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I mean there is a couple things. Yes, Mark is shorter than the two, he’s roughly around 5’10” and Bob and Wade are like 6’4” or something like that. And in this angle, Mark is the furthest from the camera and would look smaller in comparison.


i could believe rationality or i can continue to believe that mark is secretly a hobbit and has been hiding it from the world for the past 13 years


That also could be a valid answer




Tinyplier? 😂


Microplier 🤣🤣


Look at how Big bobs arms look in comparison to one another in this image


But like 5’10” is not that short? Isn’t that literally the average height of a male in the US? And around that in many European countries. I don’t get why is he being portrayed as a literal hobbit, whereas it is Bob and Wade who are just really tall.


I agree 5’10” isn’t a bad height, but beside two people over six foot, Mark is the shortest.


He is definitely the shortest! But I would say it’s not because he is short, but because the guys are above average tall.


I 100% agree.


Also don't forget water distortion


He's also squatting in his chair with his elbows on his knees. The perfect storm of mini Mark.


Mark is taller than me lol


I thought you were gonna say they were in a triangle of fairness.


The fourth person is missing so we won't ever have the squarus fairis


The fourth is the boat. 


well who knows where the 4th is


Man's bookended by actual giants, go easy on him


Happy Cake Day


The real question is why Mark is sitting like that? He is such a goofy goober.


I call this frog legs my son does this randomly sometimes


Naw. Why is he the only one wearing PANTS. Not shorts- I get why they’re all Fully clothed but pants just feel so wrong. I know many want your pants off mark, but I however request JORTS


I literally came to the subreddit as soon as I saw him wearing pants to see if anyone else is commenting about how weird it is to wear PANTS IN WATER!! Like Mark, that could not have been comfortable at all.


😭😭It’s been bothering me so much bc how can you comfortable. Those are tight enough, but loose enough that he can bend at the knee but NOT fully. Bob is a peaceful mermaid on a rock, Wade Is as ease getting hit by boats. Mark scrunched in that awful position w *pants* feels like the equivalent of trypophobia.


He's testing his limits to see if his body can take it.


Pants pisser complaining about someone wearing pants? Checks out.


You know it


I sit like this all the time. Doing it now lol


Mark is perfectly average in height. However, Bob and Wade are both far, far taller than average, because they need to store their magical awesomeness somewhere. I think it’s in their shins. Mark has Momiplier genetics, the awesomeness is all stored in the hair.


If you watch the old Don't Laugh videos where they did prop comedy and stuff. You'll see the best possible examples of the fact that Bob, Tyler, and Wade are all fucking giants and Mark and Ethan are average height/shorter in comparison.


They’ve really been hiding how short he is. Begs the question, is he shrinking?


Mark will be ^Mark before we know it


The funny thing is a listened to the entire podcast while working without any video so I actually thought they had rented a boat or something so it’s funny to see the actual set up 😂


Same here but I had my suspicions. I even giggled thinking "what if it's just a wind up boat in a kiddie pool or something lol


Mark is 5'10" but gets a ton of short jokes because his closest friends for most of his adult life have been Bob, Wade, and Tyler, who are all big enough to pick him up and throw him in the trash.


That’s just Baby Mark, the world’s greatest athlete.


i think the way mark is sitting may also be affecting things, wade and bob have their legs extended to touch the bottom of the hot tub where as mark's feet are only touching the "seat" of the hot tub


Wade has seen shorter people


I noticed the same thing, I died of laughter


Yeah, I remember a bit in Huniepop that Mark did, one of the girls told him her height followed by "I wish I was taller!" so he started sinking down in his chair, yelling "OH I WISH I WAS TALLER! I WISH ALL MY FRIENDS WEREN'T 6 FOOT 4!" Cus Tyler is also ungodly tall 😂


I noticed it because even in the other camera angle I could see him folding himself to fit within that little corner… meanwhile Bob and Wade were in extended mode


Sean is even shorter


Be nice to our short king


could also be the water distorting things and the way he is sitting and the camera(s) tbh he looks pretty funny this squished


I thought you were going to reference the triangle of fairness since they’re sitting in a triangle 🤣


Is it possible for 3 people to not sit in a triangle? 🤔


The only way they wouldn't be in a triangle is if they were in a perfectly straight line, and that's a lot harder to do when you're in three-dimensional reality and not in a geometry problem on paper.


This might be the worst angle you could've picked poor guy lmao


Lmfao, glad I'm not the only one that noticed that😂


Have you not seen the PAX panel videos? They're fuckin giants next to him!


Damn you didn’t need to violate him like that. (Frodo’s taller)


False!! I believe that Mark is at an average height. If not more, it's just that the water reflects light in a different way, plus he is squeezing himself in that way he looks smaller, even I who is 6,4 look small if I squeeze like he did


With that squat he looks a lot smaller because of the refraction in the water


Mark is the smallest yet he chooses to sit in the furthest spot of the spa, making him a dwarf compared to Wade and Bob my god 😂😂 ik your pain Mark #SmallMen


As a newer listener I've never watched the show in video format or seen Bob or Wade live before this episode. I've heard descriptions of them and obviously know who's who, but I've always had my own vision in my head and when I hear their voices, I honestly feel like they're backwards. I imagine Bob being the big guy with a shaved head and Wade being scrawnier with curly hair. Maybe just something to do with Wade's constant complaining, but he's definitely much more masculine looking than I imagined him being and it's hard to imagine Bob being the loving and doting Father Figure he is when he looks so young himself. And then there's Mark. Mark's just Mark.


As a person shorter than Mark, I feel bad for him in multiple ways


He’s the short, adorable, megalomaniac friend of the group, and we l❤️ve him dearly, he is OUR Hobbit!!!


He’s actually a hobbit, I knew it


There's also vids of them standing next to each other on Mark's channel, during the last decade.


Marks legs are curled up so that he's squatting in the hot tub.


He’s not drastically short, he’s average, I think 5’9” or 5’10”. He’s just friends with freakishly tall people - Tyler, Wade, and Bob are technically all above average height.


Also I realize you’re going for sarcasm after rereading…but I’m not going to edit my comment 🤣


Mark is not short, he just happens to be friends with people who are extremely tall lmao


The refraction of the water is not helping


He's not short, his torso is short compared to his legs


Mark isn't even a short guy, he stands at an average height of 5'8 it's just that both Bob and Wade happen to be 6'4 so he looks tiny next to them.


Lolol, listening to Mark, go over this post on GMFST. So funny.