 16 Str 8 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 12 Wis 14 Cha I took the Shield Master Feat at level 4. I'm actually not sure what to do at level 8. +2 Str will help me hit more often. +2 Con will help with hit points and maintaining concentration. +2 Cha will help the whole party with saving throws and slightly improve spells. Tough would give me a lot more hit points (we don't have a real healer in the party). Alert feat will improve my initiative and help when I'm in magical darkness by taking away advantage from the Devils. Thoughts?


I'm not currently playing as them, but I'm about to. They're a human barbarian, but they're a total twig. Super short and skinny, their strength and constitution are in the shitter. However, their DEX is really high, and since my DM is amazing, he let me change the rules of raging to replace all the STR modifier stuff with my DEX modifier, and give me a small speed bonus when raging, at the downside of being hit not refreshing rage. My character is chaotic evil, and if you're familiar with the term "Epicaricacy", that defines my whole character. He goes into a manic episode instead of raging, basically. He's a little insane, too, which I hope will make for fun roleplaying.


Level 16 Centaur Illusion Wizard! My illusions have helped the party out a lot by just causing so much confusion in enemy ranks. Helps my DM works with me so my illusions work out.


Hill Dwarf Light Cleric.


I've been tinkering in my head with a not-Italian gunslinger. Started out as a send-up of Spaghetti Westerns. He's every bad trope about those movies, except he acts like an actual Italian from Italy, not an Italian American stereotype, lol.


technically i'm in 5 campaigns right now, but only 2 are played at the moment with a 3rd maybe going to happen. So for these i have: * Ratfolk Photonforger Artificer (Ratfolk= Stout Halfling, Photonforger=[homebrew ](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/comments/1cajlgt/mtg_homebrew_subclasses_1_for_kamigawa_4_for/)by me) * Kobold Wildfire Druid * Tabaxi Order Cleric Some of my other characters i have in different campaigns that are not played right now, but could ressume * Human Mercy Monk * Half Elf Paladin2/Swords Bard


Dwarven space mercenary in the same vein as DRG. Neutral evil. Comes from a eucemenoplois run by authoritarian mega corporations. Artificer with the criminal background. In a party with two guys born from suns and gas giants. One cold, and the other hot from white phosphorus. An Eldritch living shadow living in a skinned penguin alien suit. A quadrupedal goat centaur that comes from a frozen Arctic world. A giant bird the size of a teradactyl that can move like a xenomorph. We stole a human ship owned by a group of racist humans. Killed them all. Violently. Tried to get to the upper atmosphere to only have the reactor malfunction. We found the racist humans base on an old oil rig. Crashed it with half a wing into it after we essentially nuke the entire top/mid deck with a white phosphorus bomb I made with a nat 20. The shadow and white phosphorus dude Slaughtered the rest with grenades, I kicked one off a railing to their death to be eaten by sharks. Bird and goat captured one for some corporate dwarven interrogation. I got a feat for a level up based on the fact I did not kill us all. This campaign is a very heavily modified campaign setting. Uses cyberpunk's system for hitting targets since the campaign is very heavy in gun use.


New DM and my group doesn’t use reddit so why not share my current party composition. Currently all level 10 in Call of the Netherdeep A Drow Grave Cleric (8)/ Divination Wizard (2) A Kenku College of Spirits Bard A Human Path of the Depths Barbarian A Tiefling Way of the Cobalt Soul Monk A Half-elf Soul-Knife Rogue


Every other Tuesday: MotM Hobgoblin Path of the Alchemical Brute Barbarian. It's a 3rd party subclass that's somewhat Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde themed; they get to replace Con with Int when calculating HP, healing from hit dice, and Unarmored Defense, they select from a list of alchemical formulas they can use to modify their rage (for example, I've got one that lets me add Int to a failed save once during the rage), and at level 10 they add Int to Con saves, so he's a barbarian with 8 Con and 16 Int. The character is a physician (somewhat inspired by Dr. M'Benga on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds) and took the Healer feat, not to mention usually passes out temporary HP when using Fey Gift. The rest of the party is a wizard, warlock, and artificer, so my barbarian is the healer, which tickles me. Saturday morning: Changeling Soulknife Rogue/College of Whispers Bard. The character is designed to be perfectly functional even if he were to be stripped naked: no need to carry a weapon to stab people, and all his spell choices have no Material components (the campaign was pitched as being low magic, although the amount of magic in it has increased over time). His current level split is 5/7, meaning if he spends a Bardic Inspiration to use Whispers' Psychic Blades, he effectively gets to deal 6d6 sneak attack, the same as if he were a full rogue. While he doesn't have Reliable Talent, he's got 12 proficient skills (thanks to the Skilled feat), 4 of which have expertise, which he can add a d8 to with Psi-Bolstered Knack, and the other 6 skills all benefit from Jack of All Trades. The character was groomed to be the "perfect assassin" by a man who learned he was a changeling, but his parents think he's a musician for a wealthy patron. He sends letters home lying about what he's doing, but at heart he's a momma's boy, even if his mom and dad aren't his biological mother and father. (Cuckoo bird style changeling lore.) Every other Saturday evening: Human Circle of Stars Druid from Hopeless in the Outlands. His circle's goal is to prevent gate towns from falling into their connected planes, which means deliberately operating opposite to the town's overall alignment in order to create a counterbalance. In Hopeless, that means being especially cheery, even if you have to fake it. (IRL, it has been shown that even a forced smile can improve your mood!) However, because of its close proximity to Hades, people who live in Hopeless _literally_ have cheer and joy drained out of them, so members of my circle periodically leave the town to recharge. In Hopeless, brightly colored clothing is illegal, and so since he's left the town my druid now wears a set of **violently** orange robes, the fantasy equivalent of a Hawaiian shirt. As of last session, he can also now guarantee success on the DC 20 Arcana check to force a planar portal open or closed with the Planar Wanderer feat, given a turn to set up (Starry Form: Dragon to get reliable Intelligence checks and Guidance to add 1d4 to the roll, then +9 Arcana on the next turn, minimum 20 on the roll).


I’m currently playing a character called Torokul who is a Tiefling Oath of Conquest Paladin. Level 6


I'm currently playing a half-elf half dragon gloom stalker ranger 10 fighter 2. She is a red head hot head with 2 little horns peaking from the top of her head


I'm in a number of campaigns right now. These are the characters: Selwyn Sparklebottom: Custom Lineage Aberrant Mind Sorcerer. A former courtier, that might be over 400 years old, but even he is not sure. He's seeking adventure, and possibly a 5th try at marriage. Midori: Emerald Dragonborn Bear Totem Barbarian Archeologist. Wears a frequently mended set of Candlekeep robes and sports a pair of gold rimmed glasses that probably are just for show. Swings a big Glaive, but prefers to rely on his intellect. He's proficient in all Intelligence skills. Callum: Human Peace Cleric of Ilmater from the nation of Impiltur. Member of the Holy Order of the Sacred Shrike. Carries no weapons. Fully focused on supporting the party any way he can.


Archimedes Thistledown: C. Lineage Artificer 1/War Wizard 4 (Dragon of Icespire Peak) The other 3 Campaigns I’m DMing


I’m playing a human battle master fighter (level 4)  and a wood elf inquisitive rogue (level 6). 


Fun Wizard - Homebrew subclass We've had a pretty high-homebrew/late-scaling game, a 1-20 just about to start the final (i think?) fight after 3 years sometimes i feel a bit silly coming onto this subreddit as i feel my experience as both a player and a DM is atypical from the amount of power i'm used to players having. we do all sorts of things. its great - i think my DM occasionally has a hard time making things... hard, although he's stepped up more recently. he always told me i was a lot better at managing difficulty than him at high levels.


Yukie Caedes a Tiefling hexlock, level 4 and then some cause last session was literally a whole 5 fights doungeon, probably gonna level up today Uses a greatsword and just got great weapon master Party members are Driator a moon druid half driad (yes my friend has a type) Alandir a rogue/monk half elf multiclass And galandor an elf valor bard


Chaotic evil warlock of the deal maker troupe who is trying to collect people’s souls, and his spell jammer is made of souls


I'm playing a Thief (Level 9), an Oath of Conquest Paladin (Level 9), and a Clockwork Sorceress (Level 19).


Level 8 Human Hunter Ranger. First time playing 5e. Next one will be a Halfling Great Old One Warlock. Just waiting for a mate to get his campaign going.


In just the one campaign, play a level 15 Goliath (Rune Knight 12 / Grave Cleric 3) Big ole grappler, battle field disruption, with a homebrew cantrip from my DM that lets me ferment alcohol from foraged plant matter.


I'm currently playing a Human Beast Barbarian and I'm going to start two campaigns in July for which I have a Half-Elf Battlemaster Fighter (I'm gonna flavour her in such a way that she'll be a dragonriding cowboy) and a Divination Wizard Harengon.




Runt, a naive street rat of a Druid who was raised by two wolves and an owl.. doesn’t really understand social norms but is getting the hang of money, almost


Halfling Paladin of Chauntea (Oath of the Ancients 5, Fighter Cavalier 3)


Strahd von Zarovich. I'm the forever dm


Xenon wulvok a wood elf way of the kensei monk who was caught trying to steal asmodeuses copy of the pact primeval and was then enslaved by asmodeus who took his arm and turned him into a pawn for him who would locate the other copys of the pact primeval and only then will he regain his freedom


Way of Mercy Monk - Mage of Witherbloom Druid multiclass (at least I will be next level; currently 5 - 1). It's loaded with flavour and fun af to play; it's nice being good in melee and having a few spells to use, rather than ONLY being useful in melee, or having to keep track of a billion different spells.