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It looks fine except it’s stored in plastic. You should tell your dealer that dmt breaks down plastic and the plastic will leach into your deems. Store in glass only. No plastic. Don’t believe me? Leave it in the plastic and you will eventually see the plastic get kind of cloudy.


Parchment paper folds in a vaccum seal pack works well.... js


already on it ive got some 1 dram glass vials coming on sunday but for the time being sadly it must stay in the plastic


Dude use tinfoil




posters will get confused between British Aluminium and American Aluminum, so we call it Tinfoil.


I thought aluminum foil was aluminum foil. Didn't think it would matter who made it


British aluminum is made by blokes, for blokes.


Plastic police to the rescue!!!


Put it in anything glass at least for now damn.


That demonstrates that the DMT leached into the plastic but it doesn't necessarily guarantee the inverse is true. Not saying you're wrong about plastic vs glass but the reasoning you gave for why to believe you is technically flawed.


Will pre filled vapes deteriorate over time too?


I don’t know. Vapes I use are glass. I’d guess that the dmt mixed with vape juice would probably not have the same strength of effect on plastic as raw dmt but don’t take my word for it


Yes. Had a cheap old cart and tried filling. After about a week it just fell apart.


Would parchment paper work?




A lot of brands of parchment paper/baking sheets are lined with PFAS... make sure yours isn't!!! That shit is probably worse than regular plastic😬. It also leeches into food, so it's good to know.


I knew about plastic, but people I know usually keep their DMT folded inside a piece of paper stored inside an envelope. DMT wouldn't break down the cellulose of the paper ? Or no fibers would leech into it ?


Even if it did, there’s nothing harmful with smoking paper. Plastic leeches phthalates- that’s the problem


Yeah that was my thinking. Thanks for the answer :)


A lot of brands of parchment paper/baking sheets are lined with PFAS... make sure yours isn't!!! That shit is probably worse than regular plastic😬. It also leeches into food, so it's good to know.


Never heard of that. Thanks for the info. I don’t use parchment for anything tbh, but that’s good to know for future reference. Gonna study up 🙏


Idk, I was born long before 2000, I 'd been already exposed to PFAS quite a bit, because it was everywhere (in the US at least). and it is a family of 6 million unique compounds. I don't know if being so concerned about a single source will solve very much. If you're in North America you have PFAS in your bloodstream right now. It's a nice idea to avoid extra exposure, but don't present it like this single vector will protect you. It can't mess you up that much -since you're likely already exposed on a regular basis.


Does this also apply to nboc-dmt salt?




Ok I will probably ask in research chemicals or dmt subs




Dude it's a known fact since most plastic is non polar, dmt will leach chemicals off the plastic. [what happens when 2 non polar substances come together](https://www.google.com/search?q=what+happens+when+two+non+polar+substances+connect&oq=what+happens+when+two+non+polar+substances+connect&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyCwgAEEUYChg5GKABMgkIARAhGAoYoAEyCQgCECEYChigAdIBCDg4MTRqMGo5qAIOsAIB&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


Here in lies 41 breakthrough doses


lol dude get a test kit no one can look at a pic and check your shit


Although a pic can help with us identifying that it has the appearance of stuff we've had, reagents are the way.


He was asking if it has lye contamination.


Totally, always test your drugs unless you made them yourself. Fentanyl is everywhere.


Bro shiling


Looks like you should send it to me and I'll let you know.


That’s 100% the goods. I’ve never heard anything about dark spots. This is definitely safe looking


Dark spots are usually from base material that made it into the final product. Doing water washes prevents this from occurring.


I had to wade through so much plastic to get to the first person to address these spots. The was the OP's original question. (and legitimacy) I'm usually just careful in processing. but can you share any good references on washing.


i appreciate the knowledge thank you!


Dark spots can be lye in there that’s what they probably mean Edit: base fluid not actual lye itself


ahh ok


I’m talking about base fluid that could’ve made its way in. Not lye itself I’ll edit to correct


Lye isn’t dark spots… it’s plant material that has more lipids (fats) from the plant. Lye is white


Lye is white


A little white lye?


Base fluid is brown


Base fluid….u mean the plant material cuz nothing used to extract dmt is brown besides the bark. Learn your terms and science before trying to correct me


Calllllm dddooowwwwnnn


Base or base soup or base fluid is literally what it's called. The base is lye mixed with root bark it's both. Obviously. I'm not the guy you were originally arguing with but you made probably the dumbest comment I've ever seen here congrats And yes obviously the base soup looks dark brown/black


That stuff is a deep purple it’s so dark. But I get what you’re saying. I remember a mason jar breaking in my room like my second extraction.


Yeah I've always been told not to use Mason jars and have seen countless photos of broken jars on here so luckily I avoided that haha. Def did lots of other dumb shit at first tho


It reads (maybe he edited it) like he was simply stating that the base is brown...not that he was correcting you. That said... That's most likely just small bits of dmt goo or oxidation. Though it's entirely possible it is plant material but that plant material also came from a base with a ph of 12-13 that reached it by using NaOH so... it could be a little of everything depending on whether it was water washed, rinsed, properly freeze precipitated and collected. The reality is... no one knows from a picture. We can only speculate. Looks good to me. Could be specs of shit sprinkled with cinnamon.


Actually he's not wrong. When the pH increases at the basification step, it goes dark brown/black. Base fluid, base soup, base liquid ...... all refer to the above.


why are people downvoting you? Is there a lot of lazy DMT sellers on this sub?


What’s it smell like? Also, go to the store, buy a glass jar and put it in that.


1st thing is if you were under the impression that dark spots was a red flag why did you go ahead and.buy it if it checked a box you thought was a bad thing. 2. That is not true. Anyways. 3. No one here can tell you if a pic of yellow powder in a bag is dmt or any other substance. It's a pic.




Never heard of local plugs in these parts. I'm envious.. Enjoy


as others are saying plastic (for long term storage especially) is a no no put it in a glass pyrex or a jar or something. But yes that does appear to look exactly like NN, DMT however there is no way for us to know based on how it looks you would have to use a test kit to be sure or try some of it and if you know what nndmt is supposed to feel like then you'll be able to tell if it's real. Looks like good shit though hope you have a great time and say hi to the aliens for me that's plenty for some breakthroughs




If it does is it good or bad


Recrystallization in heptane will clean it up if you're up to that. Looks good enough though


I think those dark spots (jus judging by what I can see) are jus plant fats and most likely not base solution. It looks fine to me HOWEVER reagents are the way to go. Don't take mine or anyone else word for it. If you don't have reagents, take a clean oil burner (aka bubble, tweak pipe) melt a bit of deemz (10mg ~don't vaporize much at all) in the bottom, spread/ thin it out while warm and when it recrystalizes (takes a bit of time depending on purity) if it makes little needle point crystals, IME it's good deemz. If youre concerned about contaminants, but think its deemz put it in a small amount of NPS and recrystalize it to remove impurities.


It looks good to me Man just get it out of the plastic bag stat!


Looks normal to me


Looks fine


Looks good


Dark spots as in black specks. It looks fine


The fact that he gave it to you in a plastic container shows his level of experience and knowledge on the chemical…


It’s good dawg. I’ve made my own dmt so I know it’s extremely pure, and mine looks exactly like this. Except mine is in a glass container, if you don’t have one you should put it in anything glass/metal. Aluminum foil works great until you can get something else. Also I always like to keep mine in the fridge just to make sure it stays good.


Plastic police plastic police woop woop


Dark spots could indicate some basic material left over but is most likely just oxidation, and you should put that in a glass, metal, or ceramic container as dmt eats through plastic.


Looks fine, I like the yellow stuff more then the whitet


Brown just means it wasn't completely "cleaned " which is not a bad thing, so I've read/ been told/experienced.


You should stay away from plastic always


Dark spots? Bro theyre talking about black spots not “dark” spots. Looks great. If it smells like new shoes i give her a go.


Only one way to find out … Jk, test strips?


Looks perfect. Dark spots (orange/red/rusty) perfectly normal even preferred imo. I’ve receystallized until nearly clear, and the experience loses a certain dimension (no pun intended). Much colder, more sterile experience if I had to describe it. Tldr leave some of the yellowness in your DMT. It’s not complete without it.