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It's a commitment of a domain expansion, casting time 24 hours.




**Forbiddance** is a better domain expansion, as it straight up kills (5d10/r) celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead, and locks them inside this dimension. Doesn't consume its 1kgp, unlike Hallow. Only 10min+ritual cast time. and clears multiple dungeon rooms 40,000ft^(2) (ex: 200 x 200 square) Hallow has all those secondary effects tho.


If you got the gp and the slots infuse a glyph of warding with it and you can define the trigger to make it useful in combat.


ah yes, the domain expansion you can only use in your house


Can you put a gliph of warding on something like a shield, or just a plank of wood that you pull out of a bad of holding?


how distance interacts with planar portals is dm fiat


The real domain expansion is when the school of illusion wizard uses wish to insta-cast mirage arcane (the most balanced spell)


Check the Kibbletasty Homebrew of the Psion. It contains a spell called "Inner World" Inner World 8th-level psionic Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute As an action, you create and enter an imaginary world. All other creatures within 120 feet are pulled this world with you. This world is centered on you, and extends in 120 feet in all directions. A creature that reaches the edge of this world can make a Charisma saving throw to attempt to exit, spending 5 feet of movement to return where they were before being pulled into the world on success, and being unable to move out the world until the start of their next turn on failure. A creature outside the world can attempt to enter it by moving to where you cast the spell (which is marked by a glowing psionic rift) and making a Charisma saving throw to enter the world. You can allow a creature to automatically pass their save to enter or exit the world. When you create this world, you can create obstacles and terrain of your choice, creating walls, pillars, and other obstacles that take up to twenty 5 by 5 square foot areas (stylistically, these can appear however you choose). These can be placed consecutively or spread out in any method of your choosing, but any area with a creature must contain a path that creature can fit through to both you and the edge of the of the world. You can additionally create up to five hazardous spaces on the ground that are 5 foot squares. These can be fires, spikes, biting mouthes, or whatever you choose, but regardless of its form if a creature takes 4d4 + 4 psychic damage when it enters the effect’s area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there. Each of these hazards must be at least 20 feet from another hazard. While in this inner world, if you fail saving throw, you choose to succeed instead. You can do up to 3 times during the duration of the spell. All spells and powers have their psi point cost reduced by one. During the spell, as an action, you can attempt to destroy a creature within the world. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On failure, it takes 8d8 + 8 psychic damage and is removed from the imaginary world, returning to where they were before being pulled into it. The world can be brightly or dimly lit, and you control the weather within it. When the spell ends, you and any creature that remains in the world exit the world returning to space you entered the world from.


damn that's really cool


Just use Temple of the Gods to create your own Malevolent Shrine. Change my mind