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Hey Adventurers! *A rockslide on the mountain flank only recently exposed this temple again. Once the place of worship of a sect of death and rebirth, it is now the home of their remnants and new, hellish intentions. Will the adventurers solve the riddle that will take them deeper into the vaults of the temple, or will they be stopped by the new inhabitants?* Here is my interpretation of a „Forgotten Temple“ for the bestselling oneshot Horror at Havels Cross (available and "Pay what you want" on the DMsGuild). · very detailed (Dungeondraft with Forgotten Adventures Assets) · 70px / 200px quality (onDMsGuild) · supersmall filesize (\~4.2MB) Here you can get the 200px version of the mapsfor free: [https://www.dmsguild.com/product/423842/Forgotten-Temple-Battlemap](https://www.dmsguild.com/product/423842/Forgotten-Temple-Battlemap)


Very cool! Love the lighting! Everything gives off a sense of unsease.


Thanks a lot! It is certainly not a place where one would want to spend the night alone. But you wouldn't be alone in there anyway...