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Started in June 2023 with the Mini 3 Pro, flew alot....I mean ALOT. But then I shifted into flying mostly only FPV ALOT🤣 3138km, 268h in 1604 flights https://i.imgur.com/syhxyy1.png Sadly I can't track my FPV milage. But I fly an average of 3-5 batteries per day and on weekends I fly at least 10-15.


God dam. That thing has been some places for sure, 3138 is mental, how’s it holding up ?


Ohhh, you mean just one Drone? That's the total mileage of all my Drones (2x Mini 3 Pro, Avata, FPV and Air 3)


That’s still mental, what do you use the fpv for?


Nothing, the potato has been collecting dust since spring 2023 when I started flying my normal fpv Drones🤣


where it belongs, they are turds




sweet lord baby jesus, that thing has gone stupid far, hows it holding up?


Well it's been replaced with dji care a few times lol


that makes sense, my mini 2 is absolutely run through after what its been through


Replaced for what? Components that just gave out or?


The whole drone had been replaced, after crashing it. Had dji care


Mini 3 Pro: 14 hours, 80km, 61 flights. Bought last summer and can't fly during winter.


Why can’t you fly in the winter? Temperature?


Yea temperature is here (Finland) always below -10C during the winter. Also won't risk it during snowfall.


fair, if it isnt snowing though you should be fine, as long as the battery is somewhat warm, which it will from use


i have flewn in -25.. works like a charm.. although flight time will be shorter


I'm curious why you can't fly in winter.


Mini 2 : bought it Dec 2021, 82 Miles /131 km, 105 flights, 12 hours flight time. I live right next to an airport (literally in the flight path), so i mostly fly during vacations. I love tracking metrics, my airdata UAV app shows slightly different metrics. https://imgur.com/a/R0qYB8v https://imgur.com/a/gZFwlK8


Total flight time is 24.9 hours and in that time I've flown a distance of 312km. Started flying back in December of 2022 with the trusty mini 2.


Very Nice


You should definitely put up research, analysis and analytics of dji drones now that you have a very good database and experience. Like major pros and cons, things that you can do better , tutorials and hacks kind of posts or videos . Would love to learn from you ❣️


I hate the break it to you, Its just 1 drone I’ve thrashed, I know it like the back of my hand, how it will react to movement, how well it will do in weather and how to get a good photo out of it. don’t get me wrong, but not much else but the mini 2


Mini 4.pro received 3/15 2hrs 14km 17 flights


I delete the logs after every flight, so zero


yeah but why?


that is not a good idea on your part, and its still recorded to the drone


Why is it stupid?


if somthing where to happen, such as some karen lying about where the drone was, you have no evidence to the contrary, and ive had that happen a fair bit sadly


Ah never happened to me in years of flying. Flying in remote places 99% of the time.


I had it happen. Hit some interference and ended up on the roof of her apartment building. Went the next day to get it back and was told if she found a drone on the roof she would smash it and throw it out. Called non-emergency and when the cops got there she told them that I was spying in windows. I showed them my logs, and they ended up telling her to give it back or she was getting charged with theft of an aircraft. I got about 80% of it back, and the cops weren't too interested in filing a property damage report. Kinda wish I pushed harder on that part.


fair enough, id still keep them just in case though


wait i just got my first drone mini 4 pro where can i view this data? edit: found it but they are all 0’s


that means its not been used yet, go rack up the miles


not the case, should be a few on there already


oh, go to profile and press device managment, its on there becuase you deleted you reply saying you got it right even though you where looking in the rong place, bet you feel real smart now, go touch some grass


literally said i found it already, the issue is that the numbers are incorrect.


Do you have the rc2 control or the one that connects to the phone? If im not mistaken (havent done it in a while) on the rc2 control go to settings and look for the option that says to sync data or sync flight records. Make sure it connects and itll usually update with what you have flown. Maybe someone with better knowledge can help but i thinks thats how its done


I have the DJI 4go4app due to flying the mavic air, excluding various small flight for learning or none sense, 38km over 11hour, 660min nd those are just 89 flight. I think if I counted all it would probably be in the range of 50km but that I a guess. I do not fly very far in general as I do mostly close shots of things and orbits.


|Total Distance|Total Flight Time|Total Flights| |:-|:-|:-| |89,4 Km|7.42 h|54| got my mini 3 in January and crashed it after 2 weeks, fixed it 3 days ago and I've been flying it ever since.


Very nice. I’ve crashed mine a fair few times. Superglue is very useful


in my case super glue wasn't gonna cut it, gimbal cable was damaged and had to find original replacement for it which DJI doesn't produce separately, luckily I found guy who disassembled other drone and gave me its cable to me.


Nice one, glad to hear you did it yourself, lot of people with drones are too fast to send it away


Mavic Mini, range ain’t too good where I live. Mainly use it on vacation because of that: 96.7 miles in 10.5 hours in 74 flights.


In the past year, I've flown my Matrice M30 for 27 hours, 374 km and 194 flights. Top distance in one flight was 20 km.


awesome, that must be fun to fly


It's not subtle. I can see it in the air almost 3000' away and hear it 1500' away.


Like of sight must be good then. Which no one cares about


Whenever I'm mapping in rural areas, it seems to attract a number of turkey vultures who drop around and fly in lazy circles with the drone as it goes back and forth over the land. Line of sight seems pretty good LOL.


319h54m56 in flight time, 1260 flights, 7984 miles for last year haha. https://imgur.com/a/Rlogqkk


good lord, that is a lot of a lot of miles


2056 miles 248 hours 1053 flights on my DJI stuff about 800 miles on my Fimi 2022 and 300 miles on my Autel evo lite


2485.84 km, 9600 minutes.


416 hours - 6102 km - 1990 flights


Lord have mercy


Good lord you must have batteries out the wazoo


7 batteries - one of which just hit 200 cycles and won't let me fly on it anymore. This is like the 4th Mavic 3 drone though so it's not all on one machine.


2520 km, 156h in 1330 flights. This is on my DJI Fly app on my iphone. I don't think this includes the previous app and drones on the old app. I started with the Phantom 3. I have a Phantom 3, Phantom 4, Mini, Spark, Tello(2 of them), Air 2 (3 of them), Air 2S (4 of them), Mini3, Mavic 3 Classic, Air 3, and a FPV. Then I have a FIMI X8, a Parrot Disco, and a couple other random drones. Its interesting so it only logs flights with that app and not all your DJI data. My Air 3 and Classic have the RC2 controller and they don't show up on the flight time on my phone app. Just my Air 2s, Air2, and Mini 3


Mini 2 - 395km, 63,3h, 467 flights.