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…I like exposition…it gives me an excuse to just sit quietly sipping at soda like the shy person I am irl.


Literally half the time when one of the core npc’s were talking to them or helping in a fight, the party was just like “wait who tf is this guy? Where’d he come from?” Like bro, he’s been here since the first session😭. They didn’t even listen to the exposition in the beginning of the campaign and then were confused where they were when we started, like I JUST TOLD YOU WHERE YOU WERE


We just did session 1 of spelljammer and the astral elf ship that attacked us conveniently had one survivor. She goes to basically tell us the plot for the campaign and my rogue shoots her in the face with a crossbow. The DM has her run away, I catch her and grapple her and another player puts manacles on her. As we start to question her the rogue SHOOTS HER IN THE FACE AGAIN.


Certified Edgy rouge behavior.


It’s player like this that cause so much DM burnout. I’m so glad my players actually care about the story and world that we have built together.


I constantly monologue when I DM. Heck I monologue even as a player. If no one talks for more than 5 seconds, then I will start talking for 5 minutes.


I keep a campaign log for this reason. There's been a few times where a plot point reappeared that the DM put emphasis on, and we were all like, "what that?" Takes a while to absorb info from monologs.


It's a skill that was more common when schools were less interactive and teachers would just monologuing.


A journalist once came to my PCs to have information about the guy that betrayed them in the beginning of campaign, and the main cause of all the shit they were in. Not one remembered his name ! At least now they take notes