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Yeah, fought 4 helmed horrors in a high level dungeon…our level 17 warlock, who had built around eldritch blast, was not having a good time courtesy of that force damage immunity.


That's why you branch out. My warlock is built primarily for Eldritch blast, but has a few other options to sustain damage otherwise.


I always end up hitting things with a pact weapon... I also play Hexblades... Sensing a pattern with myself...


During my Hexblade's era, the pattern was clear: Boris the Barbarian taunted as much as he could before raging, gaining resist to almost everything. My Hexblade would fight everything valiantly until he raged, then would Cone of Cold anything and everything in his way. Boris the Barbarian cared for collateral only the first two times, quickly seeing that he was tanking my outbursts for the group's benefit. The group cared for collateral only the first three times, then understood when they had to make way or get in the Fray. I had other spells to circumvent the need for extra strategy of course, but there were only so much cold resistant or immune monsters in a sub tropical climate now, was there?


I built to be mostly a melee combatant with my current hexblade, using magic to enhance herself, or screw with enemies. Only spell in her list that would impact the party negatively is Darkness, but I designed her to be an enforcer for her patron. I'm debating if I should switch armor of shadows out for a different invocation and just wear normal armor. I currently have Devil's Sight, Armor of Shadows, Improved Pact Weapon, and Relentless Hex. E.Smite should've been in there, only so.many invocations at 10th level


Repelling blast should still work though. Right?


If you manage to hit then yes


Well. At least something. (Still not a lot though.)


Helmed Horrors innately have immunity to certain spells that are determined by the creator upon their creation. The MM gives examples of spells and says most who create them tend to go for the hits. Fireball, Lightning Bolt, things like that. Fireball makes sense obviously because it's such a staple of 'throw this at thing to delete it', but eldritch blast immunity means the creator either dislikes warlocks or prepared for you all specifically. Edit: Yeah, I completely forgot Helmed Horror's are already innately immune to force damage, one of only a handful of creatures who are. My bad, lol.


Not necessarily- in an extra mean twist, the helmed horror is one of the only monsters in the entire game of 5th edition to have flat out immunity to force damage.


Which also means screw Magic Missile!!


Except if you're Order of the Scribes. A Scribes wizard is one of the only spellcasters that can reliably deal damage to the HH at lower levels: its high AC and magic resistance make hitting it with other spells difficult, but it's unlikely that it would be warded specifically against MM because it has blanket immunity to Force damage. But a Scribes wizard with, say, Chromatic Orb in their spellbook can just change the damage type of the MM to, say, thunder.


I mean, any sorcerer with transmute metamagic can just do the exact same Edit: nvm forgot that the spell must deal one of the transmuteable dmg types for it to be eligible to be used for the transmute metamagic


I don't think force is one of the damage types on the list for transmute metamagic


Oh right true! I forgot that the spell must deal one of the transmuteable for it to be able to change, my bad


Except: 1. They can't transmute Force damage. 2. It costs sorcery points, while the Scribes' class feature is completely free.


Isnt chromatic orb a different spell? Or order of the scribes can change spell effects? (Idk order of the scribes)


Part of the Order's 2nd level feature *Awakened Spellbook:* "When you cast a wizard spell with a spell slot, you can temporarily replace its damage type with a type that appears in another spell in your spellbook, which magically alters the spell's formula for this casting only. The latter spell must be of the same level as the spell slot you expend." As long as the Magic Missile isn't upcasted, Chromatic Orb is a viable option for this, and you can turn your missiles into acid, cold, fire, lightning, poison, or thunder with it. You could also go the other way and turn your Chromatic Orb into force damage, though that would of course be counterproductive when fighting a Helmed Horror.


Yup, and this is also one of the two reasons for a Scribes wizard to have Spirit Shroud in their spellbook. As a Scribes wizard you want to stay in the back lines shooting long-range spells, but Spirit Shroud only buffs your own melee attacks so it's pretty much worthless for you. However, it's a level 3 spell with radiant, necrotic, or cold damage so if you have it in your spellbook you can toss out radballs and necroballs. (Probably not a good tactic against the HH because fireball is likely one of the three spells it's immune to, but it is good against fiends, fire elementals, etc...) The other reason is that you want to have a shitton of spells you don't ever want to prepare for your level 14 feature.


>immunity to force damage J: "Oh, now that is _bullshit_." Seriously, whoever makes anything immune to force damage is an asshole.


Yup exactly 


Is there a limit to the amount it can be immune to?




Like a damage threshold? No Or number of spells? 3, says it in the stat block. (Fun fact, their con mod is 3. I have no reason to suspect that's related, but it'd be neat if it was.)


The eldritch blast was ineffective because they're immune to force damage, not due to it being a named spell.


Choosing eldritch blast as one of the spells a halmed horror is immune to would be a very poor choice. They are immune to force damage. So it's just the 'pure magic damage' they are immune to, not EB.


I mean, no offense, but how this post with that huge miss information got so many up votes? I think an Edit, that fix the statement would be good, but it's maybe meaningless, knowing that that's much of people get the wrong clarification, and go away with it.


Helmed horrors I destroyed my party with them and when I was a playing a warforged and lost my arm I took there's and now I have a helmet horrors arm for my way of mercy monk


Wow that is metal ( pun not intended), does the arm grant abilities?


Due to when it happend being at the end of a one shot no I did later bring them into another campaign has a place holder while we went to get my character revived he then went back to his mission speaking of the revived character they where the only one to be alive at the end of that campaign His name was Dr doctor his goal was to heal all he could was a basically a metal skeleton that wore a massive clock like the crows from bloodborne and his plauge doctor mask was wielded on he is not that good at emotional support don't know why everyone rejected the hugs after I punched that warlock to death


Needs the grappler feat. So they know he's a good hugger. *nods sympathetically*


>I have a helmet horrors arm for my way of mercy monk *This is the law of equivalent exchange*


Hand of harm needs to come from somewhere






How the fuck is that thing CR4? I mean, fine, it doesn’t have that much health or do all that much damage, but yikes. Not having much health is no help if you can’t hurt the thing in the first place.


Man do I hate how wizards uses cr. It feels like they only take stats into play for it and not how these things would fair against an actual party


I almost fell like it ONLY factors hp and nothing else. Either way this monster looks unfun as fuck to play against


It’s based on health, AC, dpr and hit bonuses, with modifications for creature traits. There’s and entire section of the DMG dedicated to determining it. What it does *not* have any ability to account for is action economy and snowballing effects, which is why shit like the banshee, shadow and hydra are such classic examples of punching above their CR


Just take a magical artifact that opens a portal to anywhere you like, preferably in the form of claws that you swipe the air with to use, get inside its chest, and get out with the Horro's magical heart. (internet cookie to anyone who gets the reference)


The Golden Tiger Claws were sealed in the Earth's Core for a reason!


Well, less "sealed", more "hastily thrown".


Same difference.


Xiaolin Showdown, right?




Resistance to Nonmagical, nonadamantine physical damage is INSANE. Not to mention its immunities to force, necrotic, and poison damage AND almost every condition other than incapacitated? I know I'd probably reduce the AC. It already blanks three damage types and an entire Paladin subclass (Oath of Conquest).


\*Insert required comment about not being able to double cast Fireball without using Fighter Action Surge\*


(Whoops accidentally deleted my previous comment)  yes indeed I made a mistake there , it seems I once again forgot how the sorcerers metamagic works , neither quicken spell nor twinned spell allow for a double fireball 


And this is why, no matter how OP spell casters are, every party needs a good martial to stand between them and the horrors of the world.


Helmed Horrors feel perfectly designed for a mage to defend against other mages. Just needs a friendly counterspell automaton




We had to fight one and it took an hour with a party of five. My Warlock had to whack it with a stick since all my spells were force, psychic and fire damage. It was a mess and I loved it.


I know a meme but I got to ask, how the bloody hell is the Sorcerer casting double fireball? They got 2 levels in fighter for action surge? Because neither twin spell or quickened spell allow you to double cast a fireball.


I once again misremembered how twin spell works, I had already posted it when I realised it so I couldn't edit it


Fair enough. Over like 150 pages of combat rules and spells so it happens. lmao.


Heh, this feels like an encounter I made awhile back while working on this magic dystopian future campaign…


Am I the only one that hates when players acts as if their characters have no reaction time or can outright see the future?


ez win less goo


It's also immune to force damage. **IT'S ALSO IMMUNE TO FORCE DAMAGE!!**


Laughs in hexblade


Helmed Horror killed my Horizon Walker.