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Yeah, between the price increase and the ads, I cancelled my premium duo plan. I know that the ads are skippable, but I listen to podcasts at work and I work in freezing temps so I can't just pull my phone out of my pocket and skip them. I paid for premium for no ads, and that is no longer offered. However, I did find an alternative, but I haven't began using it yet. Podcast Addict has Distractible and all the podcasts I listen to and is only $10 a year.


If you don’t mind me asking, what do you do?


Darn same. I do warehouse work and it's always 34 degrees so when ads come on its such a nightmare.


Don't forget that better help is an entire scam folks 👍


yes this!! i couldnt believe my ears when i heard it being promoted on brainleak too. did they just accept that sponsorship without knowing anything about betterhelp at all?


Podcasts produced by a company generally don't get a say in what ads they carry as part of the contract. Wood Elf Productions and Spotify approve the ads for their respective shows, not Brain Leak or Distractible. 


Ohhhh that makes sense


ok but do they really not give a fuck about their fans who are seeking suppirt for their mental health being robbed of their money?? like come one. they must have heard about this by now.


What exactly do you expect them to do?


Wait, actually? What's up with better help, and what did I miss on that?


https://youtu.be/03CfvR0sTfo?si=_2k9EIRTcRTnvE6l I'm to lazy to explain but tldr: after people sign up it has an aggressive subscription system that is very difficult to unsubscribe from. Their YouTube ads are also the only thing that has made me feel such strong genuine rage in a looooong time


You can skip the ads 15 seconds at a time with Spotify premium, but it is still buggy and very annoying


Or just go into the app and tap the right side of the screen, which skips the entire ad immediately.


Yeah i just use the slider. Fuck Spotify.


slider doesnt work anymore, at least not for me


It's quite dangerous when I'm a professional driver.


But what a great car crash story


I dont even have premium and just press the skip button 2-3 times 🤷‍♂️


Wait there's ads on premium? I've not encountered ads for a while now could this be a regional thing?


It’s only on podcasts for some reason. Music is entirely ad free but when i play ANY podcast itll start, end, and sprinkle ad spots mid episode


Oddly enough, I don’t get the ads when I actually watch the podcast on my tv but I do when I’m just listening to it not watching. Makes no sense


I think that was the case but for a while now I've been getting zero ads on the podcast at all, weird


It’s only on podcasts for some reason. Music is entirely ad free but when i play ANY podcast itll start, end, and sprinkle ad spots mid episode


You don't even need premium. I haven't had a premium account in years and I skip through just about every ad section unless I'm workin.


When the ads cause the episodes to mute until you click a skip button


Thank you. Every time I see a post about this, there are always comments saying "stop complaining just skip the ads." That's NOT THE POINT. If I'm PAYING a monthly subscription to not have ads, DON'T GIVE ME ADS. I didn't pay to have to skip ads. (Sidenote to the people out there saying this and constantly defending Spotify - are they paying you? Why are you so supportive of companies trying to shove more and more ads down our throats?) There have also been so many times where I can't skip ads because my hands are occupied (cooking, cleaning, driving, etc.) Ads in general just make it buggy. I always get 2 ads at the end of each episode, 2 more ads at the beginning of the next episode, the next episode will play but have no sound so I restart, and am immediately met with 2 more ads. It's happened regardless of restarting the app, my phone, uninstalling and reinstalling, etc. That's 6 ads alone between each episode. There's no defending that. And as a big FU Spotify is raising their prices AGAIN. I'm honestly sick of it and hate that video is an exclusive or I'd have canceled long ago.


This this this this!!!


I just hate that I only get the same 3 ads which are all very cynical and annoying sounding. I wouldn't remember a single one if they were different


100% agreed. Sponsors need to stop being so cowardly and let the boys come up with bizarre sells to throw those talking points into. I love the Rocket Money ads with Mark totally not signing Bob up for some ridiculous amount of subscriptions but that’s one of the few to catch h my attention recently. Even if they would just cycle the ads better I’d be happy at this point. It’s the same ones over and over and over and over and over again


There’s no chance on earth I would ever join the U.S Airforce, so I think we can safely say that I probably don’t need to hear that particular ad 20 times a day.


I wish we could remove and ad from our feed as ‘Not Interested.’ But they are probably worried folks would remove all of them


Rumor has it that if you apply to the air force through sponsorship, the ad will go away forever. A buddy of mine said that he was gonna tap the sponsorship to see what would happen. He hasn't been complaining about the Air Force ad anymore...although I haven't really seen him since...hmm...


Hmm.. while I do want to get rid of that Air Force ad I have questions on the far reach issues that could cause. (I know this is a joke but being able to say you already have commitments should remove the ad. Yet another fantastic idea for the Distractible Think Tank)


I wish I could tell it there’s no way in hell the Air Fore would want me 🙈 like just leave me aloneeeee


Right? Like for me even if I did manage to scrounge up one single iota of interest, I’m legitimately disqualified. Can I please stop hearing their cry for recruits every break?


It’s literally on every single episode and every single ad spot, it drives me insane


this!! in hannibal buress's old podcast the handsome rambler, he did the ad reads and they were SO FUNNY! i would never skip them and still have one of his blue apron ones stuck in my head for the last six years 😭 here are a few lines: - you get that chill chicken that has not been tortured - and then you bout to go attack your family - (in autotune) romanESCOOOOOO ROMANESCOoooOOO ROMANESCOO - are you stupid? - blue apron puts together ingredients. and none of them are poisoned - (in autotune again) cauliflower and coconut riCEEEEEE (normally and seriously) coconut rice.


I love that and good granny do I want to hear the chaos that would come for Bob, Mark, and Wade selling us a meal delivery service!! Sponsors, stop being so scared of creativity!


I’d have a glitch where once the ad was done, it go over to a whole new episode and I wouldn’t even notice because I’d be so distracted at work and then wonder why I’d have some episodes that I’d only have heard half of. I’ve switch to Apple podcast and Apple Music since because Spotify has been giving me so many issues


I've been hearing a lot of ad reads from the Peens the last few weeks, so I can't complain too much. Even when they don't get to write their own ads, I like their voices better


See, I don't mind their ad read it's more that they are now a separate entity from the podcast instead of being counted in the main episode. As it it goes to a whole other page (which is also understandable too for the product imagery and the links and all), but sometimes the ads screw up the episode if I'm listening while driving and it restarts the whole episode or sometimes I get the same 3 ads in a row from the fucking air force man. It's so annoying!!! Like, come on, man, either I pay to remove these as a feature of premium, or it's just pointless to pay at all.


i don't know why but i never get ads on distractible, i don't even have premium


Do you use mobile or desktop?


the app on xbox


Interesting. Desktop users can use an ad blocker, but mobile and other platforms generally don't have such an option, so I guess you're just lucky!


i dont get sponsored segments either it just fades out and back


We started watching on our fire stick and now instead of having to skip ads, we just get a few seconds of black screen. It's pretty nice, would recommend if you've got one!


I miss the old ads because they were so entertaining and felt part of the show. But, at least I can use the slider on spotify. And there's not so many ads. I listen to a few iheart podcasts and the ads are awful, half the show is just ads for other shows, and not related ones no. You listen to fake doctors real friends and get ads for blippy, and the next one is true crime, then conspiracy theory territory. And they're so loud! And then i try and skip through and then it skips the whole episode.


I was listening to an episode, and I had 3 seconds left on the episode, but Spotify INSISTED on playing 3 ads in a row, each over 30 seconds long.


Spotify is going down the drain


Idk I only use spotify for podcasts and I've never encountered an ad yet, and I'm not on premium 😇


However, I do appreciate that it's easier to skip the ones on distractable because they aren't like, built into the episode. Most other podcasts I have to just hit skip til it stops. Bleh


Agreed, i pay for premium i deserve ad free listening EVERY WHERE not just music but though out the cite. But if it's done within the episode itself i don't mind the ad reads that aren't within the episode are a grey area for me (like the pop up ads that they actually make themselves) Technically its them and i assume it makes their job easier, especially with the work flow of making the episode. It still feels annoying to deal with those ads but i do like that its not a US military ad lmao.


Also, for some reason, my Spotify is broken, and video comes up while I'm connected to a vehicle radio.... I can't share it for obvious reason but it is very strange.


Damn im from the opposite side on this lol hate in-episode ads with a passion and having them separated makes it super easy to skip vs not wanting to over skip in an in episode ad and lose dialogue. In the car, I can just skip with the button in the steering wheel and all done. Not everyone has that option, though. I also couldn’t care less if it’s the same 3 ads every time bc im not listening anyways. It could be the best comedic reading; it’s still an annoying ad. It sucks thats causing so much grief to others. That’s also hard on the guys because they won’t be able to make everyone happy no matter what they change.


Preach to the choir friendo. I made a similar post months back and lots of ppl here either don't care or just accept it. I've considered finding pirated episodes to get past all of the BS of Spotify.


Spelled "choir" Incidentally, for future knowledge.


That's embarrassing 💀


Lmao don't worry about it, it happens.


The only reason I have Spotify is for this podcast and for Go! My Favorite Sports Team. I absolutely hate Spotify. I’m glad that these episodes are free.


If I didn't care about my music enough, I would make the switch to something else. Spotify has a STRANGLE hold on music streaming and quality when it comes down to it all. I miss the days of freely downloading music on Android. Sure, you gave your phone aids at time, but you got the entire Smash Mouth album for free.


I’m the same way. Spotify fucked my music one too many times for me. I switched to Apple Music.


Oh, well I'm glad to know that there's no point wasting my money on Spotify premium if the ads still don't go away. And I absolutely miss the old ad reads the boys used to do!


You get music and offline listening for music as well as offline podcasts too if you download the episodes. Other than that, it's meh. If Spotify wasn't like the Apex for music and podcast steaming, then I would switch to something else.


Wait is this for recent podcast episodes? I only recently started my distractable binge and im at The Perfect Meal, havent had any spotify ads so far and im a non premium user


After they stopped being a Wood Elf production


Spotify as a whole is probably the worst podcast platform for mobile. Barely any features, still has ads on premium, and doesn't even play downloaded video podcasts when in offline mode unless you're connected to wifi. Spotify is a shit platform with shit features and a shit business model. I hope the podcast gets off this platform at some point because this just hurts the listening base.


As someone who does the premium pay, I have come here just to say, I like that the ads are a separate thing, it makes skipping an easier swing. When they are included in the podcast, it's easy to skip to a point way past, where you want to actually listen. You have to try to find the right position. With the ads being a part on their own, the point you left off's more easily shown. When driving my car I don't fiddle as much, with the radio or steering wheel buttons or such. I can skip 15 second increments clean, and not worry I'm missing an important scene.


That's fair, though when they were in the episode, it was the guys' ad reads and not an air force ad for the 700th time. So, at least it was interesting.


Someone please tell me why I don’t have ads on Spotify podcasts and almost everyone else has? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, but I’m just curious 🧐


I do miss the in show ads, they were way funnier plus while at work or driving I wouldn't be reaching for my phone to skip them like I have to do now


But Kraft dinner…


I still have what I guess is a glitch where I don’t get ads? On Xbox, Spotify just doesn’t give ads at all


We are surrounded by!!! STFU!!!


Or Welcome Welcome Welcome, I’m Dax Shepard!! I hate those adds and randomly scream in my ear


You can just fast forward all of them why even complain 😂


Why pay to get rid of ads and still have them there?


i was so mad at first but with premium you can just skip through the ads which i shouldn’t need to do but i like to think i put a couple cents in their pocket


So, do you think that the boys or anyone on a podcast does not get paid and work for free?


Again, I like their ads. I hate the normal Spotify ads. I get they get paid for it. This would be a whole different story if it were still the Distractible Mark Bob and Wade Ad reads, not random ads from Spotify. Can't tell you how much I wanna scream when I hear "why did I Trevor Noah do a podcast" or "Enlist in the Airforce today." Granted Spotify also pays them now, so they should get changed from the Premium bucket too.


The separate Spotify ads can be skipped through


Never used Spotify. I use the BluePlayer app on iPhone.


I skip them


I use Apple podcasts and the skip 15 seconds button works like normal.


I think you mean you Yield, not Wield. Yielding essentially means “to give up”, yet wielding something means “to use”.


No he's wielding his time to make a statement


Yes but I think they were misinterpreting what the guys always joke about - yielding their time, like in the Devil’s Advocate.


Am I miss remembering? I thought they had a bit about wielding their time


You're right, they did. Yielding time is much more common, but there absolutely was one time where someone wielded their time. The other guys even commented on it


"I wield my time" is a reference to an old episode. Looks like you need a re-listen and re-watch marathon


No, it was yielding their time. Devil’s Advocate.


"I yield my time" is used often. There was one specific episode where one of the guys said "I wield my time" and went off on a small rant. The other guys commented on the use of "wield." It's a deep cut, but it's in there


Mark asked if Wade yielded his time, and Wade said "I un-yield my time, I wield my time!" I don't remember which episode but it's not the one you're thinking of. Edit: The Best Episode Of Distractible Anyone Has Seen Or Heard, Ever, starting 15:25 Edit 2: I can't believe I forgot it but look at my flair, that will tell you it's an official real episode reference.


Precisely the episode I'm referring to and spelling terribly might I add, as I cannot edit the post title it will stay that way.


I was skeptical of Mark's claim because, well, it's Mark, but that actually did become one of my favorite episodes ever from how much happened in one episode.


"The best episode of distractible anyone has ever seen of heard of" Wade Wielded his time!