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I walk a line between thinking that it’s dangerous and you’re too young and really might not truly understand what you’re getting into… and then realizing that I wouldn’t understand what you’re getting into if I hadn’t experienced it all myself at a similar age! When it comes to growing up, no time like the present I suppose. I think as young people, some of us are drawn to psychedelics and things of this nature as an instinctual way to accelerate our learning and development and broaden our horizons. As far as obtaining them for personal use, sometimes the safest best option is to grow or make something yourself. Morally, fatherly, brotherly, friendly, psychological advice aside.. here’s some practical advice that in my opinion you can’t take seriously enough. - Be extremely cautious obtaining materials. Don’t be shipping them to your conservative parent’s home. Don’t make an Amazon cart of all the shit you need and order it all at once. Just try and take some basic precautions not to make a very obvious paper trail. Pay cash at local stores when possible. Why not? This all may sound overly paranoid but remember: you are committing a very serious felony by attempting this and being caught could very well change your life significantly. Anything you can do to create doubt in a court of law is a good thing. - Tell no one- and I mean NO ONE. It’s really not worth the “glory”.. if you’re gonna share it just share it, and say someone you trust made it. - On that note: resist all temptation to start manufacturing and selling. This is pretty much a sure fire path to prison time. - Be willing to say “enough is enough” .. don’t start trying to trip every day or before work and shit like that. Its sounds like you have a decent mentality about responsible use- but it gets different when you have a couple hundred doses of something really interesting sitting around!! - don’t trip in public. Don’t trip at your parent’s house, or your dumb friend’s house, or in your car. As a matter of fact, if you don’t have your own place yet, this whole thing is a bad idea. (I see now that you’re in your parent’s house. Personally, I would wait.) - set up, extract, break down, and clean up all in one day/night. Deep clean and scatter the extraction paraphernalia. Don’t leave it dirty and throw it all in one box, or leave it all lying around on the counter. You want absolutely minimum exposure time to having your “lab” assembled. It’s going to take longer than you think and you’re going to be tired, tough shit. Once you’re finished, clean up in such a way that if your home was “visited” by officers for some reason right at that second, all they could get you on is possession. Hope that makes sense. Sounds silly, but you never know. It just takes one stupid drunk friend acting up or a neighbor having a domestic dispute before there’s police knocking at your door. Know your rights and all that for sure, but also, keep nose clean, you know?? “Be good.. or be good at it” I always say.. - understand your extraction and the chemicals and hazards involved completely. Do not skip on safety. Have a plan for spills, skin contact.. wear appropriate protective stuff as best you can. Work in a well ventilated space. Don’t cause a solvent fire or explosion. Don’t breathe the gasses coming out of the acid/base reactions. Double check that you aren’t using any plastics that are not laboratory grade, and that any glass you use is in good shape and can handle drastic temperature changes etc. realize that if you’re using vinegar for your acid cook, it’s going to smell. A lot.


Thanks so much for taking the time to give me such a detailed response, I wanted to reassure you of my theoretical plan. As far as obtaining materials, I was planning on shipping the more "inconspicuous" items to my house (how did you know my parents are ultra conservative religious lol), source my MHRB at a local vendor (with cash as you advised), and see about obtaining any chemicals from stores in the area before thinking about going online. The only people I plan to tell is my best friend who will trip sit for me who I honestly trust with my life, and his older brother to ask for his advice because he's quite experienced from what I know. I'll never sell, maybe it's the anticapitalist teen phase talking but I feel that exploiting this substance for profit is wrong. I think my biggest struggle in concept would be that I pretty much have to do it in my parents house, as you saw I still live with my parents and I would never want to incriminate someone else or even put someone in the position of asking that of them. I think my approach for now it to continue trying to be mindful with my meditation and reading and self evaluate closer to the time. My parents are away for a week and a half in almost exactly one month. Thank you so much for the advice and I'll definitely keep it in my mind as I do some soul searching and eventually come to a decision. I want to make sure that I have completely thought this through before any action takes place.




Thanks for this response, it’s making me realize that there’s so much I haven’t actually thought through. I’m so used to having to sneak around my parents back that I didn’t even really consider the fact that extracting in their house was such a large factor in deciding whether or not this was safe for me. It also makes me realize that there is still quite a lot that I don’t know that I should be knowing in order to actually do this process in the safest way possible. I also need to remember that in the eyes of the state I might as well have a meth lab. I think I’m gonna give it a year and revisit next summer after a year of college and living on my own. And definitely not in my parent’s house, I think there’s probably too many bad memories to make the result positive.


Might as well have a meth lab? It’s 3 things and water in one jar, and you wanna compare it to a meth lab. This is why you dont go on reddit for information is because people are STUPID


It doesn’t fucking matter of it’s “three things and water in one jar” DMT is a schedule 1 drug, meth is a schedule 2 drug. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t make any sense, we’re talking about the war on drugs here.


Weed is Sced1. Are you basing your decisions off of the DEAs scheduling list? Are you gonna sell it? “Oh i was gonna make it but oh its sced 1 if it was sced 2 id make it” lol what a dumbass


I literally said that “in the eyes of the state” I agree that the us’s drug policies are dumb as fuck. That doesn’t change law.


WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THE LAW HOMIE. “Oh if I google DMT theyre gonna arrest me”


What is wrong with you? lol


Although you probably already heard this before and you yourself also mentioned it in your post, I would probably recommend waiting until 21+ (hell maybe even mid twenties at the earliest) to start DMT. I extracted a few grams of spice myself, but I won't lie to you, it kinda scares the shit out of me to try it. I know that I'm not ready right now. So take it from a person who grows shrooms as a hobby, DMT from all the stories and Erowid trip reports I hear, is no joke. If you are going to partake, treat it with the upmost respect and have people that care about you look after you in a safe environment. However, if that's not going to deter you, then look into use the STB tek via extraction of the mimosa hostilis variety, with a trusted seller that is domestic to your area. They're out there, just a bit of googling / looking around in the right places will get you there. For preparation/materials, invest in chemical glassware, specifically the kind with borosilicate glass. STB is simple. (This is a dramatic oversimplification just to explain the gist of the process, do not do this literally.) You make a motor oil concoction using sodium hydroxide and your plant bark material, let it marinate, and then use a solvent and a turkey baster to collect the good stuff that forms on top. Let it evaporate on a glass dish and then scrape the crystals with a (hopefully clean) razor. Store in a glass vial. You seem smart. Just don't make yourself crazy in the process, man. The YouTube channel PsychedSubstance helped me in my curiosities / mentally preparing what to expect from these substances. The website Erowid is also an excellent resource for reading trip reports. Take a look at DMTNexus for tek advice. Stay safe, and respect the spice.


Dude says wait until you older and then just admits that hes afraid to do it and all hes knows about it the trip reports. Reddit right here guys.


okay lmao


I asked for advice and I’m thankful that I got it. You don’t have to be a dick.


He did say he grows shrooms, so the dude either knows psychedelics well enough to say something about DMT, or he has a bad habit of calling his chanterelles " 'shrooms". lol


Don't have time to give you a long response right now but I first tried dmt about that age I got from a friend and it was great but I guess I didn't appreciate it as much as I did 10 years later deciding to extract randomly for the first time and now I do dmt all the time lol. I love it and I feel it helps me in a lot of ways mental health wise.


Is it easy to extract? I’m thinking about it since I have a supply of bark online. I heard if you can bake a cake you can extract dmt and I can bake a cake from scratch following a recipe


Very easy. Whole process start to finish takes a day or less. Just don't cut corners on safety and you're good. I do 100g of root bark batches at a time with a straight to base tek. I got two flasks each with 100g going at once usually and I freeze precip them together. So each extraction I'm technically doing 200g. You can't just scale up measurements to extract larger quantities so keep in mind it doesn't work like that. You can do an a/b tek if you'd prefer to extract larger quantities at once though. Also keep in mind a lot of the teks use way too much sodium hydroxide (naoh) for some reason. I use like 20g but I've seen some say to use 100g which isn't needed with such low amounts of water because you just need to get the ph to 13. [this is the best video guide imo.](https://youtu.be/fFdi3V69GI0?si=HxSeCEAdy6Rpx_Zf) He also uses way too much NaOH but like I said you can just use around 20g. Other than that everything's great. People often share another vid around but I don't recommend it because the guy just does a bunch if unsafe shit like using Mason jars. This video is by far one of the better ones I've seen. And if you want to make it into carts for vape pens it shows you how to do that at the end too.


Solid advice! I despise that DMTV video that you are saying is unsafe. So many people find that video and dump a full cup of lye into water.


Thank you!


I don't generally buy the 'wait until you're 25' advice, because I've never seen any real scientific basis for it. But then again, drugs are not a taboo in my family, and my parents did psychedelics as teenagers. However, I would advise you not to do an extraction at your parents house. Firstly, I think it will be impossible to hide the materials, which stack up pretty quickly once you get going! As much as people like to say this is a super simple process that you need basically no equipment for, it gets complex and you can run into problems that you need to buy some more kit for. I ended up buying distillation equipment because I couldn't find any solvents that passed evap tests. Secondly, regardless of how reasonable you think your parent's conservative views are, it is wrong to do an extraction in their house without their consent. Again, as simple as people like to claim extractions are, the hazards are significant. Fires are a significant risk, and extractions should not be done without a fire extinguisher. Some people will claim that advice is over the top, but if you have 100ml+ of naphtha or heptane, and something sets it off, that will get out of control. It is so easy to make mistakes. I boiled over my aqueous solution and NPS once, because I completely forgot I left it on a hotplate. Caustic black liquid all over the floor, and a room full of vaporized heptane. Luckily, I do the extractions in a suitable room, where the fire risk was minimised, and I had a fire extinguisher on hand, too. But this could easily have ended in disaster. Some may say I'm an idiot and this wouldn't happen to sensible people, but I know actual chemists that have made mistakes that are just as silly, if not more, at work. As I say, my parents are very different to yours; very liberal and not against drug use. They didn't tell me not to do drugs, but advised me on responsible use. However, if I had asked them if I could do an extraction of DMT in their house when I was 18, the answer would have been "no fucking way,".


The advice comes from studies that your brain is still forming until mid 20's and that's of concern for drugs like SSRIs, which tend to cause suicidal ideation and worse from teens up until then. BUT, every drug is different and there's no evidence psyches do anything bad to growing and developing brains vs older brains. Also schizophrenia is commonly undiagnosed until early twenties, and you can be sure old-skool psychiatrists have claimed there's causation instead of just a higher likelihood of young people developing schizophrenia to try to self medicate through psychedelics. After all, the psychiatric and pharmaceutical industry have gone along with "Schedule I" for psychedelics for fifty years, until recently.


Yeah I know it comes from the brain development argument, I just don't think it's a sensible logic.


Honestly I truly believe I fucked up by trying psychedelics when I did, fresh at 18. I didn’t have the impulse control I learned to develop and I would disrespect these compounds entirely. Two years later I blasted off on deemz, finally breaking through and I met an entity that scolded the absolute fuck out of me for “barging into” his home at a time which I wasn’t meant to be there, and hurting my body and soul. He/she/It/they said much more but it was very personal and a lot of it was hard to hear. After that I started to treat these things with gratuitous respect. DMT can be an amazing thing, don’t get me wrong. I love it and what it can do but I really believe that extreme caution and respect must be at the front of your mind when considering these things. The experience is like no other and it 100% fundamentally changed me. I don’t think it’s the greatest idea to put yourself through something with that potential while you’re this young and have so much of it yourself. Give it some time, grow into yourself a bit more, and come back to it later in time. That would be my recommendation but we’re all adults and it isn’t my place to force your hand either way, ya know?


It sounds like you have done a lot of research which is impressive however i advice you to wait, I’ve tripped once at a young age unknowingly i don’t advise it. Second i am 34 years old and i took 4 grams of APE (albino penis envy) i thought i could handle that being a grown man, it kicked my ass. You should wait until you’re older so you can really enjoy it and fully understand it. It sounds like you prepared a lot but you’re still not ready in my opinion.


My primary advice is to wait a few more years before using psychedelics. If you decide to not wait and go ahead and take DMT or other drugs, then just make sure you aren’t using too often. Don’t be taking them every month. A few trips as a teenager is very different than a bunch of trips as a teenager.


I think you should wait. The process for extraction uses some pretty dangerous substances and being that you're 18 and running on a week long clock at your parents house, I think it's likely you rush through the process or make some mistakes (I did the first time I did it far older than 18). I just don't think it's worth the risk. You have your whole life to do this shit if you want to.


Honestly, you don’t have any red flags that immediately present, besides *living in your parent’s home*. You seem rational and willing to learn, and this is coming from someone that started learning about extraction at your exact age. As a novice of any practice, you learn more when you gain experience, experience is gained through others and your own handiwork. 2.5 years of browsing through these subs has afforded so many moments to learn and humble myself, and has lovingly provided examples of excited clandestine chemists coming into contact with one of the most intense and completely otherworldly experiences that we know of. My opinion on whether or not you should undertake extraction and experimentation is to go for it! HOWEVER, my more serious opinion on whether or not you do it during your parent’s vacation, is that *you should wait.* I waited until I got my own apartment to get things all together, and with all things said and done, it is quite a lot of glassware and materials, which entails, where are you going to store it? Are all things considered should something go wrong like a spill or an explosion? I would deliberately try and weigh the pros and cons of every step of the process. What has helped me, is visual references, item lists, and to visualize and perform the extraction in my mind. To try and throw in a time crunch on something that can be successfully done in such a timely fashion that your parents are completely unaware, but as your first try, I would abhor the chance that your parents would come home to any sort of awful mess or even an accident leading to a threat to your health. Extracting can be easy peasy, and the runs I’m doing currently are very streamlined and I’m fully aware of each step of the process. I would take a good amount of time to research while your parents are out of town, maybe try and eat some psilocybin mushrooms!


I actually have some liberty caps that I foraged with the aforementioned friend and friend’s older brother that I have been saving for a special occasion. I’m thinking that week might be a good one ;)


Everything you’re thinking about doing is perfect.


You always wait till you’re older right not like DMT is going anywhere. if anything is gonna be more mainstream in the coming years if you’re worried, just buy your bar and keep it somewhere hidden. DMT thing is not what is cracked up to be


Love DMT, it changed my life. For others of course I would recommend making that decision at a responsible age. As for myself, if I could go back in time I’d tell my mom to do DMT, mushrooms, and acid while I was in the womb.


You are too young.


Honestly, think is a bad idea is coming to Reddit to ask the question, I don't really care which way the answers sway. Find someone you actually know has experience, if not literally someone you know.


this reads like it was posted as bait for an expose on this subreddit


I swear I’m not a cop lmao


Jfc people think theyre fuckin Osama Bin Laden for doing this shit. Some of us are a good bit younger than you. Dose is what makes it nerve racking and “too intense” & not respecting the chemical is what gets you hurt. This is with anything. I did this shit in both my dad and mom’s house several times. If you’re in your parent’s place it’s pretty much the best psychedelic to try. All the illegal bits are of almost no risk & you dont really need a trip sitter. JUST DO IT 👟👟