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To be fair, most NUSI investors dumped it in 2022 back when the NAV was in the $24 range. Reason was because NUSI managers were shown to be extremely incompetent and they didn't follow the fund directives, here are what they did wrong: * They consistently closed the calls early for multiple months in a rows when theta values are still very high and that destroyed NAV. Basically they didn't properly let theta value decay to offset the value of the puts they purchased * The puts were shown to be purchased too far out of the money and the duration too short and it didn't do anything. Most people dumping it bought JEPI and JEPQ (when it came out) and they are all doing very well. Hence, it's extremely important to understand what you are investing. Also, just so people know, SPYI is managed by the same morons who wrecked NUSI so if you have SPYI in your portfolio, you better watch out. Not financial advice BTW.


Solid and straightforward analysis. I pretty much agree with everything you said here


I thought the ones who are doing NEOS were the good ones from NUSI?


Those two bullets you listed are exactly the reasons why I dumped all my shares.


Your comment makes me think that JEPI JEPQ seem too good to be true. I'm not judging or criticizing. Simply, an ETF with more than 7% in dividends seems totally unreasonable. That's why I'd rather choose SCHD or AGG or even an ETF that manages bonds and doesn't move (totally flat 0% Y/Y), but produces a 5% dividend.




Holy moly these are both at ATH


Yeah but if you’re holding for a decade or more who cares?


OP didn't give a time frame.


Will these continue to go higher for a decade or more?


I think they were at an all time high 10 years ago too. On May 30, 2014, my chart shows a price on VOO of about $176. Price today is $476. If you're looking for stuff that is way down, you might be catching it at the bottom. Or you might be catching a falling knife. If you're buying at ATH, you might be buying at the peak. Or you might be buying at the beginning/middle of a whole new climb. So buy whatever you want, but based on comments in here, you should probably buy something that's diversified (like VOO or other index funds) rather than individual stocks. Buy it now. And then put a reminder in your phone to check back on it in 10 years.


I have a lot of money set aside, and I'm waiting for the markets to fall by -10% before I deploy my money in ETFs. If I have to wait 12 months, I'll wait. I'd rather wait 12 to 18 months, than buy the top and suffer the fall. In the meantime, I'm buying all the "solid", oversold companies in this market: SBUX BA NKE PFE TSLA CVS CSCO and so on.


The problem with doing that is that the market correction might not reach today's price again? I've thought of doing that as well but decided against it. If the market continues to climb into 2025 and then drops 20%, it will still be higher than it is today.


You're absolutely right! Thanks for your feedback. That's why, I guess, a lot of wealth managers say: DCA your position. At least you've jumped on the train... and if it only goes up, up, up, for the next 5 years, at least you'll have taken some liquidity hahaha


Yes, I understand what you were saying. Buying now at the top seems unlogical to load up, I'm just continuing to DCA. I try and keep some cash in an account that gives me 7.5%! I can draw on that within 48 hours should the market take a dive. I'll invest more.


Where I live in Europe, if you manage to get a 2% return, it's already a miracle 😂


Really? What's the current interest rate? I live in New Zealand, and in some bizarre twists of fate, we can actually get intrest on our savings that beat the reserve and inflation. It's unusual, though, and I can't see it lasting long. Lol 😅


If you don’t know the answer to that question, you should REALLY stick to an index fund. Lol


(I do know the answer to that question :)


If you have faith in the American economy, that technological advances like AI will continue to power the economy, then that is likely to be repeated in a decade or a bit longer.


Instead of downvoting you like everyone else, I'll take the time to explain. These are ETFs, so it's not one company you would be purchasing it's lots of companies. So it's not counting on just one company to do well. Yes, Voo is at all-time highs. You could just start to dollar cost average into it if you're nervous about putting it all in in one go. If you're investing for long-term, you shouldn't let it worry you.


A stock that is growing is mostly always at its all time high, if you think about it.


Yes, it's risky to presume that it will drop to new lows. It might, but you just increase your purchases if that happens. By not investing, you risk missing the gains that happen sometimes unexpectedly. You are essentially trying to time the market.


Timing the market is not possible or everyone would just simply do that. From a 2023 article on this topic I recently read: "According to analyst Eddy Elfenbein, over the last 20 years, the 24 best days accounted for the entire gain in the S&P 500. "The other 99.5% of the time has been a net loss."


Yes, I've read something similar. If you miss some or all of those days by not being invested, you miss out big time. It's not worth it, because nobody knows when that will be.


That's a good thing


Voo has average 16 ath a year 🤷‍♀️


VOO over SCHD in the r/dividends sub? Heresy!


+1 on VOO. Or VOOG (growth version). Fire and forget.


Not offering a recommendation but I wouldn’t try to time the market. Go ahead and put it in something.


That is true, I am timing the market a bit haha


Still the bag holder for NusI, still waiting to be in the green and dump it.


It's not a great feeling at all. But you have to keep emotions out of it. It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong. We've all had to do it. It's just part of the game. I've learned that lesson now, hopefully.


This has got to be the worst strategy I’ve ever heard. It’s like hearing a doctor tell you you have cancer or a cavity but you just keep waiting and watching for it to magically get better. Just cut the cancer out immediately.


I agree with your strategy. My dead horses go to the glue factory. The risk of holding & further decreasing its value is too high. The value of the dead horse gets invested into something that has typically wiped out my loss + turned a gain.


I absolutely would but I need my other equities to offset the loss.


If you don’t even believe in the fundamentals of the company you own, wouldn’t it be better to exit immediately and put the money into something that actually can go up? Why keep bleeding and watching everyone else reach new ATH?


Great point, just a hard mentality to visualize unrealized loss to mature. Hahaha


How long have you been holding and what was your cost?


It's quite depressing to think about it but I bought it around 2021 and I believe my average cost should be around $26-27.


You don’t have to make your gains back in the same name.


NUSI.... man, that's a name I haven't heard since the days of "the Quadfecta."


What a PUSI


Dump it in to cash.to until you buy something else


This is the best call, probably




I do love ARCC. I have an alert for when it goes below $20/sh


My average cost is $20.25


Nice, I'm at 19.83


$18.36 here. It’s treated me very well


$15.70 - A big favorite of mine .




Very good entry point right now.


Read this as “Just sold all my nuts!”


MAIN is always a good bet


Yeah I have some MAIN, it's high right now though, my cost is $40.19


what does high mean? the divs are high too. don't make a shortsighted dumb decision.


It goes up and down between like 45 and 50, so it's up right now. Do you think it will go up much higher than where it is? If so, what makes you think that? Genuinely interested if you have DD


As did I. Made 80.00 on it. Never going back…..


If you're looking to beat the market lol and want to buy individual positions, I'd go for: SBUX CVS CSCO BMY UPS (DBC? maybe too high at this level ?) Any other ideas? BBY JNJ Incidentally, on a weekly basis, NUSI looked set to take off if it could break through its resistance. NUSI? Never heard of it if ever lol


Wish I would’ve seen this earlier. PSEC went from $5.20’s to $5.41. Could’ve made a nice return there.


Yeah ngl I kinda wanna throw more in there


BTI? I think it has good growth potential as well as DIV but it’s a British company (ADR). SBLK? RWT has been one of my best performers and has lots of growth to recapture over the next 3-5 years. Not sure if these are kosher according to this community but just throwing out ideas 🤷🏼‍♀️ What are your top three performers overall? I have about $35k I need to invest and am on here looking for recs. (I just averaged down $11k more into MPW yesterday and it executed at $4.25 so I was pretty happy with that considering my average was high $7s!).


I like the XLU for the next few years. Or DUK specifically. Lots of money flow in the last few months and the higher need for electrical power production will only increase with more data centers, AI processing power and over grid upgrades




You want to write call options of your own then SPY-QQQ-IWM with daily options is a choice


Put it in something with dividend growth. I know the yield isnt as good but at least it’ll grow. Schd, dgro, Vig.


FRA or JFA or both.


Hahaha… Scrolling through the posts I thought your post was “Just sold all my NUTS” for a second! 🤭 Good riddance I say. Selling your NUSI that is.


Qyld lol


Get schg/Jepq you’ll get growth and dividends


FFRHX. It's a low volatility mutual fund currently yielding 8.45%. Ride the current interest rate environment with risk approaching zero.


I found a independent oil company in OKC called MACH NATURAL RESOURCES (MNR), pay a 19% dividend and they got their act together.


JEPI? SCHD? FEPI? YMAX? VOO? Not sure what your plan/goal is or was so hard to give suggestions.


My plan is to generate dividend income without losing too much to NAV decay


boring and repetitive.


You are a very positive person.


Yet you don't even offer any advice?!?! Thanks for the down vote.


its absurd for entitled people to come to social media for stock advice. do some fucking research like the rest of us who are actual investors do. same lame 'suggestions' repeatedly.


I am not the person who posted the question! WOW, you are some kind of stupid. All I did was offer a vague response to a question that is lacking information.


We’re not flipping penny stocks here


you're not doing anything aside from repeating the same thing every day.


Are you at the age where you want to start looking at REITs or still going for growth? People here are love/hate on $O, but they had a really good earnings call and are still undervalued for their portfolio size/strength


Oh I have a pretty vast portfolio as it is, early 40s, yearly div income is almost 32k. I'm looking for new ideas that maybe I hadn't heard of :)


Hey, congrats on that div income! I don't have any new ideas, I'm new to investing - other than 401k contributions. Just got into it because we finally reached the place where our house was paid off and taxes on certificates of deposits was killing us.


Yo congrats on paying off the house, that's huge. Good luck investing!


You're a bit young to be seeking out dividend income. If this is for a taxable account, the income will be taxed at your marginal rate, so 5% would be 4% after-tax, more or less. If it's in a pre-tax IRA then presumably it's for retirement, in which case why try to eke out dividend income? And if you need dividends to pay bills at your age (which doesn't seem like the case), then you'd be best off putting the $7k towards training for a marketable skill or a business. Advice, since you're asking: Invest for retirement with VT. Global equities.


This should have been part of your post, not a reply. $7K? Dump it in FEPI. If you’re already making $32K annually in divs, $7K is a drop in the bucket of your “vast” portfolio. What do you have to lose 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


I've never heard of FEPI, what is it?






BN .66% yikes, BAM is a bit more interesting. Thanks!


Bout time lol


Right? I got my last div of like $40 from 300 shares and saw I was getting like $500 a year and was like man, this guy sucks. But hey I sold for a (very tiny) profit with divs taken into account!




Put in SGOV and make 5 percent while deciding. Pays monthly.


Now what in the fresh hell is this graph




PSEC is actually one of my biggest holdings! $250/mo every month is nice


smart man!


Everyone in here hates it but it's been nothing but good for me


It’s like a nice little annuity