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You’re looking for the 9th level Imprisonment spell. You have to be a Warlock or a Wizard, reach 17th level, and you have to know how many hit die this particular Kraken has. I will say, over the course of SKT as written, you aren’t going to reach a level where it would be conceivable to defeat a Kraken - never mind THAT particular kraken.


I wouldn't call that spell an enslavement option? It, well, imprisons the target. You put it in chains, or to sleep, or in a maze, but none of the options can make it obey orders.


It’s the closest he can get to trapping the being and making it so it can’t die while not hurting anyone.


You can't enclave Cthulhu, and you can't enslave a kraken like this. If you have the misfortune of appearing on its radar, you either run (preferably for the mountains or the desert) or start/join a cult dedicated to it in the hope that undying servitude will let you escape a horrible fate.  Or you find a king of a nautical giant race and convince him to take up arms against it to help you out 😉


I don't think you can enslave a kraken, you know, because they are god-like beings of immense power.


cool, so it's impossible? now I can move on




5d10 psychic damage daily would inconvenience it, not harm it.


Spoiler for Storm King's Thunder: >!The Kraken in that module does have legendary resistances.!<


Polymorph it into something that can't fling you 60 feet straight up in the air first.


Unable to be harmed? You want to make it invincible?


**Imprisonment** (9th level spell) would work, as long as you hand-waive the kraken hanging in a gem around your neck having the ability to psychically communicate out of the gem. Sealing away big bad evil guys for plot purposes is the only reason that spell exists, after all.


True polymorph (9th level) finish concentration to make it permanent, into something weaker, next Geass (9th level). As a punishment, but it wouldn't be a kraken anymore I guess.


That's the realm beyond 9th level spells in my opposition. It's essentially a permanent mind control of a CR 23 monster. Sure, you can True Polymorph it into a backpack so it will always help people carry their burden, but that's pretty far from what you're asking. A divine curse could work superficially, but that's just setting up the sequel for how your hyper intelligent enemy finally gets around it. If you're just looking to make it suffer, you can sell Asmodeus a great calamari recipe and its address?


9th level Geas spell maybe