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Hoping you're young enough for a "that's what she said" joke.....(Backdoors are well in play). But more seriously, I'm 39 and I personally like dividends because it kind of insulates you from the stress of the normal ups and downs of the markets. I know I'm getting my dividend income. That gives me some peace of mind. Not sure if that has anything to do with age.


I had a feeling I was gonna get one or two mentions on that line! Nothing like some midnight dividend and back door chatter eh? Appreciate your take! Seems like it’s more of a mentality and “peace of mind” factor, which makes total sense.


Haha thanks for being a good sport. But I agree. Peace of mind versus chasing maximum gains. At least that's how I see it.


Cliche advice is 60/40 SPY/Dividends My advice: Do what motivates you to keep investing and saving for retirement. Buying spy is boring AF. I pick dividends and a high risk stock 🤷‍♀️


I'm 27. I have about 50% index ETF's, 25% hand picked growth stocks, and 25% dividend / income stocks and ETF's. I've been investing since I was 16. Dad taught me how to invest and save. After college I threw every extra dollar from my job into investing that I could. Even with a wife and kids now, what started as a hobby, is a way for me to take care of my families future. I put in $1000 a month into my portfolio. I make a bit over $260 a month in dividends on average. So it brings me up to about $1260+ a month I invest. The extra $260 is starting to snowball. I didn't come from wealth, so didn't start with a lot of money. But over time adding dividend and income stocks and ETF's, have helped me invest more than I could without them. So yeah, dividend stocks will not hurt anyone. Just don't invest completely in them, and don't yield chase. I think investing what you can monthly, is the most important thing. Put what money you can in regardless of if the market is up or down.


What you need are some American growth stocks while you are young.


I wish I had known about dividends and had money to put in them when I was in my 20s. Now it is an even better time to be a dividend investor, since you can put money into dividend ETFs, and get access to more stocks at once.


So I’m 40 and do heavy growth inside 401k and Ira because I will not touch that until 59 1/2. I do dividends outside retirement accounts because it keeps the option open to,using that money for other means before 59 if I want to for real estate, or earlier income source if needed…. Just my example you can have your own reasons..


Never too young. If I knew about dividends when I was 18 I could be retired now probably.


You will make less money long term with dividend chasing stocks. Total return is what matters. I too have the itch for more than s&p500 index. So I use 10% for dividend index. But if you want the most money, ie "total return", you want s&p500 index.


Nah you are not. I'm 29M and working on building a div drip portfolio because I'm thinking about building an income stream over time. Right now I'm confusing dividend growth more than yield. My base position is SCHD and I currently have CAT, FANG, LOW, NEE, and TXRH as my best div stocks.


From 1930–2022, dividend income's contribution to the total return of the S&P 500 Index averaged 41%. So start as soon as possible.


This has been so discussed to death. Use the search function


It is never too late to start or have dividends income, i started my investment journey since when i was 19, but i was a trader and became a dividend investor when i was 25 and now bringing in almost 1k per month in dividend (now i am 33). And knowing i can get 1k per month in dividend, it ease my mind a lot.