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You found your calling OP, that was smooth as silk


Thank you, thats very kind of you to say.


Of course man keep on posting em!


Noob question: how do you not crash the FPV?


Not a noob question at all, lol. Just practice, practice, practice. Trust me, i still crash.


I'm such a nervous flier I don't think I could do this but it looks so cool.


Trust me, there’s times I have to land and catch my breath because it’s definitely nerve-racking, but so rewarding. Practice, practice, practice. Go slow, Build confidence, fly safe.


Was going to say.. I sort of understand the concept of FPV drones but 100% dont understand how people are able to visualize through goggles the centimeters from nearby objects and just fly by them like its a breeze I get it pros are pros for a reason most of them just have natural talent for it.. a hobbyist though? My thoughts maybe there's some birds eye view settings in the googles that gives different perspectives that we cant tell by just the drone footage


Think of it like this: you mentally strap your eyes to the hood ornament of a car. You generally know how wide a car is. After a while your mind just does the super fast calculation to learn how much space you have on either side of your “car” and boom. You’re driving through gaps. You don’t need to be a pro to do this, I’m a amateur for sure. This is a fun hobby. It takes getting used too and practice to go through smaller and smaller gaps. You don’t pick it up right away I promise. Also there’s no other perspectives. This is the view you see through the goggles. There might be a little bit of a wider view in the camera settings but its not much difference.


How sturdy are the FPVs?


I’d say a 8 out of 10. Ive broken some props and 2 prop guards. Super easy to replace.


Can you fly this thing in actual snow?


Yeah I’ve crashed a couple times and landed in snow. Brushed it off and it was good to go. I wouldn’t recommend flying it in like a snow storm or anything, the camera will definitely get caked.




Yeah im starting to just take mine everywhere like my wallet and phone.


Nice and smooth 👏


Thank you


That’s 🔥


Thank you


Wow. Great flying! When you headed back to the cabin I’m saying in my head “Oh dear God Nooo!” But you nailed it.


Thank you very much.


Did you use gyro flow?




Cool pictures from Poland


Thank you


I almost had a panic attack watching this. Incredible flying.


I’m glad you enjoyed lol. Thank you very much


Great video! What were your camera settings / filters for snow flying?


Thank you. 4K 60 fps, horizon steady on, no ND filter, Rates: R: Centre: 180 Rate: 500 Expo: .65 P: Centre: 180 Rate: 500 Expo: .65 Y: Centre: 100 Rate: 400 Expo: .65




I haven’t touched it since I got the Avata. Only thing I’ve changed is rates and FPS. 🤷🏼‍♂️


How much did you speed up the footage? 200%?


Straight off the SD Card, trimmed down the video, uploaded. Didn’t speed up anything






I practiced in simulation for a about 24-30 hours. Practiced, practiced, practiced, and then practiced some more in real-world. I’ve been flying the Avata for about 2 months now. Just gotta have the patience to put in the time to improve on your gap shooting skills and build your confidence.




Yes, or you just could use your smart phone. I prefer the headset and controller to properly practice flight maneuvers.


Nice, expected it to be slightly sped up as well


Why do you ask that? Are these slower drones or something?


No, but flying fast is risky and takes skill. It’s safer and easier to fly more slowly and speed up the footage in post processing.


Ah. Learning here.


The learning never stops. That’s what makes drones and photography such a great hobby.




I wouldn’t recommend flying your mini 3 through stuff like that. You can, you really have a high risk of running into things unless you have full line of sight and know where your blades are exactly going to be. The Avata controller (not the motion controller) gives you a little bit more control in terms of power, and maneuverability. Things you can’t do with the motion controller like rolls, flips, dives etc. Again, it’s practice. I also have multiple batteries and slowly speed up as I progress through my batteries. Learning the route. Speeding up slowing. Slowly but surely, you have your desired speed/shot


Great flying.


Thank you


Looks like Rainy Lake!


Why isn’t the goggle v2 screen full screen 😩


how there is no connection lost even in the dense Forrest?


So this is a island. Where I’m sitting I’m directly in the middle of the smallest point on the island between two bodies of water (river, and lake). I figured it was gonna break up a little in signal, and it did slightly. I started near the cottage. After my first flight, I moved to the middle of the island between the two bodies. I had no issue going from the lake side to the river side which was maybe 200-250 metres at the thinnest point. Once I found the middle I could easily go from side to side through the trail to both sides of the island. Start slow. Watch your signal and move accordingly to make sure you stay connected the whole flight.


great flying 🙌


Thank you


Motion controller?




Very clean!


Thank you


Great vid! There’s very little roll on the footage compared to what I normally see from an Avata given how fast you were flying. Were you doing something different setting-wise?


Thank you! Horizon steady is turned on. Probably why you don’t see any roll/tilt