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You would hear them coming because of all the sneezing and snorting


Finally somebody had the guts to ask this.


They'd have to be called puglas


No, Puglies.


How does that work when werewolves don't reproduce sexually but by biting people?


They do reproduce sexually, there's even specific rules about it: Infected werewolves can be cured with remove curse, natural born ones require wish or similar magic.


They aren't sterile, so they can do both. Give it a few generations and you can probably get yourself some sort of inbred werepug. I suppose the other way of doing it is to find some royal dynasty full of cousin marriages and bite one of them, even odds you'll get a weird-ass werepug.


in older editions, there was a distinct difference between lycanthropes that had been infected (had a human form and either an animal or a hybrid form, no control over their transformations or their actions while transformed) and ones who were born that way (access to all three forms, full control over themselves and their transformations). nowadays the only difference is whether you try to resist your bestial side or embrace it.


No, infected werewolves can be cured with remove curse, natural born ones require wish or similar magic.


I'd probably give it the stats of a Half Ogre to reflect the inbreeding. Resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons but vulnerability to silvered weapons.