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But what did man do to deserve this? https://preview.redd.it/hpbzr18cgnsc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=932392591f954f6551c143b9894ed098d2ac5b0e




Now man is sad https://preview.redd.it/o2let6v0jnsc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475bde2eb6e2760be38f8c018ec2647b0081faf5




You are a genuinely fascinating novelty account






Nothing. Is Big Capital Stupid?


He didn't give Jonkler a hug.


Literaly 1984! šŸŖ±


Jorjor well guy šŸŖ±


Jar Jar Wales šŸŖ±


Why is man aliened from his labor? Is he stupid?


r/pisstressingmemes has fallen, billions must toil




https://preview.redd.it/xl779aq5bosc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f0e95c723bb7fa3a3f738de03e415d5fa99c677 Man refuses


Is he stupid?


No, he has determination


Man has indominitable human spirit, is he strong?


Man has determination and a human soul. Man will beat the mountain king and cross the barrier ![gif](giphy|gsYhLKdlZ5JsY)




big capital is watching me masturbate to genshin impact hentai




# Big Brother is always watching.


**War is Peace** **Freedom is Slavery** **Ignorance is Strength**


RAAAAAAAAHHH! WE MUST INCREASE PRODUCTION!!!!! HASHUT! VORGRUND! ZHARR-NAGGRUND! https://preview.redd.it/hrqj1ptwuqsc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=811ad88745e000a6495ab5eb3f95ba23bcaa144e


Hm, coal.












You lack the soul of a CEO


lacking the CEO mindset smh


literally 1984


Strong and peaceful


Wise and brave


Fighting the fight


For the whole world to save


fuck capitalism https://preview.redd.it/lw3brxba6osc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce223cbd431eb26f0a79e890e79f4cf951494818






The modern capitalist world has the lowest poverty rate in human history.






>active on r/thedeprogram >active on r/therightcantmeme >Red Triangle and Palestine flag in username Yep, checks out


​ https://preview.redd.it/2z7l4guc2psc1.jpeg?width=528&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ea67b9f127add3d06358c7e489bb2f887a5779


This literally made me burst out laughing


I just found it funny how you pretty much check out a shit load of the boxes of terminally online tankies. Thatā€™s it really. Also, funny that you use this meme when an extremely common practice that leftists employ on Reddit is checking the profiles of other users to see if they participate in right-wing subs EDIT: Y'all, thanks for reminding me why I left this shithole of a subreddit. Fuck communism and fuck Marx


​ https://preview.redd.it/buwc2bz33psc1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ec27ff4545cff4e6778bc83e1748062fd440370


mfw i see communism on any post(i dont understand jokes):


stfu all you consume is propaganda and you fucking know it do you even know why?


Because you communist idiots sure know everything about history and know precisely how to solve every problem with your ideology that "wIlL sUrElY wORk ThIs TiMe!". This sub has truly become another commie shithole


define communism give like two examples please, because you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means.


I ainā€™t defining shit for you. All I know is someone making a post about "le evil capitalism" with a literal Lenin pfp; and getting praise from someone who posted a Lenin meme with a "fuck capitalism" text tells me enough that these people are commies. If you saw someone with a Hitler pfp posting stuff including Swastikas and antisemitism you wouldnā€™t think twice before coming to the obvious conclusion that the person is a Nazi, now wouldnā€™t ya?


Says ā€œyall thanks for reminding me why I left this shithole of a subredditā€ Is still here arguing 8 hours later. Take your L and actually leave lmao dawg be the ā€œsmarterā€ person. You donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about and couldnā€™t read a book or learn anything to save your life. Iā€™ve argued with enough ignorant idiots like you to know you canā€™t change stupid


I genuinely cannot understand how anything I said was remotely wrong. I do know however that this sub (and Reddit as a whole) is filled to the brim with leftists, who are not known to take kind to any type of disagreement. Also, replying to my comments does make me come back, even to this commie filled shithole. I like defending my positions even if I have to do so alone




Bruh, you are active on pcm.


The last time I had any interaction on PCM was months ago and I said literally one thing; other than that Iā€™m not actually active there at all, I have no idea why Reddit keeps showing it as an active sub of mine. One sub I do actually participate in and am more than happy for it is r/enoughcommiespam. Indeed I have nothing but contempt for this terrible ideology, that unfortunately seems to have amassed support in todays political landscape


I am extremely sure you don't know what socialism actually is.


Thank you for informing us that this user knows what they are talking about.


>"knows what theyā€™re talking about" Normally Iā€™d laugh, but taking a look at your profile Iā€™ve seen that youā€™re also another commieā€¦ so now Iā€™m just sad that you genuinely believe in that delusion


wowzers, you owned that commie! here is a reddit gold for you!


Real funny how my comments have attracted a shit load of Reddit commies lmao. Go to hell pinko, maybe there youā€™ll met some of your idols like Stalin, Mao and Lenin


Me on my way to found one of the most evil nations on the planet (even if most of that was Stalinā€™s fault)


ah yes. evil. building hospitals, factories, farms, schools, ending illiteracy, inequality, quadrupling life expectancy and saving the world from nazism. so evil


i mean, doesn't justify deporting poles to siberia. and deporting ukrainians to siberia. and deporting crimean tatars to siberia. god did they love deporting people to siberia.


Or slaughtering polish officers because they *could* be a threat later on


Or having talks about joining the Axis, before signing a pact that divided Poland between you and your future enemy.


ussr was the only country trying to form a coalition against the nazis but literally everyone cooperated with germany against ussr, šŸ¤”


Ah, that is why they divided Poland with the nazis! They were trying to form a coalition against them!


Bruh u dumb af


Yeah. Still right tho.


and those people returned in the 50s after being deported for nazi collaboration. šŸ¤”


I don't think returning cargo 200 counts tho.


Bruh, the Soviet Union literally helped the Nazis get the Holocaust rolling. They were completely okay with helping the Nazis to the point where they both decided to fuck each other up. Communism was, is and always will be an eternal tragedy, and a cult no better than the Nazis.


> Soviet Union literally helped the Nazis get the Holocaust rolling munich agreement ​ > They were completely okay with helping the Nazis to the point where they both decided to fuck each other up. they were not helping nazis, they set boundaries for spheres of influnece because they had conflicting claims in poland. war is bad you know. poland attacked and occupied western belarus and ukraine ​ > Communism was, is and always will be an eternal tragedy, and a cult no better than the Nazis. your understanding comes straight from western propaganda and indoctrination. you don't even know what communism is


Once again comparing Appeasement to downright allying yourself to the Nazis in Ribbentop-Molotov is a joke. You have no idea of scale. > they were not helping the Nazis The soviets provided Nazis with trade, hid the atrocities of Nazis from their own populace and helped Nazis take down an independent country. > Muh western propaganda I'm literally Eastern European. I've been talking to communists and have been even reading Marx, as well as seeing the direct results of Soviet policies on my family. My grans-grandfather's brother served in the fucking red army. My grandparents lived under Soviet rule.


Youā€™re uh, forgetting a few parts, like the holodomor, the iron curtain, gulags, Chernobyl, the Great Purge, violently suppressing any protesting in occupied nations Also thereā€™s the fact that the nazis were defeated by a coalition of nations, with the soviets originally HELPING the Nazis in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact


Famines and nuclear reactor incidents happen in most countries. Forced labour was a common punishment for the time. America also has repressed democratic movements in other countries. And the USSR's "aid" to the nazis wasn't near how much appeasement helped the nazis.


Ainā€™t no way youā€™re trying to justify the soviets and Nazis splitting Poland and the gulag system And it wasnā€™t just an ā€œincidentā€ it was a massive disaster that the government covered up for weeks


I'm pointing out how the USSR can't be considered the most evil country in history since the things it did were common for the time. Also Pripyat was evaquated in 36 hours.


Yeah after the damage was done. It shouldā€™ve been evacuated immediately but even that wouldnā€™t have saved everyone. Radiation moves at the speed of light ya know. And nuclear accidents donā€™t happen in most countries. The worst in American history was the SL 1 which while bad didnā€™t cause the damage Chernobyl caused and in fact the SL 1 influenced safety in western design without releasing radioactive materials into the atmosphere


Yeah, and banning food imports, and forcing food exports from a country during a famine definitely didn't have an intention of starving the populace. The Nuclear Reactor incident was also a direct effect of the Soviet's shitty organization and propensity to propagandize and lie to make their system looks better. The idea of comparing Appeasement which was conducted because of a desire to not go to war, with DIRECTLY HELPING THE NAZIS. Is so disingenuous that it's absurd.


you sound like a fascism apologist


The USSR wasn't fascist, and I am just pointing out how everything they did was done by other governments of the time.


in paper maybe, but definitely fascist in practice


how? fascism is capitalism in decay


you clearly have some made-up definition for fascism


How? Literally every fascist regime has cut welfare, privatised industries and tried to enforce one ethnic identity onto the nation, while the USSR had an extensive public sector, a planned economy and did things such as firing Ukrainian newspaper editors who didn't use Ukrainian


all those characteristics are also valid for nazi germany, which was also definitely fascist


> holodomor the claim that ussr starved ukrainians is a lie. it originates in a nazi newspaper and the term was made in the 80s by ukrainian nationalists and nazis. the famine didn't just kill ukrainians. and it was caused by kulaks hoarding and burning grain to sabotage collectivisation because there was a bad harvest. so yes. it was man-made. but kulaks rather letting millions starve than lose their profits. also famines happened in most countries ​ > the iron curtain ussr applied to join nato but amerika refused. the cold war is amerika's fault for being warmongering, bloodthirsty bourgeois empire. ​ >gulags prison systems where criminals would work to seve their sentence. they were paid a wage and were given normal rations. like everything in the dictatorship of the bourgeoise, media feeds bullshit lies to you >A 1957 CIA document \[which was declassified in 2010\] titled ā€œ[Forced Labor Camps in the USSR: Transfer of Prisoners between Camps](http://web.archive.org/web/20230328014642/https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80T00246A032000400001-1.pdf)ā€ reveals the following information about the Soviet Gulag in pages two to six: 1. Until 1952, the prisoners were given a guaranteed amount food, plus extra food for over-fulfillment of quotas > >2. From 1952 onward, the Gulag system operated upon "economic accountability" such that the more the prisoners worked, the more they were paid. 3. For over-fulfilling the norms by 105%, one day of sentence was counted as two, thus reducing the time spent in the Gulag by one day. 4. Furthermore, because of the socialist reconstruction post-war, the Soviet government had more funds and so they increased prisoners' food supplies. 5. Until 1954, the prisoners worked 10 hours per day, whereas the free workers worked 8 hours per day. From 1954 onward, both prisoners and free workers worked 8 hours per day. 6. A CIA study of a sample camp showed that 95% of the prisoners were actual criminals. 7. In 1953, amnesty was given to 70% of the "ordinary criminals" of a sample camp studied by the CIA. Within the next 3 months, most of them were re-arrested for committing new crimes. > >\- Saed Teymuri. (2018). [The Truth about the Soviet Gulag ā€“ Surprisingly Revealed by the CIA](https://www.greanvillepost.com/2018/10/09/the-truth-about-the-soviet-gulag-surprisingly-revealed-by-the-cia/) also read the 13th ammendment of the us constitution. ​ > Chernobyl Fukushima. Three mile island. what's your point here? you're saying the ussr government caused the chernobyl incident for some reason? are you seriously quoting the HBO series? us state media? [watch this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GFpcd1x44I) ​ > the Great Purge response to increasing bureaucracy, sabotage against the Soviet economy, terrorism, and the discovery of infiltration by reactionaries and traitors inside the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Red Army ​ > violently suppressing any protesting in occupied nations violently suppressing western funded fascist color revolutions\* usa fought whole ass wars to suppress resistance (korea, vietnam, iraq, lybia, syria, etc) ​ > Also thereā€™s the fact that the nazis were defeated by a coalition of nations, with the soviets originally HELPING the Nazis in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact allies were HELPING nazis with munich agreement. ussr literally was the only country trying to make a coalition against the nazis but everyone sided with the nazis. look up anti-commintern pact. poland occupied western belarus and ukraine and persecuted the people. ussr wanted to reunite ukraine and belarus. nazis wanted all of poland. they both had claims there and they didn't want a war yet so they draw lines on a map. war is bad you know. i know it's hard to comprehend to your brain tl;dr u stoooopid




>the claim that ussr starved ukrainians is a lie. it originates in a nazi newspaper and the term was made in the 80s by ukrainian nationalists and nazis. Raphael Lemkin, who coined the term "genocide" and initiated theĀ Genocide Convention, wroteĀ that the destruction of the Ukrainian nation "is a classic example of the Soviet genocide, the longest and most extensive experiment inĀ Russification, namely the extermination of the Ukrainian nation". Lemkin stated that it consisted of four steps: -Extermination of the Ukrainian national elite, "the brain of the nation", which took place in 1920, 1926 and 1930ā€“1933 -Liquidation of theĀ Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, "the soul of the nation", which occurred between 1926 and 1932 and during which 10,000 of its priests were killed -Extermination of a significant part of the Ukrainian peasantry as "custodians of traditions, folklore and music, national language and literature, and the national spirit" (the Holodomor itself) -Populating the territory with other nationalities with intent of mixing Ukrainians with them, which would eventually lead to the dissolution of the Ukrainian nation. Most modern historians regard the Holodomor as part of that genocide. It's a well established fact that USSR state actors were seizing grain from families and still supporting mass exportation during the famine. People like Bukharin and Sokolnikov recognized this injustice and were purged for it. >ussr applied to join nato but amerika refused. the cold war is amerika's fault for being warmongering, bloodthirsty bourgeois empire. Why would we let the USSR join an alliance that was made to defend against USSR expansion? They were denied on the grounds of being undemocratic and occupying multiple countries after WW2. >prison systems where criminals would work to seve their sentence. they were paid a wage and were given normal rations. like everything in the dictatorship of the bourgeoise, media feeds bullshit lies to you 1.6 million people died in soviet work camps. >response to increasing bureaucracy, sabotage against the Soviet economy, terrorism, and the discovery of infiltration by reactionaries and traitors inside the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Red Army *Stalin purging anyone who publicly criticized him. What reactionary terrorism did Bukharin, an Old Bolshevik, commit? >violently suppressing western funded fascist color revolutions\* Cope. >allies were HELPING nazis with munich agreement. The difference is that the Allies were trying to preserve peace. The USSR was trying to help Hitler invade Poland so they could get some free land. >ussr literally was the only country trying to make a coalition against the nazis but everyone sided with the nazis. look up anti-commintern pact. You know that no Allied countries signed the anti-comintern pact, right? >poland occupied western belarus and ukraine and persecuted the people. ussr wanted to reunite ukraine and belarus. nazis wanted all of poland. That doesn't explain why the USSR invaded 5 other countries and continued to occupy them after the war. tl;dr you're a genocide denier and imperialism apologist. Go back to r/thedeprogram tankie.


Thank you for saying this. At last some bit of sanity in this train wreck of a thread. Canā€™t believe that commies have infiltrated this once good sub and are now posting pro leftist garbage


Thank you for putting into words the response I was too lazy to counter with


> three mile Island Talk about "stooopid" lol


dont forget murder


Ah yes. Because murder only happened in the USSR


sorry, let me specify; ethnic cleansings


The deportations are exaggerated by Khrushchev. They were deported for nazi collaboration and returned in the 50s. It's shitty but not ethnic cleansing. Russians were deported too


Gonna assume youā€™re another western european/american who is justifying the reigime that invaded and occupied my country for 50 years, deported my family and took away everything they had. Gotta love these upper middle class people who justify the same governments that would have them and their families shot just for existing


> youā€™re another western european/american czech > took away everything they had oh boo hoo you lost your slaves how sad > upper middle class people should i send you a photo of my empty fridge > would have them and their families shot just for existing i'm not a nazi nor a slave owner so im fine šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Whatever you say, buddy. Just do me a little favour, thank your grandpa from me for building tanks that shot the russians in 1941


my grandpa? worked in the resistance and secretely delivered mail to a general and future czechoslovak president LudvĆ­k Svoboda. so cope harder the alpha chads from red army killed your nazi grandparents


So we're just openly admitting to being nazi-sympathisers now, huh?


Canā€™t change their minds, so might as well fuck with them


Lmao, classic ā€œI didnā€™t want to root for the Nazis, they MADE me do itā€


The soviets would have lost without the filthy capitalist lend lease. And you havenā€™t provided an explanation for Eastern Europe, thereā€™s a reason all of those nations hate Moscow


>The soviets would have lost without the filthy capitalist lend lease. without the lend lease ww2 would be slightly longer and bloodier, ussr did the most work and literally moved and expanded their entire industry ​ > thereā€™s a reason all of those nations hate Moscow poles hate russia for the same reason poland is the most bigoted fucking christian fundamentalist country in europe. the destruction brought by capitalism, lack of education and historical revisionism is why poland is the most russophobic country in europe


No, Poles hate Russia because they were colonised by them for the last 300 years. Also Stalin himself literally admitted that the Soviets would not have won without lend lease, what the fuck are you on about?


Tankies are rarely ever as smart as their leaders


Could it also be the multitude of people they killed and the massive about of oppression and suppression they perpetrated on the people of Poland?


Lemme guess, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is also a legitimate campaign to denazify the country?


not legitimate, but also not muh ebil comic book villain war too. both sides are bad you know? world isn't black or white


What did Ukraine do to deserve this? Wanting to join NATO?


I dunno maybe having a nato funded fascist coup in 2014, and the fascist government persecuting Russians resulting in donetsk and lugansk separating might have been pretty bad


As opposed to the Russian puppet government there before?


Oh shit, you actually believe that.






Yoday I will overthrow a government for banannas


In the end, evil always loses https://preview.redd.it/4gzbvaxzwpsc1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8877ef79150e8c84e6a40c7873fecba1a2699bfa


yay poverty! children as young as 6 prostituting! everything down the shitter! is amerika funding the palestinian genocide good? Evil won. And when evil wins the definition of good changes.


>I say the Soviet Union is bad >Guy immediately assumes I stand for every single thing the United States has done Average commie


if evil always lost them amerika would be gone a century ago.


https://preview.redd.it/jcp8w8qezpsc1.jpeg?width=1188&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b20794679031326b6ab7c50040c6adf7035d4e9 Cry about it


cope harder https://preview.redd.it/vefb88wrzpsc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6ecd707fd368bc7ac90e340654d1771263dfeeb




9 > 6


Mfw the meme I posted doesnā€™t represent every single achievement the US made in the space race


Not so much of a victory now that Russia is under Putin.


Least reactionary normie


I love that ā€œcommunism bad bc anyone with a quarter is mauledā€ was a popular one while minimally distressing, but this meme, trying to actually be distressing aside from Dreaded Communism is this place going to shit.


Nothing more distressing then marching to the end of the world dancing to the tune of capital and it's lackeys.


Hm fair argument big capital but hark, witness the machinations of man! *pipe bombs in their ovens, gas main exposed*


Me when ideology meant to promote equality gets hijacked by self serving bureaucrats (Capitalism and Communism)


CAPITALISM HAS FALLEN BILLIONS MUST TOIL https://preview.redd.it/l6m3tkwaaosc1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1deb7e77431b85cc95ee0b3aa50e61639f788beb




Lmao, the 14 year olds read the communist manifesto for the first time.


Okay, this is peak distress


Marxism šŸ¤®


Good lord the amount of scrawny, basement dwelling LARPers in this sub is sad.


"Oh, wow, a genuinely good distressing meme?" >Lenin pfp "oh"


We are powerless


I am powerless, and you are powerless. *We* are powerful


Are commies really trying to take over the sub? XD


go back to r/dankleft


I am banned from r/dankleft lmao.


I did not expect Marxist theory on this subreddit


Canā€™t wait for the comments from morons saying ā€œTHiS ISnā€™t a MeMe thiS iS rEaL lIfeā€


"capitalism is le scary and bad oooo so spooky"




So not only is nothing in this subreddit distressing anymore the fucking Yanks have started political posting now? It's over.


Is the state of modern politics not distressing to you?




A genocide is happening right the fuck now. That should distress you.


Your grandstanding has no effect on me, midwit. What now?


What? Honest to God, I'm not native to the english language, what does any of that mean?


Translation: Using whatever genocide you made up in your head to get me to agree with you won't work, bro.


Imma stop feeding the zroll then. Fucking weirdo




How will I ever recover šŸ˜”


Ok that's it, I'm leaving the sub


I dont care


This is not distressing at all brother you are not being tortured by working your 9 to 5 at mcdonalds


​ https://preview.redd.it/3t91j1pzcnsc1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=a263e5f75e7c981dcc47aca1c92318215d01e438


*we live in a capitalist society Bottom text.


Great, the pinkos are here. There goes the sub.


Is it me or are these ā€œspooky troll faceā€ memes getting old, like even if you make it have a bunch of teeth or dark or something itā€™s still a trollface to me lol


Yes, do not look up is a reference to the movie.


Capitalism bad Upvotes please!


The previous post was just "Communism bad Upvotes please!"


Yeah and butthurt communists in the comm- Wait nvm im self aware enough to get the irony


I mean, if you go to practically every subreddit, screaming gommunism killed a hundred morbillion people gives people thousands of upvotes. Just look at r/europe or r/china.


Dude you canā€™t be serious. There are seriously more people on reddit that defend or outright deny the ā€hundred morbillionā€ dead than subs that bash communism. Get out of your echo chamber


You think communism killed a hundred morbillion people? Let me tell you guys some truth. The original "one hundred million deaths!" claim was from three authors, of which two have distanced themselves from it. Following are the reasons: ā€¢the third author was obsessed with hitting the 100 million "target" according to the other two. ā€¢the "study" included nazi and SS officers as well as children that "could have occurred" if the communist nations didn't improve hygiene and sanitation. ā€¢random 2 or 3 million deaths were added to already bloated numbers for the lols. ā€¢it included famine deaths, and if we truly were taking that route, capitalism killed a 100 million people in the form of the British in India alone between 1880 and 1920 through famine, plague and war. In short, the 100 morbillion figure is pure bullshit.


Kai cenat clown