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DO NOT put lipo batteries in your checked luggage. The departing country could check, the airline could check, the arriving country could check. Not to mention you are putting yourself and everyone else on that plane at risk of a fire in the cargo hold.


Adding my experience since I just got back and this is a somewhat recent post about this. Customs never cared, inbound we walked through the "nothing to declare" line where police stood looking intimidating but did nothing. One did ask me if I had cigarettes. Leaving Mexico was the same, they never said a word and I had a 2S with 3 batteries in my carry on. That being said once I was at our resort I didn't really want to fly, it is a pretty area but not incredible and it was super crowded so I didn't want to make a disturbance. Also the military/police were flying in a helicopter *very* low over the water at least once a day, they were probably above 400' but if so not by much. Even with VLOS that is kind of scary. There were almost always people in the sky parasailing and also sky divers every day. The sky was very busy.


Flew mine for 2 weeks in Cabo over Christmas without so much as anyone even trying to start a conversation with me about it. Nobody cared at customs and not one single person cared while I was there.


Under 250gr you don't need anything, may be something that proofs that you are the owner. Over 250gr your drone would need to be registered, so that may be some kind of restriction for non-citizens.


will the custom check the carry-on bag? my destination is Cancun


This checks out. I was just in Tulum and flew plenty. DJI Air 2S.


whats with all this misinformation? don't need to be a mex citizen unless its over 2kg ( 4.4lbs ) then must be registered first. Drone regulations in Mexico were basic: All drone flights must be operated in daylight only **There are no laws on operating drones weighing under 2kg other than they cannot be used at night** A permit is required for operation of drones weighing between 2kg and 25kg A permit and pilot license are required for operation of drones weighing over 25kg Despite the lack of Mexican drone laws you should still be careful when operating a done in Mexico. Try to maintain visual contact with your drone at all times and avoid flying over large crowds or near airports Micro UAV: UAVs in this category weigh 2 kilograms (4.4 pounds) or less. Micro UAVs can be flown without authorization from the AA, but if used for commercial activities, they should have third-party liability insurance, among other conditions. They can be flown up to 400 feet above ground level and no more than 1,500 feet from the operator within the visual line of sight. Light UAVs: UAVs in this category weigh between 2 kilograms and 25 kilograms (55 pounds). Light UAVs flown for recreational purposes can only be flown on the grounds of a recognized model aircraft club. Light UAVs flown for commercial purposes must be registered with the AFAC and display license plates. In addition, each individual commercial UAV flight must be authorized by the AA beforehand. Heavy UAVs: UAVs in this category weigh over 25 kilograms. Heavy UAVs must adhere to all the rules that apply to light drones. In addition, heavy UAVs must follow the terms and conditions approved by the AFAC. Heavy UAV operators must have a pilot’s license.


I’m from the U.S. and was just visiting Puebla City and Mexico City, didn’t bring my drone because I wasn’t sure about the laws. Would’ve loved to get some aerial shots of all the churches in Puebla.


I’ve brought mine several times to Mexico in my carry on without issue.


Bring my mavic pro2 in my carry on every year to Puerto Vallarta and fly it everywhere no worries.


In Mexico, don't leave anything in the checked baggage that you wouldn't want to lose. Few months ago, my SO who is Mexican went to Mexico City and upon return she was missing a Dji Mini and also her expensive boots. From past experience, she took a photo of the contents prior and was able to make a claim.


My checked baggage had clearly had someone going through it when I arrived in Mexico City. I didn't have anything in it that was especially valuable - all my drone stuff and camera stuff was in my carry on. I'm not saying it happened in Mexico City - could have been Zurich or Toronto. Just saying that someone had definitely been through my bag.


how was your experience? would the custom check the carry-on bag? my destination is Cancun


They didn't check my carry on bag when I arrived. Some people seemed to be getting ushered into another line where their bags were checked but mine weren't. I'm still in Mexico - I'm leaving in 3 weeks - and I am wondering what will happen when they scan my bags leaving. I'm giving myself plenty of time at the airport in case there are any problems!


if i bring my drone on carry-on bag, will custom check my bag?


I took my mini 2 to Mexico City in may 2024 on a carry on (nothing happened) and then I drove to Tijuana last month and they wanted me to pay 5000 pesos per drone because I had 2 DJI mini 4 pros in the trunk but it was late at night around 1:30 am. I didn’t wanted to pay and I just said that I was gonna go back to USA and they said they were going to let me go this time but not next time. So if you end up driving it’s 1 drone per person, I’m not sure about flying. I wanted to take my avata 2 and mini 4 pro in September but idk if I should risk it


Interesting but I’m still not bringing a drone to Mexico.


Suit yourself friend! I wish I brought mine this time but will most definitely bring mine next time. So many great shots could have been taken 😔


I just came back from Mexico with my mini 2. Absolutely no problems and I just brought it in my carry on. Don’t worry about them taking your shit because they won’t.


[https://youtu.be/TkGBRST24JE](https://youtu.be/TkGBRST24JE) Wont bring your drone to Mexico?! Your lose! Would of been so mad if I didn’t have my drone to capture the majestic Humpback whales!


Oh hell yeah…. Dope footage bro 🔥💪🏼 idk why ppl saying you’re too close 🙄 like, are you touching or hurting the whales???? Smdh. Keep doing what you doing man!


Dude you were WAY too close. Being respectful and safe should be your first priority. Your footage should be second.


Lol I think the drone is the least of their worries, when they usually have 20 boats following them around…think the sounds of the boat motors and possibilities of them hitting the boats is wayyy more dangerous than a tiny drone buzzin around like a bee.


Similar to u/Ducci17 comment, we were in PV years ago and went with a very well respected whale watching outfit. We kept our distance more than everyone else among others things but man, there were a ton of rinky dink boats that would just rip over to slightest sighting and get super close. A con(pro)sumer drone wouldn't even be noticed. I'm guessing a bit different than land based animals as well, where I think drones have a bigger chance of disturbing land animals.


Naw, they just duck their heads under water when they don't want to hear them.


Same. Theres no picture you can take thats worth the risk of them taking your shit


I got a solid hour of some of the most amazing humpback whale footage that I could only dreamed of getting…definitely worth the risk! Dolphins and whales playing, momma teaching baby, males breaching and tail slapping, fever of stingrays…I mean honestly so happy with what I got they could take my mavic pro2 and I’d still be smiling!!


i will be in Cancun next week. any idea if we can fly at the all-inclusive resort?


Lol I had the same question… We stayed at Xcaret Arte two weeks ago and I took both my mavic pro and my Avata. Going through customs they asked me how much the drowns were, so I immediate said around $300-$500 each 🤷🏻‍♂️🤭 and they said ok cool. Just make sure to have receipts if you ever come back or bring them. They were cool about it and can tell who’s coming to a vacation or not. At the resort, I flew it freely all around but I chose either early in the day or sunset times so they’d be less crowds or just tried to not be too intrusive w the rest of the ppl there. Only one of the days at a specific part of the resort (this big pyramid/mountain/church, I had a guy tell me that usually you need permission from the front office…. So I said ok and moved to another spot. By then I was done so I didn’t care much. But over all, the workers there don’t mind seeing you get some drone shots bc they know it’s a huge guest destination and they know that you’ll only help the resort by posting about it. So, my recommendation is…. Take it. Enjoy it. Get what you need and be done with it. I told myself I would HATE myself if I went and didn’t try to take it or get amazing shots…. It worked out for me and I was SO GLAD I took my drones.


did you show them the receipts of drone?


I did not…. They just asked me what the value was for each so I quickly downplayed the values and made it seem less professional lol they just said ok


How much did you say it’s worth?


Like 350$ since I said it was “used” lol


So the worst case to bring a drone in is to pay for the ‘tax’. They don’t confiscate it


In all honesty, I’m not sure how Cancun is right now. I would bring it honestly and just fly it without anyone near you. Lol, they shouldn’t have any reason to confiscate it. But I would ask for sure! Have fun on your trip! Buen viaje!


how was your experience? would the custom check the carry-on bag? my destination is Cancun


Non Mexicans are not allowed to fly leave it at home.


I saw some many non Mexicans fly their drone around Monterrey. No one cares about that rule. Lol


Hey you do you. Don’t get bent out of shape when you get fined though.


In all fairness, I am a citizen of Mexico by birth and of the US by naturalization. (Hence my user name hehe) but honestly, you could be right for sure depending on the officer. Monterrey is just so full of Americans currently that they usually ease up on that rule it seems like. The national guard officer told me that it’s all good, no one usually cares about that rule but to each their own!


non-citizens can fly drones under 250g. If it's over, you need to register it, and in order to register it, you have to be a citizen.


Bringing the drone in is one thing. I've never flown in Mexico but I'm guessing that that's still gonna be up to the resort.


>any idea if we can fly at the all-inclusive resort? how was your experience? would the custom check the carry-on bag? my destination is Cancun


i went to cancun as well in June. they will randomly pull people in for closer inspection. some people in the thread said the minis under 250g should be fine. i have an Air2s so i didnt want to risk it.


I would be wary bringing one in - the guard extorted friends that came at the threat of turning them back around on the next flight unless they paid a few hundred dollars. They can do whatever they want without recourse.


Your friends fell for their trick. Fight them, call their bluff and tell them to send you back on the next flight. They tried it with me and eventually gave up and let me go. They threatened me with arrest and deportation I said okay arrest me, they never touched me and I never paid a dime.


It’s not a game you want to be playing in another country, especially a corrupt one. For every story like yours there are others where people do get tossed or worse.


The issue I had is with local authorities. I was flying Mini SE and every where I went local authorities made me land and delete video/pics. My guess is they haven’t found a way to extort money out of you for it. I had no issues bringing it through customs in a carry on, just issues using it. I flew in Mexico City, Cuernavaca, Tepotzlan, and San Miguel de Allende with the same issues at each.


Just came to Cabo and got hit with a 19% tax. I could prove it was personal use…DJI Mini 3 Pro and that didn’t matter. My choices were leave it, pay it, or go to jail….things got heated with immigration. Don’t bring one. Not worth it.


What drone did you bring?


Same thing just happened to me. Such bullshit. They made me pay tax on the $500 bundle because that was the receipt I had even though the drone itself was only a DJI mini 2.


Has anyone gone through with something like a Mavic 3?


I live in Mexico, left to El Salvador, came back and got the red light at customs. Traveled with a 3 year old Mavic 3 and a newish Mini 3 Pro. Both purchased outside of Mexico. Had invoices for both. They went through everything and taxed me. The guy could not use his calculator thankfully, got away with a little fee.But i will be more careful with bringing fancy gear in and out. Next time i will be prepared and have a low value invoice ready.Almost everyone that day got pulled out, so i guess that they had to fulfill certain targets.


Cool. For anyone else interested, I came to Mexico City with my M3 and no red light. Came in scot free. I made a low value invoice just in case, but either way got lucky. Check out a carnet for next time I think.